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14 Sep 2016
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Reconnect With Nature

“We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean “waves,” the universe “peoples.” Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe.” -Alan Watts

meditation sun

I’ve always loved the works of Alan Watts. For a beginner, his writings and personality entice the mind and draw it further into curiosity. This is integral for those trying to find some sort of foundation in Zen. Many Eastern philosophical concepts are difficult for beginners to grasp. There are countless pop cultural myths about spiritual tradition that require a fair amount of reconditioning to reverse. True understanding takes work. Most importantly, it takes daily meditation practice.

Today I’d like to take some time to delve into one of Watts’ favorite concepts— emergence. I’ve decided to call it this after listening to dozens of speeches in which Watts outlines his belief in this concept. It’s the simple idea that, instead of being dropped into the world like an alien, we emerge out of the world as an integral expression of it. We’re a reflection of it, not a product of it. Your initial reaction to this might be, “Duh,” but I think you’ll find it’s an interesting thing to get into. We reflect natural reality and when we deny this reality we deny life.

I find emergence particularly important to think about at this point in history, when man finds himself pitted against nature in a weird technological battle for progress, change, and ‘disruption’. Startups, for example, use the term ‘disruptive’ to describe companies and innovations that are shaking things up and changing the playing field. To merely shake things up is perceived as beneficial, like a toddler tossing sand around on a playground. Rarely is this credo ever questioned. This represents, for me, the crux of a modern technological battle against nature. That which is most disruptive is perceived as beneficial, while that which is understated, simple and peaceful is considered useless or boring. Serenity is overlooked because it doesn’t cause a stir. This is because the cult of progress relies on this concept of man vs. nature. It relies specifically on a false sense of conflict between these two entities that are in reality one and the same. Scientific progress is viewed as a battle against mankind’s natural assailants. Anything that controls us or holds us back is viewed not as a sacred force to be respected but instead as a challenger to be overcome.

When we feel separate from nature, as if we have ‘come into’ this world as a foreign agent, we quite literally begin to feel like aliens. This is where I see the concept of “alienation” begin to emerge. When work becomes about abstracted processes, machinery, numbers and middle-managing, humans feel differently than when work is about respectfully cooperating with nature to accomplish some sort of goal. The further your work is removed from nature, the more prone you are to feeling alienated. Seeing as most people today are not foraging for food, building shelters, farming wheat or hunting animals, we feel varying degrees of alienation every day. The more we take mere survival for granted, the less we respect nature.

When people feel alienated, they get anxious. They get depressed. They feel wholly responsible for themselves and thus the cult of individuality emerges. This causes internal strife because people are not wholly responsible for themselves. It’s not optimal for everyone to think that they can do whatever they want or be whoever they want. Working with nature means working with what you’ve got and respecting your place, not denying it in favor of some sort of ego projection or cultural identity. In recognizing yourself as in-and-of nature rather than as a product of it, you take full responsibility for your circumstances and can be honest with yourself. Trying to find balance and harmony makes life peaceful. Trying to find opportunities to exploit and ways to “change” the world makes life chaotic and artificial.

When nature feels distant and oppositional, people start to think of themselves as gods. They believe that their reality is whatever they decide it is; meanwhile nature is still operating all around them and through them. The truth exists always, but through a sheer lack of wisdom or humility people put their blinders on. This dissonance creates psychological conflict and difficulty. I truly believe that most of the psychological problems that have come to accompany modernity are the result of our feeling completely alienated from the natural world. We may suffer less at the hands of nature, but this lack of suffering has also been accompanied by a lack of willingness to understand ourselves.

When we ‘return’ to nature, we return to our fundamental essence. Like Watts said, we recognize that it is us and we are it. We cannot escape the deep truths of nature. We recognize that maybe barreling forward at any cost is probably not the best way to approach things. In overcoming this sense of natural alienation, we acknowledge that it’s OK for things to operate harmoniously. Humans shouldn’t attempt to “come out on top” because this is an impossible task. People only feel a need to “disrupt” when they are dissatisfied. To attempt disruption is to attempt to overcome or transcend that of which you are an integral part. This is a life-denying act. There is no escaping nature. Even if Earth becomes uninhabitable and we all blast off into space colonies we’re still subject to deep universal laws that we don’t truly understand.

