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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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24 Nov 2023
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Best time ever to be alive on planet Earth!



I believe we are living in the most extraordinary time ever with breakthroughs happening on many levels:

  1. Our intelligence is expanding and in many cases fusing with what I call infinite intelligence. This results in spontaneous knowing of things beyond our learning and training.
  2. We are now able to embody our greater beings, with a capacity to create who we want to become as opposed to being trapped within the confines of our genetics and our past.
  3. Vibrational frequency is rising across the whole planet, resulting in an upleveling of consciousness, which in turn generates deeper appreciation for and connection with all life.
  4. Some of us are now experiencing freedom from reactive emotional response, finding joy in emotive moments that power breakthroughs.
  5. We’re discovering and enhancing our bodies’ miraculous ability, all while embodying a new vitality fuelled by universal life source power.
  6. We’re recognising that death is not the end, but instead the beginning of the next grand adventure where joyful freedom reigns.
  7. We’re making friends with the universe. On the one hand through technology like the James Webb Telescope. On the other hand through our own deepening connection with the inherent intelligence behind Creation.
  8. And how about the increasing beauty and power of Nature and the animal kingdoms! Cross species love. Breath-taking GREEN. An understanding that Water is intelligent … see Veda Austin’s work with water. Even an increasing ability to work with what I call ‘the weather gods’ to help fulfill the greater purpose of Nature’s movements with as little harm to life as possible. Some might call this shamanic. I call it a deepening alchemical partnership with the miraculousness of Life.
  9. An unleashing of genius all around the world, leading to exciting new innovations that bring solutions we could hardly have dreamed were possible.
  10. Source fills the air we breathe and the cells we dwell within. We are interwoven to one another and to all life now through what I call the internal Source ‘mycelium’ network.


We are quantum leaping by the day into new horizons of possibility. Elevating ourselves into next levels of being. Enhancing our abilities to create life as never before. Best time ever to be alive on planet Earth!



About the Author:


Soleira Green is a visionary author, quantum coach, ALLchemist & future innovator. She has been creating leading edge breakthroughs in consciousness, quantum evolution, transformation, innovation, intelligence and more over the past 25 years, has written and self-published eleven books, and taught courses all over the world on these topics.


20 Nov 2023
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100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Life Without Really Trying


1 Exercise on a Monday night (nothing fun happens on a Monday night).

2 On the fence about a purchase? Wait 72 hours before you buy it.

3 Tip: the quickest supermarket queue is always behind the fullest trolley (greeting, paying and packing take longer than you think).

4 Bring fruit to work. Bring fruit to bed!

5 Consider going down to four days a week. It’s likely a disproportionate amount of your fifth day’s work is taxed anyway, so you’ll lose way less than a fifth of your take-home pay.

6 Everyone has an emotional blind spot when they fight. Work out what yours is, and remember it.

7 Plant spring bulbs, even if they’re just in a pot.

8 Send a voice note instead of a text; they sound like personal mini podcasts.

9 Keep a bird feeder by a window, ideally the kitchen. It’ll pass the time when you’re washing up.

10 Always bring ice to house parties (there’s never enough).

11 Get the lighting right: turn off the overhead one, turn on lots of lamps (but turn off when you leave the room).

12 Sharpen your knives.

13 Feeling sluggish at work? Try the Pomodoro technique: 25 minutes on, five-minute break, and repeat.

14 Buy a cheap blender and use it to finely chop onions (it saves on time and tears).

15 Keep your children’s drawings and paintings. Put the best ones in frames.

16 Set aside 10 minutes a day to do something you really enjoy – be it reading a book or playing Halo.

17 Don’t be weird about how to stack the dishwasher.

18 Reuse all plastic bags – even bread bags. Much of the packaging you can’t reuse can be taken to larger branches of supermarkets for recycling.

19 Take a photo of the tag you are given when leaving your coat in a cloakroom.

20 Can’t sleep? Try a relaxing soak with lavender bath oil before bed.

21 Add the milk at least one minute after the tea has brewed.

22 Laugh shamelessly at your own jokes.

23 It might sound obvious, but a pint of water before bed after a big night avoids a clanger of a hanger.

24 Start a Saturday morning with some classical music – it sets the tone for a calm weekend.

25 Look closely.

26 Set time limits for your apps. Just go to the settings on your smartphone and add a limit – for example, if you have an iPhone turn on Screen Time.

27 If possible, take the stairs.

28 Always be willing to miss the next train.

29 Eat meat once a week, max. Ideally less.

30 Be polite to rude strangers – it’s oddly thrilling.

31 Ask questions, and listen to the answers.

32 Connect with nature: stand outside barefoot for a few minutes – even when it’s cold.

33 Join your local library – and use it.

34 Go for a walk without your phone.

35 Eat salted butter (life’s too short for unsalted).

36 Stretch in the morning. And maybe in the evening.

37 If you’re going less than a mile, walk or cycle. About half of car journeys are under two miles, yet these create more pollution than longer journeys as the engine isn’t warmed up yet.

