Understand how you are spending it and what you are spending it on. This is a key practice during this season of closure, reflection and renewal. You give your power to certain energies both by focusing on them, or trying to ignore them. Both are a form of energy currency. The answer is awareness. Be aware, and set your intentions.
Care more about cultivating and conserving your energetic currency so that it is available to be spent on creating and transforming your life, rather than on defending your reality. We have to train ourselves to vibrate in our own home frequency. This is the basis of mastering our own energy field and learning to focus and direct our energy currency.
Master your energy field, and experience the fullness of your own essence. We can do this by practicing energetic boundaries and managing our frequency through auric cleansing practices and embodiment. Another important component of attuning to our home frequency is emotional alchemy and healthy energy exchange. For highly sensitive people, it is important feel our feelings and clear trapped energy from the emotional body.
Everything we do involves an exchange of energy. It’s possible to be in a healthy exchange with someone through the practice of mindfulness, clear communication and healthy boundaries. Much of this work is about the consistent practice of releasing that which doesn’t serve, while reconnecting to the expansiveness of your true inner self. These practices and more will be taught in our upcoming course, Energy is Currency.