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01 Apr 2021
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April Artist of the Month: Rob Thomas


About the Artist:

“Cool like the night he sat alone at an empty table lost in thought, dreams swirling at the bottom of his glass. A lone singer on guitar played on stage. The song was sadly beautiful like a old memory long forgotten remembered….”

I like things a bit surreal. I’m drawn to it. I like to have a bit of otherworldliness in my work, whether it’s in my painting or writing. It’s a way to get away from the mundane, or escaping the darkness of the pandemic. I try to find a way to bring a bit of the extraordinary to the ordinary.

I love abstraction. You can let loose your inner creativity in new and interesting ways. I have to admit my work has tended to be a bit dark over the past year, but I still try to infuse some light into it. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to share my work with other people and hope it brings them joy even if it is only for a moment. There’s nothing better than a painting finding a new home, or someone reading a story for the first time.

You can read my short stories in Trevor Kennedy’s “Gruesome Grotesques” anthologies, available through Amazon.

Instagram: robot_thomas

Twitter: @RobotThomas

I also have a public album called “Rob’s Work” on my Facebook account: Rob Thomas.

Look for my picture. It’s the same on all accounts.

Thank you.



28 Mar 2021
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The Eyes of Truth



Astro Event Forecast: Full Moon in Libra – Sunday, March 28th at 6:48pm UT, 7:48pm BST and 12:48pm EDT

As Astro-Events go, this and the following New Moon in Aries on April 12th are like lasers focused on a target. In the first one, happening this Sunday, the Moon in Libra is like an archer, drawing a bow to shoot an arrow directly into a trio of objects in Aries: The Sun, Venus, and Chiron (see chart). This is known as a “kite”, but when viewed horizontally, it looks like an archer taking aim. The kite is not exact, but it is close enough for our purposes here. What it represents in our experience and consciousness is a significant departure from the stratification, atomization and forced immobility of the past 12 months.

The Full Moon shines a big bright light on the Tres Amigos in Aries. It is reflecting the Sun’s light though, which tells me that the Aries energy predominates. Mars, the depositor of Aries, is also involved and conjunct the Nodal Axis, or Nodes of Fate at 14 degrees of Gemini. Which way will things go? This or that, up or down, in or out, truth or fiction? The North Node conjunct Mars not only says “what is happening here…right NOW!”, but is also asking, the is the new truth of this moment? Do we continue hunkering down, fearful, furtive, anxious? Or is the warrior that Mars and Aries are going to see with the eyes of truth what has been happening, and then ACT?

Healing, Love, and Truth: A Portal of Possibility

Chiron says, “This could be a real healing opportunity in which I/we can remember to trust our own instincts (in-tuition) and act from that place. Not to validate my identity, but to render meaningful my presence as a spiritual being in this physical space!”

Venus in Aries says, “I will no longer be afraid of love, or to express love, or show love, or to be bold as love.  Passion is my name, spontaneity is my game, and I will be sovereign and not be controlled by any self-appointed authority or master!”

Sun in Aries says, “I will shine the light on the Truth, and all who have the eyes to see it, will respond. I shine for all, I give to all, and my Love is for all Life. I have no favourites. But I will not shine for those who hide their faces from me, or deny me, or trust their egos over their souls. They will be, by their choice, remain in darkness for a while yet.”

Minor planet Eris is in the sign of Aries, and will play a significant role in the New Moon in Aries chart on April 12th, 2021. I will cover that before it happens though.

This is a portal, and opening, an opportunity. Time to reboot, look again, question, reflect, and prepare to act over the next few weeks and months. The breakups and breakdowns will accelerate us out of the seeming prison planet of our old structures, beginning with this lunation. With the Moon in Libra, it is helpful to remember the concept of “both/and”, rather than “either/or” or bad/good, black/white. Holding the balance is essential. What will not be helpful is playing it safe for the sake of personal peace at all costs. That would be and could be very costly.

I grew up listening to the messages of my mother, a sensitive survivor of the class distinctions of the first half of the 20th Century. Here programming sounded like this: “Go along with things to get along”, or “don’t rock the boat”. With someone like me, that was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. My North Node in Aries would not stand for it!

For the past two months, the pre-eminent power has been Saturn in Aquarius. It has been the energetic driver behind us, pushing, pushing, pushing everyone to conform around an enforced idea or conceptualization of what “us” should be (“we’re all in this together”) and the medium of that enforcement is electronic and wireless technology. Working and living online has become ‘the’ way to get along and go along. It is all for your own protection and all that. Now you do not have to be around any potential walking biohazards.

Weapons of Mass Distraction

If you feel that you seem to be busier than ever, and enjoying life less, you will resonate with what I have just said. So many have mentioned to me that there is a sense of no space to breathe or relax, or if they get that, it is all too short before the next demand lands on their desk…or unbidden from the monkey mind. This is what cortisol poisoning feels like, and it is unsustainable.

