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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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05 Jun 2021
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State of the Planet Update: “True Facts”

For years I have been entertained by a YouTube artist who calls himself “zeFrank1”. He (or she?) creates nature videos that resemble the classic nature programs I use to watch growing up. What makes these unique is the combination of biological facts with a strange type of narration that occasionally includes toilet humour. You remember that sort of joke…the kind you heard or even shared when you were a teenager. This video series is entitled “True Facts”, and if you want to learn more about the strangest animals, sea creatures, and insects on our amazing planet, and have a good chuckle at the same time, then go to YouTube, click on the link and see what happens. Who knows, you might even learn something…while grinning.

I am getting to the point of this, so try not to get impatient. From my perspective we have been gradually losing our grip on “traditional” reality, facts and truth for about 15 years now, and it appears this trend will not be easing up anytime soon. One of my recent guests on my radio show offered a one-word reason as to why — the Internet. You got me red-handed…that is two words. Anyway, if we are living in the “truth is whatever I think it is” era, we might as well get comfortable with fibbing a bit. After all, who is going to know anyway? Not when every waking minute we are confronted with multidimensional layers of fraud, obfuscation, dodging, and yes, the occasional outright lie. Is it any wonder that when it comes to trust, our compasses are spinning wildly?

Trust begins at home. Do you trust yourself? Do you trust yourself to be honest with yourself when you discover you have been pulling the wool over your own eyes? How about if someone other than you is doing that job for you? Recently read somewhere that true awareness or intelligence is only real when one can see through the bull**** and remain relatively calm about it. Sounds familiar to me, as I think I have been doing that since the time I was first ushered into kindergarten.

My purpose for the long preface is to prepare you for the Solar (partial) Eclipse arriving next Thursday, June 10th. It will occur at 10:52AM UT (add an hour for daylight savings). This is a New Moon as well, with Sun-Moon at 19 degrees of Sagittarius, old Mr. “Seeking Truth” himself. They are joined by retrograde Mercury, which might muddy up facts, or truth in general. Mars will be exactly at the 29th (Anaretic) degree of Cancer that day too, which always brings intensity to the foreground, and in this case, it will be rooted in the question of safety and survivability. The Crab may have a hard shell, but incredibly soft and vulnerable insides.

My best guidance to this eclipse is to forge ahead with any intentions you may have lying around waiting for a good starting pistol to go off, but also be super aware (intelligent) to the inevitable truth and fact twisting that may come down the pike. That includes anything you might be deluding yourself with. A good example is over rationalizing your position within any structure or relationship as being necessary for your survival, when in truth you might be better off cutting the ropes and sailing away on your own ship. At the very least do not let yourself stand pat because that was what Mom or Dad would have done.

One of the other best ways you can navigate in muddy waters is to seek the dry land and comfort of that still, small voice within you that is always saying, “I got your back.”  The Oversoul, Higher Self, Divine Identity, is not something “out there.”  It, you, is your best friend. Listen to him or her like they are your best friend.


About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.


01 Jun 2021
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June Artist of the Month: Martina Korkmaz

My name is Martina and I’m an educator and a transformational coach.
In my free time I’m also an avid photographer. These photographs were taken while
living in Istanbul and Prague. Black and white photography has always been close to my heart.
You can connect with me through my site at

30 May 2021
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The Full Moon Launch Portal! 

(Super Blood Eclipse Moon on May 26th through the Annular Solar Eclipse on June 10th.)

During this full moon and eclipse portal, we could really see some long awaited breakthroughs. This is what 2 Mayan calendars (sun signs), that are linked to the full moon and the eclipse portal, could manifest for us. This will be the most introspective and enlightening moon/eclipse cycle in a long while.

When I read two different Mayan calendars for these days, and when we add it to the eclipse on a full moon, these days look very powerful and compelling. I already feel it heating up in my energy field as I write this. I am sure you are feeling it too. This process could feel very emotional and a deeply shamanic experience.

