Empathic Medicine Many spiritual teachings say that we see the world through fear or through love. The way that we perceive the world greatly impacts our overall point of attraction, how we see ourselves, the experiences we create in our daily lives and our relationships with other people. A major shift happens when we recognize that fear has become a dominant emotion in our lives and how it has been present unconsciously in many of our intimate relationships. I spent most of my life always afraid of being hurt, I felt it was inevitable every time I cared for someone. On a subtle level, I was accustomed to the experience of feeling more emotions than I was comfortable with because of my untrained empathic gifts. Once I recognized this was the nature of my past experiences, I made the conscious choice to shift my mindset to start creating the version of my reality that was more in alignment with my preferences. I understand the nature of reality as such that I cannot expect to deliberately influence the experiences I am creating until I clean up my own vibration. If you have been offering a frequency that is not purely the truth of who you are, you will indeed have attracted many experiences that feel like contrast, often what we label as negative experiences. These are often created by the Ego and other aspects of our psyche such as the Shadow/the unconscious. Yet these experiences lead to more expansion of our true nature and thus they are a blessing. All of our experiences along our path ultimately lead us to a deeper understanding of who we are. Inner being always feels we are perfect and whole. When we experience discord (negative emotions) in our lives it is an indication that we are in the process of focusing on something that is not in alignment with who we truly are. We each are a powerful magnet for attracting any type of experiences that we give our energy to. Most often our point of attraction is based on our beliefs. One of the primary beliefs in my Shadow that was greatly impacting my life as an Empath was the belief that I needed constant “protection”. Basic laws of the quantum universe state that what we focus on, we magnify, thus attract. When we put out the belief that we need protection we actually create more experiences that resonate with the belief that we need to be protected. The Course in Miracles teaches, “in our defenselessness our safety lies.” This type of quantum leap is not necessarily something that can happen instantaneously. Especially if you have momentum from the point of attraction of needing to be protected. You will certainly have amassed great amounts of “proof” that you are not safe and that the world is a hostile place that you need to defend yourself against. At some point we realize that we are the ones who have been doing this all to ourselves. Often we are not willing to face the concept that we create our own reality because we have built up so much self-blame and guilt through our own dualistic perception of good vs bad, right vs wrong, or positive vs negative experiences. Gradually over time with the techniques that I will be sharing you may learn that you can drop this belief altogether. You can begin to feel and then manifest the type of reality where you know without any doubt that you are safe, loved, and always in a state of divine perfection. Truly on the level of Soul this is the case. It’s simply a matter of being where you are and moving ever closer to our true nature. These universal truths apply to everyone. Being an Empath was simply the path that I chose to experience my awakening through. It was through this path that I began to learn about universal law, the nature of reality, as well as the nature of authentic power. Be ever mindful that the ego does not like change. Thus it will take ideas like discovering we are an Empath and try to convince us to stay small, to play it safe, to never be vulnerable, to erect 50 foot walls around our delicate hearts and to stay isolated from the entire world. So as I share this work today please understand that being an Empath is simply an aspect of our personality blueprint. It is an aspect that we can carry from one lifetime to the next, if the lessons associated with it continue to serve us or if we have not mastered them. From the perspective of the higher self, the personality is simply another veil. Yet I share these teachings because relative to wherever we each are on our path, in the understanding of how we construct our reality, tools like these may prove to be the catalyst for awakening deeper clarity and life purpose. Until we have all come to realize the full potential of our power as infinite beings these types of tools and techniques can help make life in the 3rd Density ever more peaceful. That is my intention.
