“We are in control of only two things:
- How we prepare for what may happen.
- How we respond to what has happened.” – DeVon Franklin
“I MESSED UP! I don’t know what to do about it?” I hardly recognized Patty’s voice. I sensed the stifled words clawed and tightened her vocal chords finally gushed to the surface and erupted like Mount Vesuvius.
“Two board members’ bullying session from last week escalated at the meeting today. Only Joan showed up at the board meeting. Screamed, spewed her anger, ‘you didn’t put it on the board meeting agenda. Paul lied. I want an apology!’ I felt very embarrassed because an important guest from our National Board witnessed our dirty laundry. I had hoped to help Joan and Paul blow over their misunderstanding outside the board room.” Patty’s chin slumped against her chest.
“After the meeting, I asked, do you want another liaison? She did not answer, just kept ranting on!”
How big does your world need to get Patty, before you realize you are deserving enough just for being you?
Laughter filled the room, “HUGE, maybe three worlds. My core issue has turned into a volcanic eruption AGAIN!” Quiet frustration simmered across the ethers. Six little words slipped off her tongue, “thought I had dealt with that.”
The next time you feel that self-doubt pop its ugly head, TELL YOUR EGO, TAKE A HIKE! Better yet, retire in Fiji!
YOU, me, we – all have the freedom of choice. I choose to love all of me, including my bumps and bruises. Do you LOVE ALL of YOU? Do you know you are enough? Patty’s sigh burst from her body, I sensed her heart expanded bigger than Texas.
Is Patty’s experience about challenging board members the issue or did the Universe create another opportunity for her to see her core issue, self-doubt?
These past few months I’ve witnessed not only myself, but family, friends, and clients felt helpless and hopeless as buried issues raised their ugly heads for transformation.
When a story takes over our day, our creative, logical minds tend to be overwhelmed by the unresolved pain. Scientists have proven that our rational thinking brain shuts down in a sea of emotion. That means that when you are angry or feeling self-doubt, the logical brain you depend on to fix your problems is cut off! Look at the rage and frustration thrown across our internet and television screens. Do you see many creative solutions happening?
“When a person stops focusing on outer activity, closes his eyes, and relaxes, the brain activity automatically alters. The dominance of alpha wave rhythms signals a state of rest that is aware at the same time. The brain doesn’t go to sleep. It isn’t thinking either.
Instead, there is a new kind of alertness, one that needs no thoughts to fill up the silence. Corresponding changes occur in the body at the same time, your blood pressure and heart rate decrease, accompanied by less oxygen consumption.
These various changes do not sound overly impressive when put in technical terms, but the effect can be dramatic. Peace replaces the mind’s chaotic activity; inner turmoil ceases.” Deepak Chopra, M.D
When you feel yourself drowning in a cesspool of self-doubt, notice it is playing like a broken record, over and over. Do you see what triggers all that emotion? What memories surface in your mind? When was the last time you had similar feelings? Can you embrace these experiences?
Recently I heard a story about my dear friend’s spouse that several years ago my mind would have run a sleepless angry marathon all night long. Instead, the usual light in my eyes were shrouded in silent sadness – hmmm, I did not like that image at all.
What’s a girl do when she doesn’t want to wallow in a sad story? I sat comfortably in my sacred corner. Took three deep breaths. I saw myself holding my friend’s spouse in my heart. I allowed the golden honey unconditional love to pour over us both. Poof went the story! My next perception, profound inner peace washed over me. I am FREE! Free from my story and free from my friend’s story too.
Now I offer the gentle healing and loving friendship that frees us both from the illusions that separate us from the Oneness that is always present.
Do you have stories that no longer serve you? Are they wiping out the sparkling light from your eyes? These are opportunities to discover what still lurks in your dusty attic. No need to be lost lingering in the land of illusion, you can choose to transform that story now.
After I had reflected on the pervasive freedom a couple of days later, I realized this new intimate feeling was even more profound than non-judgment and compassion. It must have been the fairies and GRACE had swept my attic sparkling clean!
By Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Suzy Greene
Suzy Greene has been seeing and talking to Spirit, Jesus, angels and the ascended masters since she was a young girl. You can follow Suzy on social media @TheLovingBridge. Learn more about her books, sign up for the weekly blog or request a private session: http://TheLovingBridge.com
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