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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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06 Feb 2021
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State of the Planet Update: February 5th, 2021

​​We are in the midst of a struggle for our future, the future of countless species, and indeed future of this Planet. Much is at stake. Even so, there are very good reasons that we are at this juncture, and it is first and foremost an opportunity to remember what is essential about us, and all of Life.

The situation is not without positive benefit and it definitely could end up with a great outcome. However, it will be up to each one of us, and all of us together, to realize such a positive outcome of love, health, prosperity, cooperation and community for everyone…not just for a few. More on what will be required of us to accomplish towards the end of the article.

Evo-Astrology Update:

Welcome to the Aquarian Era! Note, I said “era”, not Age.

One of the things I’ve learned from studying astrology over the past 25 years is that there is a big difference between sidereal astronomy and tropical astronomy. The former coincides with the greater cycles within our solar system, especially the precession of the Equinoxes, which are revered in mystical and pagan traditions as Nature’s own rhythms. It considers the planet’s rotational wobble (Chandler Wobble), which is what gives us our seasons, in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

So, back to the question of why I said “era” and not “Age”. In accounting for the precession of the Equinoxes, we are still approximately anywhere between 180 and 300 years away from complete immersion into the great Age of Aquarius (estimates vary wildly, dependent on the observer). ​As such, we are in the crossover zone between the ending of the Great Age of Pisces, and the upcoming Age of Aquarius. Each cycle is approximately 2,160 years across. Add all 12 signs up, and you get a 26,000 year galactic cycle, which is how long it takes for our planet, embedded within the 3rd spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, to complete one rotation around the Galactic Center.

Whew! Enough of that then.

The State of the Planet in 2021 is different than that of 2020 in some significant ways. Some have said that the Saturn-Jupiter ingress into Aquarius last December 21st, 2020 was the beginning of the Aquarian Age. As I have demonstrated, this is not accurate, nor helpful. There has been enough false hope peddled around for far too long.

In the ancient myths, Saturn was a Titan, and a tyrant. He was paranoid, jealous, and a cannibal. We ignore these aspects at our peril. Saturn was also the ancient ruler of Aquarius, a fixed air sign, and Air signs are inherently mental in orientation. Fixed means unwilling to change, unless there’s a lot of pressure.  When Uranus was discovered (also one of the Titans), a new energy lit up in our collective consciousness. Since Uranus vied with Saturn for rulership, and he exemplified change for it’s own sake (Uranus’ axis is tilted on it’s side, rather than north-south…and it rotates backwards), and astrologers assigned him to Aquarius, and left Saturn in charge of Capricorn.

Now that brings us to the over-riding astrological theme for 2021. There are three Uranus-Saturn squares this year, and one in 2022.

  • 17 February 2021
  • 15 June 2021
  • 24 December 2021

The ultimate spiritual and psycho-physical challenges this year lead on from 2020 when the predominant theme was set by the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn at 22 degrees of Capricorn on January 12th, 2020. The main theme or challenge for 2021 is the choice between freedom or slavery, a New Dispensation versus the morphing of the Old Order into a technocracy of control. Even more accurately, this is about organic versus synthetic life.

The very foundations of the previous cycle are undergoing a dis-integration, and as a result, those souls invested (or seduced) by the addiction to power-over Nature and humanity will try to manipulate the technologies to perpetuate their own positions. This is, of course, unsustainable in the long run. But minds addicted to certainty and safety, and out of touch with Nature, will take extreme measures to preserve the status quo, even if it is harmful to themselves.

There are many analogies I could use to illustrate this, and here’s just one example:

I have been noticing and observing that the predominant preoccupation with the Age of Science and Medicine is to classify micro-components of the natural world as hostile to human biology, when in fact our biology exists in a symbiotic relationship with trillions of bacteria and other organisms. There is mounting evidence that when we introduce toxins of any type into the natural order, these microorganisms will attempt to rid themselves of the toxicity, and in turn, this may appear in biology as illness, or dis-ease. When this happens, it should alert us that something has changed in the equilibrium, the balance of Nature within and without. Instead, we treat the manifestation of illness as an invader, mercilessly and coldly attacking us and killing some of us.  The only question that remains is to identify and remove the sources of toxicity, whether it be in our air, water, food, or within our minds and emotions.

The cycle of Uranus in Taurus is pointing our attention to the things that relate to having a body and loving our bodies. Nurturing and love are part of the Taurus archetype. So is food, sex, pleasure, health and security, and harmony with Nature’s cycles. The Uranian influence here is squared, or challenged, by Saturn in Aquarius, which embodies a stance that is allied with A.I., virtual reality matrices, and are anti-body and by extension, anti-Nature.