We normally think of our body as simply our physical body. However there is a range of expression of the self that relates to various manifest and unmanifest aspects of our physiology. Different laws of nature dominate various levels of manifestation in our human physiology. All organs, systems, thoughts, emotions, have their own specific energy or vibration. Each organ vibrates at its own energy specific frequency. Each emotion has its own vibration. Therefore what we feel, what we think, what we eat and drink, even what we daydream about, has a direct effect on our health. The human physiology contains physical plane bodies, spiritual plane bodies and the astral body, which is the bridge between the lower and higher bodies. Western medicine treats the body as if the mind and emotions do not have any effect on physical functions. Yet other traditional medicines have an understanding of the interwoveness of each of these aspects within on another. We all create blocks when we see the world as unsafe. We create patterns that involve our entire energy system. These energetic defenses are used to repel, distract, distance, withdrawal, defend, scare off aggressors, gain attention, or show power. Yet unchecked these blocks can lead to illness or disease. Today I will be discussing several of these bodies and offering some basic explanations about how to create optimal health. This is the basis for well-being. The Physical body allows man to express himself in the physical world. Our physical selves are the crystallization of all of the energy fields that are part of each person. Most are aware of the many methods that can be utilized specifically for health of the physical body such as exercise, eating high vibrational food, and being active doing things you love. Because the physical body contains all of the other more subtle bodies the health of each of them directly impacts our physical health. Unhealed patterns and spiritual diseases can create illness and chronic pain in our physical bodies if left unaddressed. The etheric body is made up of energy that permeates the physical body, giving it sustenance, health and vitality. Without it the physical body could not be alive. It is made up of chi energy and forms a structure of meridians all throughout the body. These meridians run through all the major organs and energy centers. All life forms including plants and animals have an etheric body. Clearing out these channels of blocked energy is vital to a healthy spiritual practice. The use of acupuncture, pranayama and practices such as qi-gong and tantric sex help to open up the flow of chi throughout the etheric body. The emotional body is associated with desires, emotions, imagination, and psychic abilities. According to the Vedanta teachings at the base of all emotions is love. As love rises through our bodies it becomes colored with our beliefs and life experiences. What we want to do in order to heal our emotional body is learn about the colors that we create and how we distort emotions. A great practice is to not try to fix it, not judge it but just sit with any of the emotions that come up. What most people do is suppress their emotions. To be in our true power we need to be able to embrace our emotions and find the love that is at the base. I have learned through my work that the basic illness that manifests in most people is a deeply rooted feeling of self-hate. Can we embrace ourselves unconditionally even when we see our own areas of opportunity? Can we forgive ourselves when we don’t show up as our higher self? These are all important questions to consider related to our emotional body. Our mental body allows us the experience of thoughts, thinking, and rational processes. It is divided into two aspects, the lower mind and the higher mind. The mental body is probably the body that needs cleansing the most. We have thousands of thought a day. One of my favorite mantras is, don’t believe everything you think. I learned through meditation that not every thought I have is useful nor are they all in alignment with who I truly am. Our thoughts are extremely dense. If you focus on a thought for long enough it will create feelings in the body. Notice when you examine certain thoughts how your heart rate or your breathing change. The health of the mind deeply impacts the emotions and the physical body. Mental health requires the ability to look outside of preconditioned thought patterns and deliberately chose thoughts that feel good. Learning to train the mind requires being able to let go of habitual thoughts that do not serve you. We do many things out of habit but introspection creates awareness. Journaling, automatic writing, therapy and meditation are the best practices for clearing the mind of clutter. Truly being able to let go of rigid beliefs and learning to be flexible is key to reframing and transforming our life experiences.
A well developed and intact aura can be your best friend. A powerful aura can keep you contained and alignment with your right to exist in safety and wellbeing. There are many stories of people walking out of collapsed buildings completely unharmed. This can be attributed to a strong and powerful aura. The idea of using your aura intentionally is to learn how to create strong boundaries, to be in your authentic self, to be centered and grounded and to be fully in your power. The first thing to do is seal any holes in your aura. Emotional, verbal, mental and energetic experiences that are traumatic will create tears in the auric field. In meditation you can bring your awareness to your auric boundaries and intuitively feel for holes. You can create a shield around yourself by visualizing a ring of prismatic light around you or your loved ones. You can also use your finger to trace a circle or other sacred geometry shapes around yourself. Sunlight can also be used to expand and cleanse the aura. In addition, just like the physical body has vital and non-vital organs, the etheric body also has major and minor chakras. Chakras are subtle spinning energy points, literally wheels or vortexes of energy. They act as energy gateways or energy exchange points. We have several hundred of these energy exchange points within our energetic systems but the most well-known ones are the seven which are etherically connected into the spine and head. The chakras and the aura can become dirty and clogged with disharmonious energies. This energy can be anything that does not serve your highest good. It can be hurt feelings, pain, guilt, anger, depression, negativity, criticism, past attachments, judgment, and lack of forgiveness. Some of these may be your own but you can also pick them up for other people.That is why it is so important to cleanse and release, to forgive yourself and others. Learn to let go of judgement and criticism of others. It must leave your etheric body for you to be healthy and for you to feel lighter. Laughter can be a deeply healing practice. It’s an indication that you are releasing resistance and connecting to the truth of who are you. Try to approach your healing with a light and kind heart.
