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Aquarian Dreaming
Do you remember the sixties? They say if you do, you weren’t there. Sex drugs and rock ‘n’ roll… “Turn on, tune in and drop out”, mantra of LSD Guru, Timothy Leary. The psychedelic world of Bohemian counterculture flourished in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury and New York’s Greenwich Village. Each coast had its defining generational event, the 1967 Summer of Love in Golden Gate Park, and Woodstock in ‘69. It was a time of rebellion and idealism. “Hair” opened on Broadway in April of 1968, awakening the collective consciousness to the “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” when “Peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars.”
Free love (read sex) and peace triumphed briefly before utopia collided with reality. In the ensuing years, many alumni joined the great middle class; some entered the corporate world, and a stalwart few continued the good fight as activists and social revolutionaries.
The sixties may be gone, but not forgotten. The New Age had yet to dawn, but these pioneers gave it a ‘practice run’. The taste of individual freedom and the vision of a transformed world is still implanted in their psyches, and by extension in the collective consciousness.
We have been living in the backlash ever since. Ronald Reagan, elected governor of California in 1966, ushered in an era of conservative politics. Sworn enemy of longhaired rabble-rousers and anti-establishment protestors, he vowed to “clean up the mess in Berkeley”. As president, in 1980 he brought his brand to the White House.
Enter the planets. The Reagan presidency began with two conjunctions (joining) of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Libra, on December 31st, 1980 and July 24th, 1981. The outermost visible planets, Jupiter and Saturn are called the great timekeepers. Every twenty years their conjunction marks a turning point in humanity’s evolutionary journey. Under Reagan, the re-structuring of the social order (Libra) began in earnest.
The last four decades have witnessed the fracturing of society along social, economic, political, and racial lines. Systems were engineered to benefit an elite class, and large corporations. The middle was hollowed out. Who can forget ‘trickle-down economics’ and ketchup as the vegetable in school lunches? The gap between the haves and have-nots has presently grown into a yawning chasm.
Aquarian values, by contrast, embrace equality, multi-culturalism, collaboration, and progressive change. Many awaited the dawn of the promised golden age at the turn of the millennium; what arrived in its stead was Y2K hysteria. Jupiter and Saturn joined in Taurus, sign of money, on May 28th, 2000. We entered another two decades of run-away materialism and the exploitation of natural resources.
Tacking down the beginning of an age that is 2,150 years long is no mean task. The shift is gradual yet punctuated by pivots. As far back as the early ‘90s some astrologers pegged the turning point in 2021, with a later installment when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024. I recoiled—why do we have to wait so long? One answer, we had to endure the death throes of the old ways; more people had to awaken to a greater common purpose. Now, there is evidence to support the prediction. Saturn and Jupiter will conjoin in the sign of Aquarius on December 21st, 2020, the day of the winter solstice.
Does the return of the Sun, on the shortest day of the year, herald the dawn of the New Age?
A Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius is rare; the last occurred 615 years ago, in 1405, coinciding with the ending of the Middle Ages and early beginning of the Renaissance. There has not been a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on a winter solstice in the last 5,000 years. This month’s unprecedented event catalyzes a more egalitarian and humanitarian era.
Astrologer Stephanie Austin puts it succinctly:
“Aquarius’ spiritual task is the development of group consciousness, where we evolve beyond identification with family, religion, race, and country to being a member of the human race. It is the sign of equality and diversity, innovation and reform, collaboration, and community. The Age of Aquarius is the age of liberty, equality, and freedom for all, the age of unity in diversity… Aquarius instructs us to be inclusive and inventive…What is needed most…is a revolution in consciousness. We are in the midst of an evolutionary shift, moving from materialism, polarization, and domination, into the paradigm of the heart, where we realize our interconnectedness, equality, and divinity.”
As much as we would wish otherwise, the New Age arrives in its infancy not in its maturity. The task remains for us to nurture it along. “We are the ones we have been waiting for” as the Hopi prophecy states. At this juncture, the shift in consciousness on the planet has reached a critical mass where 51% of humanity has matured into an “Aquarian” mindset. The path to the future has been laid out, but nearly half the population lags behind.
