Earth is a special mystery school. The lessons and understandings offered are unique. You are amazingly blessed to receive the opportunity to be here. Rejoicing in a rainbow, examining a butterfly, stroking a cat, touching a petal, smelling a flower, paddling in a stream or playing with a child are sensations only available on Earth.
When Lady Gaia invites you here, she reminds you that life on Earth is a unique opportunity. Be grateful for it. You are a spiritual being who has volunteered for this expedition.
One of the items of equipment you receive is a physical body, connected to your emotional and mental bodies. Your mind, emotions and physical body are delicate feedback instruments. Everything comes through your spiritual body and filters into your mind. Your thoughts affect your emotions as well as your physical wellbeing. Your emotions are also reflected in your health and body. You are expected to pay attention to this.
You are also equipped with a team of helpers. After all, if you are exploring foreign terrain, even if you have been there several hundred, thousand, million times before, you will need your team to scout ahead, to help you search for food and shelter, and to draw your attention to those things you have come to explore or learn. Remember to ask for help, for they cannot assist you unless you ask, as it would contravene your free will.
An incarnation on Earth is considered to be the Everest of experiences. If you are climbing that particular mountain, you need a good team of sherpas. And it massively enhances and assists your journey if you consult them!
The Golden Future Of Earth
Between 2012 and 2032 Earth is birthing a new fifth dimensional Golden Age, a period during which everything will radiate a golden aura of love and wisdom. If you are reading these words, you have incarnated to help the planet make this transition.
Let’s put the significance of the years between 2012 and 2032 into perspective. The year 2012 marked the end of a 26,000-year cosmic era. It was also the end of a cycle of 10 cosmic eras, so it finalized a 260,000-year epoch for all the universes. For 260,000 years, Earth was part of a fourth-dimensional universe. However, Earth itself was third-dimensional. Of all the planets in this universe, Earth alone descended to the lower frequency. So, why was Earth third dimensional in a fourth dimensional universe?
There are two reasons why our planet was out of step with the rest of our universe. The first is that ages ago a call went out from the Intergalactic Council to all the planets to volunteer to host a unique experiment, that of free will. People could choose whether to act from their divine will or their lower one. Throughout the cosmos, nothing like this had ever been considered, and the concept was regarded with awe, wonder and amazement by every being in the universes.
The Council for Planet Earth volunteered for the experiment. Souls daring to incarnate would go through the Veil of Amnesia, forget that they were divine beings and step into the unknown.
Another agreement of the free-will experiment was that every thought and action would be recorded, and if the balance sheet of a lifetime was in debit, the soul agreed to incarnate again to try to balance their karmic account.
Over the years, beings from all over the universes have been watching in awe and amazement the courageous adventurers who have dared to incarnate as humans on Earth. Anyone who enters this planet is considered exceptionally brave. It is regarded as a jungle where you face many challenges to your soul. If you meet a being out in the cosmos who learns that you have been to Earth, they will look at you with respect and admiration!
No one expected those on Earth to sink into self-centered, selfish behavior, but we did. While the remainder of this universe remained open-hearted and fourth-dimensional, the frequency on Earth fell.
The second reason that Earth fell behind is this: in the third dimension, your solar plexus chakra sends out feelers to watch for danger, and through this psychic center you also absorb the fears of others. Because Earth is the cosmic solar plexus chakra, our planet is absorbing the fears of the entire universe. We have had to transmute these, and this has held us back.
Because we have lagged behind, we are attracting an extraordinary amount of help from the universe during the birth of the new Golden Age. It is as if the baby being birthed has got stuck and needs extra assistance. Great illumined beings, angelic beings and wise ones are focusing their light and energy on Earth now. We can ask them for help to birth the new according to divine timing.
It is interesting that the pandemic was expected by most of the governments in the world. Plans were put into place, but were not actioned. Spiritually, this was because the world needed Covid as an accelerant to move beyond the old ways. The pandemic created the worldwide chaos and disruption that are accelerating the collapse of the old paradigm. Before it was unleashed, I was wondering how the forecasts for changes in travel, education, government, business, economics, banking, health, farming, etc., could possibly happen by 2032. Then suddenly they were all happening rapidly. It wasn’t just the physical world that was transforming either – human awakening was occurring in front of our eyes.
My friend Tim Whild had a nasty bout of the virus. He told me that his experience caused him to tune in to and talk to the Covid virus entity. He was expecting a dark being to emerge. Instead, a beautiful pink, white and yellow angel appeared. It told him that at a spiritual level, the Delta variant was about clearing the heart chakra. People were literally coughing out old energy. Omicron was often accompanied by splitting headaches that were clearing the mental body. Each time someone says, ‘Omicron,’ they are starting with ‘Om’, calling in source or the universe, then saying, ‘I’ or ‘self ’, followed by ‘cron.’ ‘Cron’ is derived from the old word for the crown, source of divine feminine wisdom. So, each time you think of Omicron, or verbalize it, you call source energy into yourself to enhance your divine feminine wisdom.
Covid has a higher purpose. It is part of the plan to raise the frequency on Earth. The pandemic caused millions of souls to wake up, as well as millions to die. In a final act of service work, nearly all of these souls chose to take some of the stuck energy of the old paradigm with them in order to clear it from the energy fields of Earth.
Not everyone sees it this way, but many years ago my guide Kumeka told me to give no energy to negative conspiracy theories, as they come from a dark base. Currently, disinformation, conspiracy theories, lies and questionable behaviors are widespread. They deflect us all from the true path, which is to focus on the new and wonderful that is soon to be our reality. We now have to trust our intuition.
Visualization To Live In The Golden Future
- Take a moment to relax.
- Imagine a world where everybody is happy and healthy.
- Everyone is contented because they are fulfilled at a soul level.
- People everywhere cooperate and look after one another.
- There is enough for everyone.
- We all respect one another’s race and religion.
- The land itself is pure and shining.
- Every day we draw in clean energy from Earth and breathe pure air.
- This is the new Golden Age into which we are moving.
- How does it feel to live like this?
Original article here
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