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A new us … A new reality … A new world
There are two completely different realities spinning side by side at the moment. In one there is a global pandemic, restriction of movement, people dying, economies threatened, and a global climate crisis right alongside it all. In the other...
The Perfect Time Is Now!
This is the perfect time to bond with the people you love, with the people you care about, it is the perfect time to reach out to friends that you haven’t seen for a while or you haven’t heard from...
Your energy is currency…
Understand how you are spending it and what you are spending it on. This is a key practice during this season of closure, reflection and renewal. You give your power to certain energies both by focusing on them, or trying to ignore...
Aquarian Dreaming
Do you remember the sixties? They say if you do, you weren’t there. Sex drugs and rock ‘n’ roll “Turn on, tune in and drop out”, mantra of LSD Guru, Timothy Leary. The psychedelic world of Bohemian counterculture flourished in...
No One Can Hold Back the Dawn, Not Even on this Winter Solstice
I’ve had mixed feelings about Winter Solstice. It’s cold and dark and my body is not a fan of either. I’m usually running around, trying to get all of the things done before traveling to see family. And it’s also...
2020 ~ 2021
2020 in review What a time for the world this year. Right from the start of this global pandemic I said, ‘So much good is going to come from this. This is the year the world turns.’ I have not been...
The 13th Chakra and The Acceleration of Healing
Many of us are familiar with the seven chakras, the major energy centers of the body that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These centers are represented by the seven colors in the...
Why Revisiting Our Inner Self is More Important Now Than Ever
We are living in strange times at present, to coin a phrase. Whatever descriptive word we use does not do justice to what is happening in the world. 2020 has turned out to be a year of profound transformation...
Ascension – excerpt from In Resonance
Ascension is simply a name given to building the light quotient within – merging with our true nature. There are no rules, only guidance from the Inner Teacher (our core Essence nature) as to what is right for us...
December Artist of the Month: Mo Tuncay
“I’m driven by curiosity and the need to live my life to the max.” Mo Tuncay grew up in Turkey, where he spent hours playing outside, in awe of nature’s colours and figures. After dedicating himself to...
Cultivating the deeper medicine…
Flower medicine teaches us to expand our perceptions. Like us, each flower carries its own unique energetic signature that goes beyond initial appearances. Nature is the ultimate teacher of home frequency attunement. Each plant grows its authentic expression, and no...
Humming for Health
I am a musician and sound healer. My ears are my dominant sense for the intake of information. Visually, I am not very interested in detail. Looking at something intensely is work for me whereas listening to the...
The Gratitude Ritual
Gratitude is a super word, exactly like the concept of “super food”, because it is charged with our highest emotions. Gratitude is a high vibration or high frequency feeling. We are all grateful for many things; however, we usually take...
A Guide to Being in Action
I have a couple of clients who’ve been stuck in inaction for months now, and they’re desperate to get into action. So we’ve set up structure and training so they can train themselves to be in action much more...
Symbioses ~ Redefining the Singularity
Two days in a row now I have woken from a lucid dream in which I knew that our connection with all life forms on this planet is evolving. The word symbiosis burst into my mind, so I looked it...
How to Approach Self Love Without Becoming an Egomaniac
For many years now we have been hearing that we need to love ourselves first in order to love others, which is true. However: how do we go about that without crossing the invisible line between real love and...
Out of Fundamentalism and Into My Power
Tears rolled down my plump toddler cheeks. The ruffle of my blue nightgown dragged against the hardwood floor, which felt cold on my bare feet as I made my way down the hall, descended the stairs, and crossed the living...
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