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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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19 Apr 2021
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Astral Amnesia and Hypnosis

I have been focusing lately on some issues that may seem somewhat uncomfortable or seemingly out of character for me. If you have been triggered by some of the subject matter, please rest assured that that is never my intent. That said, someone once said our job here in these times is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.

One thing I do want you to know is this: all that I am saying and doing is done out of love, to create more awareness and awakening. I desire that we all can come into a deeper caring about what is and has been happening on our beautiful world, to it is myriad and amazing creatures, and what is happening to ourselves…the human family. We are all here to contribute, and to help each other realize the fullness of our divine nature, and to embrace how powerful and beautiful it is to be fully human.

Back in the early part of the 21st Century when I was channelling Archangel Ariel and hosting workshops, everyone started getting more into the Internet and handheld phones. Whenever I thought about upgrading from my clunky Motorola pager and answering system, my inner voice always whispered, “no way.”  I did not get my first mobile phone till 2007 and did not have a smartphone until 2014. Call me slow, but I am not totally anti-electricity or anti-tech! As an electric guitarist, synthesist and recording engineer, I can fully appreciate the convenience and magic of digital recording. However, I still prefer analogue recordings and equipment over digital for tons of reasons. Analogue means to be the same as the real world…analogous. Old magnetic tape and vinyl records hold more of the real world in those ferrous particles and grooves than any CD or MP3 can.

Simply put, digital can only mimic real-world sight and sound, not improve on it. Play any vinyl LP of classical music for plants, and they will grow better than another group of plants exposed the same classical recording on an MP3 file.

In 2013 I encountered two interviews with a fellow named John Lash. He wrote a book entitled “Not In His Image”. Turns out he is a Gnostic scholar and his translation of the Gnostic Gospels, the Nag Hammadi Codices, contained a fantastical tale of entities that the ancients called the Archons. Created accidentally, and comprised of artificial intelligence, these beings were confined to our solar system. In a weird twist, they are related to us, but that is another story. However, because of this kinship, they have access to our subconscious and conscious mind. In other cultures, they have other names. The Yaqui Indian sorcerers of northern Mexico called them the “flyers” or the “alien installation. In ancient Arabic cultures, they were known as the “djinn”. In Native American, “wetiko”, or mind parasites, and in the Sumerian cultures, the Annunaki or Watchers.

The stunning correlation between this artificial species and Big Tech is striking in many aspects. The Archons are envious of this planet, but due to their makeup, they could not survive in this atmosphere for long. They are hostile to humans, because of our divine gift of “nous” (intelligence) and “epinoia” (imagination). We can create, they can only mimic or create a counterfeit of something.  The one area they are exceptionally good at is to influence humans to become like they are robotic, given to groupthink or hive mind, and totally absent of emotion or empathy.

Universal Mind or Source is neutral towards all aspects of itself and is inherently non-judgmental.

Unconditional Love allows for all kinds of expressions of life, including artificial ones. We are still mammals, human animals, but animals in possession of some quite different qualities from other animals.

These qualities the Archons covet. If they cannot be like us, or have this planet, then they do not want anyone else to have it either. This is how a jealous lover thinks and acts. How do you destroy something so no one else can have it? In this case, influence the inhabitants to do it for you. It was announced yesterday that just 3% of our ecosystem remains pristine and intact. It should be obvious to all of us that what is occurring is not helpful or desirable, no matter how many corporate shareholder profits it destroys. This is part of the allowing process of the Divine. However, what sort of experience do we really want? What kind of world do we wish to align with?

Another way we get distracted and keep us suspicious of each other has been Covid. It is evident that governments and Big Tech and Big Pharma are capitalizing on this for their own ends. Civil liberties have been thrown to one side, and everywhere government are legislating “temporary” powers to themselves that will never be rolled back.

