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How to Say “No” After Saying “Yes”
Picture it — a colleague asks if you can chair a new committee they’re starting. Without even pausing to think, the first words out of your mouth are, “Sure. I’d love to!” Flash forward, and you’re looking at emails...
April Artist of the Month: Fiona Finlayson
About the Artist: I have always loved art and gained a degree in illustrations and animation from Edinburgh College of Art. I started to work in finance but have always continued to draw, paint and craft. Approximately six...
Herb Power
They’re the Yorkshire Terriers of the vegetable world. Herbs may be small, but they make a lot of noise, nutritionally speaking. Indeed, if you want to do one thing to your diet to improve it fast, adding a handful...
Explaining The Akashic Mystery
A desire to seek spiritual wisdom and a reassuring connection to the creator is evident throughout history in most cultures and traditions. Humans have tried to understand the origin of life and the source of their own being...
How to enjoy your problems
As a therapist, I’ve found that so much of what I do is about giving people the space to say what they’re struggling with. It can take them months. Not to resolve the problems, or even to understand them in...
End The Phone-Based Childhood Now
Something went suddenly and horribly wrong for adolescents in the early 2010s. By now you’ve likely seen the statistics: Rates of depression and anxiety in the United States—fairly stable in the 2000s—rose by more than 50 percent in many studies from...
What’s Up Universe? Episode 1
I have been pals with the Universe for quite some time now. It wasn’t always that way, but it sure has been over the last 30 years after discovering that all kinds of super intelligence dwelt in the spaces between...
Is There A Magic Formula That Slows Down Aging?
What if there were a magic substance or strategy that would actually slow down aging, allowing us to ease into our later years in generally excellent health? Turns out, there is, and it can help save the planet as...
38 Wonderful Words With No English Equivalent
Sometimes we must turn to other languages to find le mot juste. Here are a whole bunch of foreign words with no direct English equivalent. Kummerspeck (German) Excess weight gained from emotional overeating. Literally, grief bacon. Shemomedjamo (Georgian)...
What You Need to Know About Off-Gassing
The client wasn’t super-wealthy, but she was thoughtful about her home and hands down the most eco-conscious woman Colorado interior designer Megan Thompson had ever met. The 30-something vegan was asking for Thompson’s help with two flooring projects: She...
How to Live In Less Fear
Have you been feeling more fearful lately? Between a lingering pandemic, news of global warming, divisive politics, and beyond, there are plenty of things that spark fear in us these days. And while it doesn’t sound “cool” to admit that...
How to Keep Your Creativity Alive When You Have a Chronic Illness
Whether you’re creative as part of a little hobby, a way of life, or somewhere in between, you probably consider creativity to be a force for good in your life. But when you also live with chronic illness, it’s...
Millions of women are ‘under-muscled.’ These foods help build strength
If you’ve seen a loved one take a bad fall – like my mother did a few months ago – you know the importance of muscle strength. Muscle mass peaks in our 30s and then starts a long, slow...
What if public housing were for everyone?
Quietly and with little fanfare, the idea of building new publicly owned housing for people across the income spectrum has advanced in the United States. Governments have successfully addressed housing shortages through publicly developed housing in places like Vienna...
The ’20-5-3′ Rule Prescribes How Much Time to Spend Outside
The herd of 400-pound caribou was running 50 miles an hour and directly at me. The 30 animals had been eating lichen in the Arctic tundra in Alaska when something spooked them. I was sitting in their escape route. The...
12 Ways to Improve Your Circulation for Healthy Blood Flow
You might not think about it as much as you do eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep, but maintaining good circulation is one of the most important building blocks to keeping your health on the rails. “The circulatory system...
What was it like when the last antimatter disappeared?
Things happen fast in the earliest stages of the Universe. In the first 25 microseconds after the start of the hot Big Bang, a number of incredible events have already occurred. The Universe created all the particles and antiparticles — known...
February Artist of the Month: Louise McIntosh
About the Artist: I began my art career late in life, in Jan 2020, aged 46. Throughout my working life I’ve always painted but never believed I was any good. I’m a self-taught, full time artist. Acrylics and...
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