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How to Cope with An Existential Crisis
Has the world gone grey? Are you wondering what life is for? Kierkegaard’s philosophy could help you rediscover your zing. by Skye C Cleary Need to know Are you exhausted from rushing through life doing the same monotonous things over...
Our Brains Tell Stories So We Can Live
We are all storytellers; we make sense out of the world by telling stories. And science is a great source of stories. Not so, you might argue. Science is an objective collection and interpretation of data. I completely agree. At...
Japan’s Unusual Way To View The World
Withdrawing my hands reluctantly from the slowly spinning bowl, I watched its uneven sides slowly come to a stop, wishing I could straighten them out just a little more. I was in the ancient pottery town of Hagi in rural...
October Artist of the Month: Michael Hall
Artist Statement: I am a creative multimedia artist, photographer, musician and gardener who has been painting for decades. I paint in acrylics and watercolors, and also create digital artwork. See more of my work on Twitter: @mhall55nine...
Moving from potential to possibilities … Becoming a limitless creator
I’ve been studying, teaching, coaching and writing about transformation for the last 35 years. It fascinates me … always has, even as teenager. How can someone fulfill their potential and become the best of themselves in life? Potential is that...
Loneliness: Coping With the Gap Where Friends Used to Be
Friendships can be difficult, and lockdowns have made them even harder to maintain. But we should cherish them. Almost every day for the past few months, I’ve told my husband I am lonely. Obviously I’m glad that he’s around. What...
Let the Healing Begin
“The body is everywhere assaulted by all of our new media, a state which has resulted in deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world. In the age of disembodied communication, the meaning and significance and experience...
What Would Happen If Everyone Truly Believed Everything Is One?
“We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness.” — Albert Einstein “In our quest for happiness and the avoidance of suffering, we are all fundamentally the same, and...
The Future Is Fabulous
Oh, I know, the world is full of doom and gloom right now … fears of climate change, the COVID virus and even zombie apocalypses make the list today. So what the heck am I doing writing about fabulous...
Words Are Powerful!
“Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world.” ~ Rumi “Words are powerful.” Lately we’ve been hearing this phrase often, and yes, we get the idea. However, it is a lot more difficult to really...
Coming Back to Ourselves
~ MaryamHasnaa.com...
Life In Time-Space And What To Do About It
Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? Not everyone asks such questions, but some of us are driven to find the answers. We are adept at living life in this time-space universe, but comprehending that which...
Completion and a New Beginning – Full Moon in Aquarius, Sunday, August 22nd 2021
Well, I’m backsort of. Technically still on sabbatical until Monday, August 23rd, but there are too many things popping that need some attention. The main one is the upcoming second Full Moon in Aquarius in less than a month. It...
Dragon And Tiger Medical Qigong
An Ancient Chinese Treasure for Health and Longevity As more people seek natural, safe and effective ways to improve their health, strengthen their immune systems, reduce stress and anxiety, have more energy, emotional balance and greater mental focus, many...
The Path Beyond The Current Reality — Rising Above The Chaos
What you are experiencing now, collectively, is exactly what it looks like when an old age implodes and a new one begins to take its place. This time has been a great challenge for all living on Earth. No...
Over the Speed Limit: How to Drive, Ecstatically Alive, Past 55
The day before I turned 55 I received a notice from my bank. The auxiliary checking account I’d opened for online transactions would shortly be assessed an $8 monthly fee unless I a) maintained a $1000 minimum balance, b) deposited...
August Artist of the Month: Audrey Keenan
Artist Statement: Audrey Keenan Audrey is a Scottish artist who paints abstract Expressionism angel art. She began painting on the anniversary of her daughter’s death, and found it was healing and therapeutic. In the last three years she’s been...
2021 so far … A strange & wonderful year!
2021 has been a strange year so far. For the first six months it has felt cocoonish, as if we were being remade, cooked up new in the grand cosmic ooze of Earthdom. No wings yet to fly. There’s...
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