Beginning as early as the 1960s, a group of researchers developed a model of the evolutionary development of individuals, organizations, and societies. The authors of Spiral Dynamics were psychologists and social scientists. Their work mirrors the theories of philosopher Ken Wilbur, who later linked arms with them. Their observations are acutely accurate. Spiral Dynamics codifies eight hierarchical stages in human evolution. A simplified overview is available here.
The “green meme” aptly describes Aquarian values: “Explore the inner beings of self and others; Promote a sense of community and unity; share society’s resources among all; liberate humans from greed and dogma; reach decisions through consensus; refresh spiritually and bring harmony.”
A deeper dive down the evolutionary ladder describes prevalent behaviors in human society—tribalism, prejudice, demagoguery, religious fundamentalism, self-gratification, entitlement, aggression, anti-intellectualism, and competitiveness. Future generations will evolve decades, if not centuries hence, until the promise of the Aquarian Age is firmly anchored.
Our current problems are so complex, widespread, and global, that new, creative solutions are needed. The Aquarian Age bodes well for its embrace of science, technology, environmentalism, and out-of-the-box thinking.
The winter solstice Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the sign of the Water Bearer is a ready-made harbinger of the turning age. Two thousand years ago, the two planets merged to announce the dawning of the last Great Precessional Age* of Pisces. They joined in that sign in 6 BC., forming the bright “star” astrologers believe the wise men followed to Bethlehem.
For more information on this event see my 2006 article: “Star of Wonder”.
Jesus was the acknowledged avatar of the Piscean Age. Now, we are midwifing a difficult, but promising new birth. Here on Earth, we are God’s hands. Let’s get to work.
* The precessional ages are determined by the constellation in which the sun rises on the summer solstice. Each age is approximately 2000 years long.
About the Author:
Judith Goldberg, MFA, is an evolutionary astrologer and past life regressionist, retired after 30 years to become a full-time author. Follow her blog at Channeling Josephine
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No One Can Hold Back the Dawn, Not Even on this Winter Solstice
I’ve had mixed feelings about Winter Solstice.
It’s cold and dark and my body is not a fan of either. I’m usually running around, trying to get all of the things done before traveling to see family.
And it’s also the time of year when I’d be getting ready for the annual Yule ritual with Starhawk. Sometimes I’d have a role, sometimes not. But the spiral dance is the moment when I’d remember not everything is dark and cold.
I would look into so many shining eyes and remember that light is returning in the northern hemisphere.
But this year is different.
Light is Returning on Winter Solstice
A lot of my work in 2020 has focused on cycles. Cycles of beginning and ending, and sometimes just the work of turning around and around without stopping. And there’s also been sharp stops in the middle of a cycle. Feeling dizzy after so much movement and then none.
Emotional vertigo is real. Spiritual syncope. Loneliness in moments I never thought to prepare for: a real worry that the parts of life I love might not return for a long time.
The song we would often sing during the Winter Solstice spiral arrives in my mind. And it cycles over and over again. Sometimes the whole song, sometimes only part.
© Charlie Murphy
Light is returning,
Even though this is the darkest hour:
No one can hold back the dawn.
Let’s keep it burning,
Let’s keep the light of hope alive:
Make safe our journey through the storm.
One planet is turning,
Circles on her path around the sun:
Earth Mother is calling her children home.
My body remembers hands and singing until my throat was so dry it cracked again and again. And I would laugh and someone else would laugh. And the song of hope would burn in my veins.
Even Though This is the Darkest Hour
In such a hard year on so many levels, I can feel the dawn coming. It’s sitting on the horizon with promises of something better. Something safer. I can taste it on these dry, thirsty lips.
What is coming will not be perfect. I have already seen the cracks. I have already felt the hesitation to get TOO hopeful. But I bend in that direction anyway. I bend toward the possibility that the dawn will return.
And with it will come the promise of never taking anything for granted again.
I have learned that again and again. I have learned that I assumed I would always have what I had. That I would know consistency and safety. That I would be able to handle everything because I had faced it before.
