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November Artist of the Month: Daniel Travers
Algorithmic Art – Quarantine Cleaning Series Daniel Travers aka “Redideo” is a multidisciplinary artist working in both the commercial and fine art world who is a graduate of The Kansas City Art Institute and currently lives in San Diego, California...
Thresholds of Autumn
Autumn is immersing us in the reflections of organic closure. As we witness the shifts in the land, we can track the changes occurring within ourselves and relationships. The plants are decomposing and preparing for winter’s rest. We may feel a...
The Pineal Gland (Third Eye), A Hidden Treasure
The pineal gland is an endocrine gland and is located exactly in the middle of our brain. The pineal gland receives its name from its pinecone shape, and is also known as epiphysis cerebri. This gland secretes melatonin, and this...
Designing A New Future Now
I’ve been designing the future for the past twenty years with others from all around the world. We’ve sourced it in consciousness, drawn it present into the matrix of reality and then lived it in every way in our own...
Chiropractor Tips on Maintaining Good Posture As You Work From Home
When COVID-19 struck, it resulted in many people having to work from home. While this has been convenient for some, it has brought about a few problems, especially when it comes to posture. If you’re now stuck at home...
Why Mindfulness Matters
It was the slowest of times; it was the fastest of times. (Apologies to Dickens…) The year 2020 will go down in history as the longest year ever! Yet here we are already zooming toward Thanksgiving. I don’t know...
Vote Like the Planet Depends on It — Because It Does
by Bill McKibben To understand the planetary importance of this autumn’s presidential election, check the calendar. Voting ends on Nov. 3—and by a fluke of timing, on the morning of Nov. 4...
An Economy With Heart
What would a healthy world economy look like? With me, it all comes down to biology. I took a lot of courses in physiology while I was in grad school studying for a Masters in Bioengineering. As a former Catholic...
Unlearning Cultural Scarcity
Many of us see the world through a filter of scarcity. This pervading feeling of lack causes us to hyper-focus on what we don’t have and leads to enormous stress, anxiety, and fear. A scarcity mindset doesn’t merely limit our...
October Artist of the Month
I love creating art, and I love the path of ascension. I’ve always been talented at creating art, and as a young child I began doing art activities with artist and family friend, Scott Bean. I have always been...
The Power of Consciousness
I want to chat for a moment about the power of consciousness to solve every single challenge we have on this Earthto take us into a level of ourselves as a species that we’ve never been before. So many...
Equinox Expansion: Liberation codes uploading…
On its most practical level, liberation is about learning how to respond rather than react. Many of our internal systems have gotten stuck on the setting that is solely about survival. And although we still require those strategies, to live fully requires us...
Not the Mom We Were Used To
Mom cooked the sauce long and slow with big chunks of pork on the bone or pepperoni sliced thick enough to fill the mouths of my oldest brothers Tommy and Frank. She doled it out on mounds of pasta to...
Organic Regenerative Agriculture: An Interview with Jeff Moyer of The Rodale Institute
Jeff Moyer has been with The Rodale Institute for over 40 years starting as a farm laborer and currently as its CEO. Jeff designed and built out the roller crimper, an instrument that makes it possible for organic farmers...
The Home Planet
I’ve had all seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. I almost died when I was a baby and had the Last Rites before its name was changed to the Sacrament of the Sick. I was baptized, made my first confession...
September Artist of the Month
Hailing from the San Francisco Bay Area, surrealist Matthew C. Mercer is inspired on the deepest level to create and share his art with the world. Realizing his childhood dream to become a professional artist and graphic designer, Matthew has dedicated...
Four Mindset Shifts That Might Help You to Harness Your Creativity
Key principles and habits from some of the world’s most creative minds. “Where do your ideas come from?” This is one question every creative genius has had to answer at one point in their lives. We ask because we imagine...
What the Body Wants
“The Church says: the body is a sin. Science says: the body is a machine. Advertising says: The body is a business. The Body says: I am a fiesta.” ~ Eduardo Galeano, Walking Words To get up off...
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