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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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22 Feb 2021
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State of the Planet Update – Resonance, Creativity & Chaos

There are many effects or influences occurring that we can observe in the world now.

The pre-eminent emotional resonance is still rooted in fear, paranoia, or depression. The other main ones are confusion, dissension, and further atomization of people within societies around the globe. By atomization I mean that human interaction is now mostly reduced to online interactions, via Zoom, YouTube, social media, chat rooms, and the comments areas on many online news platforms. The sense of estrangement and dislocation is further exacerbated by the hyper-normalisation of living an ever-more disembodied existence, focused in the area above the eyebrows.

The human mind is not just a sensory-based bio “computer”. It is a living and molecular location of one node of our mind, or extra-sensory awareness. You can call this the spirit or “soul” of each individual. The mind itself, spread out as it is throughout our body and into the space around each of us, is capable of things a supercomputer cannot match, even with today’s technology.  Tech can certainly mimic, but it is incapable of creating originality or feeling human feelings, or love itself. It is a mimic, an externalization of our own neural network – the basis of the artificial binary reality that is enfolding around our cerebral cortexes. We have literally turned ourselves inside out.  If you have ever wondered what this might look like, imagine a turtle or a mollusk, without its protective shell.

Since the mind has no firewall as such, we interact with Life on this plane and planet in two main ways.  We make certain choices, consciously or otherwise, to have certain experiences we feel we want to have. The other way is that things, people, or circumstances that just seem to “happen” to us.  We sense a loss of control or free will in those situations. Nowadays we may even blame ourselves for experiencing a reality or event that we certainly did not plan on, but happened anyway.  In both instances, we may not always get what it is that we thought we wanted to experience, and we also may have something happen with us or to us that ends up as blessing in disguise. Changing your thinking from “I create my own reality” to “I create reality, and Reality is creating me” reduces our fear of the unknown (and the need for certainty), while giving us more options to choose again. This point will be important, as you will find out.

Thoughts, influences, and experiences shape our perceptions. If we are unawares of how we are aligning, or entraining to anything, then we may unknowingly behave as the creators of those influences wish us to behave. Marketing and advertising have achieved untold levels of leverage over human consciousness via digital means.  We know that via documentaries such as “The Social Dilemma.” What we need to become even more aware of is how we are influenced or imprinted on other levels of our mind, even in our own bodies.  Entrainment, resonance, and imprinting is the way mammals operate and learn from each other. Unfortunately, these beautiful traits are now being used against humanity.

Sovereignty is one way to describe a being that is completely in harmony with all environments and other beings, while maintaining a sense of “self”. The American mystic Edgar Cayce, when asked to describe what the Christ Consciousness was, said: “To know thyself to be thyself, yet One with All That Is.”  When we can even touch into that field of awareness, we can understand that the Christ Mind is not something belonging to the historical Jesus (or Yeshua), but that it is an inherent spark or part of each human being. The Gnostics referred to this divine gift as “epinoia”, or divine imagination and awareness.

Resonance is constantly happening, and un-happening. We fall in love with someone. Five years later we may still love that person, but we are no longer “in love” with them. Resonance, for whatever reason, has changed or fallen away. A child loses interest in a plaything or toy. The resonant field that supported that interaction has changed. Resonance is part of Spirit learning about differing aspects of Itself or remembering more of what He/She already is. We are co-creators, merged poets, and scientists, existing beyond time and space, and yet totally immersed within it, trying to merge with All That Is, while simultaneously, striving to individuate and know what sovereign and free action is all about. Quite a paradox, wouldn’t you say?

One of the ways in which resonance manifests is in the realm of illness and disease. We can literally “vibe” with a pattern of resonance that fears disease or even death. This is called the “nocebo effect”.  One of the pioneers in mind-biology links is Dr. Bruce Lipton. His studies into epigenetics and beliefs have arrived at conclusions remarkably like quantum theory and quantum entanglement. His discoveries also support what Dr. John C. Lilly said about our minds and consciousness: “Whatever the mind believes to be true, either becomes true, or is true.” This is an important factor in our attempts to understand the pandemic that erupted in late December 2019 and then engulfed the world. The effects may also be happening due to the extreme levels of toxicity in myriad forms on our planet today. The Latin word for poison is “virus”. What if a virus is nothing more than a cellular component that is reacting to toxicity? There is much more we must learn about the interactions of resonance, belief, and the environment as regards human biological and emotional wellbeing.  First, we will need to examine our addiction to scientific orthodoxy, which is contrary to the true spirit of scientific inquiry and spirituality.

Witnessing the chaotic patterns and disintegration of patterns in our world now is difficult. So many seem so hypnotized, or plain lost. Millions have no other concern other than simply surviving. Did we really want it to be this way? Our understanding of how human consciousness works and interacts is the key to extricating ourselves.  Creation is born out of chaos and resonance by informed choice, arrived at by meditation/spiritual hygiene, critical thought, and practical action, is necessary to reverse the direction we are now finding our world going towards. The disintegration of the old order must continue, even as there seems to be no new framework to rely upon to replace it. The old consciousness is simply unable to offer any solution to the problems it has created.

When I channelled Archangel Ariel back in the early 2000’s, one statement made to describe the future situation we now find ourselves facing was expressed in such simple language: “Stop trying to fix this whole thing. Stop trying to reform it or remediate it. Let that go. If you have a broken-down old car, would you really spend good money to put four brand new tires on it? Not an incredibly wise response to the problem.”

I completely concur.

It is imperative that we understand that this year, with the squares between the two social planets Uranus and Saturn, will be definitive and long-lasting. The three main challenges are the choice of freedom over a digitized technocracy, the sovereign right of the individual and resisting groupthink or hive mind and letting go of addiction to self-development and personal improvement so that we can work together more effectively and lovingly.

