“Searchin’ the horizon
For what we can’t quite see
When all we’ve ever needed
Has been there all along
Inside of you and me…“
~ lyrics from A Little Soon to Say, by Jackson Browne
Here we sit, on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius: a true renaissance in spirit/mind/body for everyone on Earth.
Or is it the Age of the Virus, a plague that promises to be the end of the world as we know it? Theories abound:
- Is the virus our body’s response to 5G technology?
- Is it a bio-engineered plot to control the planet?
- Has the magnitude of this event been “trumped up” for political gain?
Over the last few months, these and other questions about the origins of COVID-19 have been batted about ad nauseam. And while questioning authority is always a good idea, in this extraordinary time we need to question reality. So consider this:
Is the virus an out-picturing of endogenous fear — which is, itself, a virus?
Changing the World from Within
In the Gene Keys teachings, a powerful awakening tool that describes the shadow, gift and siddhi (enlightened mind) of 64 human consciousness codes, Richard Rudd writes, of Siddhi 49, Rebirth: “The first insight is that the world in its current form cannot be fixed, no matter how profound or far-reaching the revolution may be. The very bedrock of our modern society is founded upon a species that has always made decisions rooted in fear. The only way for a new future to be created is to begin from scratch — a rebirth.
“The rebirth is the organic flowering of the revolution. Just because we cannot fix the world as it is, does not mean we cannot make the world a better place. Our vision of the perfect future is precisely what creates the necessary frequency shift that will trigger the genetic forking of our species. It will happen because it must happen, but we must still create that happening. This is the paradox.”
If this coronavirus is the embodiment of our collective fear, is it causing the most severe symptoms in those whose DNA holds the greatest degree of ancestral terror? And if so, is this helping us accelerate towards what Rudd refers to as our “genetic escape velocity”?
Yet the genesis of the virus is still not our most powerful inquiry. The deeper conversation calling us is: what can we learn from what is transpiring?
This evolutionary moment heralds manifold gifts for humanity:
- We’re healing ancient trauma. Mayan elder and cosmological historian Barbara Hand Clow has discussed paleoscientific research, which indicates “early humans showed no signs of being aware of the existence of the four seasons until 10,000 years ago.” The cataclysm that created Earth’s variable rotation, which gives rise to climatic changes, plunged us from unity consciousness into duality and survival mode, which is still encoded in our limbic brains. Our planet underwent a trauma and ever since, she “trembles,” bringing us the phenomenon of seasonal shifts. So our fear of the “end times” is actually a multi-traumatic memory, not a premonition. The virus is a memory trigger.
- We’re giving the Earth a breather. In just 30 days, Himalayan peaks emerged from 30 years of pollution. In Venice, minus tourism, the canals run clear, prompting dolphins to frolic in the crystal waters. Perhaps most astonishing of all, the infamous Los Angeles smog is gone — a potent glimpse of what’s possible.
- By staying home, we’re allowing wildlife to re-emerge in droves. Chimpanzee champion Jane Goodall says, “The world is only going to come right when every day is an Earth Day, because we’re part of the natural world; we depend on it.”
- We’re connecting with “strangers”, having heartfelt conversations six feet apart, without artifice or agenda. While wearing facemasks, we’re becoming much more vulnerable, melting the masks of separation as never before.
- We’re discovering what kindness means at a primal level. The ultimate key to coming home to ourselves as one people and one destiny may lie in what peaceable cultures have always known: from the pain that cracks our hearts wide open, compassion and kindness flower. Naomi Shihab-Nye’s poem, Kindness, eloquently expresses this “proper dose of poignancy”.
Clearly, this global time-out is a directive to be introspective. We’re being asked not just to isolate, but to innovate and co-create. As one ally put it, “It’s go time, Starseeds.” And we are.
Searching the Horizon
Viewing what’s taking place as a gift opens the quantum door to 5D, not 5G. It depends on how far we can allow our minds to s-t-r-e-t-c-h beyond the known. Everything is experimental, now. A Native American elder urges, “Let go of the known unreal, and throw yourself into the real unknown.”
As Thea Alexander writes in her wildly prescient 1976 novel, 2150 A.D.: “The measure of a mind’s evolution is its acceptance of the unacceptable.” Her Macro Society future is richly imagined, and I encourage you to read and share the book if you can get your hands on a copy.
A high frequency comedic French film, The Green Beautiful (La Belle Verte), explores similar themes: loving and respecting Nature, and loving ourselves as connected, whole beings at one with the natural world. The full movie is routinely removed from YouTube (hmmm…).
Love, not fear, is what needs to spread. Love is the key to our evolution. During my pneumonia gateway 27 years ago, I asked myself, if I died, what would I regret? The answer came quietly: “You haven’t loved.” This surprised me. Then I heard, “You haven’t served.” And I began to understand that loving, and serving, are one.
Now, we are all being asked to open our hearts to a greater degree than ever before. At the start of April, Venus, planet of Love, transited Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades, “activating a stream of powerful Divine Feminine energy that will be received on Earth to assist humanity to rise above the darkness and fear that is currently engulfing the planet.”
Growing to 20/20 and Beyond
We’re on a global vision quest in this year of perfect (in)sight.
Barbara Hand Clow writes, “Cosmic light reaches Earth in 2020. Miraculously, at the exact moment of the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in zero degrees Aquarius trine the Pleiades, the dawning of the Aquarian Age.”
Viewed from this Macro perspective, it is a true privilege to be alive at this nexus, ushering in the Shift of the Ages. We’re the sunrise of the kind of society 2150 A.D. and The Green Beautiful envision: peaceable, loving, healthy, and joyously co-existing with All That Is.
It’ll be a long road; we didn’t arrive where we are in an instant, and the changes won’t occur overnight. We can begin by adopting an eidetic suggestion from Kirstin Miller, executive director of Ecocity Builders: “Start thinking like a flower, not like a tailpipe.”
We are all cells in Mama Gaia, called to become perfusionists for the lifeblood of our planetary body. Out of the chrysalis, unmasking fear and denial to invite Love, respect and co-creation into our lives in a wholly new way.
All we’ve ever needed has been here all along, inside of you and me. Thank you for choosing to be embodied at this auspicious liminal threshold. Welcome Home.
About the Author:
Ascension Lifestyle Managing Editor Amara Rose is a “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers life crafting, e-courses, business alchemy and content creation to accelerate your evolutionary journey. Learn more at LiveYourLight.com, where you can subscribe to her resource-rich enewsletter, What Shines.
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