As an example of what happens when any religion makes the body or Nature (and especially women and sexuality) a “problem” is in our collective history and memories. Centuries ago, many of the sacred groves of Middle Eastern pagan (polytheistic-matriarchal) cultures were destroyed, and thousands of their adherents to those in those cultures were brutally massacred.  A lot of trees were cut down in the process too…a foreshadowing of what would follow in Europe during the Middle Ages with the millions of “witches” murdered, and now in our own times, with the destruction of the Amazonian rainforest.  We are still suffering with the imprinting or programming from what is essentially a cultural and spiritual war that was fueled by patriarchial monotheism.

Strategies for Living Heaven (Aquarian Age) During the age of Covid and Transhumanism:

Looking at our own shadow and facilitation of our own karmic baggage and projections has been underway since the discovery of the planetoid Chiron in 1977. Chiron heralded the return of many ancient and mystical healing traditions and modalities and spurred the creation of many new and novel modes of healing. Self-help books, workshops and human potential movements sprang up over the next couple of decades. It took a while longer, into the late 1990’s and early 21st century to realise the peril and healing crisis on a global scale. Our ecosystems were beginning an accelerated breakdown, but for most, the call to heal was still based on a very personal path.

We can no longer afford this sort of indulgence, not when we face multiple challenges in simultaneity. Even though the lockdowns during 2020 seemingly provided a brief respite, the collapse of the ecosystem is still accelerating. The Pandemic of 2020 has captivated most of human focus, drawing away attention to the looming crisis of the collapse of capitalism as we’ve known it, and the poverty that is being created because of it. There is a stated desire by the world’s most influential persons to establish a single digital transaction system to replace the currencies and through a digital “smart” infrastructure, manage most aspects of every human being’s life in the near future. Is this what we really want, or need?

The strategies to navigate these changes, and to create new models of living, will require that we see our own personal healing path as entwined with the healing of the planet and others in our human family. I include all creatures within Nature as part of this healing as well. To commit to communicating better and with more kindness, to sit in communion with the environment, to pursue quantum health in symbiosis with the natural world are, to me, necessary requirements. If we are to reduce the toxicity in our minds, we must look to where we have manifested these toxins into the surrounding environment. It is all connected…inexorably.

No one is going to rescue us. We are our own UFO’s. However, we are never alone. Our first ally is Mother Nature, Sophia, the Planetary Intelligence. Seek out indigenous elders or shamans. Learn to talk with the Planet as if she were your Mother, and Guide. Seek a deeper understanding with your relationship to Source Consciousness, and all beings who are available to assist when called upon.

​Listen to your animal instincts and body’s elemental intelligence more. Try reducing your reliance on scientific orthodoxy and its insane reduction of Nature into a nothing more than a chemical (or genome sequence) equation. Challenge your own assumptions. Protect yourself and your loved ones from over-exposure to artificial EMF’s. Buy a water filter for your home. Learn deep breathing techniques, and perhaps grow a small veg garden. Dance more, make love…to everything. Meditate, reflect, spend time in Nature. Self-care is essential…always!

Challenge your own assumptions. Protect yourself and your loved ones from over-exposure to artificial EMF’s. Buy a water filter for your home. Learn deep breathing techniques, and perhaps grow a small veg garden. Dance more, make love…to everything. Meditate, reflect, spend time in Nature. Self-care is essential…always!

Listen to your heart of Hearts…trust your intuition. Trust your Self. Trust in Spirit. There is no higher authority than what resides within you.

These are just some intentions we can make and some of the actions we can take in order to retrieve and enhance our divine sovereignty, instead of being subsumed into the dark side of the Aquarian shadow…the dictates of the crowd or group…the obedient hive mind.

Keep an eye on that Dragon of Fear and give it no quarter. There is a world of difference between practical safety and irrational fear. The latter is being used as a weapon daily, all over the world in media and politics.

Stop feeding the beast…and feed your soul. Feed one another. Love one another.

The balance of February includes Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius and the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th. I see this time as an opportunity to review priorities. I used this as an opportunity to remove myself from Instagram (left Facebook last November). As a culture, we currently are unable to comprehend how deep down in the bowl of digital soup we are, how disembodied we have become. Our task as healers, as mystics, as spiritual activists and change artists is to reclaim ourselves from a world designed by others, for their own profit.

About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations. Join him on his new radio show airing Sunday, February 7th, on The show’s name is “Revealing the Mysteries” and Isaac will be discussing upcoming topics and guests. Airtime is 6:30pm GMT, 1:30pm ET, and 10:30am PT.

