I’ve been designing the future for the past twenty years with others from all around the world. We’ve sourced it in consciousness, drawn it present into the matrix of reality and then lived it in every way in our own lives. We’ve been speakers for it, coaches empowering it, teachers teaching it, writers writing books about it and painters painting it onto canvas for others to be inspired by.
The following outline the facets of the design we’ve been sourcing with an intention that all life elevates and thrives on this beautiful planet and throughout the universe in which we dwell.
Connection is the foundation of this new future design. Connection to self gives a sense of expansive flow, resulting in wholeness, vitality and emotional ease. Connection to all life forms, nature, and the universe gives us a strong feeling of the miraculousness of life and respect for all life. Once connected, there is a sense of being part of something greater unfolding. Instead of feeling isolated and powerless, we shift into community, collaboration, and working for the greater good of all.
Infinite Intelligence
In the past, intelligence has been about memorization and thinking in an isolated mind. Today we can operate in infinite intelligence, which offers us innate knowing and a true sense of clarity, direction and purpose. Once the individual mind is connected to infinite intelligence, creation, invention and innovation become the norm as we move beyond conditioned thinking to source the NEW from limitless possibilities & infinite creation.
Moving from I to We
When we let go of identity and an orientation to all things personal and begin to focus on contributing, we discover the journey from I to We. We’ve been innovating a new collectiveness that includes whale gods, tree gods, bee gods and all the life forms on this planet. When we work in this new collective consciousness, our unique contributions are given into an alchemical creation of collaborative genius fusion, shared mastery and what I like to call kaleidoscopic mergence. Here we source extraordinary breakthroughs of unprecedented creation. We become the Force, the ALL, the universe all together, et voila, evolutionary leaps are brought into being.
Evolutionary Leaps
We are no longer in the slow lane of traditional evolution. Epigeneticists are showing us how to work with our own DNA to optimize our well-being and potential. As consciousness creators, we’ve been calling in and embodying an emerging Godness or life power, if you will. You could say the Force is now tangibly with us all. As a result, magical synergy becomes a natural way of life and evolutionary leaps happen with a greater sense of grace. We surrender the search for identity and become passionate, practical infinite beings of possibility and creation.
I am a lover of consciousness and, along with my buddies around the world over the past 20 years, we’ve been elevating the consciousness of us all and creating a profound relationship with consciousness as the matrix of life, the quantum field where possibilities come to grow and actualize. Consciousness is no longer a warehouse of previous knowledge. It’s a thriving, ‘pulsing with life’ partner to us all here on Earth, gifting us our own universal guidance system built right into the very cells of us, and that changes everything.
The Miraculous: Sourcing Unprecedented Outcomes
There is a growing force on this planet that we could call the Force, the Universe, an emerging sense of Godness in all life. Whatever we choose to call it, this Life Power aligns us with the miraculous force that has been hidden from humanity for so long. Hidden no longer, this force thrives in nature and in us all. We exhilarate it and it exhilarates us. You can see it in the green glow of nature at the moment. In the sparkling waters. In the wonder of bird song. Partnering and becoming this miraculous force allows us to:
- Source our own well being and vitality in new ways
- Minimize and eliminate illness and
- Source unprecedented outcomesfor all life on this beautiful planet.
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