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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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20 Jun 2021
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Every Moment Counts: 2021 Summer Solstice

“This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labour to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem…”
~ Walt Whitman


Greetings Earthlings,

I feel, therefore I am. This is the mantra for Cancer, the Cardinal sign in the Zodiac for Water. Our bodies made up of 60% or more of water, as is our planet. In a channelling I did ages ago, a source postulated that water is Goddess Consciousness made visible. That is to say, the supernal Light of Consciousness becomes embodied in as water in a 3rd dimensional level. It permeates everything and carries the spark of atomic and biological Life.

The blood flowing through our veins is just another type of water. Water is the main component in the constitution of the atmospheric envelope around this planet, and miraculously this planet is perfectly positioned to the Sun to sustain organic Life. Whenever astrophysicists encounter a planetary body that has even a smidgen of water on it, then it is cause for celebration because it could support LIFE!

On Monday, June 21st, at approximately 3:33am UT (4:33am BST) the position of our Sun will ingress into the sign of Cancer. The Moon will be at 9 degrees of Scorpio, which will add to the intensity of this Solstice moment, technically the longest day of light in the Northern Hemisphere. Everything becomes more visible as it were, and things and situations will stand out more. The very next day at 22:00 UT, Mercury will station direct in Gemini.  It will already be at a standstill at the time of the Solstice.  What happens next is that the truth will out. About quite a few things. A seminal moment in coming to grips with the Zeitgeist we have been living through for 18 months.

The archetype of Cancer it represents cuddly stuff. Warmth, protection, nurturing, childbearing and child-rearing, fecundity (in a polite sort of way), and Mother. She also is the Goddess aspect of Divine Mother. But you do not want to see Mama upset, cause if Mama is not happy, ain’t nobody happy. The shadow side of Cancer (Capricorn) can be smothering instead of mothering, being told what to do because it is for your own good you know, and passive-aggressive control tendencies.

However, with the Solstice, the strongest intuition is to connect with Consciousness as expressed in bodily form.  Spirit AS the Body. No boundaries, no separation, no distinction. God/Goddess as your essence and form.

Our innate body sense is often ignored in favour of the mind, and both end up suffering. We innately KNOW what is right and correct, and if we go against that with our logic, we will not have an incredibly happy time of it. This has recently been brought home to me on a personal level. If we do not listen, and nurture, and harmonize, our bodies will reflect the disjointed or stressed-out state of our mind and emotions.

On a more expansive scale, we can be aware that this is exactly what the planetary biosphere is doing.  Nature is telling us something is wrong, and doing so without blame or judgment, but with an urgency that seems to say; “you can no longer ignore these conditions…either within you or without you.”

Nurture is Nature…and is our nature. We ignore this at our peril. To nurture our thoughts towards a more loving way may be found in observing how Nature provides unequivocally for all creatures and living things. Yes, that reflects what Jesus is reported to have said; “behold, the lilies of the field, how they neither spin nor sow…” and other metaphors like that.

During a walk recently I stood at a fence overlooking a meadow that was filled with wild plants and flowers and watched as hundreds of bees of all types were busily moving from flower to flower. In the space of a few minutes, I could telepathically and emotionally feel what was transpiring. Nature was nurturing the bees, and in turn Her plants were benefiting. In short order, I was suddenly part of the natural order.  Observing yet participating. To my surprise I discovered that there were tears on my cheeks. I came to realize that what is transpiring in the world of humans has no power as great as what I was briefly part of in this moment. None.

Our species seems to have stepped so far away from the relationship that could so nurture and educate us.  The opportunity on Monday is to pause and connect with the twin energies of Sun and Mother Earth. An opportunity to remember, and to embrace this deepest of truths: we are loved, we are looked after (if we permit it), and there is a compassionate order that abides in Nature.

What shall we do with this moment, and the ones to follow? How then shall we live? Please re-read the words of Walt Whitman that this post began with for some inspiration. Examine closely what you value, and where you store up your riches. The key is surrendering into the unknown while following your Nature, by being as real as you can be. Sounds like a tall order. Maybe it is. But that is what the little mind will always tell you. Time to listen to deeper wisdoms and be nurtured from the bosom of the mother.


About the Author

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.