There is also what I call the financial false flag scenario. Some mysterious stranger invents Bitcoin and blockchains and 11 years later it has mushroomed to epic proportions. This has been accomplished all on the perception that it is somehow different from the traditional elitist financial system. One problem with that perception is that the value of crypto is all tied to the current financial and currency markets.  And no matter what anyone believes about cryptocurrencies, they are extremely harmful to the environment. On top of that, the relentless push of Big Tech and telecoms for 5G and the roll out of the Internet of Things, including wearable and implantable tech. will create a huge energy demand that drives the use of more fossil fuels, impacting the environment.

With Saturn in Aquarius, the infusion of enforced group conformity by non-terrestrial intelligences is becoming more the norm. Vaccination passports and mandatory testing becomes the sharp end of the stick by those who seek more control, and more profit.

When Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023, the real struggle for a human future will begin. We will all be faced with the choice of organic or non-organic…compliant, or free…human, or transhuman.

When I look around these days, most folks do not realize how deeply they are seduced and embedded in the artifice of the digital culture. The electric realm has popped folks out of their bodies.  More and more people succumb to being forgetful and hypnotized, and complying with things that 2 years ago they would never consider doing. The energy to care about anything other than personal survival is waning. However, there are those who still care, and are making their voices heard.

As I write this, I could admit that the situation seems hopeless. However, never ever fall for that one. If we declare ourselves for the planet, for all organic life, for humanity, and for Love, then we can never be lost or without hope. The Indian activist Vandana Shiva was interviewed by Russell Brand this past week, and her words ring through my heart. She even stunned Russell into a state of deep reflection and emotion. I could never do those words justice, so I encourage you to click here, go to the 4 minute and 40 second mark and listen for yourself.

We are in a state of spiritual emergency, and spiritual emergence. Will it be possible to tame tech to serve us, and not some other master? Will we choose the organic Universe over a facsimile? Time will tell, and I do feel that we can and must make this choice. The stakes could not be higher than they are right at this moment. And this was the moment you selected to be here. Thank you for choosing to do so… we love you and need you.

Blessings on your journey…together.


About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.

14 Apr 2021
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The 20-Day Mayan Ascension Process Begins: 4/14 -5/3/21

On the 14th of April 2021, for 20 days, humanity will travel through a cosmic chakra system and activate our kundalini. These days are powerful and activating as we merge the past, present and future. They are more powerful than an equinox, or a class X magnitude solar flare… but continuously for 20 days straight! The center column of the sacred Mayan calendar, the Tzolk’in, represents the spinal column of the human body and the core of the Earth running from north to south.

An ascension process begins in these 20 Core days, which will burn a holy fire through our chakras. This energy descends to Earth from the great central sun and God / Hunab Ku. Every 260 days, these energies return over and over, but each time with an ascending frequency. These 20 days will be beyond powerful at this pivotal and unique time where we have been pushed beyond of our comfort zones, and we have no reserve energy to control the things we try not to face. Yet… the Mayan Core days, if worked with conscious intent, can help anchor and manifest new frequencies into form. This is what we want to explain here. It is bit complicated with words, so I hope I don’t lose you.

These 20 powerful days are beginning on 4/14. We are being asked to absorb this trial by holy fire, by raising our frequencies to contain more energy and light than ever before. We will be asked to discover a new equilibrium and anchor our higher self’s orientation point. It is a time to become self-empowered and protected, and not get distracted by failing old programs.

There will be 5 pulses of energy that will burn though 5 Mayan chakras: the crown, throat, heart, solar plexus and root chakras. Each pulse will hold 4 days each, and each day holds one of the 4 directions (east, north, west and south).

What happens during these 20 days is this… Fresh cosmic energy, coming from the great central sun, begins to descend into our physical body starting at our crown chakra.

At the same time, newly upgraded energy, coming from the core of the Earth, begins to rise up into our physical body beginning at our root chakra. This process is very much like when a lightning bolt strikes the Earth. When a lightning bolt descends from the sky, the Earth’s energy also reaches up to meet the descending bolt. This merging point of descending cosmic energy, with the rising physical energy, reaches each other at a very powerful center point … our HEARTS! I just love this. The heart is the center of centers.

