Era of Peace co-founder Patricia Cota-Robles has been in service to human evolution for more than 50 years. She offers weekly vlogs, online webinars, teleconferences, monthly newsletters, YouTube videos, online radio shows, and the Free Seminars titled, “You Are Ready and the Time Is Now!” that she offers throughout the United States. She also distributes the information she is receiving from On High through her many books, ebooks, CDs, MP3s and DVDs.
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On Becoming the Luminous Tremendum
For the past 30 years I have been fascinated by what might be called ‘the mysterium tremendum’ … “A great or profound mystery, especially the mystery of God or of existence; the overwhelming awe felt by a person contemplating such a mystery.”
I have dived in with pure glee to the discovery of consciousness, connecting with the infinite intelligence and becoming what I love to call ‘the wild infinite genius universe’. I have surrendered myself over and over again to quantum leap into new versions of the possibility of being.
I have delighted in calling together other adventurers into this realm of quantum creation and we have co-created a brand new, brilliant reality for this world to dwell within. A reality of connection, thriving with Life Power, gifting our genius to innovative creation, elevating ourselves and all Life along with us to new possibilities of being.
Today there are a goodly number of us all around the world … the miraculous collective, renamed as of last week by me as the LUMINOUS TREMENDUM. We are the wild infinite genius universe at play in creation together, reinventing and reinvigorating this world and the universe into something breathtakingly wondrous. Now isn’t that a fulfilling reason to be alive in the world today!
We are more than Love & Light. We are radiant forces bursting wonder after wonder into the world. Witnessing the magnificence of all life. Innovating ourselves as walking consciousness, masterful players, calling all Life to a new and brilliant level of itself. Included in the luminous tremendum are many species … whales, bees, trees, the oceans, the Earth, the stars. We have become the wild infinite genius universe, each in our own unique ways, and then formed ourselves as a collective to do breathtaking work for the world for all Life to thrive like never before.
We are the luminous tremendum collective.
About the Author:
Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.
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The 20-Day Mayan Ascension Process Begins: 4/14 -5/3/21
On the 14th of April 2021, for 20 days, humanity will travel through a cosmic chakra system and activate our kundalini. These days are powerful and activating as we merge the past, present and future. They are more powerful than an equinox, or a class X magnitude solar flare… but continuously for 20 days straight! The center column of the sacred Mayan calendar, the Tzolk’in, represents the spinal column of the human body and the core of the Earth running from north to south.
An ascension process begins in these 20 Core days, which will burn a holy fire through our chakras. This energy descends to Earth from the great central sun and God / Hunab Ku. Every 260 days, these energies return over and over, but each time with an ascending frequency. These 20 days will be beyond powerful at this pivotal and unique time where we have been pushed beyond of our comfort zones, and we have no reserve energy to control the things we try not to face. Yet… the Mayan Core days, if worked with conscious intent, can help anchor and manifest new frequencies into form. This is what we want to explain here. It is bit complicated with words, so I hope I don’t lose you.
These 20 powerful days are beginning on 4/14. We are being asked to absorb this trial by holy fire, by raising our frequencies to contain more energy and light than ever before. We will be asked to discover a new equilibrium and anchor our higher self’s orientation point. It is a time to become self-empowered and protected, and not get distracted by failing old programs.
There will be 5 pulses of energy that will burn though 5 Mayan chakras: the crown, throat, heart, solar plexus and root chakras. Each pulse will hold 4 days each, and each day holds one of the 4 directions (east, north, west and south).
What happens during these 20 days is this… Fresh cosmic energy, coming from the great central sun, begins to descend into our physical body starting at our crown chakra.
At the same time, newly upgraded energy, coming from the core of the Earth, begins to rise up into our physical body beginning at our root chakra. This process is very much like when a lightning bolt strikes the Earth. When a lightning bolt descends from the sky, the Earth’s energy also reaches up to meet the descending bolt. This merging point of descending cosmic energy, with the rising physical energy, reaches each other at a very powerful center point … our HEARTS! I just love this. The heart is the center of centers.
Then the new cosmic energy descending from the great central sun will continue down through our chakras until it is grounded within our physical body and anchored into the core of the Earth. Our ascending physical energy will also pass up through our heart and rise up through our crown and beyond until it reaches and anchors to the great central sun. This process will take 20 days.
The beginning of most traditional Mayan ceremonies begins with calling in, and sending love, to 7 cardinal points.
Great creator of all life, Hunab Ku.
Heart of the Heavens.
Heart of the Earth.
Heart of the East.
Heart of the North.
Heart of the West.
Heart of the South.
Heart of the Hearts, or center.
We suggest you start each day with honoring these cardinal points and God of all creation with great love and humility.
The FIRST PULSE will be from 4/14 – 4/17. These are the days of 4 IMIX, 5 IK, 6 AKBAL and 7 KAN. This first phase will activate your crown chakra, from the Great Central SUN, and your root chakra, from the core of the EARTH. These days will initiate a great ocean of creation, breathe life into this process, release an immense wisdom from the depths of our inner temple, and plant a seed for the intent of this process. This begins the process of merging heaven and Earth within. If we are paying attention, we could experience flashes of enlightened consciousness, and we may feel quite elevated.
The SECOND PULSE will be from 4/18 – 4/21. These are the days of 8 CHICCHAN, 9 CIMI, 10 MANIK and 11 LAMAT. This second phase will activate our throat chakra from the descending cosmic energy, and activate your solar plexus from the elevating energy from the core of the Earth. These four days begin collecting foundational wisdom. We will begin to let go, like a death of the past, and align with pure healing creation activating and transducing wisdom into a useable form. We exit the mental world and enter the world of spirit.