17 Jun 2021
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Innovation … How to pull ideas out of thin air

Innovation does not come from a finely trained mind. The opposite, in fact. Innovation is about pulling ideas and possibilities out of thin air. It’s an invisible art form, you might say. It takes…

• You being willing to brush away all the box load of training you have.
• Opening up wildly to something new pouring through you.
• A willingness to unleash that something deep inside you (let’s call it genius, shall we) and to pour that out into the world.
• A boldness of initiative to call an idea forth for all to see.
• An alignment to great things coming through you now.
• A willingness to play and bask in what I like to call the quantum field of possibility.

It’s here in this field, this ‘cloud’ of the unformed potential of us all, that brilliance awaits us all. Anyone and everyone can access this field, and anyone and everyone can be an innovator in whatever area of expertise calls to them.

When you call a new idea or possibility from the ‘cloud’, sometimes it comes to you fully formed and ready to roll into the world. Sometimes it comes like a drip drip drip, until some time later you discover you’re standing right in the middle of a brilliant idea, a revolutionary solution, a genius new that’s never been before. This is INNOVATION! This is what will reshape our world in the coming years and decades as the human race discovers its ability to engage in the creation of new possibilities with benefit for us all.

About the Author


Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.

14 Jun 2021
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Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Happiness is the ultimate goal. All of us want to be happy; it’s our first search in this life. However, do we really know what being happy is?

Many of us think happiness is being content and satisfied with events present in our lives, like getting a new car, obtaining a new job or a promotion, falling in love, or traveling to a new place. But, the effects of these experiences pass and we keep looking for that elusive state.

Over the years and practicing my spiritual instruction, I have discovered that happiness is not a passing state or an illusion; it’s really a permanent state of fulfillment. Happiness for me is waking up every morning rested, it’s hearing the birds singing, it’s admiring the green beauty of my little garden, it’s enjoying a nice cup of coffee, it’s the simple things in life.

What I am trying to say is that my state of being is constantly a happy one and the best part of this is that everywhere I go I radiate my state of fulfillment to others around. I go to buy groceries, for example, and I get an extra apple for free, because I have been smiling and happily chatting to the cashier. Or somebody offers me their full bottle of mineral water in a restaurant before leaving. Or people just smile at me and talk to me.

It wasn’t like this before. I used to be a bit moody and bad tempered. However, by practicing meditation and spiritual exercises, little by little, my mood changed and my way of “being” changed, so much so that it caught my family’’ attention and they encouraged me to keep going, to keep practicing. I myself was amazed at my new way of enjoying my very own existence in this physical plane.

What about bad days, you may be wondering? Well, of course they appear from time to time, however they don’t last for long and if they do, I go deep into myself and quickly find my peace again.

Spirituality has given me the tools to achieve calmness, balance and inspiration to live my life like the happy energy being that I am. Happiness is a choice, and you can be happy, too.

Many times before I have said that our major proof is our own experience. Happiness is in my experience, not as a passing asset, but as a permanent one.

Go and make the necessary changes to allow happiness into your life.


About the Author:


Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.




09 Jun 2021
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Spectro-Chrome: Healing With Colored Light

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to use colors as a way to make your life healthier? The truth is, you can. Dr. Alexander Wunsch, who is based in Germany, is a world-class expert in the use of light as a therapeutic healing agent, and is a human treasure trove of information on a topic that very few people understand.

In previous interviews, we’ve discussed the history of photobiology and how LED lighting can compromise your health. Here, our focus in on the therapeutic use of colored light, which Wunsch began experimenting with nearly 25 years ago:

“My first approach was colorpuncture from Peter Mandel. One evening, I met a friend of mine. I told him I would like to go deeper into the colorpuncture issue and learn more about that. He handed me a book by Darius Dinshah, ’Let There Be Light: Practical Manual for Spectro-Chrome Therapy’ …

I thought this is really a fascinating color system. It’s not only a color therapy method, it’s also a beautiful color system — [the way] Dinshah arranged these 12 basic colors, how they compose the Spectro-Chrome color wheel is a pleasure by itself, because it’s very symmetric and there’s a very logical plan behind it. I started to evaluate this method on my own.”

Why Chromotherapy Was Relegated To The Dustbin

As noted by Wunsch, who has studied the historical rise and fall of photobiology, in the 1920s, there was a strong push to weed out so-called “quackery” in medicine, although there was no evidence-based medicine to speak of as of yet.

All physically-based treatments were targeted for elimination, for the simple reason they were unwanted competition standing in the way of the burgeoning drug industry. In this crusade, the Spectro-Chrome method was one of the hundreds of targets of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“If you have a brave patient who takes the pills every day, he’s a good customer … If you have a client who’s treating himself with colored light, you might sell a lightbulb to him, but that’s it,” Wunsch says.

