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05 Aug 2021
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Over the Speed Limit: How to Drive, Ecstatically Alive, Past 55

The day before I turned 55 I received a notice from my bank. The auxiliary checking account I’d opened for online transactions would shortly be assessed an $8 monthly fee unless I a) maintained a $1000 minimum balance, b) deposited $250/month, or c) used my ATM card at least ten times per month, none of which was feasible for me.

A bit put out by this parsimonious behavior from a bank I’d found very customer-centric until then, I approached the assistant manager. She skimmed the letter and said confidently, “We’ll find a solution.” After a couple of basic usage questions, she asked, “Are you 55?” I exclaimed, “My birthday’s tomorrow!” She said, “Then the account is free,” and scrawled, “55+ FREE” across the notice in red marker.

This was my first encounter with the unexpected perks of my seniority.

Sea Change in Consciousness

Coming of age as a member of the silver tsunami is a sea change from growing older in yesteryear. As the Boomer wave grays the globe, some members of this tribe have concocted playful descriptions: “chronologically gifted” and “over the speed limit” are two of my favorites.

Language matters, because, like the mirror, it reflects how we see ourselves. Cross-cultural anthropologist and author Angeles Arrien once shared how a child stroked her grandmother’s cheek, crooning, “Grandma, you have such pretty designs on your face.” Too young to “know better,” the little girl viewed her grandmother’s facial lines as fine art. Wrinkles can signify ripeness, wisdom, and a life lived by design, indeed.

Yet even as robustly alive as many of today’s elders are, I’m nowhere near ready for “Gran Central Station,” as I refer to the exuberant participants at a nearby senior center. And therein lies the conundrum.

“Forty is the old age of youth. Fifty is the youth of old age,” wrote French novelist Victor Hugo 150 years ago. Hugo lived to be 83, pretty “ripe old” for the 19thcentury. His observation is daunting to me, because I don’t feel remotely on the cusp of old age.

Marc Freedman agrees. Of the description “young old”, the author of The Big Shift: Navigating the New Stage Beyond Midlife asks, “Are most people in their 50s and 60s in anything resembling ‘old age’? Are they elderly? Senior citizens? (Why not child old for those in their 40s, infant old for the late-thirties set, and prenatal old for latter twentysomethings?)” Prenatal old. Love it!

This can be a juicy time. Visionary OB/GYN Christiane Northrup, MD, author of The Wisdom of Menopause, says midlife brings potential for regeneration. She cites research showing women in their 60s and 70s enjoy the best sex of their lives. Clean out emotional debris, claim your power — and it’s an erotic feast.

A Place of Passionate Possibility

Just as old age was reimagined as “the Golden Years” and retirement as a destination, Boomers are rapidly reinventing this time as a place of passionate possibility.

In The Big Shift, Freedman chronicles how Granville Stanley Hall publishedSenescence: The Last Half of Lifein 1922,when he was 76. Hall characterized this period as “a precious bud of vast potentialities” and urged older people to step up:

“We rarely come to anything like a masterly grip till the shadows begin to slant eastward, and for a season, which varies greatly with individuals, our powers increase as the shadows lengthen.” True to his teaching, Hall’s greatest creativity and achievement came after age 50.

One of my defining moments arrived while reading Deathing by Anya Foos-Graber, an uncommon guide to creating a spiritually informed dying process. The composite protagonist, Selma, in preparing for a grace-filled departure from this life, shares an inner vision of seeing people on a half-built bridge, “spilling into the sea, drowning in their own ignorance because they had no bridge, no reality construct to cross from this shore to the Other Side, from one reality to another.”

As a voice instructs Selma to “Build them a bridge,” I realized with chills of recognition that my recurring childhood dream of a train on an unfinished track jutting out into space was Spirit dispatching my mission statement: Become a world-bridger, build the bridge between mainstream and metaphysical. I was initially shown my life purpose in a dream at age eight, and only completely understood this early message at 55! I reveled in awe and gratitude for this belated awareness — even though I’ve been living “on purpose” for years.

How can we awaken to the clarion call of who we are, whatever our chronological age? Freedman says that by midlife, life has become a run-on sentence in dire need of punctuation, and he proposes a metaphorical semicolon to capture the sense of renewal and redirection.

Becoming An Elder of Excellence

Anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson, author of Composing a Lifeand Composing a Further Life, calls for establishing “a midlife atrium”: a sabbatical of sorts that functions as an opportunity to let in more light and air — which is precisely how Kathy Bates describes this shift in the film Fried Green Tomatoes. When her perplexed husband asks his quintessentially evolving wife, “What’s changed?” she muses, “Oh, the air and the light.”

Bateson writes, “The doorway to this new stage of life is not filing for Social Security but thinking differently and continuing to learn.”