38 Sleep with your phone in a different room (and buy an alarm clock).

39 Send postcards from your holidays. Send them even if you’re not on holiday.

40 Instead of buying new shoes, get old ones resoled and buy new laces.

41 Buy a plant. Think you’ll kill it? Buy a fake one.

42 Don’t have Twitter on your phone.

43 If you find an item of clothing you love and are certain you will wear for ever, buy three.

44 Try taking a cold shower (30 seconds to two minutes) before your hot one. It’s good for your health – both physical and mental.

45 Text to say thank you.

46 Read a poem every day. Keep a compendium, such as A Poem for Every Day of the Year, by your bed.

47 Take out your headphones when walking – listen to the world.

48 Buy secondhand.

49 Buy in person!

50 Learn how to floss properly.

51 If something in the world is making you angry, write (politely) to your MP – they will read it.

52 Say hello to your neighbours.

53 Learn the basics of repairing your clothes.

54 Always bring something – wine, flowers – to a dinner/birthday party, even if they say not to.

55 Learn the names of 10 trees.

56 Call an old friend out of the blue.

57 Every so often, search your email for the word “unsubscribe” and then use it on as many as you can.

58 Buy a newspaper. (Ideally this one.)

59 Always have dessert.

60 Drop your shoulders.

61 Make something from scratch. Works best if it’s something you’d normally buy, such as a dress or a bag.

62 Go to bed earlier – but don’t take your phone with you.

63 Volunteer. ​​Go to for ideas.

64 Dry your cutlery with a cloth (it keeps it shiny).

65 Instead of buying a morning coffee, set up a daily transfer of £2 from a current into a savings account and forget about it. Use it to treat yourself to something different later.

66 Don’t save things for “best”. Wear them – enjoy them.

67 Sing!

68 Think about your posture: don’t slouch, and don’t cross your legs.

69 Hang your clothes up. Ideally on non-wire hangers (it’s better for them).

70 Skinny-dip with friends.

71 Switch your phone off on holiday (or at least delete your work email app).

72 Always use freshly ground pepper.

73 Thank a teacher who changed your life.

74 Respect your youngers.

75 Keep your keys in the same place.

76 Ditch the plastic cartons and buy milk in glass bottles.

77 Rent rather than buy a suit/dress for that forthcoming wedding (even if it’s your own).

78 Always book an extra day off after a holiday.

79 Ignore the algorithm – listen to music outside your usual taste.

80 Mute or leave a WhatsApp group chat.

81 Learn a TikTok dance (but don’t post it on TikTok).

82 Cook something you’ve never attempted before.

83 Join a local litter-picking group.

84 Handwash that thing you’ve never cleaned.

85 Don’t get a pet/do get a pet.

86 Nap.

87 Learn how to breathe deeply: in through the nose, out through the mouth, making the exhale longer than the inhale.

88 Buy a bike and use it. Learn how to fix it, too.

89 Politely decline invitations if you don’t want to go.

90 If you do go, have an exit strategy (can we recommend a French exit, where you slip out unseen).

91 If in doubt, add cheese.

92 Don’t look at your phone at dinner.

93 Do that one thing you’ve been putting off.

94 Give compliments widely and freely.

95 Set up an affordable standing order to a charity.

96 Keep a book in your bag to avoid the temptation to doomscroll.

97 Listen to the albums you loved as a teenager.

98 Make a friend from a different generation.

99 Staying over at a friend’s place? Strip the bed in the morning.

100 For instant cheer, wear yellow.




Original article here

16 Nov 2023
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Signs You’re Moving Into a High-Vibe Version of Reality



  1. You feel calm inside … and that calmness offers an ease of genius flow and vitality.
  2. You have emotive bursts popping up from inside.
  3. Sometimes they’re purposeful and other times you might cry over nothing at all. I believe this is your power offering itself to you to elevate the world.
  4. You fall in love with nature, animals, people, the Earth.
  5. You see wonders everywhere you look. And you want to put more of that wonderfulness into the world around you for others to thrive upon.
  6. It becomes effortless to energetically zing others up. The more you do this, the greater you feel.
  7. You see the potential in people and situations and aim straight for the new possibilities on offer in every circumstance.
  8. You feel younger than your years and look in the mirror to find that’s showing up in you physically too.
  9. You love easily with zero concern for a broken heart because this kind of love comes from a greater place with greater purpose and offers itself readily to all.
  10. You understand things at greater levels, eliminating the reactive responses that come along with a lack of comprehension of greater purpose at play.
  11. You feel more like the greater being you really are, finding ways to live this here on Earth.
  12. You discover you can talk to animals, trees, oceans, the universe, etc. and they energetically talk back to you with brilliant insights into how life is unfolding right now. We are increasingly interconnected as Source beings in a symbiotic version of reality.
  13. You become an alchemical elevancer of Life naturally and instinctively.


May grace, genius and greatness flow through us all now with wonder and joy.