The THIRD PULSE will be from 4/22 – 4/25. These are the days of 12 MULUC, 13 OC, 1 CHUEN and 2 EB. This third phase will activate our center point, our HEART, now in balance between the cosmos and the Earth. These days are initiated with the energy of the cosmic moon of creation. Information is refined through spirit in a way to make it accessible. Some deeper issues may be triggered with emotions and heightened sensitivity. We can either destroy or create within the vastness of the heart. It will begin a starting over process. Health will need attention.
The FOURTH PHASE will be from 4/26 – 4/29. These are the days of 3 BEN, 4 IX, 5 MEN and 6 CIB. This fourth phase will now activate your solar plexus from the descending energies of the great central sun. It will also activate your throat chakra through the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days will begin with an activation called the pillars of light. It is where the Earth’s energy will begin to knit together with the energy from the great central sun. This phase will also be embedded with shamanic-like wisdom that is timeless. We will have access to higher forms of natural forces from the cosmos, and we will be able to anchor it into a more usable form on Earth. This is also where the real work will really start to kick in. Complex human relationships could feel unwieldy as we soar with broader vision and clarity about our service in the world. We will gain new boundaries that rise to a higher standard. This will trigger a more honest self-confidence, assisting us with being comfortable with authority figures without giving up personal power. During these days, we can learn to foster true community if focused upon.
The FIFTH and final phase will be from 4/30 – 5/3. These are the days of 7 CABAN, 8 ETZNAB, 9 CAUAC and 10 AHAU. This fifth phase will activate your root chakra from the descending energies of great central sun. It will also activate your crown chakra with the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days are the highest frequency of all 20 day signs, and they offer the most evolution … but they can also trigger the deepest work. Progressive and controversial creations could be birthed with strong convictions, but the challenge will be to hold it together. We might need space to face many new things that are reflecting back in the world mirror to us. If your focus is on community, we can develop cooperation skills instead of it having to be limited to self-interest vs self-sacrifice. Lightning flash clarity can come regarding accessing your own inner truth. We may be able to receive wisdom from physical or ethereal sources. We could be disappointed with unrealistic expectations triggered by our refined idealism. These are four very spiritual days where purification will rise to the forefront and even trigger our inner healer
The end of the 20 core days always leaves us a little frazzled, and we may feel a bit overwhelmed. We have absorbed so much in such a short amount of time that we may need to stop and breathe and just let it all settle in. Don’t try to force yourself to understand anything at first, because when you do, you push the wisdom away. Just allow all this to settle into your body, while the great central sun and the core of the Earth anchor inside of you. Once you gain some distance from these 20 days, you can look back and understand where you have grown and what transpired in these powerful days.
Keep in mind that these 20 core days could be viewed from many perspectives. There are layers within layers, and cycles within cycles, within infinite spherical time. This is only the front page of a huge book of knowledge that we all have access to. Keep your eyes and heart open. This is the energy that we all walk through together.
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“The Power of No(w), and the Power of One”
The New Moon on Sunday/Monday, April 11th/12th (depending on what time zone you are in), and the Full Moon of April 26th-27th will be the harbingers for the beginning of 2021’s eclipse season, which kicks off on May 26th. These three lunations will be reflecting and instigating the next steps in the unfolding drama within the dream spell of human interactions. It will also herald an almost year-long process leading up to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces in mid-February 2022, just as Pluto arrives to station at the same degree as he was at when America was born on July 4th, 1776. The Pluto Return for the USA announces that this is the end of empire(s). China be warned!
Even though the last 15 months has tested everyone and everything to the extreme, we will now be entering another phase of that cycle, which began with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th, 2020, and then followed by the ingress of Saturn into Aquarius last December 21st, 2020. We are in for more change and disruption, but also with some distinct glimmers of light and radiance added in. This New Moon is the real beginning of the astrological “new year”, as we will have the Sun, Moon, Venus, Ceres, Mercury, and Chiron all in the sign of the Warrior/Ram. Very potent stuff! Not to be overlooked in this recipe is the addition of the minor planet Erisat 24 Degrees of Aries. Her other name is Discord/Truth. My fellow astrologer Eric Francis has also dubbed her the ‘Sigil of the Digital Age’.
This stellium in Cardinal Fire is also squared (tension) by Pluto in Capricorn. Mars, the ruler of this New Moon, has finally crossed over the North Node in Gemini, and is the first planet coasting out in the clear of everything that has been packed together on one side of the sky. A real traffic jam…which is why everything felt so stagnant these last 3 months. We are now stimulated to not only initiate and act on our deepest impulses, to say “yes” to Life and to new opportunities, but to also use the power of “no” to counter anyone or anything that attempts to violate our boundaries or exert continued or new authority over us. Keep that in mind during the weeks following this weekend it will play out in the collective in surprising and sometimes distressing ways.
Essentially, the pulse I am picking up everywhere is a sense of exhaustion with the control and top-down way in which everything is being “managed”. Nothing like a global health emergency to drive people to extremes of behaviour. I have directly experienced and had folks report to me that long-standing friends and some family members have become strangers. This is a direct manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius. The crowd says “yes”, and a handful say “no”. The pressure to conform, to do what is right according to the authority (Saturn) is building up, all done with digital mediums like track and trace, proposed medical passports, and surveillance.
With the arising of the Aries season the power of “no”, done in the “now”, by each “one” who hears the call of their soul will challenge this pattern of authoritarian control. The mask is slipping, as it were. Chiron in Aries is the energy of the Warrior as Healer, and unlikely Hero. During the next 10-11 months, Chiron will represent a guiding light for the wise way through much of what will (probably) unfold. I may sound like I am hedging my bets there. It is mainly due to the presence of Uranus in Taurus. His archetype is prominent in that first total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th, 2021, but that is a discussion for another time.
Since duality itself is a phenomenon of the One in materiality, it should be obvious that when one says “no” to something or someone, the flip side is also present. We are saying “yes” to something else.
