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21 Nov 2021
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What We Get Wrong About Conversations

Can you chat your way to greater social connection? Five useful steps can help us strengthen ties and avoid mistakes.


“There is no such thing as conversation,” the novelist and literary critic Rebecca West famously wrote in her collection of stories, The Harsh Voice. “It is an illusion. There are intersecting monologues, that is all.” In her opinion, our own words simply pass over the words of others without any profound communication taking place.

Who has not been able to empathise with this sentiment at some point in their life? Whether we’re making small talk with a barista, or meeting up with a close friend, we may hope to make a connection, only to leave the conversation feeling that our minds have failed to meet.

The pandemic has surely heightened our awareness of these sensations. After long periods of isolation, our hunger for social contact is greater than ever – and it is even more disappointing to feel that a void remains between ourselves and others, even when rules of physical distancing have been lifted.

If this rings true for you, help may be at hand. During the past few years, psychologists studying the art of conversation have identified many of the barriers that stand in the way of a deeper connection, and the ways to remove them. Read on for the top five steps to better conversation.

Ask questions 

The first step might seem obvious, yet it is often forgotten: if you want to have a meaningful dialogue with someone – rather than two “intersecting monologues” – then you should make the effort to ask some questions.

Consider the research of Karen Huang, an assistant professor at Georgetown University, US. While studying for a PhD in organisational behaviour at Harvard University, Huang invited more than 130 participants into her laboratory and asked them to converse in pairs for 15 minutes through an online instant messenger. She found that, even in this short period of time, people’s rates of question-asking varied widely, from around four or fewer at the low end to nine or more at the high end. 

Throughout a series of follow-up studies, Huang found question-asking made a significant difference to people’s likeability. Analysing the conversations at a speed-dating event, for example, she found that the number of questions asked by a participant could predict their chance of securing another meeting.

Not all questions are equally charming: a follow-up that requires more information about a previous point is more appealing than a ‘switch’ that changes topic, or a ‘mirror’ that simply copies what someone has already asked you. Importantly, Huang’s findings suggested that most people did not anticipate the effects of question asking. We enjoy talking about ourselves, but we underestimate the benefits of letting others do the same – to the detriment of our relationships.

Beware empathy 

We are often told to place ourselves in other people’s shoes – but our empathy is rarely as accurate as we think it is. 

One reason for this is egocentrism. “It’s when I’m using my own experience, my own mental states, as a proxy for yours,” says Nicholas Epley, a professor of behavioural science at the University of Chicago. “And we fail to differentiate sufficiently between the two.”

In its most basic guise, this egocentrism can be seen when we point to something in our physical surroundings and fail to recognise that it is out of the other person’s line of view, or when we overestimate someone’s knowledge on a topic that is familiar to us and fail to explain ourselves properly. It may also lead us to think that someone else is feeling the same mood as us, or that they hold the same opinions – whether a preference for a particular restaurant or their views on a controversial topic.

Interestingly, Epley’s research has shown that our egocentrism is worse when we are with an acquaintance, rather than a stranger – a phenomenon called the “closeness-communication bias”. “We often perceive close friends and partners to be similar to us, so we assume that they know what we know,” Epley explains. With strangers, we may be a bit more cautious about making those assumptions.

You might hope to solve this problem with some conscious “perspective taking”, in which you deliberately imagine what the other person is thinking and feeling, based on your existing knowledge of them. Yet Epley’s studies show that in many cases, this practice decreases the accuracy of our social perception, since it still relies on us making assumptions that may not be true. In general, it’s far better to ask someone what they actually think and feel, he says, than trying to divine it.

Favour familiarity over originality 

How about our choices for the topic of conversation?

It’s natural to assume that people favour originality; we should always attempt to convey something new and exciting, rather than telling someone something they already know. But these intuitions are off kilter. According to research by Gus Cooney, a social psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, US, we suffer a “novelty penalty” when we discuss something new, compared to a subject that is already familiar to the listener.

During one experiment, participants were placed into groups of three. While alone, each member watched one of two short videos, which either described the intelligence of crows or the creation of specialist soda pops. The trio then met in their group, and one member – the speaker – was asked to describe the video he or she had seen, while the others listened for two minutes.

