The power and vastness that exist within your awareness is beyond the minds capacity to understand.
When one looks to understand the incomprehensible, one brings fourth anxiety, stress and unneeded pressure.
This includes basically everything that is not NOW.
One cannot understand what is not NOW, as it is not being experienced directly. All past and future are projections of mind in which can never grasp the truth of the experience.
Thus our over stimulated minds with “information” is simply bringing us into spaces of deeper confusion and complexity.
We are to be here, now, in the breath, rooted in awareness, accepting of the truth that is being presented in each and every moment.
The end destination is the balance within the nothingness of space.
Ascension, or, the awakening process is bringing you towards nothingness.
It is bringing you up a ladder in which asks of you to release from every need for something in particular, and surrender to the divine will of the universe.
This process can get confusing for some, as it generally leads one down a path filled with fear, pain and a spice of suffering. As we walk the path we know is best for us, we self-sabotage to avoid the inevitable facing of “loss of identity” – we are ascending into a space in which the mind, the ego, the attachments cannot come.
It is the most unknown space, because it is unknowable. As you begin to look to “know” it, it instantly begins to fleet.
The knowingness of this destination, this source point, this home location, is the space in which must be fully “known”, in trust, that it exists, without proof of is existence.
A trust so deep that another one doubting your relationship to this inner space ca fully detached from their opinion otherwise.
There is no question to you, and thus, no need for reassurance.
This is the destination into knowing ourselves. We are conquering the minds need for reassurance, and even the transcendence of belief. It is true knowing to the highest degree.
The unspoken, the unbegotten, we are here, we are now.
The times in which one on this quest feels “distant” from others or “misunderstood” is just part of the process of integration.
We have chosen to walk a path in which ultimately all at some point will, but for now, only some are willing.
It is not our duty to stay “relatable” to everyone, however it IS our duty to stay “loving”,
Grounded love comes when one on the deepest spiritual quest can view all as divine, all as supreme, all as enlightened.
One recognizes that love given outwards is love given to self. One cannot receive that in which they cannot give, thus bringing forth the obvious nature that we are the determinants of our own inner experience.
These feelings of being misunderstood or distant is our own confusion and feeling of separation… more importantly, it is our own lesson to learn the nature of co-dependency, the pitfalls of it, and return to our relationships with non-attached fully expressive love.
For those in a serious space of transition, you can contact Corey Here and let him know how he can be of assistance.
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