We all have the choice to become “Elders of Excellence,” a Louise Hay euphonic. (Hay’s classic, You Can Heal Your Life served as a template during my awakening journey.) Even the word “elder” confers an essence of wisdom and respect that seems lacking when we append “ly”, transforming the vibrant, vintage noun into a frail, forgotten adjective.

Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi, author of the wise guide, From Age-ing to Sage-ing, says we become elders not by accruing years, but by harvesting our wisdom in service to others — future generations, yes, but also our peers who may be aging fearfully.

Elders, he writes, “have an ongoing responsibility for maintaining society’s well-being…They are pioneers in consciousness who transmit a legacy to future generations. Serving as mentors, they pass on the distilled essence of their life experience to others. The joy of passing on wisdom to younger people not only seeds the future, but crowns an elder’s life with worth and nobility.”

Wonder and Wisdom

Perspective shifts as we do. I learned this profoundly from my lifelong friend Ellie, who lived alone after her husband’s transition until she was nearly 96. At 72 she began writing letters to the editor of her local newspaper, expressing strong opinions about the salient issues of the day. Most of her letters were published, and in 2009 the paper ran a front-page profile lauding Ellie’s 22 years of chirographic activism.

When I interviewed her at age 92, Ellie shared how she was a surrogate mom to “lots of young people.” I was 48 at the time and wondered what she meant, since to me “young people” were in their teens and early twenties. I was amused by her reply: “In their fifties.” By the time you’re 92, fifty is young.

Ellie’s enduring gift has been the joy with which she greeted each morning, her gratitude for “being accepted” by Source for one more day, keen to give it her best and create a little more beauty in the world. The last time I saw her, she scampered down three flights of stairs (yes, at 95) and pressed her nose against the glass prior to opening the door to her apartment building, causing me to giggle.

“I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,” sang Lee Ann Womack, and she might have been channeling Ellie. Although my friend never learned to drive a car, she lived over the speed limit in every sense of the phrase. As elders-in-training, we can all embrace this teaching: when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, DANCE!


About the Author:


Ascension Lifestyle Managing Editor Amara Rose is a “midwife” for our global rebirth. She offers life crafting, e-courses, business alchemy and content creation to accelerate your evolutionary journey. Learn more at, where you can subscribe to her resource-rich enewsletter, What Shines.



01 Aug 2021
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August Artist of the Month: Audrey Keenan


Artist Statement: Audrey Keenan

Audrey is a Scottish artist who paints abstract Expressionism angel art. She began painting on the anniversary of her daughter’s death, and found it was healing and therapeutic. In the last three years she’s been awarded 13 international art awards, including The World Golden Cup 2020 Art Award, Oscar dell Arte, Golden Palm 2020, and Leonardo da Vinci 2020.

Audrey has been featured in a collection of art magazines and invited to share her work in galleries and exhibitions all over the world, including London, Ireland, Sweden, Korea, Dubai, Italy and the USA. She’s also designed with an Italian fashion house.

Recently Audrey was appointed ambassador to the UK for Qatar International Art Show in October 2021.

Her art gives a message of love, peace, and hope from the etheric realms. Her wish is that the viewers are comforted by her creations.

Find Audrey on Twitter: @Angelhealingart

Instagram: Audrey Keenan




21 Jul 2021
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2021 so far … A strange & wonderful year!


2021 has been a strange year so far. For the first six months it has felt cocoonish, as if we were being remade, cooked up new in the grand cosmic ooze of Earthdom. No wings yet to fly. There’s been this sense of not knowing where to head next or how to express the tiny embryos of new’ness gestating inside.

I felt things shift on June 21st, as if the cocoon had burst open, but the wings of joy hadn’t dried yet. Ideas of new expression began to emerge for a good number of us at long last. Then last week that joy burst open inside me and I felt that exhilarating excitement for life return in full force again. Some of my buddies have experienced the same. As if a rush of flow has opened up inside and life is ready to soar once again.

I believe that this month, July 2021, the world has tipped at long last into the new’ness we’ve all been working on for years. So many of us live our lives full on in this new reality now. We flood the world with kindness. We see everyone as an awesome creator with genius to pour into the world. We dwell in a kind of buzzing high vibe, expecting and sourcing miracles all around us. And we do that even from our cocoons, even when the joy isn’t running rampant through us. Why? Because living this way is brilliant and fulfilling.

So today I’m off to make more miracles, express more new’ness and burst through more joy. May your day, year and life be filled with all these things always as we spread our glorious new wings and fly.


About the Author:


Soleira Green is passionate about innovating a new future now, bringing genius, connection, greatness and the miraculous into the game for us all.





