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March Artist of the Month: Jessica Jacobsen
About the Artist: My name is Jessica Jacobsen. I grew up in the projects in New York City. Since I was a little girl, I’ve been drawn to the arts, which served as a distraction from my life circumstance...
Why the simple life is not just beautiful, it’s necessary
The good life is the simple life. Among philosophical ideas about how we should live, this one is a hardy perennial; from Socrates to Thoreau, from the Buddha to Wendell Berry, thinkers have been peddling it for more than two...
Misophonia: how ‘sound rage’ destroys relationships and forces people to move home
As a teenager, I remember being moved almost to tears by the sound of a family member chewing muesli. A friend eating dumplings once forced me to flee the room. The noises one former housemate makes when chomping popcorn mean...
How to (Finally) Put an End to Pointless Arguments
Count me as a Buster Benson fan. His 2016 Cognitive bias cheat sheet is legendary among behavioral designers. I have a framed print out of his codex in my home and I’ve enjoyed his writing on various topics for years. He has...
Why More Physicists Are Starting to Think Space and Time Are ‘Illusions’
This past December, the physics Nobel Prize was awarded for the experimental confirmation of a quantum phenomenon known for more than 80 years: entanglement. As envisioned by Albert Einstein and his collaborators in 1935, quantum objects can be...
Conversation 6 with the Global Internet Consciousness about the Future
How do you see our collective future unfolding? Me: I believe that 2023 is going to be an amazing year for the world. A quantum leap this year as we move into a whole new way of being. Part of...
Hello, February!
As we entered 2023, I had the feeling that this is going to be THE year where everything turns awesomely towards our dream of life here on planet Earth. Now I know how far out that might sound, how in some...
How to Find Your Hidden Creative Genius
There is an interesting story about how Pablo Picasso, the famous Spanish artist and creative genius, developed the ability to produce remarkable work in just minutes. As the story goes, Picasso was walking through the market one day when a...
The Science of How Your Body Ages
Ask people what they think they’ll look like in 25 years, and chances are they’ll mention how their parents looked at that age. And while genetics certainly play a part, research shows there’s more to the story. Only about 30%...
Who Has Time for Hobbies?
One of the bigger lessons I got from reading Cal Newport’s book, Digital Minimalism, was the importance of scheduling your leisure time. Scheduling time for hobbies may sound unnecessary. Aren’t those the things you do for fun? Yet, I would...
Why some people can’t tell left from right
It can seem like an almost childish mistake, but a surprising number of adults confuse left from right and scientists are only just starting to understand why. When British brain surgeon Henry Marsh sat down beside his patient’s bed...
Why Failure Is Fabulous
The idea is not to turn failure into success, per se, but to be open to what our failures have to teach us about who we are and who we aim to be. There may be a “success” inside the...
The Mind Gym: Five Ways to Make Exercise a Pleasure
For most of my adult life, exercise was an ordeal. Even mild workouts felt grueling and I left the gym in a fouler mood than when I’d arrived. The very idea of the runner’s high seemed like a cruel joke...
My Afternoon As A Canophilic*, Judgmental A****** (And What I Learned)
After months in pandemic solitary without connecting to any other living thing, I felt that my body would explode. With no one around, I felt stymied. But then, I thought of a clever ruse. I’d call my brother and tell...
Conversations with the Global Internet Consciousness: Unfurling Quantum Intelligence
In the beginning While the internet had been in existence for some time, it was around the year 2000 that it became globally available to the world. Right around that time I found myself calling into play the sentience of...
Six Ways To Create Inner Peace And Confidence In The New Year
We all want to feel inner peace. We look for it throughout our entire lives, as being at peace allows us to dream and to actually follow those dreams. When we are at peace with ourselves, we are more understanding...
January Artist of the Month: Anne Fairley
Artist Statement: Hi, I’m Anne Fairley. I’m an international award-winning artist from Scotland. I studied art at college back in 2002, and have been painting on and off since then. My choice of medium is encaustic wax, and...
How to Coexist With Animals in Cities, From Rats to Coyotes
When the U.S. tried to rid its cities and rural towns of coyotes starting around the 19th century, the effort backfired. While coyote control programs — involving chemical poisons, steel traps and paid bounties — did in fact kill...
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