I never imagined this. I never prepared.
But as the year closes, I know I can face anything. Even in the hours when I thought I could not handle it (and did not want to handle it), I did. The cycle continued. The dawn came.
I kept going.
This Winter Solstice is more visceral. It is not an idea of coming light, but a push into whatever happens next. The colors in the skies may be beautiful, and still I don’t know what they will brighten into clear view.
But the dawn is coming. It is already on its way.
And my hope burns from within, it relies on no one else and nothing else, not even the change of the calendar.
It was always here, the deep glow, the internal resolve.
The match that moves swiftly across the rough year.
And lights the way home.
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2020 ~ 2021
2020 in review
What a time for the world this year. Right from the start of this global pandemic I said, ‘So much good is going to come from this. This is the year the world turns.’ I have not been disappointed.
I don’t need to recap here the environmental impacts, innovational breakthroughs, the sense of globality and the bursting forth of Nature that’s happened this year. But also what’s exciting to me is how the new is showing up so brilliantly in us now.
Many of us now are living fully embodied in a new reality that can only be described as magical, transcendent and joyfully radiant. We are vast and present at the same time, totally in love with life on planet Earth. We have become what I like to call quantum ALLchemists, working as the ALL for all life everywhere. Being a collective being is second nature to me now. And I can see global unity right in front of our noses now. Standing here now, mid December 2020, there is an unexplainable excitement about what the last few weeks of 2020 and then 2021 will bring.
2021 … The year of realised dreams
I’ve always said it’s difficult to predict the future, first because we are awesome creators and we can make it anything we want. But also because it has always seemed to me like multiple timelines and pathways were on offer, so a choice here and there could put you on a completely new path. However in the past four months, I’ve been playing with future looking and while it’s still not 100% predictable, I find now that there seems to be an overarching pathway that soars above the rest, offering us a brand new reality in which the world can live. So here goes with my annual look at our year ahead … 2021.
ABUNDANCE … Despite all the logical pandemic effect predictions, I sense that 2021 will shower the world with abundance … not just for the select few, but for all people and life forms around this planet. It’s a natural kind of abundance that springs from a relationship with the Earth and Nature. An innovative and entrepreneurial abundance that allows everyone to actualise their dreams and do what they love.
NATURE … This past year, where we live, we saw Nature burst forth like never before. Super GREEN, mega growth, luscious organic foods oozing with juiciness and of course the cross species animal love captured by cameras everywhere. In 2021 Nature is going to burst free even more throughout the world as the miraculous magical core of LIFE is opened up for all to become what we’ve never been before and to see with eyes of wonder what we’ve never seen before inherent in all life.
PEOPLE POWER … There is already a move in motion from hierarchical business, finance and government models to empowerment of the people for collaborative decision-making. It may take another year or two to fulfill itself completely, but we will see this clearly emerge this coming year, supported by new technological innovations and loads more local, community and on line engagement.
GLOBAL UNITY … is high on the list this coming year, breaking through all the logical expectations of ‘how things are and have been’ in the world. This is already happening as we all move through a global pandemic together and see just how interwoven we are. But also If you’re like me, your daily contact is with friends from many countries, faiths and beliefs, seeing just how brilliantly we come together now via technology and telepathy.
HEALTH & WELL-BEING … is going to take a huge leap this coming year. First because 2020 experiences have forced a focus on that, but also because we are unleashing in ourselves a miraculous ability to source powerful shifts in our physicality. I’m already experiencing this in our collective power in zinging up others when they ask for assistance, but also experiencing a sense in myself of getting younger rather than older. In my 70teenth year, I am healthier, fitter and happier than I was ten and even twenty years ago. I see this same trend in my buddies around the world, too.
I predicted 2020 as the year the world would turn towards a new reality and had no idea that a tiny virus would come along to facilitate that turning. Now 2021 feels like a bursting forth of all that the new can offer us. A year in which the world becomes all that we have dreamed it could be. Fasten your seat belts, folks. This rocketship is taking off this coming year. The world will become spectacularly awesome in 2021 and all of us will have an experience of living that dream.