This is where I ask you to simplify your life and make peace with nature. Our ancient ancestors understood the importance of this, but we seem to have forgotten it. Being perpetually dissatisfied with your conditions is a choice and leads to constant struggle and egoism. Finding peace, gratitude and solace in simply being alive leads one towards peace, stillness, and natural balance. Personally, I find exercise, hiking and meditation help me connect with nature and respect it. The key is not to challenge nature as a zealous alien warrior, but instead to respect and work gratefully with nature as a guest or disciple.

charlie-ambler-daily-zenCharlie Ambler is the creator of The Daily Zen and @dailyzen on Twitter. He began the site in 2008 as a way to chronicle his study of Zen and practice of meditation. He is currently working on raising enough funding to work on Daily Zen full-time and is also writing a book about Zen practice and contemporary life. Charlie live in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and enjoys playing drums, walking, and petting other peoples’ dogs. You can support his work by clicking here.

08 Sep 2016
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I Am Free

“We are in control of only two things:

  1. How we prepare for what may happen.
  2. How we respond to what has happened.” – DeVon Franklin

“I MESSED UP! I don’t know what to do about it?” I hardly recognized Patty’s voice. I sensed the stifled words clawed and tightened her vocal chords finally gushed to the surface and erupted like Mount Vesuvius.

“Two board members’ bullying session from last week escalated at the meeting today. Only Joan showed up at the board meeting. Screamed, spewed her anger, ‘you didn’t put it on the board meeting agenda. Paul lied. I want an apology!’ I felt very embarrassed because an important guest from our National Board witnessed our dirty laundry. I had hoped to help Joan and Paul blow over their misunderstanding outside the board room.” Patty’s chin slumped against her chest.

“After the meeting, I asked, do you want another liaison? She did not answer, just kept ranting on!”

How big does your world need to get Patty, before you realize you are deserving enough just for being you?

Laughter filled the room, “HUGE, maybe three worlds. My core issue has turned into a volcanic eruption AGAIN!” Quiet frustration simmered across the ethers. Six little words slipped off her tongue, “thought I had dealt with that.”

The next time you feel that self-doubt pop its ugly head, TELL YOUR EGO, TAKE A HIKE! Better yet, retire in Fiji!

YOU, me, we – all have the freedom of choice. I choose to love all of me, including my bumps and bruises. Do you LOVE ALL of YOU? Do you know you are enough? Patty’s sigh burst from her body, I sensed her heart expanded bigger than Texas.

Is Patty’s experience about challenging board members the issue or did the Universe create another opportunity for her to see her core issue, self-doubt?

These past few months I’ve witnessed not only myself, but family, friends, and clients felt helpless and hopeless as buried issues raised their ugly heads for transformation.

When a story takes over our day, our creative, logical minds tend to be overwhelmed by the unresolved pain. Scientists have proven that our rational thinking brain shuts down in a sea of emotion. That means that when you are angry or feeling self-doubt, the logical brain you depend on to fix your problems is cut off! Look at the rage and frustration thrown across our internet and television screens. Do you see many creative solutions happening?

“When a person stops focusing on outer activity, closes his eyes, and relaxes, the brain activity automatically alters. The dominance of alpha wave rhythms signals a state of rest that is aware at the same time. The brain doesn’t go to sleep. It isn’t thinking either.

Instead, there is a new kind of alertness, one that needs no thoughts to fill up the silence. Corresponding changes occur in the body at the same time, your blood pressure and heart rate decrease, accompanied by less oxygen consumption.

These various changes do not sound overly impressive when put in technical terms, but the effect can be dramatic. Peace replaces the mind’s chaotic activity; inner turmoil ceases.” Deepak Chopra, M.D

When you feel yourself drowning in a cesspool of self-doubt, notice it is playing like a broken record, over and over. Do you see what triggers all that emotion? What memories surface in your mind? When was the last time you had similar feelings? Can you embrace these experiences?

Recently I heard a story about my dear friend’s spouse that several years ago my mind would have run a sleepless angry marathon all night long. Instead, the usual light in my eyes were shrouded in silent sadness – hmmm, I did not like that image at all.

What’s a girl do when she doesn’t want to wallow in a sad story? I sat comfortably in my sacred corner. Took three deep breaths. I saw myself holding my friend’s spouse in my heart. I allowed the golden honey unconditional love to pour over us both. Poof went the story! My next perception, profound inner peace washed over me. I am FREE! Free from my story and free from my friend’s story too.

Now I offer the gentle healing and loving friendship that frees us both from the illusions that separate us from the Oneness that is always present.

Do you have stories that no longer serve you? Are they wiping out the sparkling light from your eyes? These are opportunities to discover what still lurks in your dusty attic. No need to be lost lingering in the land of illusion, you can choose to transform that story now.

