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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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25 Dec 2020
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Your energy is currency…

Understand how you are spending it and what you are spending it on. This is a key practice during this season of closure, reflection and renewal. You give your power to certain energies both by focusing on them, or  trying to ignore them. Both are a form of energy currency. The answer is awareness. Be aware, and set your intentions.

Care more about cultivating and conserving your energetic currency so that it is available to be spent on creating and transforming your life, rather than on defending your reality. We have to train ourselves to vibrate in our own home frequency. This is the basis of mastering our own energy field and learning to focus and direct our energy currency.

Master your energy field, and experience the fullness of your own essence. We can do this by practicing energetic boundaries and managing our frequency through auric cleansing practices and embodiment. Another important component of attuning to our home frequency is emotional alchemy and healthy energy exchange. For highly sensitive people, it is important feel our feelings and clear trapped energy from the emotional body.

Everything we do involves an exchange of energy. It’s possible to be in a healthy exchange with someone through the practice of mindfulness, clear communication and healthy boundaries. Much of this work is about the consistent practice of releasing that which doesn’t serve, while reconnecting to the expansiveness of your true inner self. These practices and more will be taught in our upcoming course, Energy is Currency.

~ Maryam Hasnaa

20 Dec 2020
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Aquarian Dreaming

Do you remember the sixties? They say if you do, you weren’t there. Sex drugs and rock ‘n’ roll… “Turn on, tune in and drop out”, mantra of LSD Guru, Timothy Leary. The psychedelic world of Bohemian counterculture flourished in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury and New York’s Greenwich Village. Each coast had its defining generational event, the 1967 Summer of Love in Golden Gate Park, and Woodstock in ‘69. It was a time of rebellion and idealism. “Hair” opened on Broadway in April of 1968, awakening the collective consciousness to the “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” when “Peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars.”

Free love (read sex) and peace triumphed briefly before utopia collided with reality. In the ensuing years, many alumni joined the great middle class; some entered the corporate world, and a stalwart few continued the good fight as activists and social revolutionaries.

The sixties may be gone, but not forgotten. The New Age had yet to dawn, but these pioneers gave it a ‘practice run’. The taste of individual freedom and the vision of a transformed world is still implanted in their psyches, and by extension in the collective consciousness.

We have been living in the backlash ever since. Ronald Reagan, elected governor of California in 1966, ushered in an era of conservative politics. Sworn enemy of longhaired rabble-rousers and anti-establishment protestors, he vowed to “clean up the mess in Berkeley”. As president, in 1980 he brought his brand to the White House.

Enter the planets. The Reagan presidency began with two conjunctions (joining) of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Libra, on December 31st, 1980 and July 24th, 1981. The outermost visible planets, Jupiter and Saturn are called the great timekeepers. Every twenty years their conjunction marks a turning point in humanity’s evolutionary journey. Under Reagan, the re-structuring of the social order (Libra) began in earnest.

The last four decades have witnessed the fracturing of society along social, economic, political, and racial lines. Systems were engineered to benefit an elite class, and large corporations. The middle was hollowed out. Who can forget ‘trickle-down economics’ and ketchup as the vegetable in school lunches? The gap between the haves and have-nots has presently grown into a yawning chasm.

Aquarian values, by contrast, embrace equality, multi-culturalism, collaboration, and progressive change. Many awaited the dawn of the promised golden age at the turn of the millennium; what arrived in its stead was Y2K hysteria. Jupiter and Saturn joined in Taurus, sign of money, on May 28th, 2000. We entered another two decades of run-away materialism and the exploitation of natural resources.

Tacking down the beginning of an age that is 2,150 years long is no mean task. The shift is gradual yet punctuated by pivots. As far back as the early ‘90s some astrologers pegged the turning point in 2021, with a later installment when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024. I recoiled—why do we have to wait so long? One answer, we had to endure the death throes of the old ways; more people had to awaken to a greater common purpose. Now, there is evidence to support the prediction. Saturn and Jupiter will conjoin in the sign of Aquarius on December 21st, 2020, the day of the winter solstice.


Does the return of the Sun, on the shortest day of the year, herald the dawn of the New Age?

A Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius is rare; the last occurred 615 years ago, in 1405, coinciding with the ending of the Middle Ages and early beginning of the Renaissance. There has not been a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on a winter solstice in the last 5,000 years. This month’s unprecedented event catalyzes a more egalitarian and humanitarian era.

