Our brain is always active and it is certainly a good idea to nourish it. We can maximise its potential with simple practices.
We are always creating, in every step of our day-to-day activities, and our brain is ready to be used at greater capacity. Habits like meditation, mindfulness and prayer have a deep impact in our cerebral interactions, making us more in tune with higher realms of consciousness, positively affecting our creation process.
I invite you to practice these simple exercises that you can incorporate into your daily habits:
- solve a math problem
- draw a flower
- walk backwards
- write with your non-dominant hand
- visualise a result you want
- sit still with your eyes closed and listen to the sounds around you.
The list could go on. However, the purpose of these exercises is to train both sides of your brain, because ultimately, the brain acts as a whole.
I have learned that we are always creating, and being creative it doesn’t necessarily mean being an artist or a singer, it means acquiring the skills to co-create your life results and manifest them in this field.
About the Author:
Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.
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