03 Feb 2021
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You Are The Bridge That Leads Out Of Darkness

Your reality has reached a major pivotal point. This is the change you have asked for. There are no directions on how to navigate these new times, but they will be created in each moment by following your heart center. A new dimension/reality/Earth template is landing now. We don’t have words for this and neither do you; but we see that you can feel the reverberation, or the ripples, from this new energy. You are stretching and reaching for it now. It is not quite close enough, and it is not time to make the leap. There is still some polarized baggage to clean up.

Duality is cancelling itself out through the use of exaggerated extremes created between the forward thinking and the past dependent ones within humanity. Obsolete programming is being dissolved as it fights its last battles. Humanity’s consciousness is continuing to go through a huge awakening by the way of a collective dark night of the soul. Radical emotions and reactions in humanity are symptoms of this. The collective consciousness is being flushed out and prepared for the future. The polarities will now begin to dissolve because they are contaminated in every direction and on all fronts. These things do not belong in the new Earth Nuclei. From this point forward, when you look back, you will wonder how you achieved this transformation.

A Finely Tuned Dance

You are on the master’s path. This is a very fine tuned dance … to not take sides, or take up arms and go to battle for any extreme position. The way through this is to keep your balance, stay in your center and out of the non-permanent distraction of chaos that is a around you. Keep flowing through your center. You can maintain your balance by adopting an attitude of flexibility and radical acceptance of the process that is in front of you at any given moment. Remain in your heart without judgments. Be very patient, and stay in your grounded body. If you become polarized, you could collect impurities that you will have to clear and heal later and with more challenges. To stay clear and land fully into the new Earth template totally prepared, you must maintain yourself in a neutral center until the balance returns. And it will. This time of confusion and challenge is not forever.

You will know when you begin to anchor within your center and the higher frequencies. You will begin to feel uncomfortable taking up any “side” or “battle”. Your biases will be very few, because you have already begun to anchor yourself in the new Earth template and its new frequencies, that are balanced and non-polarized. The places you judge are the places, dimensions and levels of consciousness that you will become stuck in until you learn to go beyond it. Let the old fall away when it is too dense to be useful anymore. Be compassionate and let others, who seam to be lost, catch up to the new program. This all takes time, and they will come to the truth in waves. All the upcoming events that transpire are all in divine order. There is nothing to worry about. Just take comfort in knowing that what is out of balance with the new frequencies absolutely CANNOT come forward into the future. You can have confidence in this fact.

Where you place your energy is where you are. Not taking action is an action in itself. Be in the still center place, and do not get drawn into the drama that is playing out now. There is power in doing nothing and letting the universe self balance. You will be a bridge for humanity.

You are moving beyond the separation of time. You will find it easier to be present in the moment, but it will be a natural part of the process to go through levels of grief and regret of the past, fear and worry of the future, and self doubt and questioning. Do not escape these feelings, but go through them, learn, and come back to the present and your center. Tomorrow will be a great mystery that we will navigate together.

As you have discovered, it is pointless to expect to find truth out there — no matter what the source. You must find and live from your own inner source and center, so as not to attract an event created by an unbalance (karma). If any situation triggers you, re-examine the origin of your belief system surrounding it. You are NOT your beliefs. Beliefs are not truth, and they always change with the times. But your essence never changes for it is eternal. You ARE the mirror, but you are not the reflection it sends out.

All of creation is being cleared to create a new vessel for the new Earth nuclei and the larger Earth template. We say again … surf in the center … live in the eye of the storm. Act from unity or tribe consciousness, and make your choices based on the collective well-being, and not just your individual self. When you live from this new balance, within all that is, you support and create a path for all to follow. You are the bridges that lead out of the dark night. You are the new visionaries and the way-showers.

Side note …
We are crossing directly over the same energy, or point in time, where deep collective wounds were caused by the fall of Atlantis. Much of the polarization, over reaction and deep resistance is coming not from the present, but from the deep wounds of the past. This is being triggered to be faced and healed, because these wounds cannot go further into the future. So again … Be kind. Know that people are going through much more than you can possibly realize.

Source article:

01 Feb 2021
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February Artist of the Month: Elizabeth R. Urabe


Artist Statement:

As an artist Elizabeth R. Urabe has always had only one goal: to translate the invisible energies of Absolute Truth into form and color so that an ever-increasing number of people might have more direct access to the intangible inner realms of human existence.

In 1995 she began spontaneously to channel the pictures now known as Urabe Spirit Art, and to date has birthed more than 750 designs.

In 2011, intuitively selecting a design titled Divine Unity, Elizabeth was one of three first place winners of the unprecedented American Batik Design Competition, organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, DC. As a result she now has batik and fashion contacts in Jakarta who have created breathtakingly beautiful ladies’ silk shawls and men’s shirts, using her art as the energetic inspiration in a marriage of form and essence dating back 4000 years in Indonesia.