In this situation, I feel it is looks and feels like a big “yes” for individual sovereignty and respect and at the same time a recognition that none of us, of and by ourselves, can do everything. This is the cornerstone that many have lost touch with – the balance between Self and Other, between the physical and the ethereal, between acceptance and rejection. Another way of thinking about it is embodied awareness that recognizes its own survival is already a foregone conclusion. Death is a phantom, and Uranus in Taurus warms us up to the embrace of organic symbiotic interactions with all creatures great and small, while at the same time placing one’s own survival instinct into unfamiliar place…one of trusting Life and losing the attachment to ego preservation.
In the image with this article, one taken from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the figure of Gandalf the Grey, a seemingly small-time wizard of little stature, is facing off against a dark adversary of immense proportions. An evil of the ancient world, a Balrog of Morgoth. Does he cower or falter, even when his demise seems certain? No. His fellowship with the Hobbits, and men, and a single elf are at stake. So is their mission. He stands his ground, and courageously speaks to the shadow and flame, “you…shall…not…pass!” He says “no” with everything he has within him. I personally aspire to possess such courage, and such calmness, as Tolkien’s unlikely hero, Gandalf the Grey, does.
Whoever you are, and wherever you are, I hope you may be inspired to discover and set loose your biggest “no’s” and “yes’s!” We will have plenty of opportunities to explore, experiment and experience this core energy of the divine within each of us. Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It is a fear sublimated and harnessed by Love and harnessed to for a purpose that is in the truth of your Being.
We are going to need to do more than just talk truth to power. We will have to ask ourselves to act like the truth matters. One truth is this – while everyone is focused near field of fear about viruses and vaccines, no one is looking behind the veil and beyond to the larger picture. For the first time in our history, the threshold of carbon dioxide levels has surpassed 420ppm. The last time our Earth has been this warm was 3 million years ago, during the Pliocene Epoch.
The proposals for vaccination documents or passports conceals a deeper and more disturbing feature that arises from the increasing reliance and implementation of A.I. across the globe for surveillance and social manipulation. I will be covering more of this in depth during my radio show on April 18th.
Usually during times of the greatest challenge and darkness, we rediscover the Light within, and regain the wisdom and sense to course-correct. This may be the most important time on this planet since the days of Atlantis. The choices around what is most helpful and humane and what is not, are becoming clearer by the day. Not everyone will see or hear what you may have to say, so do yourself a favour. Do not attempt to open a closed system. Respect the boundaries of others, as you would want others to respect your boundaries. However, you have an inherent right to the following: to choose how you manage your life, your health, your relationships, and especially your consciousness and your individual relationship to whatever your spiritual path and concepts of the Divine might be.
Unconditional Love is allowing. And that also includes allowing yourself free expression to say your biggest “yes’s”, and your biggest “no’s”.
About the Author:
Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.
Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.
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The “Avoiding Dance”
During this lockdown time when going out for a walk, I have observed that we participate in some sort of “avoiding dance”. Waiting for people to pass, crossing the street, walking on the street, lining up on the sidewalk, is a way of walking that we never experience before. However, this dance has an energetic feeling, it feels a little bit out of place, but at the same time it feels good to know that people actually care about others, although there is a bit of sadness and fear in the air. I try to smile at people from the distance and say thank you when someone stops to allow us to pass. Smiling and gratitude are high vibration feelings that take us far.
My husband and I witnessed a very touching scene the other day. We were walking on a beautiful street when, on the stairs of a building, facing the window of a first floor apartment we saw a family: mother, father and two small kids and on the other side of the window, there was an elderly man, grandpa. The family was visiting their father and grandpa. Of course, the family cannot enter, they cannot approach to him, so the little kids were drawing and saying hello to him, showing him their drawings and talking through the window. It was a heartfelt moment for us, happy and sad at the same time. When we were passing the window, the elderly man smiled at us and we smiled back and waved at him, then we kept walking in silence, wondering how the world has changed.
I truly believe that the “avoiding dance” is actually a great lesson for all of us, a lesson of kindness, of respect for one another, of leaving behind old patterns, of caring more for what really matters.
Life is certainly showing us that we are united in the invisible realms of love and consciousness. Although there was a window separating this family from grandpa, they were together anyway, and it was a beautiful moment to witness.
We come together in very hard times; however, the love energy is always there, reuniting us.
I know that after this crisis passes we will come out victorious. It is going to be a big victory for humanity, because I think that a new human being is born.
About the Author
Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.
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Project Drawdown: 100 Climate Solutions in Real Time
It’s easy to get depressed and feel helpless in the face of the cascading effects of climate change we’re experiencing today: mega-wildfires, extreme heat and drought, flooding, hurricanes on steroids, and melting ice caps, to name a few. However, it’s not hopeless; we can change the trajectory of our future if we make the right choices individually and together — beginning today.
Back in 2017, Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming was published. Edited by environmentalist and best-selling author Paul Hawken, the book presents 100 different ecologically sound ways to “draw down” carbon from the atmosphere by working in cooperation with natural systems. This was the first product of Project Drawdown, which was co-founded in 2014 by Hawken and fellow environmentalist Amanda Joy Ravenhill to uncover the most substantive climate solutions and communicate them to the world.
Drawdown refers to the to the time when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change. Before Project Drawdown, the most widely stated climate goals were to slow down or stop greenhouse gas emissions, but to Hawken these were necessary but insufficient goals. “If you’re traveling down the wrong road, you are still on the wrong road if you slow down,” he opined. The only goal that makes sense is to reverse global warming, he believed — and there was no roadmap for that. Project Drawdown was the answer.
The solutions presented in the book and on the website were sourced from individual farms, communities, cities, companies and governments. A coalition of researchers and scientists selected those with the greatest potential to either reduce emissions or draw down and store carbon from the atmosphere, reviewed the literature on each solution, and devised climate and financial models for each. Then outside experts evaluated their work.