Astrologer Stephanie Austin puts it succinctly:


Aquarius’ spiritual task is the development of group consciousness, where we evolve beyond identification with family, religion, race, and country to being a member of the human race. It is the sign of equality and diversity, innovation and reform, collaboration, and community. The Age of Aquarius is the age of liberty, equality, and freedom for all, the age of unity in diversity… Aquarius instructs us to be inclusive and inventive…What is needed most…is a revolution in consciousness. We are in the midst of an evolutionary shift, moving from materialism, polarization, and domination, into the paradigm of the heart, where we realize our interconnectedness, equality, and divinity.”


As much as we would wish otherwise, the New Age arrives in its infancy not in its maturity. The task remains for us to nurture it along. “We are the ones we have been waiting for” as the Hopi prophecy states. At this juncture, the shift in consciousness on the planet has reached a critical mass where 51% of humanity has matured into an “Aquarian” mindset. The path to the future has been laid out, but nearly half the population lags behind.

Beginning as early as the 1960s, a group of researchers developed a model of the evolutionary development of individuals, organizations, and societies. The authors of Spiral Dynamics were psychologists and social scientists. Their work mirrors the theories of philosopher Ken Wilbur, who later linked arms with them. Their observations are acutely accurate. Spiral Dynamics codifies eight hierarchical stages in human evolution. A simplified overview is available here.

The “green meme” aptly describes Aquarian values:  “Explore the inner beings of self and others; Promote a sense of community and unity; share society’s resources among all; liberate humans from greed and dogma; reach decisions through consensus; refresh spiritually and bring harmony.”

A deeper dive down the evolutionary ladder describes prevalent behaviors in human society—tribalism, prejudice, demagoguery, religious fundamentalism, self-gratification, entitlement, aggression, anti-intellectualism, and competitiveness. Future generations will evolve decades, if not centuries hence, until the promise of the Aquarian Age is firmly anchored.

Our current problems are so complex, widespread, and global, that new, creative solutions are needed. The Aquarian Age bodes well for its embrace of science, technology, environmentalism, and out-of-the-box thinking.

The winter solstice Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the sign of the Water Bearer is a ready-made harbinger of the turning age. Two thousand years ago, the two planets merged to announce the dawning of the last Great Precessional Age* of Pisces. They joined in that sign in 6 BC., forming the bright “star” astrologers believe the wise men followed to Bethlehem.

For more information on this event see my 2006 article: “Star of Wonder”.

Jesus was the acknowledged avatar of the Piscean Age. Now, we are midwifing a difficult, but promising new birth. Here on Earth, we are God’s hands. Let’s get to work.


š* The precessional ages are determined by the constellation in which the sun rises on the summer solstice. Each age is approximately 2000 years long.


About the Author:


Judith Goldberg, MFA, is an evolutionary astrologer and past life regressionist, retired after 30 years to become a full-time author. Follow her blog at Channeling Josephine



20 Dec 2020
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No One Can Hold Back the Dawn, Not Even on this Winter Solstice

I’ve had mixed feelings about Winter Solstice.

It’s cold and dark and my body is not a fan of either. I’m usually running around, trying to get all of the things done before traveling to see family.

And it’s also the time of year when I’d be getting ready for the annual Yule ritual with Starhawk. Sometimes I’d have a role, sometimes not. But the spiral dance is the moment when I’d remember not everything is dark and cold.

I would look into so many shining eyes and remember that light is returning in the northern hemisphere.

But this year is different.

Light is Returning on Winter Solstice 

A lot of my work in 2020 has focused on cycles. Cycles of beginning and ending, and sometimes just the work of turning around and around without stopping. And there’s also been sharp stops in the middle of a cycle. Feeling dizzy after so much movement and then none.

Emotional vertigo is real. Spiritual syncope. Loneliness in moments I never thought to prepare for: a real worry that the parts of life I love might not return for a long time.

The song we would often sing during the Winter Solstice spiral arrives in my mind. And it cycles over and over again. Sometimes the whole song, sometimes only part.



© Charlie Murphy


Light is returning,

Even though this is the darkest hour:

No one can hold back the dawn.


Let’s keep it burning,

Let’s keep the light of hope alive:

Make safe our journey through the storm.


One planet is turning,

Circles on her path around the sun:

Earth Mother is calling her children home.


My body remembers hands and singing until my throat was so dry it cracked again and again. And I would laugh and someone else would laugh. And the song of hope would burn in my veins.


Even Though This is the Darkest Hour

In such a hard year on so many levels, I can feel the dawn coming. It’s sitting on the horizon with promises of something better. Something safer. I can taste it on these dry, thirsty lips.