15 Jul 2021
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The Mechanics of Your Aura: Energy Types in Human Design

I’ve spent over a decade in therapy, four years with a daily meditation practice, and two years in heavy spiritual study. In that time, I discovered much about my shadows, wounds, and potential. I also uncovered wisdom about listening to my intuition and aligning with my flow state.

But it took years of trial and error.

About nine months ago, I stumbled across Human Design and pulled up my “chart,” and what I saw was the knowledge I had learned through years of deep inner exploration written in black and white.

It provided a blueprint for how to “operate” me in a concrete and tangible way — validating issues I’d spent years struggling to understand and pinpointing strengths I have newly uncovered. It’s not that healing and inner work aren’t still absolutely necessary, but Human Design provided a map to the heart of the wounds I’d spent years slowly piecing together.

So, what the hell is Human Design? 

Human Design weaves together western astrology with several other divination systems, including the I-Ching, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and the Hindu Brahman Chakra System, to create a guidebook for understanding and using your astrological influences in your embodied, lived experience.

In his book “Human Design: Discovering the Person You Were Born to Be,” Chetan Parkyn explains it this way: “[Human Design] is a system that takes the torch from astrology and carries it to the next level, providing both an accurate guide for life and a self-assessment device.”

Energy Type

The first thing you learn in Human Design is your Energy Type, because your Energy Type is the element that organizes the rest of your chart. It is the mechanics of your aura; the lens through which all your unique light particles shine.

Once you know your Energy Type, you will also know your “Strategy,” or how you operate most effectively with your unique energetic patterning. Your Strategy gives you information on how you can move through the world and interact with others with the least resistance.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

There are five Energy Types, and each type has a distinct feeling or frequency. It’s not about personality per se. For example, you can have introverts or extroverts of any Type. And people within the same Energy Type can vary vastly in terms of what they enjoy, how they relate, and what they do for work. Instead, Energy Type describes how others feel around you, the way you interface with the world at an energetic level.

Find Your Energy Type

If you haven’t already, you can get a free Human Design chart and find your Energy Type here. After you input your birth data, your “Type” will be listed seven lines down on the page’s left-hand side, right under “Age.” And knowing your Type will make the following description infinitely more interesting.

After you learn your Energy Type, I highly suggest finding out the Energy Types of the people closest to you. It will give you context for understanding this fascinating concept. You will start to see how people of the same Type may have vastly different presentations. Still, they will have a similar frequency or quality to them.

1.   Manifestors: The Lit Match

Manifestors are here to initiate. Their purpose is to start shit and get people on board.

If you were starting a fire, Manifestors would be the lit match.

Manifestors are the only Type that can start ventures on their own. They can decide what to do without external input and go about doing it without needing external cues or invitations. However, Manifestors may not realize how this go-it-alone vibe might affect others. Thus, informing the people around them what they are planning to do is an essential skill for a Manifestor to learn.

Manifestors are here to express themselves and launch their inspiration into action. Yet this Energy Type doesn’t have consistent access to life force energy, so they must include others to do the nuts and bolts of building out what they’ve initiated.

People are drawn to Manifestors because they have that spark of initiating power. But they are often confused by this, because they likely feel more inclined to work independently. They usually don’t understand why people should care what they are doing.

Their aura is more closed or opaque than the other Types. That is why part of their necessary Strategy is to inform others, so that other people can feel included in their lives and decisions. Without the skill of telling others what they are doing, the people around them may feel bulldozed or neglected. A Manifestor often needs to develop the awareness that even though the decision seems obvious to them, it is coming from a purely internal place. Hence, it is necessary to tell others of their next move to get them on board. Informing can be challenging for Manifestors, who often worry that others are trying to limit or control them. If they feel boxed in by life or the people around them and cannot initiate what they desire, they can experience deep anger.

These initiators are a relatively rare Energy Type and comprise only about 8% of the population. But for reference, some famous Manifestors include Gloria Steinem, Al Gore, Paul McCartney, and Maya Angelou.

2.   Generators: The Firewood

Generators are here to attain mastery in any area of life that they are passionate about. With steady, consistent life force energy, these folks build knowledge, skill, or structure from beginning to end.

In this fire analogy, the Generator would be the thick logs that sustain the fire for hours.

These beings have a warm and enveloping aura or energy field around them. When they are passionate about something, they magnetize others towards them, for Generators are here to respond to others and life. It’s not that they can’t start things. It’s that, unlike Manifestors, they need something outside of them to respond to. They need external cues to direct them towards the things that they start.

Then they need to feel if that idea or task or person is a gut-level, “hell yes” for them. If they commit to things that are not a gut-level, yes, they can become frustrated and burn out. Because once they commit themselves, they have a tough time reversing that commitment and can wear themselves to the ground trying to fulfill obligations that weren’t a gut-yes for them. Just because Generator Types have consistent energy does not mean their power should be spent willy-nilly. Their life force energy should be “spent” on people, projects, and tasks that light them up.

