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Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
Yes, I have blatantly plagiarized the title of a recently released film starring Michelle Yeoh. I’ve not even had the pleasure of seeing this work of cinematic art yet, but I am familiar enough with the plot to know that...
Do These 5 Emotionally Intelligent Things Within 5 Minutes Of Meeting Someone
What’s the point of networking if not to get other people to like you? Sure, you need new contacts to see you as interesting, competent, professional, and potentially valuable to them—but if they don’t also find you likable, nobody will feel...
Who Are You?
I am always careful when using phrases and sentences saying something like, “Be you”, “Discover yourself “, or “Be authentic”. I admit that this kind of statement puts me off. However, sometimes it is difficult to express experiences that happen...
June Artist of the Month: Elizabeth Cox
Artist Statement: Inspired by light, color, and nature. Elizabeth realized at a young age that art and creating was her passion, her calling. Graduating with a degree in Graphic Design, she commenced working at an advertising agency...
Remember Your First Time?
The first time I put up a one person show, I didn’t know what I was doing. The first time I taught a workshop, I didn’t know what I was doing. The first time I gave a sermon at the...
3 Simple Habits That Can Protect Your Brain From Cognitive Decline
You might think that the impact of aging on the brain is something you can’t do much about. After all, isn’t it an inevitability? To an extent, as we may not be able to rewind the clock and change our...
The Secret to a Meaningful Life is Simpler Than You Think
Some people seem to spend their whole lives dissatisfied, in search of a purpose. But philosopher Iddo Landau suggests that all of us have everything we need for a meaningful existence. According to Landau, a philosophy professor at Haifa...
Alchemical Transcendence
This past week I did a call with my Miraculous Maestro buddies where we explored next level Quantum Energy. I believe we have recently moved to a whole new level of energetic play, so thought I’d pass it on for...
State Of The Planet Update: “Alice in Wonderingland”
Who are you?” said the Caterpillar. Alice replied, rather shyly, “I-I hardly know, Sir, just at present-at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times...
The Art Of Visualisation
Visualisation is the process of creating an image of something or someone in our minds, according to dictionary definitions. Nowadays the word visualisation is everywhere, very much associated with the Law Of Attraction. However, visualisation is a tool in itself...
May Artist of the Month: Nathalie Arini
Artist Statement: Nathalie Arini I’m a self-taught professional artist from France, specializing in acrylic (on canvas and paper), which allows me to express my inner feelings, visions, as well as other realms and the multiplicity of dimensions we are...
DreamBorn … The Future We’ve All Been Waiting For
Yesterday I was guided to start my third book on the go at the moment. There’s ‘How We Changed The World’, the fantasy novel ‘StarMaker’ and now ‘DreamBorn…The future we’ve all been waiting for’. So to kick off book...
To Save a Forest, Look to the Women
Sara Inés Lara, leader of Colombia-based bird conservation organization Fundación ProAves, got her first taste of conservation’s potential more than 30 years ago. She grew up in one of the most biodiverse places in the world, seeking refuge in the forests...
45 Mind-Boggling Facts About Dreams
Whether you remember it or not, you dream every night. Sometimes they’re happy, other times sad, often bizarre, and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a sexy dream once in a while. They’re a normal part of sleep — something...
Becoming Icons
Here we are, standing at long last smack dab in the new reality we’ve been dreaming of and co-creating for years now. We’ve moved through normal to greater to masterful to infinite. We’re just now emerging from a chrysalis into...
Invisible Legacy
I am the mother of twins, a lovely daughter and a sweet son. They will be 19 years old in August. They are starting to live independent lives, one is going to university and the other one is already working...
Stop Thinking Like A Machine
April Fool’s Day, and a New Moon in Aries. This lunation is joined by Mercury and Chiron.Time to get realon a lot of levels! Real with ourselves, our previous sacrosanct beliefs, our self-invented or culture-created identities, all that covers...
April Artist of the Month: Anastasia Trusova
About the Artist: I was born on 12/24/1988 in Russia. I’ve been painting for as long as I can remember. I always knew that I would be an artist, only the direction changed: at one time I wanted to...
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