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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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06 May 2021
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Learning to Listen: Liberating Myself From Lyme

In 2001 I lived in Marin County, a rural area north of San Francisco Bay, where I worked as a field biologist. While taking a shower, I found a tick embedded in my armpit. Two weeks later, I noticed a rash on my stomach. Maybe it’s poison oak, I thought? But it didn’t itch. I let it go.

A month later, I noticed creeping, itchy arthritis in my right hip. Then not long after, I was playing guitar, and my arm would not move as commanded. My friend said, “Dude, there’s something wrong with you!”

I went to a doctor friend and flipped through his book of diseases. When I got to L, I knew what it was. I got tested for Lyme (Borrelia). It came back positive. The treatment was 30 days of the antibiotic doxycycline, which cleared out all my symptoms. Cured, I thought.

Little did I know it was just the beginning of a near 10-year nightmare.

Lyme worms its way in

Lyme lays “eggs” or encysts. The cysts can be dormant for months, then hatch and mutate. The tick can dump other bacteria and parasites into your body that need different kinds of treatment. Long-term sufferers will tell you the illness can be interminable if Lyme isn’t eradicated early. It transforms into “persister” cells and can create an autoimmune situation where your immune system is trying to play catch up.

A few months later, all the symptoms and much more came raging back. I was hospitalized, receiving intravenous antibiotics because Lyme had developed into a kind of meningitis ravaging my brain. As I lay in the hospital bed, I began to cry. I was in a state of utter despair. What was going on? Why was I sick again?

I focused on my breathing and prayed. Lyme was jumbling my brain, I couldn’t think, but I could feel. If I can still feel and breathe, then I can love and exist, I thought. I felt into my brain and asked, What’s the matter?, as if my brain were a baby. With all of the love and tender feelings I could muster, I cradled my brain and asked again: What’s the matter? I love you, brain. What’s wrong?

Trusting my inner wisdom

A miracle happened. I had a vision. I saw a beautiful large oak tree in the woods, and up the side of the trunk, shelf mushrooms were spiraling up the tree toward the sky. I need these, I thought.

I recognized two kinds of mushrooms from my work as a field biologist. One was reishi mushrooms, another was turkey tail mushroom, and there was a third kind, but I would have to wait till I got out of the hospital to look it up. It was chaga.

I researched the mushrooms and discovered reishi mushrooms have been used in Chinese medicine as an immune booster for thousands of years. Turkey tail mushrooms are also immune boosters and are part of an anticancer drug currently being developed and tested called PSK. Chaga turned out to be another incredible immune booster, according to research by world-renowned mushroom expert Paul Stamets. While these mushrooms are now quite popular, in 2002 they were unheard of.

I began to hone my intuitive skills and practice the art of intuitive sensory perception inside my body. I noted what I was seeing, tasting, smelling, and hearing during my motherly loving meditations with my brain.

Then I had another breakthrough. While inward viewing, I saw cysts inside my body. Lyme can lie dormant for up to a year or more, and those cysts — nasty little eggs — were inside my brain. I saw rows of them like peas in a peapod. They were coated with a biofilm and with what looked like a pencil on top. I couldn’t understand what this image was. I worked with my sensory perception and realized my body was speaking to me symbolically.

Deep healing begins

About a week after this vision, I wandered into the supplement section of the market. In the homeopathic aisle, I saw a little blue tube labeled Graphites. That’s in pencils, I thought. What do graphites do exactly? According to the homeopathic pamphlet, “Graphites can dissolve toughened skin, scars, boils, and cysts.” Holy Moses! Pencils over eggs! My intuition told me that graphites and similar homeopathic remedies could dissolve Lyme cysts. Graphites became a crucial component of my healing. It was a huge breakthrough.

After this, I started trusting the more profound wisdom that came through the senses from a place deeper than my mind. I wrote down a multitude of foods, herbs, and antibiotics my body identified for me. I also started seeing stuck feelings and other things that were dampening my immunity.

I used the intuitive information I received along with the science I researched to affirm what I was intuiting, and worked closely with a few Lyme specialists to liberate myself from Lyme. I used both sets of knowing to collect information and facts. I would often be shown a remedy and then find the medical research that confirmed what I had intuited. This method helped me validate what I was seeing and sensing. In addition to many common antibiotics and herbs, I discovered several unusual medicines and techniques for Lyme that I had never heard of.

Loving the messenger

However, the most profound healing came late in my near 10-year journey. I went to the Mono Basin in the eastern Sierras in California on a vision quest. Any Lyme suffer knows there is a tremendous amount of fear and anxiety with Lyme. I would often wake with panic attacks, not being able to sleep.

On the 8th day in the desert, I went into a massive panic attack. I thought I was going to die and lose my mind. Why was I so terrified of this bacterium, I asked myself. How could a little piece of life devastate my life? Anger and fear swirled around me. Then I had the thought that changed me forever.