Spiritual Baths or ritual baths with salts is a non-negotiable for Empaths. This works specifically to benefit many layers of our body and to cleanse to aura. Water itself is a sentient being that we can be programmed and charged with words and intentions. It has a deep purifying power for releasing emotional toxins. The use of herbs, flowers, and essential oils can infuse the water with magical properties, salt can draw out dense energies, and vinegar can be used to neutralize.One of my favorite recipes is: I cup of Epsom salt, Lavender, Yarrow, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, and Rose Petals. You can ask for the blessings of God(dess) to enhance your healing work. Always call on your spirit and Angels guides when doing healing work. They are always available to offer love and support. Archangel Raphael is the supreme healer in the angelic realm and his chief role is to support, heal, and guide in matters involving health. Raphael means “God heals” or “He who heals”. As I was writing this my ipod shuffle began to play a song with the lyrics, “surround me with your love” over and over. I have found that the angels are often not shy about making their presence known. They will use any method that you are open and receptive to communicate with you. Earth medicine such as flowers, herbs, gemstones are powerful allies for Empaths. I recently created an Empath kit that is filled with some of my favorite metaphysical tools that really help Empaths move fast towards their well being. It included a tea blend with Holy Basil, Oatsraw, Rose, and Lemon Balm. I included an herbal infused body oil( pictured above) that helps to soothe then nervous system. Yellow Jasper or Smokey Quartz stones are great tools for the solar plexus and for grounding. Essential oils such as lemongrass, blue tansy, palmarosa, juniper, marjoram and a few others are included in the aromatherapy blend, I also recommend the use of yarrow flower essence as it helps create a natural psychic barrier between your energy and other people.
One of my favorite tools is the use of Golden Light Meditation. Simply close your eyes and set the intention to just be with yourself in this moment. Remind yourself first and foremost that you are a Spiritual being who has been creating for eons of time, who has chosen to incarnate at this time into this physical body. Imagine Source energy that exists way beyond human comprehension, it is the energy of oneness, it is a part of you. Picture a golden light that is above your head. Inhale the light of Source through the top of our head. Imagine it permeating through every cell of your body. As you exhale release any dense energies that you are holding onto, anything that does not any longer serve you. Continue to repeat this breathing while just giving yourself the space to be, without judgment or criticism. Let the golden light completely surround you and fill you up. Use your imagination and in your mind’s eye visualize your perfect day. An essential practice in truly creating a life that is a reflection of your highest preference is by learning to focus on what you want not what isn’t working for you. The mindset of trying to fix problems, your life or even yourself can simply perpetuate more pain. The implication often that permeates the self help industry is that there is something inherently “wrong” with us. This is ego play at its finest. When you encounter an experience that is not in alignment with your true self you have a few options for you want to engage it. Many people judge the situation as negative or bad and then look for a way to escape the uncomfortable feeling. This can often show up in the form of blame, either directed towards someone else or ourselves. In Buddhist teachings, the idea is that our attachment to specific outcomes is what creates suffering. In life it is unavoidable to experience pain, however how we chose to go through these encounters, if we decide to judge them determines whether or not we suffer. We must learn to practice what is called Maitreya, or Loving Kindness, towards ourselves. One of the central teachings of the Buddha is that there is no one “out there” who will save us; we liberate ourselves by our own efforts. But the human craving for someone to come along, fix our messes and make us happy is powerfully strong. We must learn to there is nothing anyone can offer us that we are not willing to give or do for ourselves. The golden rule is less of a rule and more of a universal principle explaining the ethics of reciprocity. We are all one. Thus how we treat ourselves will be reflected in the way others treat us. How we treat them will be reflected back in how we treat ourselves. And so on and so forth. Truly being able to let go of rigid beliefs and learning to be flexible is key to re-framing and transforming anything that arises in our experience. Often when we put so much mental energy into a situation we end up drawing ourselves more into the story and the drama. How do we know when we are perceiving a situation that we are trying to change in the wrong light? When it doesn’t feel good. This does not mean becoming complacent or not growing. This simply means we focus more on raising our vibration and seeing things from a different point of view. This means we care more about our alignment with Source and All That Is more than anything else. From this place we can truly create change because we have the entire support of the Universe.. If we can see the situation as neutral we can truly shift the trajectory of the outcome. This will be the main focus of next months newsletters. A major shift is happening in the way that we approach healing work. Working with these techniques, tools and practices over time I have learned to get past my fear of being open. I have since been blessed by creating experiences where I feel safe showing up fully as myself and knowing that I will be accepted because I have learned to accept myself unconditionally. Often times we are totally unaware that we have closed down our hearts or built up walls to block out other peoples energy. We may be wondering why we seem to keep attracting people who are not emotionally available or who are not willing to be vulnerable. This can be a powerful reflection of the vibration that we are offering to the universe. When we try to protect ourselves from receiving hurt or unwanted feelings from others we also unconsciously block out receiving love, affection and kindness as well. Being open to receive means letting your guard down. It requires surrendering and trusting that all that will come to you is for your highest good. This receptive mode is what allows you to connect to the part of you that is non-physical that exists in another dimension. This will connect you to creativity, inspiration and insight for how to create the life that is truly who you are. Add to Flipboard Magazine.
By: Ascension Lifestyle Guest Contributor Hasnaa
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