This time will launch a starting point.  It will be mixed with the rising of some deep, self-opposing reflections that have been buried for a long while. Lots of powerful yin/yang energy will trigger revealing self-critiquing at a deep, primal level. But it will also help us come back into balance. This time will pack a punch if we are willing to do the inner work.  It could feel otherworldly at times, but it will also reveal a sweet window toward the future giving us a renewed hope.  It is very much about finding the balance in the extremes. It is about bringing into the physical world the magic of the in-between and even multi-dimensional worlds. We are awakening the mystic and enlivening our natural magic into reality. This is being empowered by the powerful and deep Mayan days signs linked with a powerful eclipse!

This is a start toward receiving from the new realities and excavating the ancient, or shrouded, that is still viable for the future. The challenge will be in our manifestation, which will oscillate between the calling to start something new, to feeling like we are still in between worlds, or in the creative void. Both are true. This time will take patience, loads of grounding, inner strength and perseverance. Be tenacious within the flow.

During this past year, we could not plan anything with any certainty. Because of this, living by our intuition has only become stronger and emboldened. This will become very evident in days to come. The flow will not come easy at first, but at least we will see some flow return. But we are starting to see that some things are starting to take hold in the material world. Our visions are beginning to be realized.

Thanks to

26 May 2021
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There were only two check stands open, and lines of customers snaked down the aisles. I remarked, “They need to open another one.” The man in line behind me replied, “We can’t open it until it’s paid for.” I was perplexed: pay for a check stand?

A man across from me caught my confusion and said with a grin, “Amazing timing!” He explained that the first man wasn’t responding to me, but to his young son, who yearned to open a box of cookies. Minus this frame of reference, his words made no sense to me — yet their synchronous timing illustrates the crucial nature of context.

Caroline Casey introduces each broadcast of her weekly radio show with, “Welcome, allies, to the Visionary Activist Show, and I’m your weaver of context, Caroline Casey.”

What It Looks Like Is Not Necessarily What It Is

We’re all weavers, whether or not we’ve ever touched a loom. And context, from a metaphysical perspective, can look very different from what we perceive in 3D.

For example: I spent the first year of my 3-year “dark night of the soul” initiation in rural New York state, the latter two years in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For me, these locales were less residences than healing sanctuaries for my rebirth. When I was complete with each phase of my gestation, as though a bell had rung, I knew it was time to move on. Others simply dwell in New York or New Mexico as home; for me, they were crucibles.

When I lived in southern California, I knew a man who briefly owned a restaurant. He’d originally been a silent business partner of the fellow whose dream it was to open his own restaurant; when that venture dissolved, he placed his own name above the door, and customers continued to visit the establishment with no discernable difference. Except the eatery was mainly a storefront for Steve (name changed), a vehicle for his journey. It “looked like” a restaurant, but the place’s principal function was not to serve food.

Similarly: a woman harbored an intense desire to write a book about immature bosses. While her book and resulting online presence have no doubt helped many people, her quest to convey this material to the world sprang primarily from a need to heal her relationships with past superiors.

In each case, location, restaurant, and book created the context for valuable personal development, beyond the obvious outward purpose they served.

Information Alters Experience

We can gain new clarity or a profound ah-ha! from revisiting a catalyzing event, once we gain context that was initially absent. In 1993, I watched the film Resurrection, starring Ellen Burstyn and Sam Shepard. I’ve written before about what a visceral experience this was for me. When I discovered the movie uploaded to YouTube in 2010, I decided to watch it again.

What astonished me, from the vantage point of seventeen additional years and awakened perspective, was a reference to “the moon under her feet” (which comes, amusingly, from the Book of Revelations.) In 2003 I read The Moon Under Her Feet by Clysta Kinstler, a Mari Magdalene story that takes place 2,000 years ago. The book also affected me profoundly. When I watched the film in 1993, those words passed right by. In 2010, they pierced my soul. Context.

In these extraordinary times, the context of the known cannot provide the container for where we’re going. The new context arises from the liminal, luminous places we touch with our hearts, and can be both as ephemeral and as everlasting as breath. Each of us is the warp and the weft; we inter-are, as Vietnamese Buddhist monk, peace activist and author Thich Nhat Hanh says. What looms large is our future.


About the Author:


Amara Rose, Managing Editor of Ascension Lifestyle, is widely published in health, business, lifestyle, and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Visit, where you can also subscribe to her monthly e-newsletter, What Shines.



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