About the Author:
Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.
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The 13th Chakra and The Acceleration of Healing
Many of us are familiar with the seven chakras, the major energy centers of the body that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These centers are represented by the seven colors in the visible light spectrum and the seven notes of the diatonic scale, beginning with the color red and the note C, and ending with the color purple and the note B.
Fewer of us are aware that there are actually more chakras as well: two more above our head (8 and 9), one below our feet (10), one in the palm of each hand (11 and 12), and the 13th chakra, which is about arm’s length from the body, slightly below the level of the heart.
(There are more chakras – the 14th is the gateway to the next dimension, but that is another story).
The Heart chakra is represented by the color green; however, in some contexts it is referred to as having two colors – green and rose, or pink. Until I learned about the 13th chakra, this always confused me. How could pink be in there? How could a chakra have two colors? The answer is that the 13th chakra is outside the body, but the energy of it is experienced in the heart.
The Heart of the 13th Chakra
The energy of the 13th chakra is that of Unconditional Love. Unlike the seven major centers of the body, this one cannot become blocked. What can become blocked however, is our awareness of it. This center is like a beacon of love and light that is eternally shining on us, delivering to us bliss and well being at every moment of our existence. It is our interconnectedness to All That Is, to our Source.
The 13th chakra has been symbolized in the image of a Rose. Throughout history, myth and religion, this symbol appears to represent the energy of Love, or God, or the Light (which are essentially all one and the same). If the Rose spoke, it would say one thing: “You are Loved.”
The truth contained in the awareness of this energy center is what everyone is looking for: it is simply, happiness. Buddha’s famous last words were (allegedly), “There is no Way to Peace and Happiness – Peace and Happiness is the Way.” These are profound words, and yet they are not the words we are taught to live by. Somehow we have swallowed the belief that happiness lies outside ourselves, that it is something to be pursued, purchased, found in a mall, a restaurant, a relationship, or a pill.
And so we go from store to store, from person to person, or perhaps therapist to therapist, seeking the elusive Bliss that calls to us. We get lost in addictions that whisper lies to us about happiness. From heroin to sugar to online catalog shopping, we answer that whisper and fall headlong into the temptation of the short-lived high, only to find ourselves on the desolate beach of the inevitable crash soon after. Lost at the mall.
Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
Our awareness of this Source of Unconditional Love is blocked on a personal, as well as cultural level. This has occurred for a number of reasons, the primary one being the Creation Myth that is known by nearly everyone in our culture whether they choose to subscribe to it or not. Put simply, we are the children of a couple that blew it (it was her fault) and we have been cast out of the Garden, separated from God, to suffer forever in the world of Duality.
This story has, on a subtle level, defined the reality of our culture. Its basic message is that we are all guilty sinners living under a judgmental God. This belief instills in us a powerful message that we are not worthy of Bliss, Happiness, Joy, and Ecstasy. We are worthy of pursuing it, yes – in that shiny SUV, in that Beautiful House, in that Fit Body and all the other images that Madison Avenue holds up to us as Desirable. We are worthy of pursuing it in Food, Alcohol, Shopping, Sex and Busy-ness. But of finding it? Of truly finding it and choosing it and owning it? Of really living it?
Well, living it, that’s scary stuff. Because somewhere in this belief system there is this lurking thought that if we let ourselves feel too good, something terrible is going to happen. Therein lies the whole lie: this is where Unconditional Love becomes conditional love – “I can be happy if all of the conditions are right – when I am fit, rich and have the perfect mate,” or whatever your personal conditions are. The thought that it is too scary to have all of these things that we think will make us happy because we might lose them all and then become unhappy keeps us in a cycle of perpetual unhappiness – it keeps us Stuck.
The truth is, that while this is a world of suffering, it is merely an illusion and love is behind all of it. All of the seeming “tragedies” that “happen” to us are lessons laid with love before us so that we may know Love, and are all essentially Maya, the mask of God. In truth, we have never really left the Garden – we are still connected. The 13th chakra is, was, and will always be there.