In 2016, in response to the global craze for adult coloring books, Elizabeth self-published three coloring books for adults of original art and poetry for contemplation, and one interactive coloring book for adults and children to engage with together. The first title, Color Me Freedom, has already been partially translated into Spanish, French and Russian, and there is a full German rendering.

In Elizabeth’s words:

“Urabe Spirit Art is one of the most powerful reflections of Source energies available to humankind at this point in the evolution of Consciousness. We are at a crossroads where the future of our planet and life as we know it may very well depend on the willingness of each individual to embrace the entire spectrum of human emotion and commit to the kind of very real transformation that only spiritual growth can offer. It is time for each one of us to say an unequivocal YES to destiny and take our rightful places as Warriors of the Spirit.”

Let us join in this pure and noble cause, knowing that – together – there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Elizabeth R. Urabe

Ash Fork Arizona





26 Jan 2021
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How To Outsmart Your COVID-19 Fears And Boost Your Mood In 2021

After a year of toxic stress ignited by so much fear and uncertainty, now is a good time to reset, pay attention to your mental health and develop some healthy ways to manage the pressures going forward.

Brain science has led to some drug-free techniques that you can put to use right now.

I am health psychologist who developed a method that harnesses our rip-roaring emotions to rapidly switch off stress and activate positive emotions instead. This technique from emotional brain training is not perfect for everyone, but it can help many people break free of stress when they get stuck on negative thoughts.

Why The Stress Response Is So Hard To Turn Off 

Three key things make it hard to turn off stress-activated negative emotions:

  • First, our genes make us worrywarts. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors survived by assuming every rustle in the grasses was a lurking hungry lion, not harmless birds hunting for seeds. We’re essentially programmed to be hyperaware of threats, and our brains rapidly launch stress chemicals and negative emotions in response.
  • Second, the chemical cascade of stress hormones in the brain associated with negative emotions impairs cognitive flexibility, goal-directed behavior and self-control.
  • Third, our tendency to avoid dealing with negative emotions puts people in a perpetual cycle of ignoring unpleasant feelings, which amplifies stress and the risk of emotional health problems.


Traditional approaches for coping with stress were based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, which focuses on modifying patterns of thinking and behavior. It was developed before our modern understanding of stress overload.

Researchers at New York University discovered a paradox: Although cognitive methods were effective in low-stress situations, they were less effective when dealing with the high stress of modern life.

Emotional brain training works with these high-stress emotions in an effort to tame them, releasing negative emotions as the first of two steps in preventing stress overload.

Step 1: Release Negative Emotions

The only negative emotion in the brain that supports taking action rather than avoidance and passivity is anger.

Studies have shown that the suppression of anger is associated with depression and that suppressing anger doesn’t reduce the emotion. Healthy release of anger instead has been found to reduce other stress-related health risks.

Our technique is to switch off stress overload by using a controlled burst of anger to help the brain exert better emotional control and allow emotions to flow rather than become chronic and toxic. After that first short burst, other feelings can flow, starting with sadness to grieve the loss of safety, then fear and regret, or what we would do differently next time.

You can talk yourself through the stages. To experiment with the process, use these simple phrases to express the negative feelings and release your stress: “I feel angry that …”; “I feel sad that …”; “I feel afraid that …”; and “I feel guilty that …”

Step 2. Express Positive Emotions 

After releasing negative emotions, positive emotions can naturally arise. Express these feelings using the same approach: “I feel grateful that …”; “I feel happy that …”; “I feel secure that …”; and “I feel proud that …”

Your mindset can quickly change, a phenomenon that has many potential explanations. One explanation is that in positive states, your brain’s neural circuits that store memories from when you were in the same positive state in the past can be spontaneously activated. Another is that the switch from negative to positive emotions quiets your sympathetic nervous system – which triggers the fight-or-flight response – and activates the parasympathetic system, which acts more like a brake on strong emotions.

Here’s what the whole stress relief process might look like for me right now:

  • I feel angry that we’re all isolated and I can’t see my new grandson Henry.
  • I hate it that everything is so messed up! I HATE THAT!!!
  • I feel sad that I am alone right now.
  • I feel afraid that this will never end.
  • I feel guilty that I am complaining! I am lucky to be alive and have shelter and love in my life.
  • Then the positive:
  • I feel grateful that my daughter-in-law sends me photos of Henry.
  • I feel happy that my husband and I laughed together this morning.
  • I feel secure that this will eventually pass.
  • I feel proud that I am doing the best I can to cope.

After a daunting year, and with more challenges ahead in 2021, upgrading your approach to emotions can be a drug-free mood booster. Our COVID-19 fears need not consume us. We can outsmart the brain’s fear response and find moments that sparkle with promise.

About the Author


Laurel Mellin, Associate Professor Emeritus of Family & Community Medicine and Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco.


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