The frequency of Love controls all the high frequency feelings. We could say that Love is the mother-father of all high frequency feelings. When we are connected to the love vibration coming from Source, we can co-create the manifestation of such perfection in the physical field.
Connection with Source is the open door that takes us to the fields of superior creation, the fields of perfection. When this happens we are actually attuning to the frequency of love, not human love, but the love of the One.
Through my spiritual practice I have learned that we are energy beings, electronic beings, and when we started our creative journey we went through a process of densification to be able to fit within this atomic field.
However, we come from a field where polarities are no longer separate, there is perfection, and we bring a memory of those realms of consciousness to this physical field — and that is the memory that keep us searching for perfection. Then, when we re-learn how to attune to those higher fields, where high frequency feelings exist, we get that high voltage to act for us and with us in our physical field. In other words, we can co-create a perfect result in our sphere of action.
This brief explanation takes me back to the feeling of love, because love is the highest frequency that emanates from the superior fields of perfection, and it is through love that we can control our creation process, making our existence in the atomic field a better one.
We know that we are creators of our own reality and therefore we can correct and modify our results when needed. If we consciously choose to elevate our vibration and to attune to the frequency of love, we will instantly generate a change of mindset, allowing us to move forward, to see life with fresh eyes. We will be able to pause, breathe in and out, feel our hearts, feel love inside us.
There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Find yours.
About the Author:
Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.
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