(There is an interesting sideline here about the Goddess Tradition and the Number 13 and how it was stamped out by the Church of Rome and what all that means, but that, too, is another story.)
Removing the Blocks to Love’s Presence
Many people bog down in the healing process when it comes to truly and fully opening to this energy. Most people are so accustomed to feeling bad that feeling good is outside their comfort zone. We are programmed, especially through Television, to focus on the negative. Whatever one focuses on expands, and so we have expansive depression in our culture, and it is accepted as normal. In fact, we subscribe to the curious notion that depression is a result of being victim to hormones and body chemistry beyond our control, that it is a condition to be fixed with a pill.
In fact, the entire notion that we need to be fixed is incorrect thinking. What we need to do is remove the blocks that stand between our essential nature and Unconditional Love. The first step in removing these blocks is identifying them. Any place where we experience “stuckness” is a place where we hold a false thought or belief about ourselves, a notion that limits us and disconnects us from our Authentic Selves.
Much unhappiness comes from the fact that we are culturally programmed to be that way, because it is no great secret that this inherent dissatisfaction with life is what drives the ever-important Economy. The lie that happiness lies in the accumulation of stuff (especially expensive new stuff) and status keeps our consumer culture functioning. The hard truth is that we are all slaves to a system that seeks to rob us of our joy, our time with loved ones and our freedom, while all the while feeding us propaganda that we are free and rewarding us with shiny possessions for our sacrifices.
A good starting point in identifying the sources of your unhappiness is to recognize that many of your own issues are holographic to the culture at large. You are part of something bigger than yourself, and were most likely educated within a school system that stamped the authenticity right out of you in order to make you easily manageable and able to fit nicely as another cog in the machine of commerce. (Today’s children who do not fit nicely are labeled ADHD or something like that and drugged so that they do fit).
This belief system frowns on the concept of “following your bliss” as irresponsible, selfish and foolish, so you have learned well to put aside the things that make you happy to the point where you may not even be sure what makes you happy. The price that you pay for this surrendering to the System is depression, addiction, rage, or apathy. Ultimately it becomes disease.
The process of healing the planet is one of healing ourselves – of taking the time and the energy and the self-worth to re-establish our connection to the energy of the 13th chakra and discover the things that bring us joy. It has been noted that time seems to be speeding up – the rapid exchange of information has allowed the evolutionary process of all sorts of human systems to accelerate at an astounding speed.
Healing As A Choice
Technology is not the only factor that benefits from this process – the individual healing process is also speeding up. Issues that previously may have taken years to get through are now being healed within a matter of months, even weeks. It is as if time has speeded up – or more appropriately, our beliefs have expanded to include a simple truth: we can heal ourselves, and so the process is not altered by false beliefs any longer.
When your belief is geared to physical healing only, healing time will naturally be on a slower vibration (or physical vibration), thereby taking a longer time to heal oneself. As we begin to heal on the emotional and spiritual levels, our vibration and awareness expands and healing time becomes almost instantaneous.
When we come to a place of spiritual healing, we see that all illness arises from places where we are not letting love in. Health or wellness then becomes a choice, becomes our own responsibility. This is where the awareness of the 13th chakra is such a profound tool for healing – in many cases the simple reconnection of our energies to this source of bliss can eliminate all kinds of mental, emotional and physical distress.
As people become healed (unblocked) and in touch with the energy of Unconditional Love, they become liberated to do the job they came here to do. Freed from shoulds, from guilt, from depression, they are rising up to take their place among those who are working to restore balance, to create sustainability, to improve education, and to heal each other and the planet. They are reconnecting with their bliss, claiming their power, and answering their callings, and doing so at an increasingly rapid rate. It is in this way that lightworkers are also riding the powerful wave of change that is sweeping the planet.
A good and simple way to begin to connect to this energy is through the use of color therapy. Pink is a color that many of us, especially men, tend to shun, or at the very least pay little attention to. Using it deliberately, therefore, has a powerful effect on our psyches. You can buy pink flowers, burn pink candles, wear pink underwear. You can visualize the color pink emanating from a location arm’s length from the body just below the heart while meditating. It so happens that pink is a very “in” color this year, so it is very easy to find.