“There was a hype for blue light [in those] days. It was very popular. Light therapy, think of Kellogg, for example, was very popular. The medical experts in a way had problems with the spreading of these physically-based methods. It was more or less a logical step to [ban] the method …

Dinshah did one thing quite early in his chromotherapy career. He thought, ‘OK. If the doctors aren’t ready for the method, I will address all the knowledge I collected around the diligent use of colors to the laymen.’ His motto was, ‘Spectro-Chrome for every home.’ This was his aim. He wanted to spread the word about the effects of colors so that everyone would know how to treat himself or herself by using colored light.”

While there are well-documented health benefits associated with the red, near- mid- and far-infraredspectrum, the Spectro-Chrome method created by Dinshah focuses on the visible part of the light spectrum, on the rainbow and the extra-spectral colors.

Systemic And Local Use Of Colored Light 

You can implement colored light therapy either by shining light through a colored filter, or by wearing colored glasses, so that the light striking your retina is of a particular color frequency.

“You could say there is systemic use and local use of colored light. You would shine the light onto a body part, which can be the eye or the skin. There is a dermal application, and there is an ocular application. You can treat systemically, which means you are taking a light bath, covering the full body surface with the light, [or you can do] local treatments. 

The ocular treatment is somehow in between the local and the systemic. You’re treating only the eyes, which is locally defined, but the eyes are the window of the brain, the window of your vegetative system, so the treatment of the eyes is also a systemic treatment,” Wunsch explains.

“In the 1930s, when the Spectro-Chrome method had been banned already, there was some kind of modification, which is called Syntonics Optometry. Syntonics optometrists used the colored light exclusively for the eye. They addressed also systemic disorders using this ocular pathway. As a basic principle in phototherapy, it does not matter what kind of technology you’re using for the light source.

[What’s] important is that you cover the wavelength band and that you reach certain intensity levels. Intensity levels are already something that is very close to modern phototherapy. Spectro-Chrome [produces] effects based on information, not intensity. This means you can use large, huge colored projectors, but you can also use the small little light [that] might have comparable effects.”

What Can You Treat With Colored Light?

The premiere textbook for Spectro-Chrome is “Let There Be Light,”written by one of Dinshah’s sons, Darius Dinshah, current president of the Dinshah Health Society. This book lists more than 320 different disorders that have been successfully treated with this method

Wunsch goes so far as to say he would not exclude any disorder from the potential treatment with colored light, because you can, at bare minimum, benefit from symptomatic treatment. That said, one concrete example includes the treatment of skin burns:

“[Dinshah] understood green as the central color … the color which balances all the different body functions, mental functions and partly also emotional functions. The colors with longer wavelengths compared to the green, he called the infragreen colors. The shorter wavelengths, he called the ultragreen colors …

[W]hen you think of the classical signs of inflammation … you have the reddening, the erythema, you have heat, the inflammation. You have too much inflammatory or flame effect, so to say. The tissue gets red. The tissue gets hot. The tissue is painfully altered. You have hampered function …

Too much of red, too much of heat gives you already the idea of which color to use. You would use the ultragreen color to compensate for the long wavelengths, which become apparent by reddening, fever or heat. An acute inflammation would be treated with ultragreen colors and vice versa. 

The chronic inflammation or the chronic disorder should be treated by the infragreen colors. You’re always aiming to reach the green after a certain while, because this is the balance. This is the middle between the extremes.”

To Cool Heat (Red) Symptoms, Use Violet Or Indigo

This is not to say that there’s not a certain level of complexity involved. For example, you need to be cautious with ultraviolet (UV) rays and shorter wavelengths when you have a wound, as exposing wounds to sunlight can result in more severe scars. Wunsch explains:

“If you have inflammation … sometimes it comes along with an infection. Some germs, some bacteria, are aggravated or they benefit from shorter wavelengths. UV light can induce inflammatory reactions. We can tell this, for example, from the erythema caused by sunlight. This was one of Niels Ryberg Finsen’s findings that short wavelength light acts as an inflammatory.

If you have too much heat and you want to cool it down, it’s important to lower the activity of the metabolism. The metabolism is more or less represented by the activity of mitochondria. If you have an overactivity of mitochondria, then you would increase this over activity, probably, if you are using long wavelengths, because the long wavelengths definitely activate mitochondrial activity, metabolism and energy production, which we know from photobiomodulation.