Surprisingly, the listeners preferred to hear the speaker describing the video they had already seen, while they remained distinctly underwhelmed if he spoke about the unfamiliar clip – despite the fact it was providing fresh information that they had not heard before.

Cooney argues that the novelty penalty arises from the “informational gaps” in our conversation. If we are talking about something completely new, our audience may not have enough knowledge to understand everything that we are saying. If we are talking about something already familiar to our audience, however, the listeners can fill in those gaps themselves. 

The novelty penalty might explain why a description of an exotic holiday can often fall flat with your colleagues unless they have been to that location themselves. “When the experience is so vibrant in your head, and you can smell it and taste it and see all the colours, you just assume other people can do it too,” says Cooney.

Cooney suggests you might be able to overcome the novelty penalty with finely-tuned storytelling that helps to create a vivid impression of the events you’re describing. “When you are aware of this, you might try a little harder to bring that experience alive,” he says. Until you’ve perfected your patter, however, it may be safer to pick topics of conversation that lean on shared experiences.

Don’t be afraid to go deep

This need for common ground should not limit our conversation to mundane small talk. On the contrary, many shared human experiences can be incredibly profound, and Epley’s recent research shows that most people appreciate the chance to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings, even if they are talking to perfect strangers.

Epley’s team asked pairs of participants, who had not met previously, to discuss questions such as, “If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, your future or anything else, what would you want to know?”.

Beforehand, most participants feared the exchanges would be painfully awkward – yet the conversation flowed far more smoothly than they had predicted. They also felt a greater sense of connection with their conversation partners than they had thought possible, and this was also accompanied by a happier mood following the exchange. In general, the participants were much more interested in their conversation partners’ innermost thoughts and feelings than each had initially imagined.

“In these deep conversations you get access to the mind of another person, and you get to recognise that the other person actually cares about you,” says Epley. And that can make for a touching exchange of words, even if you will never encounter that person again. 

Value tactful honesty over mindless kindness 

Imagine, for a moment, you were compelled to talk with complete honesty during every social interaction. How would your relationships fare?

A few years ago, Emma Levine, an associate professor of behavioural science at the University of Chicago, and Taya Cohen, an associate professor of organisational behaviour at Carnegie Mellon University, decided to turn this thought experiment into reality. They recruited 150 participants, who were divided into three groups. The first set were asked to be “absolutely honest” in every conversation, at home and at work, for the next three days; the second set were told to be kind, caring and considerate for the same period, while the final third were encouraged to behave normally.

Most people predict the kind group would have the best experience – while the honest group would struggle to keep their friendships. Yet the honest participants scored just as highly on measures of pleasure and social connection throughout the three days as those who were told to be kind, and often found a lot of meaning in the exchanges.

“It seems like it would be awful,” says Cohen. “But the participants reported being happy to have had the honest conversations, even if they were hard.”

In follow-up experiments, Cohen asked pairs of friends, colleagues or spouses to open up about personal issues – such as the last time they cried or the issues with their current relationship. In each case, the honest communication proved to be far more constructive than people predicted – and the benefits of the candid disclosure on their overall wellbeing continued for at least a week afterwards. “These conversations were having downstream positive effects on the relationships,” Cohen says. “It was a valuable experience.” 

It should go without saying that honesty is best served with a healthy dose of diplomacy. Cohen says that you should think carefully about the timing of your comments, the way they are phrased and whether the person will have the opportunity to make use of the information. “Five minutes before the wedding, you don’t need to tell the bride that she looks terrible, right?” There’s no excuse for being a bully, even if you think your insults convey the truth. 

When practicing each of these five steps, you should always remain conscious of the other person’s mood and comfort, and be prepared to step away when your conversational gambits are not welcome. But with a little tact, sensitivity and a genuine interest in the people around you, you may often find that greater social connection is easily within your reach.


About the Author:

David Robson is a science writer and author based in London.

Original article here

16 Nov 2021
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How To Start Connecting With Your Higher Self

All over the world, people are awakening to the fact that we are more than bones and flesh. We sense that there is more to life than what we see. The word “consciousness” is losing its unreachable meaning, and we look for ways to go inside ourselves and find inner peace.