Both book and website are organized into eight sections: Energy, Food, Women and Girls, Buildings and Cities, Land Use, Transport, Materials, and Coming Attractions; and every solution contains information on its history and science, examples, a ranking in terms of its global emissions-reduction potential, an estimate of how many gigatons of greenhouse gases it avoids or removes from the atmosphere, and its costs.
Who would have guessed that refrigerant management would be in the top ten? Or that educating girls and family planning would be the second most important things we could do to reduce carbon emissions? It turns out that hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs, the primary current refrigerant) have 1,000 to 9,000 times greater capacity to warm the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. As for making the means of family planning more accessible and educating girls, these two rights-based solutions are projected to reduce the future global population by about a billion people, with commensurate savings in greenhouse gas emissions.
It’s hopeful to see so many natural solutions already in practice, but even more hopeful to see how many of them we can individually affect. For instance, we can all reduce the amount of food we waste (the #1 emissions saver), we can add more plant-based food to our diets and reduce our intake of meat (#3), and we can see that our old refrigerators and air conditioners are recycled properly (#4). And those SUVs? Last year the International Energy Agency found that SUVs were the second largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emissions over the past decade! An analysis commissioned by The Guardian found that all the SUVs sold in the U.S. just in 2018 will in one year emit 3.5 million tons more in CO2 than if they were smaller cars. Over a 15-year lifetime of the vehicles, the extra pollution is on par with the entire annual emissions of Norway — a huge hit to the climate.
This year Project Drawdown published their latest update — the Drawdown 2020 Review — available for free download from their website. Their bottom line: the world can still reach Drawdown by mid-century, if we make the best use of all existing climate solutions. Ultimately, we can build a completely regenerative society, because when we implement natural solutions to solve the climate emergency, we produce a plethora of added benefits to human and planetary well-being — such as clean air and water, more nutritious food, less disease, and more productive and meaningful jobs.
The main challenge with the Drawdown solutions is that scaling them up will require international cooperation and coordination at unprecedented levels — and that depends on our leaders seeing global warming as the existential threat it is and acting with the requisite speed and determination. Achieving the needed global transformation will require a new paradigm of cooperation, a vision of possibility, and the collective will to address the issue.
Project Drawdown has produced a framework to guide us on a new pathway of ecological recovery and sustainability, but to act, we need to be able to touch, see, and feel the existing solutions at hand. In “Drawdown 2020 — The Time is Now,” the virtual event that introduced Climate Week in New York City in September, 2020, we experience the sight, sound, and feel of just a few of those solutions, and watching it for free on the website is electrifying.
There is so much in this inspiring presentation that one can get overwhelmed with possibility! At the end, clips of Academy Award-winning filmmaker Louis Psihoyos’ film “Racing Extinction” were shown as they were being projected onto the Empire State Building and then on the Vatican during the COP 21 international climate conference, creating 4.4 billion media impressions worldwide. Psihoyos says that, “Once you get 10 percent of the population 100% committed to a cause, it’s unstoppable.” With his films he aims to get 10 percent of the planet aware of the extinction crisis, and he’ll be doing similar projections of his film on iconic buildings worldwide in 2021.
Project Drawdown ultimately is a response to environmentalist Rachel Carson’s pioneering work beginning in the 1960s: “The human race is challenged more than ever before to demonstrate our mastery — not over nature but of ourselves.” Rather than feeling climate change is something that’s happening to us, Paul Hawken asks us to consider that “global warming is happening for us — an atmospheric transformation that inspires us to change and re-imagine everything we make and do.” If we do that, he says, we begin to live in a different world.
About the Author:
Cher Gilmore is a community organizer, writer, and editor living in Southern California.
Original article here
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Invitation to the Global Equinox Meditation: March 20, 2021
Beloved souls,
You are invited to join in a globally synchronized meditation for the Equinox on Saturday, March 20. This guided meditation is available to facilitate a deeper awareness of Who We Are, which may also be facilitated by consciously reading the following before the meditation…
The main purpose of our existence here is to fully realize that we are an indissociable fragment of the Archetypal Essence, the Eternal Presence, the Omniversal Source from which All That Is stems, and to which everything will eventually return.
Discovering the intricate consequences and overall meaning of this fact is what sentient life is all about. No one has ever succeeded in fully grasping what that means, from stars to flowers, from atoms to Super Universes, from the physical realm to the most ethereal of angelic worlds. No one can comprehend it all. But discovering every possible shade and nuance which conscious awareness can encompass is what fills with happiness the Universal One in us.
We each are this Force. We each can feel its pulsing Presence in our conscience’s loins. Every song ever composed, every word ever uttered, every thought ever thought is but an expression of that same Presence, of that same Joy, of that same blissful Perfection.
Everything hinges on us becoming aware of Who we are, of Who everyone is, of what All That Is really is. To that end, over time, an infinite number of possibilities are offered to experience every aspect of this plethora of perceptible realities.
We are inexorably moved to embrace our spiritual side until we succeed, at some point in the life-time Continuum, to fully reconnect with the Source of our very existence, that still small voice within, that place of all Knowingness which knows infinitely much more than what our limited grasp of things may possibly allow.
Spiritual cognizance of one’s own true nature cannot be taught. It can only be experienced, and thus revived. In the end, we all have to make the choice to dive within and trust that the true face of Divine Reality will be revealed, just at the right moment, to guide us exactly where we are meant to be to get the lessons we need to learn in our spiritual journey.
~ Jean Hudon and the Earth Rainbow Network
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How to Save Time Forever
This month, approximately 75 countries worldwide will create an annual illusion: saving time. We move the hands of our clocks ahead, and think we’ve harnessed the sun. In the U.S., our participation begins at 2 am on Sunday, March 14th.
How time flies when we perceive it as linear. By contrast, cultures that live in tune with natural rhythms do not alter their clocks, because clocks do not define their time. The seasons and the stars do.