So yes, you could treat a skin burn with a certain intensity of long wavelength light. This is not what Dinshah did [though]. For severe skin burn, which is induced by long wavelength, which is a thermal skin burn, he would use violet or indigo in the first phase.

The reason is, when we talk about the thermal skin burn, we have blistering. We have excretion or secretion of liquid. We want to reduce these secretory activities. Here, the violet or the ultragreen colors in general are much better than the infragreen colors.

There comes a moment in the process of wound healing where we definitely need the longer wavelengths as well, where we start and compensate for the excessive heat, for the excessive infragreen. We compensate for that using the ultragreen colors. 

Personally, I [had] the best experience using the indigo in the first step. If you treat a skin burn once or twice with indigo, you can even keep this injury from developing a blister … [I]f the blister does not fully form, it will hold and it will stay on the skin, even if it’s thermally modified. It will stay as your own natural wound dressing for the first few days. This gives the deeper layers the time to regenerate and restore.”

Practical Example: How To Treat A Burn With Colored Light 

If you were to get a sunburn, or accidentally burn yourself on the stove or hot instrument, how exactly would you treat it using colored light? Wunsch recommends using a simple incandescent lamp equipped with an indigo filter. Post-surgical wounds also benefit from indigo.

If you’re even the least bit handy, you can easily build your own Spectro-Chrome color projector. For a mere 50 cents, you can purchase step-by-step instructions to make a color projector with a 25- or 40-watt reflector lamp, some cardboard and glue from the Dinshah Health Society.

The book will also tell you exactly which filters you need to get to achieve the recommended Spectro-Chrome colors. Rosco and LEE are two companies making colored filters.

A drawback with these filters is that since they’re made for theater lighting, they also transmit white light. In other words, they’re not as saturated as the true, original Spectra-Chrome filters were. To achieve the required saturation, you’ll need to combine two or more filters according to the recommendations of the Dinshah Health Society (detailed in “Let There Be Light”).

As for the lamp, Wunsch builds his using a military angled flashlight, available from Amazon. They’re specifically made for adding filters for signaling purposes. Once you’ve made your projector, simply shine the light onto the affected area.

“The first one, two or three days, depending on the reddishness, on the heat in the tissue, you start with Indigo and [then] switch over to blue … In the classical and original Spectro-Chrome method, you would treat for 30 to 60 minutes …

[A] 10th of a millimeter under the skin surface [is] the capillary layer. All the colors of the rainbow reach the capillary layer. They reach the bloodstream. This is one of the direct actions. If you shine colored light onto the surface of the skin, it will automatically come in contact or it will automatically reach the bloodstream.

This is the reason why Dinshah recommended treatment duration of 30 to 60 minutes. He wanted to make sure that your whole blood comes in contact with the treatment color several times during the treatment session … Personally, from my own experience, after five minutes of treatment of thermal skin burn, the pain turns into a kind of tickling discomfort.

When you remove the indigo light, after 10 minutes or so, this tickling discomfort disappears almost immediately. But as soon as you treat it again or tonate — tonation [means] the use of colored light — if you go on treating it and the tickle and discomfort reoccurs, there is still [more healing to be done] …

In my experience, as long as the tickling and discomfort reappears under the influence of the indigo light, you should go on with the treatment. I had a third and fourth degree skin burn on my wrist. I treated this for more than two hours. I was able to prevent it from blistering. It healed up within two weeks or so. 

After two or three days, you can use the turquoise, the green and the Lemon. Depending on the progress of healing, you adjust the color which fits to the actual condition,” Wunsch explains.

How Color Affects Your Skin 

Contrary to the application of ice, which will only act superficially, the indigo colored light will act on different layers of your skin. Superficially, the indigo light will reduce the inflammatory reaction. In the deeper layers, there will be photobiomodulatory active radiation as well, because when you use an incandescent lamp combined with an indigo filter, you will have:

  1. A basic field consisting of near-infrared radiation
  2. A controlling field, which consists of the color indigo (approximately 430 nanometers or nm), which addresses the reduction of the metabolic activity on the surface

Incandescent light is an analog full-spectrum source, and when you place a filter over it, the majority of the wavelength will be indigo. However, almost all older glass filters and modern gel or plastic filters allow infrared, especially near-infrared radiation, to pass through. Were the filter to excessively absorb heat, it would break or melt.

