A Cancer moon can too easily be stereotyped as energy which is simply tender and nurturing. Sure. Cancer is always concerned with how care-taking works and yearns for the comfort of home and family.
But this is a New Cancer moon tonight which suggests we might challenge our traditional concepts of it means to belong . . . what it means to find safe refuge in these increasingly spooky times.
Tonight’s new moon is working with Pluto and Mars. These are not the family members who sit at Sunday dinner and politely ask you to pass the tofu burger. These are energy bodies which demand that you wake up and notice anything false or hollow or dangerous you’ve offered your heart in an effort (or as an excuse) to feel safe or loved.
The question embedded in this moon is what might you be settling for in an attempt to create a safe landing? Have you given up any part of your deliciously unique identity in order to feel emotionally safe? Because you know that you can never be truly ‘safe’ if you’ve traded off some essential part of yourself.
This moon is almost begging you to re-examine your sense of what it means ‘to belong,’ of what you truly need to feel your heart at rest. Lean into some way of engaging which scares the dickens out of you. Amazing emotional shifts require a brave leap into the unknown.
The sweet note here is that you cannot lose. You are Love. This is simply a shout-out for the courage to remember that you are always choosing–it’s become a rather tired statement but still so important to remember–it’s either fear or it’s love. Your choice.
By: Ascension Lifestyle Guest Contributor
Be humble, for you are made of earth.
Be noble, for you are made of stars.
Be noble, for you are made of stars.
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