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Tips To Train Your Brain
Our brain is always active and it is certainly a good idea to nourish it. We can maximise its potential with simple practices. We are always creating, in every step of our day-to-day activities, and our brain is ready to...
Something big shifted in February …
Something big shifted in February. For those not into consciousness and still seeing the world through logical eyes, this might be challenging to prove. But for those who sense the world through feeling and connection and with a love...
What Does An Ecological Civilization Look Like?
A society based on natural ecology might seem like a far-off utopia — yet communities everywhere are already creating it. by Jeremy Lent As a new, saner administration sets up shop in Washington, D.C., there are plenty of policy...
March Artist of the Month: Micheline Robinson
Artist Statement: These 3 abstract rose paintings were created during our initial 2020 lockdown in NZ. They were informed by my life philosophy that even terrible experiences are an opportunity for growth. The roses being a visual metaphor for...
Lockdown Learnings
Many countries in the world have been going through lockdown and quarantine. In some places this has been the norm for almost a year now. During this period, I have been reflecting on the good and bad things about it...
State of the Planet Update – Resonance, Creativity & Chaos
There are many effects or influences occurring that we can observe in the world now. The pre-eminent emotional resonance is still rooted in fear, paranoia, or depression. The other main ones are confusion, dissension, and further atomization of people within...
Cleaning House
Your home is an extension of your energy field… Practices like cleaning your home, rearranging furniture, organizing your closet, and getting rid of objects that are cluttering your space can have a profound impact on your mind, body, and spirit. It...
Fear No More!
To believe that things that happen to us come from outside, alien to our intervention, shows how easily we fall into a comfortable area of thinking that we are powerless against those circumstances. Fresia Castro, the Latin American spiritual leader...
Embodiment is the ultimate union…
… of mind, body, and spirit. It is the opportunity to bring all of the lessons we have learned into the body to become the new version of ourselves. Often times different energy states overlay the true self so much...
State of the Planet Update: February 5th, 2021
We are in the midst of a struggle for our future, the future of countless species, and indeed future of this Planet. Much is at stake. Even so, there are very good reasons that we are at this juncture, and...
You Are The Bridge That Leads Out Of Darkness
Your reality has reached a major pivotal point. This is the change you have asked for. There are no directions on how to navigate these new times, but they will be created in each moment by following your heart center...
February Artist of the Month: Elizabeth R. Urabe
Artist Statement: As an artist Elizabeth R. Urabe has always had only one goal: to translate the invisible energies of Absolute Truth into form and color so that an ever-increasing number of people might have more direct access to...
How To Outsmart Your COVID-19 Fears And Boost Your Mood In 2021
After a year of toxic stress ignited by so much fear and uncertainty, now is a good time to reset, pay attention to your mental health and develop some healthy ways to manage the pressures going forward. Brain science has...
Calling in higher levels of discernment…
At the start of this year, Maryam shared her energy forecast for 2021. This channeled forecast mentioned not explaining your divine self, equal energy exchange, landing on your feet, owning the room, and forgiveness, but what came in strong from Spirit was this...
Get a Dog, Save the Planet
Dogs add a lot to our lives as companions, guards, playmates, and helpers in our fight against Global Climate Change! My cousin Mark is a pretty smart guy who reads widely. (All my cousins are above average.) Here is what...
It’s not over till it’s over!
For a long time, I have been sharing a vision I had many years ago. What was said to me was, “We are going into a period of great chaos. Many people will leave the planet. People are being...
5 Tips To Look After Our Mental Well-Being In Hard Times
During these difficult times it is very important to look after our mental and physical well-being, starting by paying attention to our negative emotions and thoughts. One of the first things people experience during hard times is anxiety and insecurity...
January Artist of the Month: Thomas A. Newnam
Artist Statement: Thomas A. Newnam I’ve been painting exclusively in watercolors for almost 40 years. Having grown up with one foot in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bay regions and the other in the rural colonial landscapes of southeastern and south...
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