How do I connect with my higher self, you may be asking? There are different ways, I will tell you about a few here.

Practicing yoga is very good for your physical body, but also for your soul. There are different types of yoga; all work, and their benefits are widely known and studied by science. If yoga is not for you, practicing Pilates is an excellent alternative. It has helped me with my body and my soul.

Meditation is one of the most powerful tools that exists to connect us with our higher self, with divinity or God, if you want to call it that. I will teach you a very simple way to start meditating:

  • Sit comfortably, preferably on a chair
  • Close your eyes and start counting your exhalations every time you breathe
  • Breathe normally, count to ten and start again
  • If you lose count, start over
  • Let thoughts pass and keep counting
  • Do this for at least 10 minutes a day.

You will see that each time, your attention and concentration improve, and a sense of peace and calm comes over you.

Praying is another way to connect with the divine. Repeating a prayer every day will have the same results as a meditation. It does not have to be a formal prayer; it can be a deep conversation with the divinity. This is also a way of praying.

Mantras are words or phrases that are repeated as litanies to support meditation or to connect with the higher realms. They are used in Hinduism and Buddhism. One of the best-known mantras used by many spiritual leaders, who attribute numerous spiritual benefits to reciting it, is “Om Mani Padme Hum”.

Do you like to sing? Music is a powerful way of connecting with your soul. Of course I mean calm, joyful and restorative music. I know people who go around humming a tune all day, and coincidentally they are always optimistic people.

Activate your inner powers by learning different activation methods, like pineal gland activation and heart activation and breathing techniques. One good and simple breathing technique to start with is to sit down and inhale through your nose in a deep and slow way and exhale slowly through your mouth, relax your shoulders and expand your chest. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes.

What is most important with all of these tools is to stop in your daily life and reflect on where and what we pay our attention to. The important things are within us. We are energy beings, and it is from this knowing that we create our world. Becoming aware of it will necessarily lead us to correct mistakes and create a better world for ourselves.

Take that step ahead. The time is always now.


About the Author:


Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.



13 Nov 2021
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There is so much angst in the air these days that we may all be feeling more sensitive, exhausted or even more despondent than usual. So much so, that I feel a lot of folks are at the end of their tether, overwhelmed by the vast onslaught of confusing emotions and free-floating anxiety in the telluric atmosphere.

Steady, folks! Simply ignoring what is unfolding isn’t optional. However, grounding and staying centered in our core Being is a choice we do have, hour by hour, and day by day.

This past Wednesday there was an unusual astrological alignment. At the same time our planet has been undergoing a mid-level geomagnetic storm from more solar flares that erupted last weekend. On Wednesday Saturn and the Moon met up at 7 degrees of Aquarius, and Mars and Mercury joined up at 7 degrees of Scorpio. The Mars-Mercury gang was also opposed by Uranus retrograde at 12 Taurus.  This configuration is as rare astronomically as it is astrologically. The message in it is this: “…when push comes to shove”, or “enough is enough”, or “I am tired of this s**t”, or even “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

The manifestations of this seemed to erupt in synchronous fashion globally, but were more focused in the USA, UK and Europe. In the days leading up to this strange square in the sky between Mars in Scorpio (“I’m going to get to the bottom of things, and you can’t make me do what I don’t want to do!”) and Saturn in Aquarius (“You must submit to the mandates or lose your job.”) various unions representing the police, firemen, teachers and health care professionals in the United States started court actions against forced inoculations. Of course, to suddenly try to force anything on these folks, after they’ve been on the front lines for 16 months without the need for such an experimental medical intervention does not make much sense. Nor does it make any sense to risk losing these dedicated people by coercing them into having to choose between their ethics (and perhaps medical or scientific knowledge) and their livelihoods. The video below is about an RN in British Columbia, Canada who is going through this exact scenario.

Here in the U.K., on the very morning of said weird astrological event, the government announced that all NHS and care home employees would have to be vaccinated or be let go.  By yesterday morning 60,000 care home staff had been let go, and the care homes informed the National Health Service that they would be unable to accept any patient transfers from NHS facilities. That was standard practice during the early months of lockdown in 2020. Now it is the turn of the NHS frontline staff to choose where they stand. I have spoken privately with some nurses from our local NHS Trust hospital, and they feel it is simply wrong-footed to make the jabs mandatory.