After I had reflected on the pervasive freedom a couple of days later, I realized this new intimate feeling was even more profound than non-judgment and compassion. It must have been the fairies and GRACE had swept my attic sparkling clean!

By Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Suzy Greene

suzy-greene-headshot-origSuzy Greene has been seeing and talking to Spirit, Jesus, angels and the ascended masters since she was a young girl. You can follow Suzy on social media @TheLovingBridge. Learn more about her books, sign up for the weekly blog or request a private session:
Link to her author page on Amazon Facebook Instagram Twitter

06 Sep 2016
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Taking Responsibility For Our Life Path

” With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.” – Voltaire

Responsibility is the very first step to having any freedom in our lives. The great paradox is that in taking responsibly, we can find the secrets of true freedom and liberation. Taking responsibility is perhaps the first and greatest step on the path of self-mastery, spiritual growth, and especially creating a better life for ourselves and family.

We must first begin with our attitude. It is our attitude which controls the internal frequencies and chemical reactions that happen within our bodies. It is also our attitude that creates the frequency in which we radiate into the environment. First with our thoughts, then with our emotions, and further out into our words and actions. Thus literally attracting, repelling and creating the world in which we are a part of.

The Fool

“There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road your on.” Led Zeppelin

tarotThere are generally two paths we can take in this world. One would be the victim mentality; a reactionary based programming which is always at the whim of the external environment. We are very familiar with this choice of paths in the world.  When we are in victim mentality, we believe that we rely on the external environment to dictate our attitude.  We believe it is things such as food, lovers, drugs, Gods, or governments that are in control of things. The two major signs of this path are blaming and complaining.  If our day isn’t going the way that we want, we blame any number of things for how we feel. We react blindly to every ill- spoken word, or shift in the spectrum of drama that is going on in the world around us. Then we will complain about any number of problems we see in our life, or the world. This choice of paths, will keep us stuck in a time loop of low frequency vibration. Always longing and seeking fulfillment, although its not even the fulfillment that we seek or are addicted to. But the actual seeking itself. We can see this so very present in the world today. While many of todays spiritual systems and leaders can serve to help transform us, and give us something to look up to. We must check in with ourselves and ask, are we addicted to the seeking itself? Are we seeking some sort of perfect transcendent reality?

The Magician

The second path is when we take responsibility for our attitude and something incredible and magical happens. The archetypal child of Mercury is born within us. This is the child of the Divine Will. We begin to surrender to the Will of our Being.

Can we remember back to when we were a child? The spirit and imagination of a child can view this eternal game we are all part of as a magnificent gift. Children can create and weave stories within their external environment without becoming attached to them. They internally create characters they wish to become, but remain detached to the outcome of the game.  They can look at things that get in their way as challenges or tools. True spiritual enlightenment is not some sort of fantastical psychedelic experience. While it is true that those types of experiences may come at points along this path. True enlightenment is tearing down the walls of illusion within us that keep us from seeing that every normal every day event we are already a part of the process we need to grow.

Our mother element of divinity is assisting us greatly at this time. For it is her that really has initiated this great change. There are inherent natural laws that govern the way the world works.  We can see evidence of this fact all around us. In this same way, we can look within and see there are laws that govern the way the internal world works. Natural laws govern how our internal energy systems work. For example, if someone jumps out of window they are subject to the consequences of not following the law that governs those energies. If we examine nature, it seeks to constantly transform and perfect its elements into new forms. These internal forces and laws also work to perfect our internal self. However, if our personality ” ego identity ” defies these laws out of ignorance, then one will experience internal states of conflict or disease within one’s life. This is why we must be able to go in and reprogram our identity to be aligned with the natural laws that govern our lives.

Riding the Dragon Mother ” The Rainbow Serpent”

dragon motherA new race is beginning to emerge on this planet. Consciousness is going from “me” to “we”. Our mother and the intelligence within our DNA is so beyond even what many of the most conscious understand,  because of the trap of the mind. While many of us are beginning to flush our bodies with detoxes and plant-based diets. We must trust and surrender to the flow of this process going on here, all is going to plan. It is only our mind that deceives us. Listen to your body (the mother) she is the true source of your highest intuitions.

When we take responsibility, we begin to trust and surrender to the personal and planetary evolutionary process. By choosing our attitude we change the frequency we emit, and our endocrine glands emit different combinations of chemicals in response to this acceptance. We can respond to feelings of fear with surrender, not letting them over-take us. We see all situations as opportunities. These massive changes have already begun taking place inside of many of us. By actively engaging in it, we take a quantum leap, and ensure that we align ourselves with the energies that will remain through this period of genetic apocalypse. We are mutating in order to be prepared to operate inside the new collective body that is currently forming as new communities and organizations. We will exist in a new heaven (our inner state) and a new earth (our bodies). This biological transformation is actually altering our bodies so much,  that the endocrine glands are actually producing new combinations of neurotransmitters, similar to a psychedelic experience, creating an entirely new reality. This transformation happens either way. Its just a matter if we will assist it, and have fun with it, rather then being dragged by our hair.