Fraud and weapons of mass distraction are everywhere. Some of us need to just switch off the mainstream media, just to create some space. Very understandable. It is also essential to not get caught up in divisive dialogues with total strangers. From all sides I hear about the hostility arising between those who opt for the injections and support draconian lockdowns, and those who do not feel it is for them. Often now, the split in one’s own circle of friends or family, and mirrors what Jesus allegedly said over 2000 years ago: “They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” – Luke 12:53.

I cite this purely as an example only. A crime is in progress against humanity and humanness, a crime of enforced separation.

We are being confronted now with where we have been bargaining for safety and certainty. Where we have unconsciously or consciously, for the sake of our sense of survival, to go along with things, just so we can muddle through. That time is coming to an end now. We are being prodded and poked into something much greater, and it will take every ounce of perseverance and stamina to see it through.

The Moon in Libra represents “what will WE do?” The Sun, Venus and Chiron represents “Trust yourself for the answers…they come from the One Source within. You have everything you need inside, so why would you settle for less than excellence in all things?”

The Eyes of Truth are upon us. How then shall we respond? With love, positivity, devotion, will, and courage. I hope. United we stand, divided we fall.

About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.



25 Mar 2021
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Project Drawdown: 100 Climate Solutions in Real Time


It’s easy to get depressed and feel helpless in the face of the cascading effects of climate change we’re experiencing today: mega-wildfires, extreme heat and drought, flooding, hurricanes on steroids, and melting ice caps, to name a few. However, it’s not hopeless; we can change the trajectory of our future if we make the right choices individually and together — beginning today.

Back in 2017, Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming  was published. Edited by environmentalist and best-selling author Paul Hawken, the book presents 100 different ecologically sound ways to “draw down” carbon from the atmosphere by working in cooperation with natural systems. This was the first product of Project Drawdown, which was co-founded in 2014 by Hawken and fellow environmentalist Amanda Joy Ravenhill to uncover the most substantive climate solutions and communicate them to the world.

Drawdown refers to the to the time when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change. Before Project Drawdown, the most widely stated climate goals were to slow down or stop greenhouse gas emissions, but to Hawken these were necessary but insufficient goals. “If you’re traveling down the wrong road, you are still on the wrong road if you slow down,” he opined. The only goal that makes sense is to reverse global warming, he believed — and there was no roadmap for that. Project Drawdown was the answer.

The solutions presented in the book and on the website were sourced from individual farms, communities, cities, companies and governments. A coalition of researchers and scientists selected those with the greatest potential to either reduce emissions or draw down and store carbon from the atmosphere, reviewed the literature on each solution, and devised climate and financial models for each. Then outside experts evaluated their work.

Both book and website are organized into eight sections: Energy, Food, Women and Girls, Buildings and Cities, Land Use, Transport, Materials, and Coming Attractions; and every solution contains information on its history and science, examples, a ranking in terms of its global emissions-reduction potential, an estimate of how many gigatons of greenhouse gases it avoids or removes from the atmosphere, and its costs.

Who would have guessed that refrigerant management would be in the top ten? Or that educating girls and family planning would be the second most important things we could do to reduce carbon emissions?  It turns out that hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs, the primary current refrigerant) have 1,000 to 9,000 times greater capacity to warm the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. As for making the means of family planning more accessible and educating girls, these two rights-based solutions are projected to reduce the future global population by about a billion people, with commensurate savings in greenhouse gas emissions.

It’s hopeful to see so many natural solutions already in practice, but even more hopeful to see how many of them we can individually affect. For instance, we can all reduce the amount of food we waste (the #1 emissions saver), we can add more plant-based food to our diets and reduce our intake of meat (#3), and we can see that our old refrigerators and air conditioners are recycled properly (#4). And those SUVs? Last year the International Energy Agency found that SUVs were the second largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emissions over the past decade! An analysis commissioned by The Guardian found that all the SUVs sold in the U.S. just in 2018 will in one year emit 3.5 million tons more in CO2 than if they were smaller cars. Over a 15-year lifetime of the vehicles, the extra pollution is on par with the entire annual emissions of Norway — a huge hit to the climate.

This year Project Drawdown published their latest update — the Drawdown 2020 Review — available for free download from their website. Their bottom line: the world can still reach Drawdown by mid-century, if we make the best use of all existing climate solutions. Ultimately, we can build a completely regenerative society, because when we implement natural solutions to solve the climate emergency, we produce a plethora of added benefits to human and planetary well-being — such as clean air and water, more nutritious food, less disease, and more productive and meaningful jobs.

The main challenge with the Drawdown solutions is that scaling them up will require international cooperation and coordination at unprecedented levels — and that depends on our leaders seeing global warming as the existential threat it is and acting with the requisite speed and determination. Achieving the needed global transformation will require a new paradigm of cooperation, a vision of possibility, and the collective will to address the issue.

Project Drawdown has produced a framework to guide us on a new pathway of ecological recovery and sustainability, but to act, we need to be able to touch, see, and feel the existing solutions at hand. In “Drawdown 2020 — The Time is Now,” the virtual event that introduced Climate Week in New York City in September, 2020, we experience the sight, sound, and feel of just a few of those solutions, and watching it for free on the website is electrifying.

