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REMEMBER THIS When You’re Doing Your Life Review
You don’t necessarily have to wait for your life review to be aware of the following. A life review is something we all do after we transition from this 3rd dimensional reality. During a life review, you literally see...
Earth Is Warning Us We Must Change. Will We Listen?
Illustration by Malte Mueller/Getty Images Our present course puts humans on track to be among the species that expire in Earth’s ongoing sixth mass extinction. In my conversations with thoughtful people, I am finding increasing acceptance of this horrific...
Love Letter From The Future
LOVE LETTER FROM THE FUTURE I was inspired today by an Australian futurist who posted a love letter from the future and I thought, oh yes, I want to do that too. I was born in 1950, so as of...
The Magdalene Awakening: Reclaiming the Divine Feminine
For me, the Great Remembering began in illness. On a descent to the depths of my being, I found myself throwing my arms around trees and sobbing, feeling their loving embrace. I began talking to crows, paying tribute to...
What Hiking Can Teach You About Endurance and Motivation
There are many things I just love about hiking. Still, my passion for planning the next route as soon as I’m back home comes from a simple, yet addictive fact that keeps me yearning for more – the challenge of...
The Great Unmasking
“Searchin’ the horizon For what we can’t quite see When all we’ve ever needed Has been there all along Inside of you and me…“ ~ lyrics from A Little Soon to Say, by Jackson Browne Here we...
COVID-19 Or CORVID-20? Giving Us Something to Crow About
Since the term COVID-19 became synonymous with our lives, I’ve been hearing “COVID” as “CORVID”. It’s one added letter, and the sound of change: “R”. Say it aloud: arrrggh. That’s the caw of Crow Wisdom. Crows became my companions...
Thriving in the World with COVID-19
Our world has changed almost overnight. Those of us on a spiritual path have been waiting for a game changer, but we did not see THIS coming. So many people were worried that human activities are endangering life on the...
“The more we allow ourselves to unfold, the less likely we are to unravel.” ~ from Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life by Irwin Kula I’m a great fan of subtle shifts. Transposing a single letter, or...
Spiraling Home
This poem/invocation, which came through me a few weeks prior to September 11, 2001, is a clarion call for now. There’s tremendous power in hearing the words spoken aloud. Chant it or sing it, and watch what happens inside...
Otherworldly Images of Andromeda Galaxy Over a Tiny Swiss Village
Photographer Sandro Casutt lives in a remote Swiss village with unbelievable views of the Andromeda Galaxy. The village of Vals, population 990, is a prime location for viewing the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way. Thus, Casutt, together with...
Couple Recycles Old Grain Silos Into Bed and Breakfast
Eco-farmers didn’t want to waste old grain silos so they’ve repurposed them into a charming B&B, complete with homegrown breakfast. As grateful stewards of their new land, a couple of newbie farmers decided to waste not, want not. Former insurance...
Why Losing Your Mind Is A Gift
“The human mind is kind of like… a pinata. When it breaks open, there’s a lot of surprises inside. Once you get the pinata perspective, you see that losing your mind can be a peak experience.” ~ Jane Wagner, playwright...
5 Holistic Ways to Reduce Stress
Stress in our modern society is, unfortunately, very common—especially as so many of us try to juggle a career, parenting, and other responsibilities. And in the U.S., it seems to be getting worse with each new generation. According to...
How to Live Forever
“You must go through the way in which you are not.
And what you do not know is the only thing you know
And what you own is what you do not own
And where you are is where...
Can Meditation Improve Your Sleep?
Meditation and Sleep A 2015 study from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concluded that mindfulness meditation helped improve sleep quality among older adults with moderate sleep disturbances. 49 participants whose with an average age of 66 were split into...
Mercury Retrograde July 7th
. . . The work of my heart is the work of the world’s heart. There is no other art. ...
Healthy Eating, Self-Care and You
If you are interested in maintaining your physical health without neglecting your mental health as you age, then self-care should be a critical aspect of your daily life. However, it can be difficult to know where to start. Changing...
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