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Pax Gaia: Putting All the Peaces Together
“Only now can we see with clarity that we live not so much in a cosmos (a place) as in a cosmogenesis (a process) — scientific in its data, mythic in its form.” ~ Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry, The...
On Transcending Our Worst Tendencies
Art by Josef Váchal We live in a highly individualized world. Modern technologies and consumption habits have made every personality a type of costume to be tried on and discarded at will. People believe that their personal whims, indulgences and...
The Power of Gratitude
Gratitude is essential for a life of mindfulness and contentment. Most of us learn this through trial and error. The mind that it always fixated on acquiring more and more neglects what it has. The greedy person lives in a...
Be As You Are
You are enough The Veil of Illusion We spend many lifetimes often choosing to have a very tiny aspect of our consciousness incarnate into a physical experience in order to have the opportunity to bring more consciousness to all. Unhealed...
Dancing with the Shadow
In the darkest days of winter, we celebrate the rebirth of light. With candles and electric light strings we bring comfort and brightness to the long, cold nights. Light and darkness – they cannot be separated from each other in...
Inner Space, the Final Frontier
“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” ~ Jane Howard In the 3rd millennium, we’re designing ways to travel that...
Ways to Make You Love Every Bit of You
One of the first mistakes people make is searching for the happiness in the outside world instead of finding it within. Our dependency on other people’s opinion and the society’s pressure to fit into certain molds – can make us...
Home. Except for love, perhaps no word in the English language conjures more evocative imagery. We crave the cozy, nurturing, roaring-fire scene depicted so effectively on film. Home houses our identity. It’s less about the four walls than what...
Self Love Journey
This month we took a moment in the midst of the outer world of chaos to ask, What is self love as it relates to energy medicine. We are at the cusp of an energy revolution. We are entering the...
Surrender To Your True Potential
If we embrace nature as our reflection we can discover patterns that will give us insight to the process of human evolution. We know a flower has reached it’s full potential when it blossoms enough to fully emit a fragrance...
Living In the Zone
Twice a year, approximately 70 countries worldwide create a collective illusion: saving time. We move the hands of our clocks, and think we’ve harnessed the sun. Cultures that live in tune with natural rhythms do not alter their clocks, because...
The Evolution of An Artist – Special Force
We caught up with Special Force band member Joel van Dijk to discuss discuss his story as an artist, and the evolution that came with being one. Special Force is a band comprising of members from all over the world...
Did you watch or listen to a morning news show after the second Presidential Debate? It’s pretty easy to see the USA has hung their laundry out to dry! WHACK! Suddenly an ‘aha’ smacked me into remembering what I already...
The Spiritual Pedestal
The path of enlightenment is the pathway home. Those with more awareness can help guide us back to that source. We have a long history of putting “spiritual” teachers on pedestals as opposed to seeing them as our reflection. This...
6 Steps to Personal Transformation
Life has a way of sneaking up on a guy. One moment you’re a carefree kid and the next, well, you’ve become part of your environment, shaped by the pressures of reality. Those hopes and dreams of youth have all...
Power & Control
The mind not only constructs the props and scenario for ongoing visuals and sensory memory, space and time, it also provides the dynamics to hold or to reject these artificial units. In the midst of the feature films inside the...
Plantation Dynamics in the Workplace
Some organizations seem to have become resigned to the Gallup finding that two-thirds of employees are disengaged, and reverted to what might be called plantation management; a reliance on control and psychological intimidation. Featured in this approach is the micromanaging...
Meditation Rewires Your Brain To Be More Patient & Aware
Zen practice encourages us to ask questions. The typical questions asked are, you know, “What is the nature of being?” or, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” It’s in sort-of “bad Zen taste” to ask, “What will meditation...
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