There is so much in this inspiring presentation that one can get overwhelmed with possibility! At the end, clips of Academy Award-winning filmmaker Louis Psihoyos’ film “Racing Extinction” were shown as they were being projected onto the Empire State Building and then on the Vatican during the COP 21 international climate conference, creating 4.4 billion media impressions worldwide. Psihoyos says that, “Once you get 10 percent of the population 100% committed to a cause, it’s unstoppable.” With his films he aims to get 10 percent of the planet aware of the extinction crisis, and he’ll be doing similar projections of his film on iconic buildings worldwide in 2021.

Project Drawdown ultimately is a response to environmentalist Rachel Carson’s pioneering work beginning in the 1960s: “The human race is challenged more than ever before to demonstrate our mastery — not over nature but of ourselves.” Rather than feeling climate change is something that’s happening to us, Paul Hawken asks us to consider that “global warming is happening for us — an atmospheric transformation that inspires us to change and re-imagine everything we make and do.”  If we do that, he says, we begin to live in a different world.


About the Author:

Cher Gilmore is a community organizer, writer, and editor living in Southern California.

Original article here


22 Mar 2021
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The Dandelion Principle

One spring I volunteered at a botanical garden, spending many days uprooting what to my untrained eye looked like lovely flowers and plants, because they were “non-native.” This particular garden cultivates only indigenous plants, so any errant seeds that have the misfortune to blow in and bloom are routinely removed

I found myself apologizing to the blossoms I pulled, innocent flowers who happened to settle in the “wrong” location. And I began to contemplate how much of our sense of borders and boundaries trickles down to everything we express as a species. While I’m not a horticulturist, my sense of deep ecology evolved out of my own healing journey.

Living Beyond the Lawn

Growing up in suburban America, I observed fairly rampant homeowner disgust with the dandelion, scourge of suburbia’s well-manicured lawns.

Much later, I discovered that dandelion is one of the most healing herbs available to humanity, offering itself in abundance wherever we may dwell. It’s a supreme liver tonic, known to help detoxify the body’s “processing plant.” In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver equates to anger. If you want to release that pent-up rage in a healthy way, the remedy is probably available, free and easy, right in your own backyard.

Dandelion can act as de facto compost, gently surrounding and helping to decompose back into rich loam that which no longer serves. Yet we curse the weed and uproot it, spray poison to keep the green carpet unsullied. When we can stop “livin’ for the lawn,” focusing predominantly on the external, and make the subtle shift from ego mind to Universal Mind, we see with great clarity the incredible gifts all around us. Our teammates are everywhere, in the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms — if we have eyes to see.

Reimagining Inclusivity

As we move ever deeper into our collective rebirth process, we’ll be releasing people and places that no longer resonate with our lives now, and preparing to welcome in the new. Doing this with lovingkindness is our mandate. It’s a ripe moment to ask, who or what in my life seems like an outsider? Am I willing to look again, to enlarge the lens, to see beyond imaginary borders, to become inclusive rather than exclusive?

The Dandelion Principle says that where some see a weed, others see an herbal ally; a tonic not a toxic.

Where in your life is the medicine you need staring you in the face, masked as an undesirable…and all you need to do is shift your perception?

Below are seven practical steps to enlarge the lens this spring (fall, for our southern hemisphere allies): to slow down and look with the eyes of wonder, like a child. You’ll find many more on my mp3/CD, What You Need to Know Now: A Road Map for Personal Transformation:

  • Keep a journal. Buy a beautiful blank book and a pen that feels comfortable in your hand. Then allow yourself to write whatever and whenever you want. No one else need ever read it unless you choose to share, so send the censor packing! Journaling is like ingesting dandelion leaves with your pen — a great way to purge emotions and discover what really matters to you. And writing by hand is very different from writing on a digital device.
  • Dance your evolutionary process. Do you instinctively sway as you talk, or dance around the room when you get excited? Express your change process as flowing movement. Maybe it’s yoga, or tai chi, or free-form dance.
  • Make art. Are you a natural with a paintbrush or clay? Splash your emotions onto canvas, pour them into a mold, sketch them into being. Remember, this is art from the heart: done for the sole/soul purpose of enlarging your own vision.
  • Sing! Is your voice your most powerful expressive tool? If you love to sing but don’t know any songs, make up nonsense words to tunes you like, and sing them — in public. This is also a fabulous way to break free of the “What will people think?” trap.
  • Be in Nature. Sit by moving water. Sit inmoving water. Sing while sitting in a stream!
  • Prepare a meal that is as aesthetic as it is nutritious. As you combine ingredients, imagine that you are cooking up a grander vision for your life.
  • Hush. Spend a day, alone or with others, in total silence.

© Copyright March 2021 by Amara Rose. All rights reserved.


About the Author:


Amara Rose, Managing Editor of Ascension Lifestyle, is widely published in health, business, lifestyle, and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Visit, where you can also subscribe to her monthly e-newsletter, What Shines.








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