I once heard thought leader Deepak Chopra share how he explained existence to his three-year-old granddaughter as they walked along the beach at sunset. Essentially, he told her she is made of starlight, and that the spirit of the stars is reflected in her eyes. Tara was silent while she digested this information. Then she said, “Nanna, look up!” When Chopra asked why, she replied, “The stars want to see themselves!”
Living in the zone
Time is elastic. Athletes know this. When athletes move into the space known as “the zone,” time slows down. They see every move or play with perfect clarity, and execute the correct maneuvers as if in a dream, sensing the favorable outcome. Something expands within them that translates into success.
How many people do you know who never seem to have “enough” time? We are each gifted with the same twenty-four hour cycle to use as we choose. People who are time-deprived are exhibiting one aspect of our pervasive scarcity consciousness.
Psychologist Maria Nemeth writes, in The Energy of Money, “Scarcity is a reality in the physical domain. As a minister friend of mine once told me, ‘It’s as though we got bored living without limits. We decided to incarnate — which means, literally, to turn into meat. We further chose to work with the limits of form, time and finite energy. This was to see how much of the divine we could bring into the mundane before it was time for us to leave.'”
As paradoxical as it may seem, says Nemeth, “We reach the infinite through living fully in the finite. The infinite is not reached by trying to ignore limits, as many of us try to do.”
Holding the both/and
And in Eastern Body, Western Mind, chakra expert Anodea Judith observes, “Manifestation requires an acceptance of limitation. A boundary allows us to contain, and thus collect and build.”
So holding the “both/and” is a prerequisite to freedom, whether from the constraints of the clock or the tyranny of the paycheck: “We must accept limitation in order to transcend it.” This is what zone athletes do.
My articles, Embracing Paradox Can Help You Beat the Clock and ‘Om’ Is Where the Heart Is suggest ways to shift your beliefs about time and creativity.
As we set our clocks ahead, in the wee hours of Saturday night or sometime soon, let’s look out at the stars and remember what we’re made of. Recognize the expansive possibilities that exist within the limits of form.
There is enough. It’s all a question of consciousness. Choose to embrace the both/and, and you’ll grow with the flow!
About the Author:
Amara Rose, Managing Editor of Ascension Lifestyle, is widely published in health, business, lifestyle, and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Visit to learn more, and to subscribe to her monthly e-newsletter, What Shines.
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Something big shifted in February …
Something big shifted in February. For those not into consciousness and still seeing the world through logical eyes, this might be challenging to prove. But for those who sense the world through feeling and connection and with a love of all things energetic and consciousness, this will come as no surprise.
Over the past year, consciousness innovators have been sourcing relationship with and becoming the sentient, infinitely intelligent power of the universe quantum leaping into new creation over and over again, offering us the opportunity to become infinite creators like never before. The reality we dwell and create in is magical and miraculous. We see the evidence of that all around us in practical and amazing ways every day. We see the Earth as an incredible being with a unified collective of all the species, trees, oceans, skies, clouds, etc. all personifying the Force of an infinite universe now.
This reality, this consciousness, this state of being has been growing more present and real throughout 2020. But in February 2021 a corner was turned and for those of us with eyes to see, this consciousness, along with the Earth and all her species, became the primary power force on the planet, replacing the hierarchical / patriarchal power paradigm of the past. Yes, I know, you still see it there, but you should know that it’s fading fast in the power of all of us (whales, trees, Nature and humans included) who are operating now as infinite creators.
We pull quantum creation from the air (consciousness) around us. We energise daily the magnificence of all people and species. We source what appears to be miraculous outcomes in aligned quantum flow. Because we have discovered what Yoda sought to teach us … that we ARE the Force surging and leaping through the universe to elevate Life like never before. And now, we’re on the game of a magnificently thriving Earth and we know how to make it so. How?
- Know your own magnificence. Revel in it. Unleash it. Celebrate it.
- Be in awe at the breathtaking beauty that is Nature & the Earth.
- Feel the connection to all forms of Life and feel the wonder that we all are.
- Know that the air around you is filled, in fact flooded, with genius ideas, magical solutions and quantum innovation. Call it, breathe it, pulse it out into life through your every action.
- See the infinite being in every person and creature you meet. Call present the bountiful and beautiful power they are as infinite creators.
- See the world as new like never before and then take every opportunity you can throughout your days to make it even more wonderful.
- Be the Force. Let the power of Life flow effervescently through you lifting you to heights you never imagined you could achieve.
For this is who we are now and remaking the world into something even more breathtakingly awesome is what we are about.
About the Author
Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.
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What Does An Ecological Civilization Look Like?
A society based on natural ecology might seem like a far-off utopia — yet communities everywhere are already creating it.
by Jeremy Lent
As a new, saner administration sets up shop in Washington, D.C., there are plenty of policy initiatives this country desperately needs. Beyond a national plan for the COVID-19 pandemic, progressives will strive to focus the administration’s attention on challenges like fixing the broken health care system, grappling with systemic racial inequities, and a just transition from fossil fuels to renewables.
These are all critically important issues. But here’s the rub: Even if the Democratic administration were resoundingly successful on all fronts, its initiatives would still be utterly insufficient to resolve the existential threat of climate breakdown and the devastation of our planet’s life-support systems. That’s because the multiple problems confronting us right now are symptoms of an even more profound problem: The underlying structure of a global economic and political system that is driving civilization toward a precipice.
Take a moment to peer beyond the day-to-day crises capturing our attention, and you quickly realize that the magnitude of the looming catastrophe makes our current political struggles, by comparison, look like arguing how to stack deck chairs on the Titanic.
The climate emergency we’re facing is far worse than most people realize. While it was clearly an essential step for the United States to rejoin the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, the collective pledges on greenhouse gas emissions from that agreement are woefully insufficient. They would lead to a dangerous temperature rise of more than 2 degrees Celsius this century—and many nations are failing to make even these targets. We are rapidly approaching—if we haven’t already passed—climate tipping points with reinforcing feedback loops that would lead to an unrecognizable and terrifying world.