Of course, there are other aspects to these developments, and I although I would like to address them here like bullet points in a lecture, I won’t do that. I’m not here to lecture anyone or tell them what I think they should do, or not do.

After a relatively quiet weekend and beginning to next week, we have a few more rings of fire to leap through.  Next Wednesday Mars in Scorpio comes into an exact opposition with Uranus in Taurus retrograde. This occurs at 12 degrees of each sign. The energy of any Mars-Uranus aspect is volatile, unpredictable and intense. I know because I live every day with Uranus square Mars in my natal blueprint. Saturn is also in an applying square to Uranus, which will be exact on December 24th, 2021, the last square between these behemoths in those signs for quite some time to come.

On Friday, November 19th, there will be a partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio-Taurus.

This lunar eclipse event may further galvanize and embolden those questioning the official narratives and mandates.  The confrontation between Mars and Uranus squaring Saturn will alert those in charge that their tactics are having less of an effect than desired. This may result in further and perhaps more draconian restrictions in December, especially after the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (self-righteousness). I am still taking the long view and holding zero expectations as we move from now to the first exact Pluto Return station to the USA Natal Chart Pluto in February 2022.  Now that will be a subject of deeper delving in January 2022!

The upshot of all of this from my perspective is that this is a time for steadfast resoluteness and preparedness. Lots of folks I know are “prepping”, something I’ve been meaning to do for a few months now since supply chains have been disrupted and fuel has gotten scarcer. However, the spiritual and soul-base perspectives are of primary importance in these challenging and confusing times.

Ever since Halloween and the November 4th New Moon I’ve detected an uptick in psychic interference and fatigue.  Some of that is due to the fluctuations in the planet’s magnetic fields, but hey, the veils are still very thin now.  People energy, including thoughts and emotions, seem to be bleeding through boundaries much easier than before. This is creating some personal friction that is straining working or friend relationships. Very touchy when it is someone close to you that you feel you need some space from. By extension I am also picking up on a lot of astral interference and other static. Clearing oneself daily is a useful activity, and only takes a few ticks to accomplish. Some symptoms to be alert for are undefined irritability, low-grade depression, self-talk, blaming, complaining, dissociative or addictive behaviours, a longing to be somewhere else, and general doubt or fear.

Although lower emotions like fear, guilt, shame and anger are generally to be eschewed, anger can be a creative energy when approached in the correct attitude. Anger is one of the most misunderstood and avoided emotions on the planet, or conversely, one that is over-indulged in far too often.

The one message anger can have for us is that our Soul Core is alerting us to some person, situation or thing that violates our sense of Self, or our core values. As such, anger is then your friend, and an ally in helping you in choosing and activating healthy boundaries. In a climate such as we have now, people’s right to say “NO!” is even being taken away. To someone experiencing physical, mental or sexual abuse, we would be appalled if someone were denied the inherent right to say “NO!, that is does not feel good and I will resist!” This is when anger can give us the courage to stand up for ourselves and by saying “no” we are saying “yes” to what feels right and good for us.

It will be increasingly essential to observe what is going down without it dragging you down with it. It is also becoming apparent that we may have to act in a firm and steadfast way to preserve the life we have chosen to live, and not acquiesce quite so easily to what others tell us to do. This Saturn in Aquarius cycle will be with us until March 2023, so we’ve still going to see this type of attrition carrying on for a while yet. By that time Pluto will be done with the transit to the USA chart and will be about ready to head into Aquarius itself. That should be of larger concern than what we currently are experiencing. Even so, it is vital that we look to staying as much in the now as possible.

There are many things to be currently thankful for, and to celebrate. If you have your health, good food, shelter and loving family and friends, then appreciate that…deeply. Hold fast to the vision you have for your life and choose the path that brings the most peace to you, not the most material gain or comforts. The pressures we are seeing have been designed by us, and for us, to awaken and galvanize us to take full responsibility for our happiness right now, and for the future.

