For the past 30 years I have been fascinated by what might be called ‘the mysterium tremendum’ … “A great or profound mystery, especially the mystery of God or of existence; the overwhelming awe felt by a person contemplating such a mystery.”
I have dived in with pure glee to the discovery of consciousness, connecting with the infinite intelligence and becoming what I love to call ‘the wild infinite genius universe’. I have surrendered myself over and over again to quantum leap into new versions of the possibility of being.
I have delighted in calling together other adventurers into this realm of quantum creation and we have co-created a brand new, brilliant reality for this world to dwell within. A reality of connection, thriving with Life Power, gifting our genius to innovative creation, elevating ourselves and all Life along with us to new possibilities of being.
Today there are a goodly number of us all around the world … the miraculous collective, renamed as of last week by me as the LUMINOUS TREMENDUM. We are the wild infinite genius universe at play in creation together, reinventing and reinvigorating this world and the universe into something breathtakingly wondrous. Now isn’t that a fulfilling reason to be alive in the world today!
We are more than Love & Light. We are radiant forces bursting wonder after wonder into the world. Witnessing the magnificence of all life. Innovating ourselves as walking consciousness, masterful players, calling all Life to a new and brilliant level of itself. Included in the luminous tremendum are many species … whales, bees, trees, the oceans, the Earth, the stars. We have become the wild infinite genius universe, each in our own unique ways, and then formed ourselves as a collective to do breathtaking work for the world for all Life to thrive like never before.
We are the luminous tremendum collective.
About the Author:
Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.