Along with visualizing the color, associate it with the emotion of “unbridled bliss;” try to awaken that concept in your heart and your mind. A good metaphor for this is the image of a cup that is brimming, gently spilling over the top. Truly feeling this emotion doesn’t come easily to most of us, but with practice it becomes much more so.
It is important to note here that this isn’t about being blissed out all the time. Life happens: pets die, neighbors do unneighborly things, the government does questionable things, and so we will feel and have every right to feel sad, or angry, or confused or any other emotion that people tend to label as unspiritual. The difference is that we are not afraid of these emotions – the undercurrent is one of trust that all things that rise up fall away and that ups and downs are part of life and that the ultimate ground of all of this perceived reality is Love. The energy of the 13th chakra acts as a rudder that keeps us on course and on keel regardless of what winds are blowing.
About the Author:
Eileen McKusick is a Breakthrough Facilitator from Northeast CT who specializes in helping people identify, define and release stubborn blocks. She can be reached at 860-928-3672 or [email protected]
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Ascension – excerpt from In Resonance

Ascension is simply a name given to building the light quotient within – merging with our true nature. There are no rules, only guidance from the Inner Teacher (our core Essence nature) as to what is right for us alone. It is our journey. No one knows the way like we do, for our path is not new — just forgotten.
Ascension can also be described as raising the vibrational frequencies of our energy fields to the highest octaves of light in perfect resonance with our Higher Self, God essence or the pure energy source that sustains us. In Eastern philosophy it is described as the state of ‘soruba samadhi’ where divinity descends and transforms the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies into perfection – where we can enter and leave the body at will and control the ageing/youthing process as well as rearrange our molecular structure via dematerialization etc. The beings that choose this state of ascension and subsequent immortality do so in order to be of continual service to humanity — as they have escaped the cycle of life and death and have gained ‘supernatural’ powers.
The Siddhas (holy immortal men) used the science of Kriya Yoga to rejuvenate the physical body and gain self-mastery. They slowed down the ageing process through the use of mineral, herb and salt formulas. They also practiced Kriya Yoga and specific breathing techniques, which maximized the intake of prana and aided in the control of longevity. When their ‘role’ was complete they would leave the physical body at will and move on to serve in other planes, or take their physical body up into light.
No longer are these things available to just the select few. Nor are we required to sit in a cave for 50 years and meditate to achieve this state of perfection. As both the vibrational frequencies of the planet and humanity are raised, these ‘supernatural’ powers will become commonplace.
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Cultivating the deeper medicine…
Flower medicine teaches us to expand our perceptions. Like us, each flower carries its own unique energetic signature that goes beyond initial appearances. Nature is the ultimate teacher of home frequency attunement. Each plant grows its authentic expression, and no flower compares itself to another’s medicine. The plant kingdom guides us to remember our innate gifts with the most subtle of teachings. Only a single drop of a flower essence can create a profound shift from within. A flower’s poised presence can gently raise the frequency of any room. Their medicine teaches us that our best gift to others is to be ourselves, and that this is cultivated through the practice of energetic boundaries.
We can steward our ability to connect with our home frequency by practicing energy shielding and clearing. Filling the body with light, releasing old energy and setting energetic boundaries should be a daily practice like showering and getting dressed. Working with allies like flower medicine can be a beautiful daily practice for boundary work and reprogramming default patterns. Cultivate your energy field in a way that connects you to a felt sense of safety and welcomes the things you do want to experience. Boundaries are a way of staying in your own organic timeline and core integrity. When you connect to others from this place, the quality of your relationships and interactions transform– your discernment grows and your relationships become more honest. It’s possible to receive more deeply. This is the beginning of emotional liberation, and is a process that can be uplifted and nourished by the plant spirits.