This is also the Planet’s shaking and waking us out of the nightmare that is capitalism and consumerism.  I recall when I was channeling Archangel Ariel that she’d remind folks that moving into 5D would mean no more Wal-Mart’s or McDonalds. We cannot blend our current culture or beliefs with a higher order society. Our technology is owning us, and we are slowing realizing that that is now so. We also can feel how dehumanizing our institutions have become (humans are NOT a resource). The good news is that we are at choice, and in fact that is where our true power resides.


Don’t leave home without it, and refuse to submit your power of choice to another.


About the Author

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.

07 Nov 2021
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The 11:11 Gateway

by Gillian Macbeth Louthan


To me the Season of Light begins as November comes out of her multicolored cocoon, stretching her wings of light to become the beautiful season of Love. As the Light begins her descent upon the planet Earth we enter the true Season of Love. A season born of Timeless Miracles, myths and Magic, a season of Light that seeks to be embraced in the hearts of all humans. It asks humans to stop making excuses as to why one does not celebrate what is Holy, what is good, what is a Gift. Life has become virtually gridded creating a separation far from the One Heart. Too many reasons not to love or not to give, not to believe. This season of Light is thick with promises, filled with free-formed miracles. Miracles that take form and actively seek vessels to gift.

The number 11:11 was issued to earth in 1992 as a ‘Beginning Light’ activation. It is a doorway, a gateway into your greatest potential as a human. This activation number asks you to seek divine memory. The ‘One’ seeks itself through a mirror reflection. This 11:11 doorway offers an opportunity to surpass all limitations you have unknowingly set for yourself and others, to clear the slates of your heart and soul. One to one to one… we enter the Oneness we all share in common.

11:11 descends upon the Earth like the spirit of a dove that lands softly in the hearts of mankind. As the 11:11 energies are birthed let them purge you of what has been solidified and blocked. All of heaven known and unknown enters through this Gateway. Align with all you know to be love. A flooding of the heart allows you to rise above previous emotional tide lines removing the barnacles of the past. Holiness goes beyond religion and sacred teachings. It lives deep in the bones of every human on earth for it is through the very breathe of Holiness that earth is alive. Humanity has virtually lost part of their heart. It is easier to touch an emoji than to touch the wounded hearts of others. Like a training pigeon they swipe through the air with the greatest of ease hoping their heart filled characters will land in the cloud somewhere.

11:11 is a powerful number initiation sequence. It signals to the light-sequence within, that it is time to wake up and smell the cold brew coffee. Each time that you see 11:11 on a clock, a license plate or a grocery receipt you are being given an opportunity to walk into a ‘Gateway of Instant Manifestation.’ The universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts, which are manifesting into the physical realm per your thoughts. Every time I see 11:11 in any form I stop instantly and align with the light and the thought that needs to be birthed. Eleven-eleven is the number of Light Masters. It is an encoded light structure of Remembrance.

Life and day-light shortens itself like a dog on a lead, as the 24 hours of Earth time now shifts into a denser mode demanding more than before. Many possibilities come, invisible of nature, camouflaged like a hunter in the fall leaves. The heart demands complete opening in this powerful season of light. The Christ heart within humanity awakens with a holy dialogue. The light that comes is thick like a mist that actually has a shadow. This shadow dance comes to teach and redefine its light. This living 11:11 light comes to soften our shadow edges, sculpting and honing us, polishing us, asking us to shine brighter and more often. This Holy season asks you to stand up for light, to escort miracles down your street, to have lunch with the angels.

11:11 Gateway — Enter the Chamber of the Christ Light

In 1997 when we were still wild and woolly, I took a group of very powerful individuals to Egypt. It was a trip that broke all the preconceived rules of what Egypt was supposed to be, as a culture and spiritually. 24 years later those 26 people are still scratching their bald and solver head trying to figure out what actually happened to them in those lost 17 days in Egypt. After being held by the Egyptian government in Dendara Egypt We barely made our flight back to Cairo to get to the Great Pyramid by 11:11 at night to do ceremony. Our mission of light as a group of 26 was to go to the great pyramid bringing ‘our all-knowing light’ to this Great Pyramidal Light of Oz that needed our mere mortal essence to save the world (or so we thought) before the year 2000, which was a tipping point.