Then the new cosmic energy descending from the great central sun will continue down through our chakras until it is grounded within our physical body and anchored into the core of the Earth. Our ascending physical energy will also pass up through our heart and rise up through our crown and beyond until it reaches and anchors to the great central sun. This process will take 20 days.

The beginning of most traditional Mayan ceremonies begins with calling in, and sending love, to 7 cardinal points.

Great creator of all life, Hunab Ku.
Heart of the Heavens.
Heart of the Earth.
Heart of the East.
Heart of the North.
Heart of the West.
Heart of the South.
Heart of the Hearts, or center.

We suggest you start each day with honoring these cardinal points and God of all creation with great love and humility.

The FIRST PULSE will be from 4/14 – 4/17. These are the days of 4 IMIX, 5 IK, 6 AKBAL and 7 KAN. This first phase will activate your crown chakra, from the Great Central SUN, and your root chakra, from the core of the EARTH. These days will initiate a great ocean of creation, breathe life into this process, release an immense wisdom from the depths of our inner temple, and plant a seed for the intent of this process. This begins the process of merging heaven and Earth within. If we are paying attention, we could experience flashes of enlightened consciousness, and we may feel quite elevated.

The SECOND PULSE will be from 4/18 – 4/21. These are the days of 8 CHICCHAN, 9 CIMI, 10 MANIK and 11 LAMAT. This second phase will activate our throat chakra from the descending cosmic energy, and activate your solar plexus from the elevating energy from the core of the Earth. These four days begin collecting foundational wisdom. We will begin to let go, like a death of the past, and align with pure healing creation activating and transducing wisdom into a useable form. We exit the mental world and enter the world of spirit.

The THIRD PULSE will be from 4/22 – 4/25. These are the days of 12 MULUC, 13 OC, 1 CHUEN and 2 EB. This third phase will activate our center point, our HEART, now in balance between the cosmos and the Earth. These days are initiated with the energy of the cosmic moon of creation. Information is refined through spirit in a way to make it accessible. Some deeper issues may be triggered with emotions and heightened sensitivity. We can either destroy or create within the vastness of the heart. It will begin a starting over process. Health will need attention.

The FOURTH PHASE will be from 4/26 – 4/29. These are the days of 3 BEN, 4 IX, 5 MEN and 6 CIB. This fourth phase will now activate your solar plexus from the descending energies of the great central sun. It will also activate your throat chakra through the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days will begin with an activation called the pillars of light. It is where the Earth’s energy will begin to knit together with the energy from the great central sun. This phase will also be embedded with shamanic-like wisdom that is timeless. We will have access to higher forms of natural forces from the cosmos, and we will be able to anchor it into a more usable form on Earth. This is also where the real work will really start to kick in. Complex human relationships could feel unwieldy as we soar with broader vision and clarity about our service in the world. We will gain new boundaries that rise to a higher standard. This will trigger a more honest self-confidence, assisting us with being comfortable with authority figures without giving up personal power. During these days, we can learn to foster true community if focused upon.

The FIFTH and final phase will be from 4/30 – 5/3. These are the days of 7 CABAN, 8 ETZNAB, 9 CAUAC and 10 AHAU. This fifth phase will activate your root chakra from the descending energies of great central sun. It will also activate your crown chakra with the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days are the highest frequency of all 20 day signs, and they offer the most evolution … but they can also trigger the deepest work. Progressive and controversial creations could be birthed with strong convictions, but the challenge will be to hold it together. We might need space to face many new things that are reflecting back in the world mirror to us. If your focus is on community, we can develop cooperation skills instead of it having to be limited to self-interest vs self-sacrifice. Lightning flash clarity can come regarding accessing your own inner truth. We may be able to receive wisdom from physical or ethereal sources. We could be disappointed with unrealistic expectations triggered by our refined idealism. These are four very spiritual days where purification will rise to the forefront and even trigger our inner healer

The end of the 20 core days always leaves us a little frazzled, and we may feel a bit overwhelmed. We have absorbed so much in such a short amount of time that we may need to stop and breathe and just let it all settle in. Don’t try to force yourself to understand anything at first, because when you do, you push the wisdom away. Just allow all this to settle into your body, while the great central sun and the core of the Earth anchor inside of you. Once you gain some distance from these 20 days, you can look back and understand where you have grown and what transpired in these powerful days.