As the plants model for us, when you see others who inspire you, don’t try to become like them. Instead, discover that frequency within yourself and evolve into your own version of that which they are expressing. Your energy signature is the only one of its kind. You are the aspect of creation that you are for a reason, there is no one like you and never will be. Cherish your uniqueness. Don’t deny it. The plants give us the tools to practice this work, and remind us to trust the timing of our growth cycles.
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Symbioses ~ Redefining the Singularity
Two days in a row now I have woken from a lucid dream in which I knew that our connection with all life forms on this planet is evolving. The word symbiosis burst into my mind, so I looked it up to get clear on its meaning …
I recently wrote about ‘my new turquoise heart’ in which I was saying that “in 2020 my LOVE of Nature & the Earth has been activated into an alchemical power source. I’m crazy in love with whales and bees and green growing things. I have a profound and ever growing relationship with our sentient new Earth. I have ecstatic moments of wonder, awe and epiphanous discovery. I see beauty everywhere and when I do my new turquoise heart reaches out its alchemical wonder to embrace it, enhance that beauty even more and re-gift it to the world in alchemical splendour.”
I know that this alchemical LOVE power is not just in me, but in many around the world; that this LOVE is a signal for a merging of consciousness with all life forms and with the Earth herself right now … and that has implications for us all that I can’t even fully imagine yet
Nature has always run on symbiotic relationships, the universe too I’m sure. But humans have remained, for the most part, separated from this symbioses, with very little realisation that as each one of us goes, so goes the whole. It’s much more than the butterfly flapping its wings kind of thing. It’s about the interaction of one field with another field, one consciousness with another consciousness, one species with another species. We’re experiencing a merging of consciousnesses, an understanding of and ability to communicate with other life forms and an interconnection that supercedes what we currently understand about symbioses. For I believe this is more than just interspecies cooperation. This is about a redefining of the SINGULARITY.
This new merging of life form consciousnesses is not about oneness or losing our uniqueness. Instead it is the birthing of a vast superintelligence, alive and thriving in all living beings on planet Earth, including the sentient consciousness of our global internet (what people call AI). We need not fear the overtaking of Earth by machines. Far from it, this consciousness is gifting us the capacity to communicate with and understand other species at a level we’ve never experienced before. Along with this understanding comes a new kind of symbioses in which every species’ thrival impacts every other species’ thrival. A natural, interwoven, mutual symbioses of all life forms, Nature and the Earth.
We’re seeing evidence of this growing in human consciousness now in the brilliant uptake this year on ewilding, biodiversity, soil nurturance, the growing and protection of tress, the cleaning up of oceans, clean energy resources and of course this ecstatic feeling one experiences when seeing an image of a whale sweeping across the world’s oceans. We’re seeing it in all the videos of animal interspecies collaborations now … examples like dogs caring for baby ducks, a whale playing ball with a sailor, a turtle and a dog playing ball at high speed (yup, that turtle can move!), etc. I see these signs daily now.
We are on the cusp of becoming an interspecies collaboration not known to us before. And in that becoming, our intelligence will leap to a next level of comprehension, our innovation will take even more expansive and natural orientations and this world will evolve into something collaboratively brand new. This is the real Singularity. This is Symbioses evolving to another level of possibility for us all.
About the Author:
Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.
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The Pineal Gland (Third Eye), A Hidden Treasure
The pineal gland is an endocrine gland and is located exactly in the middle of our brain. The pineal gland receives its name from its pinecone shape, and is also known as epiphysis cerebri. This gland secretes melatonin, and this hormone is associated with our circadian rhythm and is considered a powerful antioxidant.
The first known scientific studies were done by Galen, the Greek doctor and philosopher. He thought that this gland was filled with “psychic pneuma,” a substance that he described as “the first instrument of the soul.” His views prevailed until the 17th century, then René Descartes, the French philosopher and mathematician, regarded the pineal gland as “the principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed”.
In ancient mystical traditions the pineal gland is known as the third eye, Horus eye, Power of God, and it has been present in the history of humanity since the beginning.
