Who We Are
When old age starts depend on where you live in the world. But it may also partly depend on how you...
Just one week after he graduated from Yale Law School, while he was training for the 2008...
Walking has seen a surge in popularity over the past few years, thanks to a slew of research that’s found...
From skin to hair, scabs and even tears, the external appearance of the body can offer...
Bullying can make children's lives a misery and cause lifelong health problems – but scientists are...
Our 206 bones do more than just keep us standing, walking, and singing through life. They also...
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. The purpose of incarnating is simply to give us the...
Put down that endless to-do list and step away from the organisational apps because...
A ‘twin flame’ doesn't always refer to a romantic relationship, but it’s a term that refers to...
Limiting beliefs are your beliefs about reality that restrict what you can experience in life,...
Food marketers know that if they call their product a superfood, it’s sure to sell....
Not long ago, I went on one of my favorite podcasts — The Ezra Klein Show — to talk...
We are an Online Magazine and Lifestyle Brand whose mission is to foster Holistic Wellness for the Mind, Body & Spirit with an emphasis on gnosis and alternative solutions to the problems we face on an individual and humanitarian level. Our goal is to support the enlightening of a new generation, as we strive to achieve our highest potential.
The Buddha once said, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
This is not the new age movement, this is the Real Age movement. We each came into this time to “Be Here Now” in full awareness and ownership of our sovereignty. The Real Age is about seeing ourselves mirrored in others, and for facilitating compassion for all the facets we see reflected, without judgement.
What is Ascension? We are not referring to a biblical version, or a new-age ideology. We are using the term Ascension to describe the holistic human evolutionary ascension in consciousness which is not always love and light, but faced with challenges. Just as in nature, an organism is forced to evolve when faced with a threat to its survival. There are many threats to our happiness and well being, largely originating from ourselves. If we awaken ourselves to these aspects of our nature that hold us back, we can ascend above them. The dictionary definition of the word “ascend” is: To move, climb, or go upward, to rise. To gain or succeed, to acquire. To proceed from an inferior to a superior level. Human ascension involves deep self work and the raising of our vibration and eventual merging with the higher self.
Consider another dictionary definition of ‘ascension’: “To go toward the Source, or beginning; to go back in time.” We are all on this journey together. We are all on the same road, just at varying places & paths, specific to the lessons each one of us is here to learn. But rather than a journey of learning, we are on a journey of remembrance. This exquisitely beautiful experience is a process of remembering all we have forgotten during our separation from the Source. We are all moving forward yet at the same time, moving back home towards re-connection with our beginning. This juxtaposition is the process of Ascension.
All matter has its own unique vibrational fingerprint, and each of us is completely vibrationally unique. Every action, every choice, even every thought we make, effects our vibration. And our vibration is an indicator of our growth. The process of growth happens when we learn from our mistakes and apply the wisdom gained to future situations. Growth happens when we develop deeper relationships with ourselves and others. Growth equals evolution. And evolution… equals Ascension.
Ascension Lifestyle explores the many ways that the human being can grow, evolve and ascend past the darker elements of ourselves and our surrounding. The process of ascension isn’t an easy one. We will encounter struggle, challenge, the experience of many painful mistakes. But the beauty of the mistake, of the pain, is that within those very experiences lies the wisdom. And the process of gaining that wisdom takes your soul higher. Your body becomes healthier. Your mind clearer. There is a rise in your vibration, both metaphorically and physically. This creates an unfolding of the layers of consciousness, and with each one, a higher vibration is attained.
And it is this infinite unfolding that Ascension Lifestyle explores and celebrates.
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