Beloved souls,
You are invited to join in a globally synchronized meditation for the Equinox on Saturday, March 20. This guided meditation is available to facilitate a deeper awareness of Who We Are, which may also be facilitated by consciously reading the following before the meditation…
The main purpose of our existence here is to fully realize that we are an indissociable fragment of the Archetypal Essence, the Eternal Presence, the Omniversal Source from which All That Is stems, and to which everything will eventually return.
Discovering the intricate consequences and overall meaning of this fact is what sentient life is all about. No one has ever succeeded in fully grasping what that means, from stars to flowers, from atoms to Super Universes, from the physical realm to the most ethereal of angelic worlds. No one can comprehend it all. But discovering every possible shade and nuance which conscious awareness can encompass is what fills with happiness the Universal One in us.
We each are this Force. We each can feel its pulsing Presence in our conscience’s loins. Every song ever composed, every word ever uttered, every thought ever thought is but an expression of that same Presence, of that same Joy, of that same blissful Perfection.
Everything hinges on us becoming aware of Who we are, of Who everyone is, of what All That Is really is. To that end, over time, an infinite number of possibilities are offered to experience every aspect of this plethora of perceptible realities.
We are inexorably moved to embrace our spiritual side until we succeed, at some point in the life-time Continuum, to fully reconnect with the Source of our very existence, that still small voice within, that place of all Knowingness which knows infinitely much more than what our limited grasp of things may possibly allow.
Spiritual cognizance of one’s own true nature cannot be taught. It can only be experienced, and thus revived. In the end, we all have to make the choice to dive within and trust that the true face of Divine Reality will be revealed, just at the right moment, to guide us exactly where we are meant to be to get the lessons we need to learn in our spiritual journey.
~ Jean Hudon and the Earth Rainbow Network
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