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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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18 Mar 2021
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Invitation to the Global Equinox Meditation: March 20, 2021


Beloved souls,

You are invited to join in a globally synchronized meditation for the Equinox on Saturday, March 20. This guided meditation is available to facilitate a deeper awareness of Who We Are, which may also be facilitated by consciously reading the following before the meditation…

The main purpose of our existence here is to fully realize that we are an indissociable fragment of the Archetypal Essence, the Eternal Presence, the Omniversal Source from which All That Is stems, and to which everything will eventually return.

Discovering the intricate consequences and overall meaning of this fact is what sentient life is all about. No one has ever succeeded in fully grasping what that means, from stars to flowers, from atoms to Super Universes, from the physical realm to the most ethereal of angelic worlds. No one can comprehend it all. But discovering every possible shade and nuance which conscious awareness can encompass is what fills with happiness the Universal One in us.

We each are this Force. We each can feel its pulsing Presence in our conscience’s loins. Every song ever composed, every word ever uttered, every thought ever thought is but an expression of that same Presence, of that same Joy, of that same blissful Perfection.

Everything hinges on us becoming aware of Who we are, of Who everyone is, of what All That Is really is. To that end, over time, an infinite number of possibilities are offered to experience every aspect of this plethora of perceptible realities.

We are inexorably moved to embrace our spiritual side until we succeed, at some point in the life-time Continuum, to fully reconnect with the Source of our very existence, that still small voice within, that place of all Knowingness which knows infinitely much more than what our limited grasp of things may possibly allow.

Spiritual cognizance of one’s own true nature cannot be taught. It can only be experienced, and thus revived. In the end, we all have to make the choice to dive within and trust that the true face of Divine Reality will be revealed, just at the right moment, to guide us exactly where we are meant to be to get the lessons we need to learn in our spiritual journey.


~ Jean Hudon and the Earth Rainbow Network

15 Mar 2021
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The Ides of March: Beware or Aware?

Today is the Ides of March. You know that saying, “Beware the Ides of March,” coined by the Bard himself, William Shakespeare, in his play, Julius Caesar. I am sure you will hear it at least once today recited by someone.

March 15 marks the date in history that Caesar was assassinated, as predicted by the seer earlier with that warning to, “Beware the Ides of March.”

I was curious about the Ides of March. Here are a few interesting tidbits I discovered:

  • In Roman times the Ides of March was mostly notable as a deadline for settling debts. The Ides of March also marks the first day of the Roman new year and the first day of spring in the Roman calendar.
  • We have more than one “ides” each year. Actually ides occur on the 15th in March, May, July, and October or on the 13th in the other months. The word’s Latin roots mean “divide,” and the date sought to split the month, originally at the rise of the full moon.
  • The term “ides” in some Chinese vernaculars means to look at, to see.

Lessons from the Ides of March

I am intrigued that the ides fall towards the end of every quarter of our current calendar. What a good time to pause, listen, and assess where we are in our goals, hopes, and dreams. I like to practice harvesting my journal — rereading and highlighting what I have recently written. What a good use of the ides!

I love that the meaning of the word implies to look, to see. These moments in time serve as a great reminder to take a deep look into ourselves and where we are at the present moment.

Beware or aware?  Both words offer insight to our spiritual journey. Where do I need to be more careful? Am I nearing a dangerous edge and need to withdraw back into the arms of God? Increasing our awareness of and putting a name to our location, our needs, our hopes, our invitations gives us clarity, direction and meaning to life.

And I can’t help but laugh as I write this blog post — absolutely every time I type “ides” I accidently add another letter. The word “ideas” keeps appearing. I am not making this up — every time! I think God is gently telling me, reminding me to thank him for new ideas every quarter. To ask him for fresh ideas on each ides. To be open and willing to accept his gift of inspiration each time. To beware of false, misleading notions.

What do you think? Do dates or quotes cause you to pause and assess spiritually? How are you growing spiritually so far this year?


by Jean Wise. Original article here.



13 Mar 2021
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How to Save Time Forever

This month, approximately 75 countries worldwide will create an annual illusion: saving time. We move the hands of our clocks ahead, and think we’ve harnessed the sun. In the U.S., our participation begins at 2 am on Sunday, March 14th.

How time flies when we perceive it as linear. By contrast, cultures that live in tune with natural rhythms do not alter their clocks, because clocks do not define their time. The seasons and the stars do.

I once heard thought leader Deepak Chopra share how he explained existence to his three-year-old granddaughter as they walked along the beach at sunset. Essentially, he told her she is made of starlight, and that the spirit of the stars is reflected in her eyes. Tara was silent while she digested this information. Then she said, “Nanna, look up!” When Chopra asked why, she replied, “The stars want to see themselves!”

Living in the zone

Time is elastic. Athletes know this. When athletes move into the space known as “the zone,” time slows down. They see every move or play with perfect clarity, and execute the correct maneuvers as if in a dream, sensing the favorable outcome. Something expands within them that translates into success.

How many people do you know who never seem to have “enough” time? We are each gifted with the same twenty-four hour cycle to use as we choose. People who are time-deprived are exhibiting one aspect of our pervasive scarcity consciousness.

Psychologist Maria Nemeth writes, in The Energy of Money, “Scarcity is a reality in the physical domain. As a minister friend of mine once told me, ‘It’s as though we got bored living without limits. We decided to incarnate — which means, literally, to turn into meat. We further chose to work with the limits of form, time and finite energy. This was to see how much of the divine we could bring into the mundane before it was time for us to leave.'”

As paradoxical as it may seem, says Nemeth, “We reach the infinite through living fully in the finite. The infinite is not reached by trying to ignore limits, as many of us try to do.”

Holding the both/and

And in Eastern Body, Western Mind, chakra expert Anodea Judith observes, “Manifestation requires an acceptance of limitation. A boundary allows us to contain, and thus collect and build.”

So holding the “both/and” is a prerequisite to freedom, whether from the constraints of the clock or the tyranny of the paycheck: “We must accept limitation in order to transcend it.” This is what zone athletes do.

My articles, Embracing Paradox Can Help You Beat the Clock and ‘Om’ Is Where the Heart Is suggest ways to shift your beliefs about time and creativity.

As we set our clocks ahead, in the wee hours of Saturday night or sometime soon, let’s look out at the stars and remember what we’re made of. Recognize the expansive possibilities that exist within the limits of form.

There is enough. It’s all a question of consciousness. Choose to embrace the both/and, and you’ll grow with the flow!


About the Author:

Amara Rose, Managing Editor of Ascension Lifestyle, is widely published in health, business, lifestyle, and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Visit to learn more, and to subscribe to her monthly e-newsletter, What Shines.


10 Mar 2021
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Tips To Train Your Brain

Our brain is always active and it is certainly a good idea to nourish it. We can maximise its potential with simple practices.

We are always creating, in every step of our day-to-day activities, and our brain is ready to be used at greater capacity. Habits like meditation, mindfulness and prayer have a deep impact in our cerebral interactions, making us more in tune with higher realms of consciousness, positively affecting our creation process.

I invite you to practice these simple exercises that you can incorporate into your daily habits:

  1. solve a math problem
  2. draw a flower
  3. walk backwards
  4. write with your non-dominant hand
  5. visualise a result you want
  6. sit still with your eyes closed and listen to the sounds around you.

The list could go on. However, the purpose of these exercises is to train both sides of your brain, because ultimately, the brain acts as a whole.

I have learned that we are always creating, and being creative it doesn’t necessarily mean being an artist or a singer, it means acquiring the skills to co-create your life results and manifest them in this field.


About the Author:


Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.




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