It was powerful beyond time to enter that great living pulsing stony timeless being of light. It was vast beyond my understanding, as it seemed to extend beyond the sky into the stars that night. As I stood in the entrance to the great pyramid giving thanks for being there I learned more in that 1 minute passing through the entrance of the great Pyramid then I had accumulated in my entire life. Everything was shown to me in an instant like a life review and then the slate was cleared empty, awaiting being filled again. I entered the Great Pyramid as pure as a Virgin stripped of everything she once knew herself to be. The empty chalice of me at that moment in timelessness was ready to fill with the gifts of the great pyramid, which were beyond my ability to fully consume.

Light markings within the Great Pyramid showed themselves as the red granite continued to alter us, allowing doorways that appeared silent and invisible to open. We saw the many lives of the Great Pyramid as she lifted her veil of secrecy. We all saw within the great Pyramid a vast hidden room of light, secreted in plain sight. This room was referred to as the ‘Christ Chamber’ by the energies that escorted us there. It was many years later that the actual Christ chamber itself was discovered but not entered. It is this place, the invisible place the sealed place within each of our own Pyramid of light that awakens as the vibration of 11:11 begins the holy healing matrix.

After that night everything in Cairo changed it rained and the Sphinx cried for the first time in years, the locals knew it was an omen of something to come. As soon as we left Egypt the Great Pyramid was shut down for over a year. They kicked the camel police off the Giza plateau and the lost boys had to find new tourists to charm. The Egyptian government had there own reasons for shutting everything down, but no one is talking or telling. The reason I bring this up now at this 11:11 gateway is that starting November 11th, Great Planetary Light activation will transpire in the Great Pyramid, within the unseen Christ Chamber of Light. This inner planetary healing light that comes from the heart of Mother Earth moves upward and outward thru the Christ chamber within the great Pyramid and activates the most High Heart of humanity.

11:11 and the Master Numbers

In 1992 the number 11:11 was issued to humanity as a trigger number. That powerful numerical vibration escorted us as a planet safely into a new place of Higher Light. The numerical signature of 11:11 still follows us to very this day. 11:11 is a doorway a gateway an old friend in the form of a star-portal. The ‘oneness’ seeks itself through a mirror like reflection of the world around it. This doorway offers an opportunity to surpass any limitations you have unknowingly set for yourself. One to one to one, enter the light that lives in the center point of your soul.

Everything on earth is defined by a numerical configuration. All life can be reduced and explained by numbers. The currents of these numerical sequences bring into alignment a series of new considerations that will help earth to adjust and balance. Each numerical infusion is tailored to fit the needs of each human. As the brain adjusts to these new energies a lifting occurs allowing the individual to exit the human/animal ratio and be lifted into the human/light equation. Numbers and humans go hand in hand. From the beginning of time known we have been defined by a numerical equation whether age, birth date, weight, or the number of wives and camels we have. Numbers have always seemed to be our not so silent partners.

MASTER NUMBERS accentuate the meanings of single digits (111,222,333 etc.).

When a number shows itself in double and triple digits they are then considered to be a numerical oracle.

00, 000, or 0000

This is the ‘The Great Void’, the unknown what is yet to be, that which has not been birthed; that which holds all possibility. This numerical pre-configuration as you to move thought into a higher dimensional fluidity. This is the portal of Creation before Creation. A reminder you are always one with the universe. Feel yourself within the center embraced by the Creator as you are held and loved unconditionally. Walk around the inner circle of self-completing what needs to be completed.

11, 111, or 11:11

This is ‘The Gateway to All’ that is riding within a hair of instantaneous manifestation. This master number asks you to let go of man-made expectations and manifestation and move your creational thoughts up the ladder of light. Doorways open, doorways close, and you are in-between all dimensional shift. This is conscious creation with 11-second intervals of thought; holding your thought long enough for the Universe to take a snapshot of it, escorting it into manifestation.