What is coming will not be perfect. I have already seen the cracks. I have already felt the hesitation to get TOO hopeful. But I bend in that direction anyway. I bend toward the possibility that the dawn will return.

And with it will come the promise of never taking anything for granted again.

I have learned that again and again. I have learned that I assumed I would always have what I had. That I would know consistency and safety. That I would be able to handle everything because I had faced it before.

I never imagined this. I never prepared.

But as the year closes, I know I can face anything. Even in the hours when I thought I could not handle it (and did not want to handle it), I did. The cycle continued. The dawn came.

I kept going.

This Winter Solstice is more visceral. It is not an idea of coming light, but a push into whatever happens next. The colors in the skies may be beautiful, and still I don’t know what they will brighten into clear view.

But the dawn is coming. It is already on its way.

And my hope burns from within, it relies on no one else and nothing else, not even the change of the calendar.

It was always here, the deep glow, the internal resolve.

The match that moves swiftly across the rough year.

And lights the way home.


Irisanya Moon

16 Dec 2020
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2020 ~ 2021


2020 in review

What a time for the world this year. Right from the start of this global pandemic I said, ‘So much good is going to come from this. This is the year the world turns.’ I have not been disappointed.

I don’t need to recap here the environmental impacts, innovational breakthroughs, the sense of globality and the bursting forth of Nature that’s happened this year. But also what’s exciting to me is how the new is showing up so brilliantly in us now.

Many of us now are living fully embodied in a new reality that can only be described as magical, transcendent and joyfully radiant. We are vast and present at the same time, totally in love with life on planet Earth. We have become what I like to call quantum ALLchemists, working as the ALL for all life everywhere. Being a collective being is second nature to me now. And I can see global unity right in front of our noses now. Standing here now, mid December 2020, there is an unexplainable excitement about what the last few weeks of 2020 and then 2021 will bring.



2021 … The year of realised dreams 

I’ve always said it’s difficult to predict the future, first because we are awesome creators and we can make it anything we want. But also because it has always seemed to me like multiple timelines and pathways were on offer, so a choice here and there could put you on a completely new path. However in the past four months, I’ve been playing with future looking and while it’s still not 100% predictable, I find now that there seems to be an overarching pathway that soars above the rest, offering us a brand new reality in which the world can live. So here goes with my annual look at our year ahead … 2021.

ABUNDANCE … Despite all the logical pandemic effect predictions, I sense that 2021 will shower the world with abundance … not just for the select few, but for all people and life forms around this planet. It’s a natural kind of abundance that springs from a relationship with the Earth and Nature. An innovative and entrepreneurial abundance that allows everyone to actualise their dreams and do what they love.

NATURE … This past year, where we live, we saw Nature burst forth like never before. Super GREEN, mega growth, luscious organic foods oozing with juiciness and of course the cross species animal love captured by cameras everywhere. In 2021 Nature is going to burst free even more throughout the world as the miraculous magical core of LIFE is opened up for all to become what we’ve never been before and to see with eyes of wonder what we’ve never seen before inherent in all life.

PEOPLE POWER … There is already a move in motion from hierarchical business, finance and government models to empowerment of the people for collaborative decision-making. It may take another year or two to fulfill itself completely, but we will see this clearly emerge this coming year, supported by new technological innovations and loads more local, community and on line engagement.

GLOBAL UNITY … is high on the list this coming year, breaking through all the logical expectations of ‘how things are and have been’ in the world. This is already happening as we all move through a global pandemic together and see just how interwoven we are. But also If you’re like me, your daily contact is with friends from many countries, faiths and beliefs, seeing just how brilliantly we come together now via technology and telepathy.

HEALTH & WELL-BEING … is going to take a huge leap this coming year. First because 2020 experiences have forced a focus on that, but also because we are unleashing in ourselves a miraculous ability to source powerful shifts in our physicality. I’m already experiencing this in our collective power in zinging up others when they ask for assistance, but also experiencing a sense in myself of getting younger rather than older. In my 70teenth year, I am healthier, fitter and happier than I was ten and even twenty years ago. I see this same trend in my buddies around the world, too.


I predicted 2020 as the year the world would turn towards a new reality and had no idea that a tiny virus would come along to facilitate that turning. Now 2021 feels like a bursting forth of all that the new can offer us. A year in which the world becomes all that we have dreamed it could be. Fasten your seat belts, folks. This rocketship is taking off this coming year. The world will become spectacularly awesome in 2021 and all of us will have an experience of living that dream.

About the Author:

Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.

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