Keep in mind that these 20 core days could be viewed from many perspectives. There are layers within layers, and cycles within cycles, within infinite spherical time. This is only the front page of a huge book of knowledge that we all have access to. Keep your eyes and heart open. This is the energy that we all walk through together.

Source article:

12 Apr 2021
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“The Power of No(w), and the Power of One”


The New Moon on Sunday/Monday, April 11th/12th (depending on what time zone you are in), and the Full Moon of April 26th-27th will be the harbingers for the beginning of 2021’s eclipse season, which kicks off on May 26th. These three lunations will be reflecting and instigating the next steps in the unfolding drama within the dream spell of human interactions. It will also herald an almost year-long process leading up to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces in mid-February 2022, just as Pluto arrives to station at the same degree as he was at when America was born on July 4th, 1776. The Pluto Return for the USA announces that this is the end of empire(s). China be warned!

Even though the last 15 months has tested everyone and everything to the extreme, we will now be entering another phase of that cycle, which began with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th, 2020, and then followed by the ingress of Saturn into Aquarius last December 21st, 2020. We are in for more change and disruption, but also with some distinct glimmers of light and radiance added in. This New Moon is the real beginning of the astrological “new year”, as we will have the Sun, Moon, Venus, Ceres, Mercury, and Chiron all in the sign of the Warrior/Ram. Very potent stuff! Not to be overlooked in this recipe is the addition of the minor planet Erisat 24 Degrees of Aries. Her other name is Discord/Truth. My fellow astrologer Eric Francis has also dubbed her the ‘Sigil of the Digital Age’.

This stellium in Cardinal Fire is also squared (tension) by Pluto in Capricorn. Mars, the ruler of this New Moon, has finally crossed over the North Node in Gemini, and is the first planet coasting out in the clear of everything that has been packed together on one side of the sky. A real traffic jam…which is why everything felt so stagnant these last 3 months.  We are now stimulated to not only initiate and act on our deepest impulses, to say “yes” to Life and to new opportunities, but to also use the power of “no” to counter anyone or anything that attempts to violate our boundaries or exert continued or new authority over us. Keep that in mind during the weeks following this weekend it will play out in the collective in surprising and sometimes distressing ways.

Essentially, the pulse I am picking up everywhere is a sense of exhaustion with the control and top-down way in which everything is being “managed”. Nothing like a global health emergency to drive people to extremes of behaviour. I have directly experienced and had folks report to me that long-standing friends and some family members have become strangers. This is a direct manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius. The crowd says “yes”, and a handful say “no”. The pressure to conform, to do what is right according to the authority (Saturn) is building up, all done with digital mediums like track and trace, proposed medical passports, and surveillance.

With the arising of the Aries season the power of “no”, done in the “now”, by each “one” who hears the call of their soul will challenge this pattern of authoritarian control. The mask is slipping, as it were. Chiron in Aries is the energy of the Warrior as Healer, and unlikely Hero. During the next 10-11 months, Chiron will represent a guiding light for the wise way through much of what will (probably) unfold. I may sound like I am hedging my bets there. It is mainly due to the presence of Uranus in Taurus. His archetype is prominent in that first total Lunar Eclipse on May 26th, 2021, but that is a discussion for another time.

Since duality itself is a phenomenon of the One in materiality, it should be obvious that when one says “no” to something or someone, the flip side is also present. We are saying “yes” to something else.

In this situation, I feel it is looks and feels like a big “yes” for individual sovereignty and respect and at the same time a recognition that none of us, of and by ourselves, can do everything. This is the cornerstone that many have lost touch with – the balance between Self and Other, between the physical and the ethereal, between acceptance and rejection. Another way of thinking about it is embodied awareness that recognizes its own survival is already a foregone conclusion. Death is a phantom, and Uranus in Taurus warms us up to the embrace of organic symbiotic interactions with all creatures great and small, while at the same time placing one’s own survival instinct into unfamiliar place…one of trusting Life and losing the attachment to ego preservation.

