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I Found Myself in a Float Tank
How starting a little retail business set me on the path to spiritual advancement. Ever since the first time I floated, I knew I was going to open a float center. It was just something I had to do. What...
Mind De-Clutter: 7 Things to Stop Telling Yourself
Mind De-Clutter: 7 Things to Stop Telling Yourself Living as a woman in the 21st century can at times feel like a blessing, while at other times it seems to be getting increasingly difficult. We as women seem to have...
Managing The Health Impacts Of Stress
While some stress can be healthy, any long-form version of stress has a terrible impact on your health. Stress is characterized by an existing cause of discomfort, so the best way to deal with stress and its impact on your health...
Your Pineal Gland, Its Calcification & Why You Should Care
What Is The Pineal Gland? The pineal gland is one of the most mysterious glands of the human body. It is a pea-sized gland in the precise geometric center of the brain and comes from the root word “pinea” which...
Own Your Own Life: Mental Health and Self-Employment
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s often difficult to maintain the most important aspects of your life, specifically, your mental health. Having to beat the clock and fight the emotional battles of workplace competition can take a toll on your emotional...
Renewable Y-O-U
“Renewables” sounds like a fairly recent concept. However, we’ve been using renewable energy for millennia: wind, water, fire, and animal / human labor. Today renewable energy is about saving the environment and diminishing our dependence on fossil fuels. Coupled with...
A Time & Money Saving Solution To Juicing
Daily juicing is a great routine to get into. We’ve all been there before, we get excited about starting a new juicing regiment only to be discouraged by the lack of time truly needed to commit to it. There are...
Healthy Living: 4 Things to Practice Every Day
Staying healthy doesn’t require several hours at the gym or counting calories at every meal. There are various ways you can achieve overall wellness by incorporating a few simple steps into your daily routine. Here are some of the...
Break Up with the Past and Start Living in the Present
While some people try to escape from the past, others don’t want to let go. Nonetheless, both types carry the burden of their past, not being able to focus on the present and the fleeting moments of happiness. Your past...
Life In the Middle Ages: Facing the Feisty Fifties
I see my folks are gettin’ on And I watch their bodies change I know they see the same in me And it makes us both feel strange No matter how you tell yourself It’s what we all go...
The 4 Functions of Life
Photo By Spencer Watson Four Ways We Can Control Our Health & Balance Many of us remain unaware of the essential processes of life until some devastating dysfunction or disease demands our attention. These essential processes include respiration, consumption, movement...
The Grace of Gratitude
Photo by Tim Bogdanov Gratitude. The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Having gratitude is the foundation of good life choices. It calms our expectations and allows us to see the good in...
Becoming an Extension of the Earth’s Self-Awareness
Merely by becoming aware of your inner body sensations and experiences and the body’s dreaming intelligence you become an extension of the earth’s self awareness bringing itself back into balance. You become a flow through for our intertraconnection and the...
How to Become Lighthearted (It’s Not What You Think)
In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Czech author Milan Kundera posits that you only live once (social acronym YOLO), and this “lightness” signifies freedom — though it’s hard to hold. But it wasn’t until I read Thomas Cowan, MD’s breakthrough...
The Importance of Earth Grounding to Health and How To Do It In Winter
Inflammation has long been a well-known symptom of many infectious diseases, but molecular and epidemiological research increasingly suggests that it is also intimately linked with a broad range of non-infectious diseases, perhaps even all of them. Although these insights...
Winter Solstice: The Literal & Metaphorical Rebirth of the Sun
The rising of the sun on the morning of winter solstice comes after the longest night and shortest day of the year. The pendulum swing hits its furthest point, stands still (solstice literally means, stand still) and then begins its...
How to Meditate in a Busy City
From the perspective of a modern spirit, immersed in overwhelming noise, general overstimulation of the senses, and the growing pain of the world, escape from this agonizing cacophony has become the ultimate advantage. And many perceive meditation as a way...
Evolutionary Relationships: The Seven Requirements Of Love
An Excerpt From “Evolutionary Love Relationships: Passion, Authenticity,and Activism“ It is critical to remember that this crisis we are facing is a crisis in which the sacred powers of love in the human soul are being diverted by distraction, by...
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