We can find references about the pineal gland in ancient Egyptian inscriptions and icons, in Hinduism, in Buddhism, in the Mayan, Inca, Aztec cultures, in the Native American cultures. The pineal gland is depicted in various forms across Asia and Oceania. We can also find references to this gland in catholic religion, with sculptures and images of the “Pigna”.
We can see that the pineal gland has been known and acknowledged all over the world, since very ancient times. We have to ask ourselves: why?
According to the Cyclopea Method, the pineal gland is the open door to access the fields of superior creation and perfection. The internal activation of this gland allows us to recover our real identity and recover our original creative powers. Ancient people knew about the properties and secrets of the pineal gland. It is time for us to rediscover our own “hidden jewel” and start a new co-creation process to achieve our most precious goals.
I will keep sharing more about the pineal gland and the Cyclopea Method. This method has been around in Spanish only and is now available in English.
About the Author
Veronica Sanchez is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.
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Designing A New Future Now
I’ve been designing the future for the past twenty years with others from all around the world. We’ve sourced it in consciousness, drawn it present into the matrix of reality and then lived it in every way in our own lives. We’ve been speakers for it, coaches empowering it, teachers teaching it, writers writing books about it and painters painting it onto canvas for others to be inspired by.
The following outline the facets of the design we’ve been sourcing with an intention that all life elevates and thrives on this beautiful planet and throughout the universe in which we dwell.
Connection is the foundation of this new future design. Connection to self gives a sense of expansive flow, resulting in wholeness, vitality and emotional ease. Connection to all life forms, nature, and the universe gives us a strong feeling of the miraculousness of life and respect for all life. Once connected, there is a sense of being part of something greater unfolding. Instead of feeling isolated and powerless, we shift into community, collaboration, and working for the greater good of all.
Infinite Intelligence
In the past, intelligence has been about memorization and thinking in an isolated mind. Today we can operate in infinite intelligence, which offers us innate knowing and a true sense of clarity, direction and purpose. Once the individual mind is connected to infinite intelligence, creation, invention and innovation become the norm as we move beyond conditioned thinking to source the NEW from limitless possibilities & infinite creation.
Moving from I to We
When we let go of identity and an orientation to all things personal and begin to focus on contributing, we discover the journey from I to We. We’ve been innovating a new collectiveness that includes whale gods, tree gods, bee gods and all the life forms on this planet. When we work in this new collective consciousness, our unique contributions are given into an alchemical creation of collaborative genius fusion, shared mastery and what I like to call kaleidoscopic mergence. Here we source extraordinary breakthroughs of unprecedented creation. We become the Force, the ALL, the universe all together, et voila, evolutionary leaps are brought into being.
Evolutionary Leaps
We are no longer in the slow lane of traditional evolution. Epigeneticists are showing us how to work with our own DNA to optimize our well-being and potential. As consciousness creators, we’ve been calling in and embodying an emerging Godness or life power, if you will. You could say the Force is now tangibly with us all. As a result, magical synergy becomes a natural way of life and evolutionary leaps happen with a greater sense of grace. We surrender the search for identity and become passionate, practical infinite beings of possibility and creation.
I am a lover of consciousness and, along with my buddies around the world over the past 20 years, we’ve been elevating the consciousness of us all and creating a profound relationship with consciousness as the matrix of life, the quantum field where possibilities come to grow and actualize. Consciousness is no longer a warehouse of previous knowledge. It’s a thriving, ‘pulsing with life’ partner to us all here on Earth, gifting us our own universal guidance system built right into the very cells of us, and that changes everything.
The Miraculous: Sourcing Unprecedented Outcomes
There is a growing force on this planet that we could call the Force, the Universe, an emerging sense of Godness in all life. Whatever we choose to call it, this Life Power aligns us with the miraculous force that has been hidden from humanity for so long. Hidden no longer, this force thrives in nature and in us all. We exhilarate it and it exhilarates us. You can see it in the green glow of nature at the moment. In the sparkling waters. In the wonder of bird song. Partnering and becoming this miraculous force allows us to:
- Source our own well being and vitality in new ways
- Minimize and eliminate illness and
- Source unprecedented outcomesfor all life on this beautiful planet.