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Best time ever to be alive on planet Earth!
I believe we are living in the most extraordinary time ever with breakthroughs happening on many levels: Our intelligence is expanding and in many cases fusing with what I call infinite intelligence. This results in spontaneous knowing of...
100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Life Without Really Trying
1 Exercise on a Monday night (nothing fun happens on a Monday night). 2 On the fence about a purchase? Wait 72 hours before you buy it. 3 Tip: the quickest supermarket queue is always behind the fullest trolley (greeting, paying and...
Signs You’re Moving Into a High-Vibe Version of Reality
You feel calm inside and that calmness offers an ease of genius flow and vitality. You have emotive bursts popping up from inside. Sometimes they’re purposeful and other times you might cry over nothing at all. I...
Who Controls Your Thermostat?
People have been fighting over who controls the temperature at home since we lived in caves. Who controls the fire? Who gets to sleep comfortably next to its burning embers on cold nights? Now we call it thermostat...
Why Staring at Screens Is Making Your Eyeballs Elongate—and How to Stop It
How close is the smartphone or laptop you’re reading this on from your eyes? Probably just a few inches. How long have you spent looking at a screen today? If you’re close to the average it’s likely to be over...
Crows Are Self-Aware and ‘Know What They Know,’ Just Like Humans
In what now feels like an annual update, crows are even more surprisingly smart than we thought. But do they have true consciousness? Research shows that crows and other corvids “know what they know and can ponder the content of their own...
November Artist of the Month: Sarah Ezekiel
About the Artist: Everything was pretty straightforward for Sarah until the age of 34. Happily married with a beautiful girl and pregnant with her son, she was healthy, fit and enjoying her pregnancy. She couldn’t have asked...
Becoming Super Conscious
Many many people (and animals and forests and oceans too) have become super conscious in these past few years. Is that you too? Here are what I see as the 12 sign of being super conscious now…. We don’t...
Why Career Transition Is So Hard
Today people at all stages of their careers are asking themselves profound questions about the kind of work they do, how much of it they want to do, and the place it occupies in their lives. We’re asking...
Is Dreaming Real?
“The farther away I go,” Alex wrote, “the closer I’ll be to you.” A week later, she lay dead on the floor of a middle school bathroom in Thailand. That was three years after she had shown up late...
Moving Beyond Victimhood: The Great Unconscious Metapattern Of Our Time
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names shall never hurt me,” was an old adage way back in the early 1800s. For over 200 years it soothed and encouraged many a bullied student and adult. But no...
Pick Your Hard
I fast once a month. It’s hard. Even though I’ve been doing it for years, I start dreading my fast day the night before; fretting about how I’m going to be able to pass through the discomfort. And where I’m...
‘We are just getting started’: the plastic-eating bacteria that could change the world
In 2001, a group of Japanese scientists made a startling discovery at a rubbish dump. In trenches packed with dirt and waste, they found a slimy film of bacteria that had been happily chewing through plastic bottles, toys and...
Why Your Brain is Wired for Pessimism—and What You Can Do to Fix It
Ever had someone tell you to just cheer up? Did it drive you crazy? Well, turns out that someone telling you to “be happy” isn’t just annoying—it’s also wildly unhelpful. “‘Happy’ is a pretty useless word,” says Dr. Martin Seligman...
How an Anti-Inflammatory Diet Can Help Tame an Autoimmune Condition
An estimated 23.5 million Americans, including my husband, suffer from an autoimmune condition — and their numbers are growing, though researchers don’t know why. You’ve likely heard of the most common autoimmune diseases — including type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple...
The Power of Next
Whenever I am faced with life’s uncertainty, I ask myself the following questions: Why is this happening? What can I do to make it go away? How can I navigate this effectively? What can I learn from this experience? Being...
Humans Could Live up to 150 Years, New Research Suggests
The chorus of the theme song for the movie Fame, performed by actress Irene Cara, includes the line “I’m gonna live forever.” Cara was, of course, singing about the posthumous longevity that fame can confer. But a literal expression of...
Selfishness Is Learned
Many people cheat on taxes — no mystery there. But many people don’t, even if they wouldn’t be caught — now, that’s weird. Or is it? Psychologists are deeply perplexed by human moral behavior, because it often doesn’t seem to make...
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