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January Artist of the Month: Tim Potter
Artist Statement: I live in Chesapeake, Virginia. I enjoy taking photos while out on my daily runs. Nature inspires me, especially sunrise and sunsets. You can find more of my work on Twitter: @t_photojunkie ...
EarthTalk: What Is “Slow Fashion?” Does It Relate To Sustainability?
In the U.S., millions of shoppers pack clothing stores, excited to key into the newest trends while paying low prices. On the other side of the world, low-wage workers—many of them young girls— are crushed under the hammer of “fast...
Distant Healing — The Heart-Opening Technique
Many meditators, healers and people of goodwill are attracted to the idea of distant healing — that in meditation, contemplation and prayer we can help relieve suffering and pain at a distance. But how exactly do we do this? I...
Why You Need to Protect Your Sense of Wonder — Especially Now
We may be slowly returning to our offices (more or less), but the strains of the pandemic are hardly over. As we enter a transitional stage after almost two years of trauma and strain, more than ever we need ways...
9 Habits That The World’s Healthiest & Longest-Lived People Share
About 20 years ago, working for National Geographic, and with a grant from the National Institute on Aging, I started identifying and studying the longest-lived people, those who are in what we called the world’s Blue Zones. These are people...
Feel Lonely? There Are 4 Types of Loneliness. Here’s How to Beat Them
Have you ever gotten into bed at the end of the day and realised that you haven’t spoken out loud to anyone since the day before? Or simply found yourself feeling completely and utterly alone? We live in a hyper-connected...
Want to Boost Your Creativity and Be a Better Collaborator? Think About Why the Sky Is Blue
It’s probably been a long time since you lay on your back in the grass, looked up and wondered, Why is the sky blue? Or since you took the time to consider a question as difficult as, Where does the...
December Artist of the Month: Theresa Fitton
Artist Statement: I live in Kent and my art is inspired by Nature. I paint in most mediums, and you can find me on Twitter @FittonTheresa and Instagram: @fittontheresart ...
The seven types of rest: I spent a week trying them all. Could they help end my exhaustion?
“Are you the most tired you can ever remember being?” asks a friend. Well, yes. I have it easy – my caring responsibilities are limited and my work is physically undemanding and very low stakes – but I am wrecked...
What We Get Wrong About Conversations
Can you chat your way to greater social connection? Five useful steps can help us strengthen ties and avoid mistakes. “There is no such thing as conversation,” the novelist and literary critic Rebecca West famously wrote in her collection...
How To Start Connecting With Your Higher Self
All over the world, people are awakening to the fact that we are more than bones and flesh. We sense that there is more to life than what we see. The word “consciousness” is losing its unreachable meaning, and we...
There is so much angst in the air these days that we may all be feeling more sensitive, exhausted or even more despondent than usual. So much so, that I feel a lot of folks are at the end of...
The 11:11 Gateway
by Gillian Macbeth Louthan To me the Season of Light begins as November comes out of her multicolored cocoon, stretching her wings of light to become the beautiful season of Love. As the Light begins her descent upon the...
Aunt Allie’s Full Moon Ritual
Last year, I met an extremely gifted medium in California: Allie Barkalow. If you don’t know what a medium is, it’s a person who communicates with spirits from the other side. I heard about Allie from my dear friend, Carolyn...
November Artist of the Month: Jane Hepburn
About the Artist: Jane Hepburn is an intuitive, fantasy artist whose work sells internationally and adorns the walls of notable celebrities such as fashion icon Diane von Furstenberg, Ken Paves, and many others. Children and adults alike are captivated...
Moldavite: Extraterrestrial Stone On Earth
Moldavite is a member of the tektite group, a glassy mixture of silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide and other metal oxides, with a hardness of 5.5 to 6. Its crystal system is amorphous. The color of most specimens is a deep...
What We Want Doesn’t Always Make Us Happy
Much of modern economic theory is based around a simple idea: Human beings maximize utility. But what is utility? Many people think of it as happiness or pleasure; British philosopher Jeremy Bentham, the inventor of utilitarianism, conceived of it this...
14 Colonial-Era Slang Terms to Work Into Modern Conversation
Hope you’re kedge and not gut-foundered, but if you are don’t get too macaroni, a simple snack and some Adam’s Ale should do the trick. When you think of Colonial America, soldiers marching to fife and drum and Benjamin Franklin...
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