11402879_10206983130837984_6040384998410088506_oThomas Sochowicz
Tom is COO and Co-founder of a nonprofit called HUGS-Humans Unifying Global Solutions INC (, who’s mission is the research, documentation and implementation of the world’s nonviolent solutions merging ancestral traditions with modern technology and collaboration of the world’s change makers. He is also the founder and of: Innerversal Solutions

06 Sep 2016
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Efficient Living (The Path of Peace)


The human mind has a tendency to both romanticize and complicate spiritual concepts. We confuse the beauty of insights written by Rumi, Osho and a host of other seers, as being an intellectual process. The modern indoctrination of linear-based learning comprised mainly of “memorization”, along with the dismissal of emotional processing, has lead to a clouded perspective. Emotional intelligence is the key to breaking down the wall that disconnects the heart and mind. When the heart and the mind merge, something magical happens. The open flow of energy within your aura becomes more efficient, and the essence of your soul begins to speak. Your expressions and responses to life’s situations transition from being “intellectual” to “ethereal.” The greatest artists, musicians, athletes, etc.. have all accomplished integrating this way of being, also referred to as entering ‘the zone’ or the ‘flow state’.

There are many examples of the ways this super-efficient ‘flow state’ impacts our environment and our lives. The Chinese philosophy of “Feng Shui” is a system that harmonizes a building or room to the surrounding environment’s Qi. Qi (pronounced “chee” in English) is a fluid, moving life force which plays an essential role in the philosophy. In feng shui as in Chinese martial arts, it refers to ‘energy’, in the sense of ‘life force’ The belief is that by honoring the flow of energy within your space, you increase your physical and emotional wellbeing.

So the question is, how is the Qi within your physical and inner world directly connected? Why is efficiency the key element to master along the road of your personal evolution?

Inner/Outer Energy Flow Reflections

We have all heard the cliché phrase “Your outer world reflects your inner world.” This statement is true and the following observation supports that revelation.

American culture thrives on debt in order to feed our obsession with consumption. As westerners, our status and self-esteem is based on the accumulation of money and goods. “Successful” members of society have expensive cars and large homes filled with gadgets, huge closets full of clothes and expensive furniture. We could describe this way of operating as a “clutter culture.” The flow of energy within this system is neither efficient nor balanced and therefore, this energetic imbalance becomes physically reflected. The current global crisis of violence, depression, drug usage, inflation and war confirm this analysis.

I would like to also use the following analogies to further explain how efficient energy flow is the key to peace and well-being.

  • The repressed blood flow within clogged arteries can lead to a fatal heart attack.
  • Repressing the flow of emotions like pain and fear without processing and releasing can lead to chronic anger and violent outbursts.
  • Repressing the flow of emotions like sadness, guilt and shame without processing and releasing causes stress, which makes the body more hospitable to cancer and other diseases.

In fact, the root of any problem you can think of that causes suffering can be linked back to a blockage of some kind, causing an inefficient flow of energy. We can choose to observe imbalanced situations outside of our emotions and ask the following question:

“What needs to be removed in order to bring back harmony and efficient energy flow?”

The answer to that question will balance and harmonize the situation by decreasing physical and mental suffering.

The more your consciousness evolves, the fewer objects you will desire to have in your space. Your state of being will become increasingly expansive, taking up the space within and your inner world will crave the space it needs to expand outward exponentially.

To reach our greatest potential is to continually remove anything blocking the natural energetic flow within our minds, bodies and souls. Coming to a place of efficiency and simplicity within leads to deep contentment. Complexity is where suffering lies. Simplicity is where peace lies. When you remove complexities, you gain peace.

By Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Jason Hairston
jasonhairstonJason Hairston is an international healer and spiritual teacher who incorporates techniques through speaking, energy healing and self mastery coaching. He is very passionate about helping people by providing necessary tools for personal evolution. Everything he shares is based on the foundation of love and freedom. His passion is projected through his unconditional love and service for people. He is available for personal sessions, workshops and speaking opportunities. You can find out more about him on his website  Subscribe to Jason’s Connectpal profile to get access to exclusive content providing tools on how to shift your life:



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