Even if the climate crisis were somehow brought under control, our current growth-oriented economic juggernaut will bring us face-to-face with a slew of further existential threats in future decades. As long as government policies emphasize growth in gross domestic product and transnational corporations relentlessly pursue shareholder returns, we will continue accelerating toward global catastrophe.
We’re rapidly decimating the Earth’s forests, animals, insects, fish, fresh water—even the topsoil we need to grow our crops. We’ve already transgressed four of the nine planetary boundaries that define humanity’s safe operating space, and yet global GDP is expected to triple by 2060, with potentially calamitous consequences. In 2017, more than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries issued an ominous warning to humanity that time is running out: “Soon it will be too late,” they wrote, “to shift course away from our failing trajectory.”
We need to forge a new era for humanity—one that is defined, at its deepest level, by a transformation in the way we make sense of the world, and a concomitant revolution in our values, goals, and collective behavior. In short, we need to change the basis of our global civilization. We must move from a civilization based on wealth accumulation to one that is life-affirming: an ecological civilization.
A Life-Affirming Civilization
Without human disruption, ecosystems can thrive in rich abundance for millions of years, remaining resilient in the face of adversity. Clearly, there is much to learn from nature’s wisdom about how to organize ourselves. Can we do so before it’s too late?
This is the fundamental idea underlying an ecological civilization: using nature’s own design principles to reimagine the basis of our civilization. Changing our civilization’s operating system to one that naturally leads to life-affirming policies and practices rather than rampant extraction and devastation.
An ecological civilization is both a new and ancient idea. While the notion of structuring human society on an ecological basis might seem radical, Indigenous peoples around the world have organized themselves from time immemorial on life-affirming principles. When Lakota communities, on the land that is now the U.S., invoke Mitakuye Oyasin(“We are all related”) in ceremony, they are referring not just to themselves but to all sentient beings. Buddhist, Taoist, and other philosophical and religious traditions have based much of their spiritual wisdom on the recognition of the deep interconnectedness of all things. And in modern times, a common thread linking progressive movements around the world is the commitment to a society that works for the flourishing of life, rather than against it.
6 Rules for Humans Rejoining the Natural World
- Diversity
A system’s health depends on differentiation and integration. When this principle of natural ecology is applied to human society, we see it as affirmation of different groups — self-defined by ethnicity, gender, or any other delineation. Such as:
- Community self-determination
- Indigenous rights
- Restorative justice
- Social equity for LGBTQ communities
Deciphering Nature’s Design Principles
There is a secret formula hidden deep in nature’s intelligence, which catalyzed each of life’s great evolutionary leaps over billions of years and forms the basis of all ecosystems. It’s captured in the simple but profound concept of mutually beneficial symbiosis: a relationship between two parties to which each contributes something the other lacks, and both gain as a result. With such symbiosis, there is no zero-sum game: The contributions of each party create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Whenever you go for a walk in the woods, eat a meal, or take a dip in the ocean, you’re experiencing the miracle of nature’s symbiosis. Plants transform sunlight into chemical energy that provides food for other creatures, whose waste then fertilizes the soil the plants rely on. Underground fungal networks contribute essential chemicals to trees in return for nutrients they can’t make for themselves. Pollinators fertilize plants, which produce fruit and seeds that nourish animals as they carry them to new locations. In your own gut, trillions of bacteria receive nutrition from the food you enjoy, while reciprocating by producing enzymes you need for digestion.
In human society, symbiosis translates into foundational principles of fairness and justice, ensuring that the efforts and skills people contribute to society are rewarded equitably. In an ecological civilization, relationships between workers and employers, producers and consumers, humans and animals, would thus be based on each party gaining in value rather than one group exploiting the other.
Because of symbiosis, ecosystems can sustain themselves almost indefinitely. Energy from the sun flows seamlessly to all the constituent parts. The waste of one organism becomes the sustenance of another. Nature produces a continuous flow where nothing is squandered. Likewise, an ecological civilization, in contrast to our current society built on extracting resources and accumulating waste, would comprise a circular economy with efficient reuse of waste products embedded into processes from the outset.
Nature uses a fractal design with similar patterns repeating themselves at different scales. Fractals are everywhere in nature — you see them in the patterns of tree branches, coastlines, cloud formations, and the bronchial system in our lungs. Ecologies are themselves fractal, with the deep principles of self-organized behavior that perpetuate life shared by microscopic cells, organisms, species, ecosystems, and the entire living Earth. This form of organization is known as a holarchy, where each element — from cells on up — is a coherent entity in its own right, while also an integral component of something larger. In a holarchy, the health of the system as a whole requires the flourishing of each part. Each living system is interdependent on the vitality of all the other systems.
- Balance
Every part of a system is in a harmonious relationship with the entire system. When this principle of natural ecology is applied to human society, we see it as competition and cooperation in balance and an equitable distribution of wealth and power. Such as:
- Global wealth tax
- Multibillionaires proscribed
- Abolition of offshore tax havens
- Legal support for co-ops and the commons
Based on this crucial precept, an ecological civilization would be designed on the core principle of fractal flourishing: the well-being of each person is fractally related to the health of the larger world. Individual health relies on societal health, which relies in turn on the health of the ecosystem in which it’s embedded. Accordingly, from the ground up, it would foster individual dignity, providing the conditions for everyone to live in safety and self-determination, with universal access to adequate housing, competent health care, and quality education.
In the fractal design of an ecosystem, health arises not through homogeneity, but through each organism contributing to the whole by fulfilling its own unique potential. Correspondingly, an ecological civilization would celebrate diversity, recognizing that its overall health depended on different groups — self-defined by ethnicity, gender, or any other delineation — developing their own unique gifts to the greatest extent possible.