One of the things I encourage you to do is to carefully examine yourself for any signs of deferring to outside authority for security, direction, certainty, and leadership. Also, become a student of spiritual or psychic hygiene techniques to maintain your bio-resonance with your own biology and with Nature both here on the planet and throughout the Multiverse. If you do not know how to do this, contact me for some tools. I also facilitate this work and have others I can refer you to.

Lastly, fastidiously monitor your interactions and usage of electricity and technology. Currently the Dual-Headed Gods are Science (orthodox) and Technology (digital), but they are false gods. How they came to dominate our world is a story for another time. Our task for now is to take responsibility for allowing it to happen thus far by compassionately understanding how we have been sleepwalking with it for so long…and then taking the necessary steps to change ourselves, and by extension, create the potential world we would all like to create and inhabit. Where everyone is healthy, where everyone thrives, where loving kindness, cooperation and creativity are paramount.

It is up to us to re-establish and maintain our sacred connections, to the plants, the animals, the planetary intelligence. Nature is worth preserving, for it indeed is the Mother of us all.

Remember what we’re here for, what you’re here for. And hold sacred the beauty of this place, and see the Divine in the heart of it.

About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.

18 Feb 2021
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Cleaning House

Your home is an extension of your energy field…

Practices like cleaning your home, rearranging furniture, organizing your closet, and getting rid of objects that are cluttering your space can have a profound impact on your  mind, body, and spirit. It is this feeling of “cleaning house” that we lean into during this season so that we may fully embody true change, not just intellectualize it.

Cleaning house means to get rid of stuff, organize your life, finish tasks, have conversations with people that you have been putting off, clear up any possible misunderstandings, end relationships that are no longer serving you, and collapse timelines. Let it all go so you can start to make progress. Trust that there is a greater force in this universe that is orchestrating the changes and growth you will experience.

There are certain things you are calling in that will require you to grow in order to receive them. And that growth will be exactly what your soul needs. It is time to start aligning yourself with the right people who can support your vision and growth trajectory. On a deep level, a commitment to the serious soul confronting work is needed for real transformation and lasting change. Lean into this calling and commit, all in.

Know that all of the growth and progress you have made thus far is because you did the work. You are a masterpiece in progress so give yourself credit. With the magnificence of who you are in mind how will you show up? How will you clean house? If your home is an extension of your energy field, how will you fill it with things that reflect you and who you are becoming?

About the Author:

Incarnated in this lifetime as a clairsentient, Maryam Hasnaa has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. She uses her etheric abilities to remind other beings of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements of her work include a depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions, cosmic cosmology and energy work.


Photography by Sal Tran

15 Feb 2021
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Fear No More!

To believe that things that happen to us come from outside, alien to our intervention, shows how easily we fall into a comfortable area of thinking that we are powerless against those circumstances.

Fresia Castro, the Latin American spiritual leader and creator of the Cyclopea Method, says: “Nothing comes from outside! Everything emanates from our creative process and is a manifestation of it.”

In other words, we are the creators of our own life, and how good or bad these creations are depends on the feelings that control us. Feelings have a frequency: high, medium or low.

We know that love is the feeling of highest frequency and fear is the feeling of lowest frequency. Fear, then, is the obstacle to overcome. Those people who banish fear from their daily life, will create a new kingdom, a new state.

Fear shows us two ways: on one side it paralyses us and on the other side, it makes us gather strength and move forward. Therefore, we could say that fear has a positive side to it. Confronting our fears makes us grow and expand.

Fear and love are opposites because when we live in fear we are not loving — and when we don’t love, the word hate comes into play. Why do people hate something? Because they feel fear. Therefore, to really experience love, we have to erase the fears that right now are controlling our life. How? By having the courage to tackle them, one by one, until they disappear.

Of course, because we move in this field of polarities, getting completely rid of fear will require a great deal of self-mastery. But who says this is impossible? The way to ascension is closer simply by trying our best.

When love and other high frequency feelings, like harmony and happiness, come into the game, we have better chances of reaching our goals and improving our results in this physical field.

I am ready to confront my fears. What about you?


About the Author:


Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.

08 Feb 2021
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Embodiment is the ultimate union…

… of mind, body, and spirit. It is the opportunity to bring all of the lessons we have learned into the body to become the new version of ourselves. Often times different energy states overlay the true self so much that we believe they are who we are. Embodiment is having the courage to trust oneself enough to break the cycle of past influences and set out on one’s own path. The more of your light you embody the more powerful you become.

There are parts of your soul that do not fully incarnate into this experience until it is time, or until you signal that you are ready for them. Embodiment is about merging and integrating more aspects of the multidimensional higher self into this physical vessel.

The entire purpose of ascension is to become the living embodiment of your soul’s higher aspects while still in the body. This is what your soul desires, for you to bring your wisdom and expanded self to life, here and now.

About the Author:

Incarnated in this lifetime as a clairsentient, Maryam Hasnaa has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. She uses her etheric abilities to remind other beings of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements of her work include a depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions, cosmic cosmology and energy work.

She is experienced in working with subtle plant medicine, metaphysics, universal & spiritual law, the Akashic records, embodied ceremony, ritual, meditation, sound healing and a keeper of sacred medicine. She specializes in ascension guidance, as well as helping other beings honor their soul’s blueprint within the divine plan. Maryam Hasnaa incorporates ancient wisdom as well as cutting edge information to intuitively teach in a way that will awaken wholeness and create deep transformational healing. Through shining her light so brightly her intention is that others will see themselves reflected and do the same.

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