What if I love Lyme? What if I love the monster?

It was like a million light bulbs went off.

With all the love I could muster, I cradled an imaginary worm-like bacteria; I blessed it. Although at the bottom of the karmic totem pole of life, Lyme is still alive. I thought, what if I were Lyme? A lowly, evil little creature, just trying to survive. I had a sense of compassion for the Lyme, sadness for its life. At that moment, it lost its power over me. By blessing the enemy, it no longer had control. I had weakened it, and this moment was the real healing. The Lyme became my teacher, showing me how to reclaim my power and remain symptom-free.

About the Author:

Vir McCoy works as a healer and a field biologist and botanist, focusing on endangered species, and is the co-author with Kara Zahl of Liberating Yourself from Lyme (Healing Arts Press, 2020).


Source: Spirit of Change


03 May 2021
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On Becoming the Luminous Tremendum

For the past 30 years I have been fascinated by what might be called ‘the mysterium tremendum’ … “A great or profound mystery, especially the mystery of God or of existence; the overwhelming awe felt by a person contemplating such a mystery.”

I have dived in with pure glee to the discovery of consciousness, connecting with the infinite intelligence and becoming what I love to call ‘the wild infinite genius universe’. I have surrendered myself over and over again to quantum leap into new versions of the possibility of being.

I have delighted in calling together other adventurers into this realm of quantum creation and we have co-created a brand new, brilliant reality for this world to dwell within. A reality of connection, thriving with Life Power, gifting our genius to innovative creation, elevating ourselves and all Life along with us to new possibilities of being.

Today there are a goodly number of us all around the world … the miraculous collective, renamed as of last week by me as the LUMINOUS TREMENDUM. We are the wild infinite genius universe at play in creation together, reinventing and reinvigorating this world and the universe into something breathtakingly wondrous. Now isn’t that a fulfilling reason to be alive in the world today!

We are more than Love & Light. We are radiant forces bursting wonder after wonder into the world. Witnessing the magnificence of all life. Innovating ourselves as walking consciousness, masterful players, calling all Life to a new and brilliant level of itself. Included in the luminous tremendum are many species … whales, bees, trees, the oceans, the Earth, the stars. We have become the wild infinite genius universe, each in our own unique ways, and then formed ourselves as a collective to do breathtaking work for the world for all Life to thrive like never before.

We are the luminous tremendum collective.

About the Author:


Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.


01 May 2021
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May Artist of the Month: Bradley Buxton


About the Artist:

I am a self-taught artist who picked up my first brush in lockdown, August 2020. I just felt an instant peace as I brushed the paint in different directions. I have taken elements of my life and principles and applied them to acrylics on canvas.

I’m brave with the brush and don’t hold back, including bold strokes and colour. I’m not afraid of failure, as I can start again if not happy, and I’m never offended by someone’s opinion: art is there for opinion, and everyone has one. Someone may see or take from it a different picture or story, and that’s fine.

I am from Norwich, Norfolk, and am very lucky to have grown up in such a beautiful county filled with nature, wildlife and colour. I’m very grateful to have my art featured here alongside so many talented people.

If you wish to keep up with what I’m up to, you can find me on Twitter: @BradleyBuxton

I’m also a singer-songwriter, and you can find my music on SoundCloud: Bradley Buxton

See Bradley’s art featured in Norwich Evening News





26 Apr 2021
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The Love Frequency

The frequency of Love controls all the high frequency feelings. We could say that Love is the mother-father of all high frequency feelings. When we are connected to the love vibration coming from Source, we can co-create the manifestation of such perfection in the physical field.

Connection with Source is the open door that takes us to the fields of superior creation, the fields of perfection. When this happens we are actually attuning to the frequency of love, not human love, but the love of the One.

Through my spiritual practice I have learned that we are energy beings, electronic beings, and when we started our creative journey we went through a process of densification to be able to fit within this atomic field.

However, we come from a field where polarities are no longer separate, there is perfection, and we bring a memory of those realms of consciousness to this physical field — and that is the memory that keep us searching for perfection. Then, when we re-learn how to attune to those higher fields, where high frequency feelings exist, we get that high voltage to act for us and with us in our physical field. In other words, we can co-create a perfect result in our sphere of action.

This brief explanation takes me back to the feeling of love, because love is the highest frequency that emanates from the superior fields of perfection, and it is through love that we can control our creation process, making our existence in the atomic field a better one.

We know that we are creators of our own reality and therefore we can correct and modify our results when needed. If we consciously choose to elevate our vibration and to attune to the frequency of love, we will instantly generate a change of mindset, allowing us to move forward, to see life with fresh eyes. We will be able to pause, breathe in and out, feel our hearts, feel love inside us.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Find yours.


About the Author:

Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.


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