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A Pill for Every Ill?
I suffered from severe depression and anxiety for a solid decade of my life. During that time, I saw at least 20 different medical professionals (I lost track there were so many), including psychiatrists and psychologists, and I tried countless...
Losing Relationships to Conflict, Falling Out, & Death – Wise Words From Buddha Noah
You will lose people. This world is purging and healing from generations of deep, hidden sickness. You will lose people, and it can be painful… but it doesn’t have to be. Acceptance is Godly. Be peacefully prepared to lose people...
The Ultimate Secret of Trusting the Universe – Video
In this video Corey Sheikh, a spiritual transformational leader, reveals how to live your life more effortlessly by letting go of resistance and trusting your intuitive ability to flow with the events that come into your life. You’ll learn how...
Recognize Your Awareness Throughout Your Transformation
The power and vastness that exist within your awareness is beyond the minds capacity to understand. When one looks to understand the incomprehensible, one brings fourth anxiety, stress and unneeded pressure. This includes basically everything that is not NOW. One...
Phillip Saunders – Artist of The Month
Phillip A. Saunders, a young self-taught artist from Toronto Canada enjoys studying and incorporating the knowledge of ancient human history, psychology, and philosophy into his work. His creative work is the expression of being human, with a spiritual nature, surrealistic...
Why We Need the Numinous
We’ve strayed very far from the numinous. In our civilized, industrialized, pasteurized, homogenized world, we’re frozen into form, ossified in the material — and immune to the whisper of leaves, the murmur of brooks, the tenor of life teeming just...
How the Bacteria in Our Gut Influences Our Minds.
There has been a growing understanding and exploration by psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians and researchers about the role our gut bacteria plays on our mood—most notably the experience of anxiety. The statistics on anxiety are staggering and trending north each passing...
Spirituality? Is That Like Religion?
When I moved to California in 1981, spiritual exploration was still in my future. I had my first astrological reading that year, and the astrologer, who twelve years later would provide a reading that helped redirect my life during my...
This month we are focusing on a topic that is most essential to this part of the journey for many who are on this spiritual path to ascension. This topic is also beneficial to those who are newly awakened to...
Blackberry Love: How to Pick the Ripe Relationship for You
After living in the wine country of northern California for a while, I grew tired of whining. I wanted to segue from sour grapes to sweet, luscious blackberries. This is how blackberry love begins A friend and I were...
Can You Spare A Tire? The Tests We Create to Help Us Evolve.
To the untrained mind, the roadblocks in our lives appear to be just that: obstacles to go around, petty annoyances that dampen our day. As we grow in awareness, we come to view these challenges as growth opportunities, little tests...
The Art of Smoke Ceremony – A Purifying & Cleansing Ritual
The Earth has given many gifts for man to use. One of the major tools given to us are the plant medicines. These medicines are of the Earth herself and the aroma produced by these plants help place us in...
Facing Your Demons – Are You Ready or Still Cheating?
Much creative energy and power is sitting there in the dark. Do you want to waste it or taste it?...
Cry of the Millennial Witch
I feel a divide growing within the spiritual movement.It has been growing slowly, almost imperceptibly. Like a frog swimming in a pot of gradually boiling water that hasn’t realized the danger he’s in.Here it is, dare I say it: The...
The Cat Litter People – Getting In Touch With Your Inner Wildness
I’ve done a fair amount of pet sitting over the years. While at the home of one high-brow cat, I spent several days visiting various pet stores in search of a certain brand of cat litter that was odor-free and...
Documentary of The Month – ORIGINS Our Roots, Our Planet, Our Future
Origins is a stunningly ambitious new documentary that challenges us to reevaluate our existence in the modern world, and embrace the simplicities that defined the beginnings of our species. “I believe to understand our present and to map our future...
6 Illustrations That Show What It’s Like In An Introvert’s Head
This article first appeared on QuietRev.com, illustrations by Liz Fosslein and Mollie West Dear Extroverts, We love your energy and excitement. But as introverts, we sometimes feel misunderstood. We wish you could visualize what’s going on inside our brains—you...
Go Natural Holistic Retreats In Jamaica
Retreats are a modern answer to modern living. Going on a retreat means taking time away from your daily life to balance yourself. It is a special time to give yourself some peace of mind and become in tune with...
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