Happiness is the ultimate goal. All of us want to be happy; it’s our first search in this life. However, do we really know what being happy is?
Many of us think happiness is being content and satisfied with events present in our lives, like getting a new car, obtaining a new job or a promotion, falling in love, or traveling to a new place. But, the effects of these experiences pass and we keep looking for that elusive state.
Over the years and practicing my spiritual instruction, I have discovered that happiness is not a passing state or an illusion; it’s really a permanent state of fulfillment. Happiness for me is waking up every morning rested, it’s hearing the birds singing, it’s admiring the green beauty of my little garden, it’s enjoying a nice cup of coffee, it’s the simple things in life.
What I am trying to say is that my state of being is constantly a happy one and the best part of this is that everywhere I go I radiate my state of fulfillment to others around. I go to buy groceries, for example, and I get an extra apple for free, because I have been smiling and happily chatting to the cashier. Or somebody offers me their full bottle of mineral water in a restaurant before leaving. Or people just smile at me and talk to me.
It wasn’t like this before. I used to be a bit moody and bad tempered. However, by practicing meditation and spiritual exercises, little by little, my mood changed and my way of “being” changed, so much so that it caught my family’’ attention and they encouraged me to keep going, to keep practicing. I myself was amazed at my new way of enjoying my very own existence in this physical plane.
What about bad days, you may be wondering? Well, of course they appear from time to time, however they don’t last for long and if they do, I go deep into myself and quickly find my peace again.
Spirituality has given me the tools to achieve calmness, balance and inspiration to live my life like the happy energy being that I am. Happiness is a choice, and you can be happy, too.
Many times before I have said that our major proof is our own experience. Happiness is in my experience, not as a passing asset, but as a permanent one.
Go and make the necessary changes to allow happiness into your life.
About the Author:
Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.
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