“The filters from the old technology, you always have a transmission in the long wavelength part of the spectrum as well,” Wunsch says. “This, in a way, fits well to the principle of Fritz-Albert Popp, who said there is a supporting field in the long wavelength part and an information field in the visible and probably also in the UV part.

But for the Spectro-Chrome method, we use the information part in the visible section of the spectrum, and we use the supportive energy from the wavelengths we also know as being effective in the realm of the photobiomodulation.”

Treating Low Back Pain With Colored Light

Another common ailment is back pain. Wunsch, who is trained in the Alexander Technique, osteopathy, craniosacral therapy and acupuncture, notes that the area where it hurts is not necessarily the specific site of the problem. In acupuncture, specific meridian points will help alleviate back pain, but you could actually use a laser light on these points instead of a needle. You can also use temperature or vibration or other physical stimuli.

“Normally, the Spectro-Chrome method uses the whole body tonation. There is a set of questions you can ask, and then you will get an idea how to treat it. Is the back pain acute or is it chronic? If it’s acute, you would probably use the indigo, because indigo also relieves pain. An alternative would be violet or purple. These three colors are classical pain relievers.

If it’s a chronic event, you would not necessarily treat the area of pain, but you would start with whole body tonation using lemon … As a standard, if we are talking about a chronic condition, the basic color, which is always part of the treatment regimen, is lemon.”

Spectro-Chrome Glasses For Day And Nighttime Use

Another alternative is to use Spectro-Chrome glasses. Similar to a color bath, the glasses will provide systemic treatment, and they’re a lot easier to use than setting up a room for full-body tonation, as you need to make sure the room is pitch-dark aside from the colored light, the temperature needs to be optimal since you must be naked or near-naked, and you need a projector and all of the necessary filters.

“The glasses resemble a kind of ultimate life hack, because you can just choose the best color for the moment or the situation out of the box … When we just imagine the colored world that surrounded us as early humans in the step in the Savannah, in the rainforest, in the river scape, the coast landscape, the desert, the mountains, all these settings are linked to certain colors, which are predominantly active in this scene. 

The seasons, they add that color characteristics to the location and to the climate. Normally, our physical and mental body expects colors from our environment. When you are in a concrete desert and you look around, especially during the day when daylight is on, you would miss a lot of these colors. During the night, you will not have colors for longer periods of time …

I would not recommend for someone who is in a chronobiologically disordered situation to use the blue light or the blue glasses at nighttime … [T]here are colors that are recommended for the use during the daytime and other colors are recommended for the use during nighttime — those are the purple and magenta colors. Purple is the color that has the highest impact on sleep quality … 

[P]urple activates bromine … [B]romine was used in former times … for sleep disorders. Magenta stimulates lithium and alleviates depression. It’s the color addressing soul-associated disorders. Lithium salts are used for depression treatment in pharmacology as well. Instead of administering lithium, Dinshah would administer magenta. Magenta, purple, those are colors that should be used during the nighttime.”

A Remarkable Success Story 

A powerful testament to the effectiveness of color therapy comes from Wunsch’s own family, on his wife’s side. A male relative was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis at the age of 50. The university clinic gave him six months to live, telling him to go home and get his affairs in order. Using Dinshah’s method, he exceeded this grim forecast by a factor of 72.

“He traveled from Germany to Dinshah’s place [in Malaga] and learned all about the diligent use of the Spectro-Chrome method from Dinshah. He took a set of filters home and started to treat himself as you would treat a chronic condition, with lemon and red. Red is the color that addresses the liver. He was able to add another 36 years to his life.”

Personally, I believe chromotherapy is a safe and powerful alternative healing strategy that nearly anyone can add to their self-healing toolbox. For $100 or so you can obtain all the information and supplies you need. Just like liposomal C, which I believe should be in every emergency kit to treat acute infections, a light with an indigo or violet filter is another must to radically accelerate burn healing.

Again, you’ll want to get Dinshah’s book, “Let There Be Light,”from the Dinshah Health Society. (It’s also available on Amazon, but you’ll pay as much as five times the price.) Once you know which Spectro-Chrome colors you need, you can buy the required filters from Rosco or LEE and fashion a projector, either using Dinshah’s inexpensive projector plans or an angle head military flashlight. Alternatively, invest in a set of Spectro-Chrome glasses, available from Innovative Eyewear.


~ Dr. Joseph Mercola

Original article here

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