In a natural ecology, the type of exponential growth that characterizes our global economy could only occur if other variables were out of balance, and would inevitably lead to the catastrophic collapse of that population. The principle of balance would accordingly be crucial to an ecological civilization. Competition would be balanced by collaboration; disparities in income and wealth would remain within much narrower bands, and would fairly reflect the contributions people make to society. And crucially, growth would become just one part of a natural life cycle, slowing down once it reaches its healthy limits—leading to a steady-state, self-sustaining economy designed for well-being rather than consumption.
Above all, an ecological civilization would be based on the all-encompassing symbiosis between human society and the natural world. Human activity would be organized, not merely to avoid harm to the living Earth, but to actively regenerate and sustain its health.
An Ecological Civilization in Practice
The overriding objective of an ecological civilization would be to create the conditions for all humans to flourish as part of a thriving, living Earth. Currently, the success of political leaders is assessed largely by how much they increase their nation’s GDP, which merely measures the rate at which society transforms nature and human activities into the monetary economy, regardless of the ensuing quality of life. A life-affirming society would, instead, emphasize growth in well-being, using measures like the Genuine Progress Indicator, which factors in qualitative components such as volunteer and household work, pollution, and crime.
For more than a century, most economic thinkers have recognized only two domains of economic activity: markets and government. The great political divide between capitalism and communism was structured accordingly, and even today the debate continues along similar lines. An ecological civilization would incorporate government spending and markets, but — as laid out by visionary economist Kate Haworth —would add two critical realms to this framework: households and the commons.
- Fractal Organization
The small reflects the large, and the health of the whole system requires the flourishing of each part. When this principle of natural ecology is applied to human society, we see it as individual dignity and self-determination. Such as
- Universal Basic Income
- Universal access to housing, health care, education
- Cities redesigned for walking
- Community interaction
- Education for life-fulfillment
- Cosmopolitanism
In particular, the commons would become a crucial part of economic activity. Historically, the commons referred to shared land that peasants accessed to graze livestock or grow crops. But more broadly, the commons refers to any source of sustenance and well-being that has not yet been appropriated by the state or private ownership: the air, water, sunshine, as well as human creations like language, cultural traditions, and scientific knowledge. It is virtually ignored in most economic discussion because, like household work, it doesn’t fit into the classic model of the economy. But the global commons belongs to all of us, and in an ecological civilization, it would once again take its rightful place as a major provider of human welfare.
The overwhelming proportion of wealth available to modern humans is the result of the cumulative ingenuity and industriousness of prior generations going back to earliest times. However, as a consequence of centuries of genocide and slavery, systemic racism, extractive capitalism, and exploitation by the Global North, that wealth is highly unevenly distributed. Once we realize the vast benefits of the commons bequeathed to us by our ancestors — along with the egregiously uneven wealth distribution —it transforms our conception of wealth and value. Contrary to the widespread view that an entrepreneur who becomes a billionaire deserves his wealth, the reality is that whatever value he created is a pittance compared to the immense bank of prior knowledge and social practices — the commonwealth — that he took from. An ecological civilization, recognizing this, would fairly reward entrepreneurial activity, but severely curtail the right of anyone to accumulate multiple billions of dollars in wealth, no matter what their accomplishments.
Conversely, it is the moral birthright of every human to share in the vast commonwealth bestowed on us. This could effectively be achieved through a program of unconditional monthly cash disbursements to every person on the planet, creating a foundation for the dignity and security required for society’s fractal flourishing. It would also begin to address the moral imperative to remedy the extreme exploitation and injustices visited upon Indigenous and Black communities worldwide — historically and to this day.
Research has shown repeatedly that such programs — known as Universal Basic Income — are remarkably effective in improving quality of life in communities around the world, in both the Global North and South. Programs consistently report reduction in crime, child mortality, malnutrition, truancy, teenage pregnancy, and alcohol consumption, along with increases in health, gender equality, school performance — and even entrepreneurial activity. Work is not something people try to avoid; on the contrary, purposive work is an integral part of human flourishing. Liberated by UBI from the daily necessity to sell their labor for survival, people would reinvest their time in crucial sectors of the economy — in households and commons — that naturally lead to life-affirming activity.
The transnational corporations that currently dominate every aspect of global society would be fundamentally reorganized, and made accountable to the communities they purportedly serve. Corporations above a certain size would only be permitted to operate with charters that required them to optimize social and environmental well-being along with shareholder returns. Currently, these triple bottom-line charters are voluntary, and very few large corporations adopt them. If, however, they were compulsory—and strictly enforced by citizen panels comprising representatives of the communities and ecosystems covered in the company’s scope of operations—it would immediately transform the intrinsic character of corporations, causing them to work for the benefit of humanity and the living Earth rather than for their demise.
In place of vast homogenized monocrops of industrial agriculture, food would be grown using principles of regenerative agriculture, leading to greater crop biodiversity, improved water and carbon efficiency, and the virtual elimination of synthetic fertilizer. Manufacturing would be structured around circular material flows, and locally owned cooperatives would become the default organizational structure. Technological innovation would still be encouraged, but would be prized for its effectiveness in enhancing symbiosis between people and with living systems, rather than minting billionaires.
- Life Cycles
Regenerative and sustainable flourishing into the long-term future. When this principle of natural ecology is applied to human society, we see it as economic growth halting once it reaches healthy limits. Such as:
- Steady-state economies
- A triple bottom line for corporations
Cities would be redesigned on ecological principles, with community gardens on every available piece of land, essential services within a 20-minute walk, and cars banned from city centers. The local community would be the basic building block of society, with face-to-face interaction regaining ascendance as a crucial part of human flourishing. Education would be re-envisioned, its goal transformed from preparing students for the corporate marketplace to cultivating in students the discernment and emotional maturity required to fulfill their life’s purpose as valued members of society.
