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Tips for High Vibe Living
My buddies were asking me how I stay in a continuous high vibe flow, so here goes, my tips for high vibe living … Never judge yourself around anything. The simple act of judging of yourself will...
August Artist of the Month: John James Park
About the Artist: I am a self-taught artist working in Scotland, using the following media: Oils Acrylics Mixed Media- combinations of everything The objective of my art is to make people happy. My themes are based on reflections...
Why Do We Find Making New Friends so Hard as Adults?
If you’ve ever tried to make new friends as an adult, you’ll probably see why loneliness is at an all-time high. Making new friends feels just plain hard. In school, making friends can be as simple as going on the...
This Is What Happens to Your Brain When You Declutter Your Home
For many of us, decluttering serves as a sort of mental palette cleanser. Stressed out? Tidy your apartment. Unfocused and frazzled? Clear the mess on your desk. Down in the dumps? Reorganize your closet for a sense of accomplishment. It...
Burn, Baby, Burn: The New Science of Metabolism
As the director of the Energy Metabolism Laboratory at the USDA Nutrition Center Tufts University, Massachusetts, Susan Roberts has spent much of the past two decades studying ways to fight the obesity epidemic that continues to plague much of the...
A tale of two realities …
Yes, I know there are many realities, but let’s just for a moment distinguish them as two … normal reality and NEW reality. In “normal” reality … We garner as much knowledge as we can from the pool of current...
How To Live Sustainably As A Renter
Small changes go a long way in creating a healthier planet for years to come. Whether you rent an apartment or an entire house, there are several ways you can lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Thankfully, you don’t have to...
10 Things Incredibly Likable People Never, Ever Do (and Why You Love Them for It)
Some people are incredibly likable because of the things they do. Some people are incredibly charismatic because of the things they do. And some people are incredibly likable because of the things they don’t do. If you know someone who possesses the...
How Stress Hits Women’s Brains Harder—and Why Men Don’t Always Get It
If you’ve been stressed out and ignoring it—isn’t everyone stressed right now?— it could be time to do something about it. That’s because even though you may be basically healthy, tension is doing its stealthy damage. The latest evidence? Researchers...
The Keys to Self Mastery
Self-regulation, within the space of wellbeing, is actually emotional self-regulation. In other words, the capacity of managing our emotions on a daily basis. During the day, we experience a range of different emotions, from joy, love, and peace to anger...
Sleep: The Best and Worst Foods to Eat Before Bed
There are a number of different factors in your day-to-day life that can make it difficult to get to sleep, from stress to our central heating. People are reporting sleep disturbances more than ever: the average person is losing two...
How to Stop “Shoulding” Yourself
A dear friend — a friend I admire for her ability to guide others — recently admitted to suffering from a bout of the “shoulds.” She pointed out that every time she told herself she “should” have done something or...
Are We in the End Times?
Welcome to Summer! Welcome to Winter! Completely depends on whether you’re in the Northern or Southern Hemispheres, doesn’t it? Still, happy Solstice to one and all. The Summer Solstice occurred on the 21st of June, and next up on June...
Make Peace With Your Unlived Life
Tina was at a crossroads. Her daughter had recently left for college, and her husband had his own pursuits. And although she’d once enjoyed banking, she now bore little interest in her work. For some time, she had been asking...
There’s More Reasons Than Ever to Consider Homeschooling Your Child!
We know those who fail to adjust, fail to succeed and unfortunately, the public education system is failing our children, our country and our world. There are huge deficiencies that are feeding into this crisis: a lack of teacher innovation...
10 Surprising, No-Waste Uses For Strawberry Tops
Believe it or not, strawberry tops—the part you cut off and toss into the garbage or compost—can be repurposed in a variety of creative ways. While munching on the green tops itself doesn’t sound all that appetizing, you’ll be surprised...
Tipping Over the Vibrational Horizon
Yesterday I was chatting with a friend and I found myself saying the words ‘tipping over the vibrational horizon’. I had never used those words before so I set out to discover exactly what I meant by this. You see...
How We Changed the World ~ ALLchemical Mastery
Alchemy has always seemed a somewhat mysterious ability to many people. The word itself evokes a level of power that, in the past, many have been frightened to step into. I began my journey into alchemy back in the mid...
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