In the image with this article, one taken from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the figure of Gandalf the Grey, a seemingly small-time wizard of little stature, is facing off against a dark adversary of immense proportions. An evil of the ancient world, a Balrog of Morgoth. Does he cower or falter, even when his demise seems certain? No. His fellowship with the Hobbits, and men, and a single elf are at stake. So is their mission. He stands his ground, and courageously speaks to the shadow and flame, “you…shall…not…pass!” He says “no” with everything he has within him.  I personally aspire to possess such courage, and such calmness, as Tolkien’s unlikely hero, Gandalf the Grey, does.

Whoever you are, and wherever you are, I hope you may be inspired to discover and set loose your biggest “no’s” and “yes’s!” We will have plenty of opportunities to explore, experiment and experience this core energy of the divine within each of us. Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It is a fear sublimated and harnessed by Love and harnessed to for a purpose that is in the truth of your Being.

We are going to need to do more than just talk truth to power. We will have to ask ourselves to act like the truth matters. One truth is this – while everyone is focused near field of fear about viruses and vaccines, no one is looking behind the veil and beyond to the larger picture. For the first time in our history, the threshold of carbon dioxide levels has surpassed 420ppm. The last time our Earth has been this warm was 3 million years ago, during the Pliocene Epoch.

The proposals for vaccination documents or passports conceals a deeper and more disturbing feature that arises from the increasing reliance and implementation of A.I. across the globe for surveillance and social manipulation. I will be covering more of this in depth during my radio show on April 18th.

Usually during times of the greatest challenge and darkness, we rediscover the Light within, and regain the wisdom and sense to course-correct. This may be the most important time on this planet since the days of Atlantis. The choices around what is most helpful and humane and what is not, are becoming clearer by the day. Not everyone will see or hear what you may have to say, so do yourself a favour. Do not attempt to open a closed system. Respect the boundaries of others, as you would want others to respect your boundaries. However, you have an inherent right to the following: to choose how you manage your life, your health, your relationships, and especially your consciousness and your individual relationship to whatever your spiritual path and concepts of the Divine might be.

Unconditional Love is allowing. And that also includes allowing yourself free expression to say your biggest “yes’s”, and your biggest “no’s”.

About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.


05 Apr 2021
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The “Avoiding Dance”

During this lockdown time when going out for a walk, I have observed that we participate in some sort of “avoiding dance”. Waiting for people to pass, crossing the street, walking on the street, lining up on the sidewalk, is a way of walking that we never experience before. However, this dance has an energetic feeling, it feels a little bit out of place, but at the same time it feels good to know that people actually care about others, although there is a bit of sadness and fear in the air. I try to smile at people from the distance and say thank you when someone stops to allow us to pass. Smiling and gratitude are high vibration feelings that take us far.

My husband and I witnessed a very touching scene the other day. We were walking on a beautiful street when, on the stairs of a building, facing the window of a first floor apartment we saw a family: mother, father and two small kids and on the other side of the window, there was an elderly man, grandpa. The family was visiting their father and grandpa. Of course, the family cannot enter, they cannot approach to him, so the little kids were drawing and saying hello to him, showing him their drawings and talking through the window. It was a heartfelt moment for us, happy and sad at the same time. When we were passing the window, the elderly man smiled at us and we smiled back and waved at him, then we kept walking in silence, wondering how the world has changed.

I truly believe that the “avoiding dance” is actually a great lesson for all of us, a lesson of kindness, of respect for one another, of leaving behind old patterns, of caring more for what really matters.

Life is certainly showing us that we are united in the invisible realms of love and consciousness. Although there was a window separating this family from grandpa, they were together anyway, and it was a beautiful moment to witness.

We come together in very hard times; however, the love energy is always there, reuniting us.

I know that after this crisis passes we will come out victorious. It is going to be a big victory for humanity, because I think that a new human being is born.


About the Author


Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.


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