Local community life would be enriched by the global reach of the internet. Online networks with scale, such as Facebook, would be turned over to the commons, so that rather than manipulating users to maximize advertising dollars, the internet could become a vehicle for humanity to develop a planetary consciousness. Cosmopolitanism — an ancient Greek concept meaning “being a citizen of the world” — would be the defining characteristic of a global identity. It would celebrate diversity between cultures while recognizing the deep interdependence that binds all people into a single moral community with a shared destiny.
Governance would be transformed with local, regional, and global decisions made at the levels where their effects are felt most (known as subsidiarity). While much decision-making would devolve to lower levels, a stronger global governance would enforce rules on planetwide challenges such as the climate emergency and the sixth great extinction. A Rights of Nature declaration, recognizing the inalienable rights of ecosystems and natural entities to persist and thrive, would put the natural world on the same legal standing as humanity, with personhood given to ecosystems and high-functioning mammals, and the crime of ecocide — the destruction of ecosystems — prosecuted by a court with global jurisdiction.
Daring to Make It Possible
It doesn’t take more than a glance at the daily headlines to realize how far we are from this vision of a society that fosters fractal flourishing. Yet, just like the underground fungal network that nourishes trees in a forest, innumerable pioneering organizations around the world are already laying the groundwork for virtually all the components of a life-affirming civilization.
In the United States, the visionary Climate Justice Alliance has laid out guidelines for a just transition from an extractive to a regenerative economy that incorporates deep democracy with ecological and societal well-being. A network of more than 70 grassroots and frontline movements, the Alliance works collectively for a just transition toward food sovereignty, energy democracy, and ecological regeneration.
- Subsidiarity
Issues at the lowest level affect health at the top. When this principle of natural ecology is applied to human society, we see it as grassroots self-autonomy and deep democracy:
- Decision-making at the lowest possible levels
- Horizontalism
- Cooperatives
In Bolivia and Ecuador, traditional ecological principles of buen vivirandsumak kawsay(“good living”) are written into the constitutions. While mechanisms for enforcement still need considerable strengthening, these principles establish a powerful alternative to extractive practices, offering a legal and ethical platform for legislation based on harmony—both with nature, and between humans.
In Europe, large-scale thriving cooperatives, such as the Mondragón Cooperative in Spain, demonstrate that it’s possible for companies to prosper without utilizing a shareholder-based profit model. With roughly a hundred businesses and 80,000 worker-owners producing a wide range of industrial and consumer goods, Mondragón proves that it’s possible to succeed while maintaining a people-focused, shared community of life-affirming values.
A new ecological worldview is spreading globally throughout cultural and religious institutions, establishing common ground with the heritage of traditional Indigenous knowledge. The core principles of an ecological civilization have already been laid out in the Earth Charter—an ethical framework launched in The Hague in 2000 and endorsed by more than 50,000 organizations and individuals worldwide. In 2015, Pope Francis shook the Catholic establishment by issuing his encyclical, Laudato Si’, a masterpiece of ecological philosophy that demonstrates the deep interconnectedness of all life, and calls for a rejection of the individualist, neoliberal ethic.
Economists, scientists, and policymakers, recognizing the moral bankruptcy of the current economic model, are pooling resources to offer alternative frameworks. The Wellbeing Economy Alliance is an international collaboration of changemakers working to transform our economic system to one that promotes human and ecological well-being. The Global Commons Alliance is similarly developing an international platform for regenerating the Earth’s natural systems. Organizations such as the Next System Project and the Global Citizens Initiative are laying down parameters for the political, economic, and social organization of an ecological civilization, and the P2P Foundation is building a commons-based infrastructure for societal change. Around the world, an international movement of transition towns is transforming communities from the grassroots up by nurturing a caring culture, reimagining ways to meet local needs, and crowdsourcing solutions.
Most importantly, a people’s movement for life-affirming change is spreading globally. Led by young climate activists like Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Mari Copeny, Xiye Bastida, Isra Hirsi, and others, millions of schoolchildren worldwide are rousing their parents’ generation from its slumber. A month after Extinction Rebellion demonstrators closed down Central London in 2019, the U.K. Parliament announced a “climate emergency,” which has now been declared by nearly 2,000 local and national jurisdictions worldwide, representing more than 12% of the global population. Meanwhile, the Stop Ecocide campaign to establish ecocide as a crime prosecutable under international law is making important strides, gaining serious consideration at the parliamentary level in France and Sweden, with a panel of legal experts convened to draft its definition.
- Symbiosis
Relationships that work for mutual benefit. When this principle of natural ecology is applied to human society, we see it as fairness and justice, regenerative economies, and circular energy flows. Such as:
- Measuring well-being instead of GDP
- Regenerative agriculture
- Permaculture principles
- Circular economies and manufacturing processes
- Rights of Nature and personhood for nonhumans
When we consider the immensity of the transformation needed, the odds of achieving an ecological civilization might seem daunting — but it’s far from impossible. As our current civilization begins to unravel on account of its internal failings, the strands that kept it tightly wound also get loosened. Every year that we head closer to catastrophe — as greater climate-related disasters rear up, as the outrages of racial and economic injustice become even more egregious, and as life for most people becomes increasingly intolerable — the old narrative loses its hold on the collective consciousness. Waves of young people are looking for a new worldview — one that makes sense of the current unraveling, one that offers them a future they can believe in.
It’s a bold idea to transform the very basis of our civilization to one that’s life-affirming. But when the alternative is unthinkable, a vision of a flourishing future shines a light of hope that can become a self-fulfilling reality. Dare to imagine it. Dare to make it possible by the actions you take, both individually and collectively—and it might just happen sooner than you expect.
About the Author:
Jeremy Lent is author of The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning. His upcoming book, The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe, will be published in June.
Illustrations by Delphine Lee/YES! MAGAZINE