About the Author:


Soleira Green is a visionary author, quantum coach, ALLchemist & future innovator. She has been creating leading edge breakthroughs in consciousness, quantum evolution, transformation, innovation, intelligence and more over the past 25 years, has written and self-published eleven books, and taught courses all over the world on these topics.

12 Nov 2023
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Who Controls Your Thermostat?



People have been fighting over who controls the temperature at home since we lived in caves. Who controls the fire? Who gets to sleep comfortably next to its burning embers on cold nights? Now we call it thermostat wars. One family member likes to crank up the AC in the summer heat, while another is putting on a sweater to be comfortable.

Smart home technology may be the way to end the thermostat wars. Smart thermostats can adjust the temperature room by room, and when someone is in the room or not, lower it temporarily in winter and raise it in summer, making everyone happy while keeping utility bills low.

Smart thermostats can play a role in climate change, too, by responding to peak demand — adjusting to avoid rolling blackouts and overloaded power lines that can start forest fires that take lives and property. Individual choices, house by house, make all the difference.

Our solutions to heating and cooling our homes have evolved with technology. It’s been a bumpy ride. In 2007, the Department of Energy’s extremely successful Energy Star program stopped certifying programmable thermostats—because almost no one used them consistently, and, therefore, they weren’t saving energy. Besides the energy nerds, homeowners found the thermostats too complicated to manage. It was easier to do things the old fashioned way—by changing thermostat settings during the day as needed for comfort.

In that same year, a whole new generation of smart thermostats appeared on the scene when Ecobee debuted what they called the “first smart Wi-Fi thermostat.” Nest soon followed with their own entry into the smart thermostat market. Unlike programmable thermostats, which simply allow you to schedule temperature settings throughout the days, Ecobee and Nest use artificial intelligence to figure out how to keep your home comfortable while reducing your electricity bill.

Smart thermostats can learn your day-to-day patterns and adjust the temperature for both comfort and efficiency. For example, you could set the old programmable thermostats to turn the air conditioning on and off based on time of day, such as when you are at work or late at night. The new ones add occupancy sensors to the toolbox. If you work from home one day a week or someone is staying home from school, you needn’t change all the programming, or override the system. It will happen automatically to keep you comfortable and your home efficient. Smart systems also allow slow or fast ramping up or ramping down temperatures, so that in an emergency your utility can raise your air conditioning setting in a way you won’t notice.

Beyond the Thermostat Wars

We’ve come a long way and now have programmable, communicating thermostats that connect wirelessly to phones and computers and utilities and allow remote access and control.

Some utilities now offer incentives to customers in exchange for the ability to control the smart thermostat when power demand is high. The utility’s control is often minimal and customers can typically override the utility setting, but a utility in Colorado recently locked thousands of customer thermostats during an “energy emergency.” If you enroll in this kind of program, be sure you understand what you may give up as a participant.

There are a few ways that working with the utility can be a win for consumers. Many utilities offer time-of-use pricing, so that electricity is cheaper at night when there is lower demand and more expensive during peak demand periods in the late afternoon and early evening. A smart thermostat can minimize your electricity use during peak demand times automatically. The rewards are lower energy bills for you, the customer, without much sacrifice of comfort.

Another way to save money during peak events is by enrolling in programs through companies that partner with utilities, like EnergyHub or OhmConnect.

So what does the utility get out of this arrangement? Quite a bit. Here are a few benefits for utilities:

  1. The utility’s service area will not experience as many blackouts. This goes a long way in keeping customers happy and perhaps avoiding some litigation over spoiled food and such.
  2. If the utility is better able to handle peak load, it will minimize the use of expensive, dirty, coal fired “peaker plants.” These are power plants that are in reserve for emergencies. They are expensive to start up and operate, and they put out a lot of CO2, NO2 and other harmful pollutants.
  3. By automatically shifting energy use in consumer’s homes, utilities may be able to help homeowners avoid costly upgrades to their electrical systems.

But all of these changes bring up another problem. Now that your thermostat can connect to your utility, who can see your home data? In our new connected lifestyles, can you trust your thermostat to utility program staff?

To address these issues, some states have taken steps to protect consumer privacy in the smart grid era. California, Colorado and Virginia guard against improper third party acquisition of your data for commercial purposes, such as targeted advertising. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) grants strong privacy rights, including allowing a consumer to opt out of the sale of her information to third parties, and to request that a business delete her information from its records.

Trust between utilities and their customers must be based on transparency about how energy use data is collected and stored. As the smart grid evolves, the utility industry will need to update their privacy rules to keep pace, making sure that customers always maintain control over their own data.



About the Author


Jim Gunshinan is a versatile and experienced writer and editor of nonfiction and creative nonfiction works. He writes in a conversational tone and, as a published poet, can paint pictures with words that connect and inspire. Jim blogs about, and has published articles about green homebuilding and renovation, energy, the environment, and climate change. He has also published articles on science and spirituality, personal essays, and poetry.


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