These builders are the bedrock of society and make up about 37% of the population. Generators are powerhouses and can wield massive influence. Famous examples of Generators include Oprah Winfrey, Madonna, The Dalai Lama, Muhammad Ali, and Beyoncé.

3.   Manifesting Generators: The Kindling

Manifesting Generators (or MGs) are here to find shortcuts to mastery. These are the only hybrid Type. They are similar to Generators in a lot of ways but with some key Manifestor-like differences.

Like Generators, Manifesting Generators have consistent access to life force energy. They also have a warm, enveloping aura that magnetizes people to them when they live in alignment with what ignites their passion. Because of their similar aura or energy field, they are also here, like the Generator, to respond to life.

But unlike Generators, their pace is not steady. MGs move mostly at warp speed or not at all. They are like the kindling that sparks brightly and ignites quickly, for they are a hybrid type with a bit of the Manifestor in them. Once they respond, they will need to test out whatever they respond to by visualizing it or experiencing it for a short while before getting their final intuitive knowing. If it is a gut-level, “hell yes,” after sampling this experience, they know that they truly have the energy for whatever they are responding to.

Yes, Manifesting Generators move fast, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they finish first. Because they move so quickly and skip steps, they often have to reevaluate and fix the critical elements they overlooked. And due to this fast pace, it can be challenging for MGs to slow down and wait for something to respond to. They can feel pressure to be a Manifestor and initiate. Or they can jump the gun and say yes to things that don’t light them up or that they don’t have energy for. If they fall into either of these traps, they will experience frustration and anger.

Manifesting Generators are the second most common Type. Thirty-three percent of the population are MGs. And some famous examples of Mani-Gens include Jimi Hendrix, Elton John, Mother Teresa, George Lucas, and Angelina Jolie.

4.   Projectors: Fanning the Flames

Projectors are here to direct and guide the other Energy Types. They are the newest energy type, here to be our future leaders.

Like Manifestors, Projectors don’t have consistent life force energy. They are not here to be the worker bees. Instead, they are here to show the hive how to create honey most efficiently. These types are like the tool you would use to fan the flames of the campfire you’re building.

Projectors have a penetrating aura, meaning that they see through people’s surface masks easily and quickly get to the heart of the matter. That is why they need to wait to be seen, acknowledged, and then invited into someone’s energy. If they try to provide their wise analysis without being asked, others tend to ignore them. And this dynamic of being chronically overlooked leaves Projectors with a very understandable propensity for bitterness.

Finding out you’re a Projector can be a huge relief. Most Projectors have known that their energy needs are different from others, but not understood why. If you are a Projector, you are the future; you are ushering the rest of us into a new paradigm of work and life. Start to examine the cultural conditioning that says you “should” have the same energy level as Generator Types. You are so valuable, and your wisdom is so needed. We need you to show up as you.

Projectors make up about 21% of the population. You may think it would be hard to find famous Projectors, but they are already making their presence known. Barack Obama, Cardi B, JFK, Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela, and Mick Jagger are all Projectors.

5.   Reflectors: The Smoke

Reflectors are here to do just that — reflect. With absolutely no centers defined in their chart, they are the ultimate empaths.

This Type feels and absorbs the health and vitality of the people and environment around them. They are the smoke rising from the campfire, revealing the strength of the blaze.

Reflectors are the mirrors, and reveal to others their gifts and challenges just by existing. Because they absorb so much and have no natural life force energy, they need plenty of time to rest. Without the consistency of any defined centers, it is also helpful for this Type to attune to the lunar cycle and wait about 28 days to make any big decisions in their life. When they make decisions in alignment with their energy, they will feel pleasantly surprised, but if pressured or swayed to make decisions not in alignment, they can end up disappointed.

Because of their innate openness, their health is greatly affected by the people, environment, and energy around them. Thus, this Type needs to be incredibly picky about the settings and people they choose to spend time in and with.

Reflectors are the rarest Type and make up only about 1% of the population. Richard Burton, Sandra Bullock, H.G. Wells, and Dostoyevsky are all Reflectors.


It’s important to remember that no Energy Type is “better” or “worse” than another. Each has its challenges and gifts. And each Energy Type is needed to complete the “campfire”. What matters is that you are living as you. Tapping into your natural energy flow expands your personal power and opens you up to a whole new way of life.

There is so much more to learn about your Human Design. Your energy is a complex system, and your aura’s mechanics is only one part of that system. Dive deeper, discover more, and experiment with living your design.

About the Author:


Lisa (she/her) is an intuitive embodiment coach and Human Design guide. She is passionate about helping you reclaim your unique design so that you can live in a way that aligns with your energetic makeup and awaken to the power of being you. Learn more about her work and current offerings at





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