22,222, or 22:22

This is an important numerical vibration coming up for earth. 222 is the highest number of manifesting without the frustration. All words thought deeds and intentions will take seed within this number with or without rain to help them grow. This number asks you to acknowledge your soul light in all of its forms. It asks you to move out of the neighborhood of polarity. This vibration shows one Time moves forward with or without them. This powerful creation sequence tells you ‘Do not create by default.’ Do something, anything, have a say so in your life. Keep a holding pattern with your resolve, know and trust what you have planted by your words, deeds and actions. Trust they will heal and bloom in accordance with the heavenly seasons.

33,333 or 33:33

This powerful number offers you a choice. The holy trinity is activated within the tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) in your early DNA structure. This number offers an opportunity to connect with highly evolved spiritual beings/ masters/Angels. The trinity is the holiness within all of your choices. It is Your body, mind, spirit in agreement with your Soul’s evolution. Within 333 you are not allowed to straddle the razor blade fence of indecision. This number asks you to stand in your soul light without fear of falling, Allowing you to see the sacredness in all of your choices no matter what the outcome. Three is the holy trinity of heaven and soul.

44,444 or 44:44

Four is such an earthy number, strong and balanced, it fortifies what needs reinforced. To me it is a masonic number decreeing a foundation of light is being cemented for you. With this vibration new opportunity comes without being asked. It allows you to Build your future thought by thought, brick by brick. Do not allow those of too much wind to blow down your dreams with their negativity. Believe deeply until you see the proof. Hold on through all choices and deviations. Stay balanced in what you know to be divine truth and the platform of light will solidify.

55, 555, 55:55

This numerical powerhouse is all about humanity and how it interacts. This vibration is about movement and adjustment. The universe that is driving this big ole cosmic wheel is making changes for your betterment whether you ask for them or not. The heavens are changing your course with love. This change may be an answer to some long forgotten prayer. The future is hidden for a reason Allow the currents to take you into a new future full of possibilities created just for you.

66,666 or 66:66

The vibration of 6 has changed into a vibration that is fully aligned with the heart healing of the earth. For too long now humanity has been branded with the thought that anything associated with the number six is negative, dark, dense and inner earth. Look at the beauty on this magical planet. Look all that she has given you since you were born. The number 6 is asking you to come back to the original seed and blueprint of light and life with a reverence. There is a beautiful holiness to the number six as its extension asks you to move your awareness upward in a grand sweep of expression. By aligning with the true beauty and healing of the number six you will find a softness and coherence in your special time on earth.

77, 777 or 77:77

This unassuming number asks you to take a high dive into your life. This is the vibration of the spiritual warrior. One who walks a narrow path within self and soul. Seven works for the light, by the light and with the light. Their vows are laced in time. Sevens eat drink think and speak what is deemed holy within the cosmos. They embrace the spirituals aspect of everything. Sevens are not permitted to stray outside the boundaries of light for more than a fleeting thought. They know all about cosmic 2 X 4’s, having learned the hard way. Seven escorts your awareness into a place where miracles are an every minute event. The Seven energy is a place where wonder, magic and miracles live. Seven is your natural state of being.

88, 888 or 88:88

The vibration of this energy takes you places you didn’t even know you wanted to go. It is made of continual cosmic movement, ‘As above so below. This configuration gives to you the infinity portal escorting you past all pervious perceptions. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, an atomic power source. This energy gives to you well earned prosperity with the added flavor of universal blessings. Eight is a Star-gate a place of intersection and crossing. Like two starry lovers meeting in the center of time.

99, 999 or 99:99

This energy displays Cosmic and personal completion, the end of one experience the being of another. Entering the next level of love of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing self, a place of vast opportunity; Free-falling from the height of the nine into a new dimensional understanding. Enter and exit all in the same breath. A substantial leap into the unknown. Are you ready to see and be more than you are at this minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly track of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have.


About the Author:

Gillian Macbeth Louthan is a Visionary, a Seer, born with the gift of knowing. She is a clairvoyant psychic with advanced channeling abilities since an early age. She has been a Metaphysical Teacher, Messenger and world known Trance-Channel, for over 40 years She works with the Councils of Light, Mary Magdalene, Merlin, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Mother Mary, the Pleiadians and many other energies of the Christ Light.

Original post, here






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