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01 Mar 2022
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March Artist of the Month: Miranda Vavrosky


About the Artist

I am Miranda Vavrosky, intuitive artist. Alchemizing and transmuting energy from within my own emotional body. Sometimes channeling energy from the collective or an individual for commission paintings.

My art is meant to awaken emotion within you and to be fun. To connect your conscious mind to the subconscious aspects that may be harder for you to listen to. People always say they are not creative but when you place my art in front of them, their creative mind starts to pull meaning and shapes from the abstract art. Like a mirror for your internal-being my art is meant to look back at you.

What do you project upon it?


Website: VavroskyArt



Connect with Miranda:









24 Feb 2022
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What If Legal Personhood Included Plants, Rivers, and the Planet?

“People think of laws being so objective and serious, and almost separate from the social norms,” says investigative climate journalist Amy Westervelt. “But it’s really just a handful of people’s beliefs that have gotten baked into law.”

Uncovering whose beliefs have shaped existing environmental law led her to report on an emerging legal arena that has been making headlines around the world: rights of nature laws.

The idea behind the rights of nature approach extrapolates on the Western legal system’s insistence that a corporation is considered a person. If that’s legally true, then why not grant legal personhood to a watershed or a forest? For those who grew up indoctrinated by the existing legal system, Westervelt says their initial response is often delivered with a scoff: “So, what, like, a tree could sue me?”

But beyond this initial skepticism, she sees a lot of practicality and possibility to the approach. Take, for example, a polluted lake. “It’s almost impossible to say my cancer was caused by this chemical in the water,” she says. “But it’s super easy, scientifically, to say this chemical in this water is destroying this watershed.”

And in this way, granting nature its own rights could provide an avenue to protect specific environments—and the communities that depend on them. Because, she points out, “Humans actually need ecosystems to live a lot more than we need corporations.”

The Proof Is in the Pushback

When it comes to protecting the environment, most existing laws are human-centered. They focus on the rights of people to a healthy environment. Westervelt says that well over 100 countries have these kinds of laws on the books. Still, since they require making a direct, causal connection between a pollutant and a human health outcome, winning a case in court can be difficult.

Rights of nature cases, in contrast, are “playing the long game,” as Westervelt puts it. They approach legal arguments with a completely different philosophy and timescale. Incorporating the rights of nature into the constitutions of municipalities, states, and countries could shift the foundational approach to how environmental cases are litigated, Westervelt says.

And it might just be working. She says the proof is in the pushback.

“We’re starting to see pre-emptive laws get passed to block rights of nature legislation,” Westervelt says. Ohio, Florida, and most recently Missouri have passed laws to this effect. “That’s always a key indicator that something’s working, right?” Westervelt says. “They’re not passing pre-emptive laws against calling your reps—let’s put it that way.”

The other strength of this rights of nature approach to environmental protection is the surprising coalitions it creates. “The Lake Erie Bill of Rights is not a bunch of hippies in San Francisco. This is suburban moms in Toledo, Ohio,” Westervelt says. “I think that’s actually what scares the industry folks and the right wing about the way that [rights of nature laws have] progressed in this country, is you’re seeing it really pop up in the Rust Belt, in working-class towns in the Midwest.”

Take fracking, for example. A person in Pennsylvania might be upset their neighbor has a fracking well that has ruined the water in the surrounding wells, making their land essentially valueless. So, Westervelt says, you have right-wing, anti-government libertarians fighting in defense of private property alongside Indigenous leaders arguing to protect the watershed’s right to live.

The motivations may be very different, but Westervelt says the outcomes they’re fighting for are actually quite compatible.

Take the example of the Te Urewera rainforest in New Zealand. She says this case is the one that international organizations point to as a key success story for the rights of nature, because the government recognized the rainforest as its own legal entity and the Tūhoe people as its legal guardians. In a lot of ways, this is a victory, but at the end of the day, it’s still a compromise on what the Tūhoe actually want: simply the return of their land.

The idea that the government had to grant these land rights is almost offensive to those who live there, Westervelt says. Still, she sees these cases, which aim to bring an Indigenous approach to both nature and justice, as a way to “give Western law an instant upgrade on the environmental front.”

Wild Rice for the Win

One unique aspect of Westervelt’s approach is the way it frames Indigenous science, which she says is all too often viewed as myths or “woo-woo mystical nonsense.”

Westervelt shares an example of a water protector she spoke with in Hawai‘i who was working to protect his people’s sacred mountain, Mauna Kea. He told her the reason it’s sacred is because half the island’s ecosystems are affected by it. Western watershed science eventually came to the same conclusion, but centuries later, after colonization had already caused great harm.

The same goes for why wild rice is sacred to the Ojibwe: it’s an indicator species. They knew its ecological importance and therefore came to reflect that in their cultural values.

In this way, Westervelt says, storytelling—be it through Indigenous knowledge-sharing or a podcast—is an effective way to explain why it’s important to protect water.

Of “Manoomin v. Minnesota,” she says, “This case looks at the rights of wild rice to survive and thrive in local waterways, which the Ojibwe added to their 1855 treaty with the U.S. government. The White Earth Band of Ojibwe, based in present-day Minnesota, has since sued Enbridge Energy’s Line 3 pipeline, which they say will violate the rights of the rice and threaten the health of the ecosystem at large.”

This case could have a major impact on many other potential pipeline fights across the U.S.

“Whatever decision they come down with will be pretty monumental,” she says. The case is currently in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, and if its decision is appealed, Westervelt says this could be “another case where the Supreme Court is deciding whether the U.S. is going to honor these treaties.” And that has far-reaching implications for the treaty rights of tribes across the continent.

“Every time I tell people, ‘Yeah, wild rice sued the state of Minnesota,’ it helps to get people to let go of the idea that the way things are is the way they’ve always been and always have to be,” Westervelt says. She believes exposing people to that idea by way of a story is less threatening than arguing with them about water clarity or carbon emissions. “Showing people a different perspective and what it can look like, I think, is helpful in opening people up to other possibilities.”


Original article here.



18 Feb 2022
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State Of The Planet Update: “Rock Solid”

No matter what is or isn’t happening in the world right now, you and I and all of Creation is loved beyond belief. No matter what is or isn’t happening in your life right now, you are loved beyond belief. No matter what will happen or won’t happen, it does not matter…we are loved beyond belief. No matter what, we are that Love, and we emerged from that Love by choice-desire-curiosity.

None of us is an “accident” of the Universe, nor are you and I here because of some whim of The Fates. We have purpose in our Be-ing…even when we don’t feel like we’re fulfilling our believed or adopted purpose. Sometimes our egos hijack our purpose, or distort it, or diminish it. The rock-solid truth you can always rely on is that, in the end, the truth if this: you are Love/Loved beyond belief.

And no matter who you are, and even though you may feel alone at times, no one is alone…ever.

Now some of what I relate here will already be familiar to most of you, and you’ve heard it all before. If so, that’s great! However, I must honestly say that almost everyone I speak with these days is dealing with something challenging. The continuing agenda of separating humanity into two classes of people still ripples throughout the collective experience. We all know this is instinctively “wrong” but most figure there’s nothing one can do about it. Perhaps we are so wrapped up on keeping up with our own life and it’s complexities, focusing only on our own personal triumphs or tragedies. Nonetheless, this divisiveness is useful, in one sense. It awakens us to our own inner duplicities or divisions and can help us realize that this artifice we call our “civilization” or “culture” is unsustainable and running in place to fit into its imposed agenda is a zero-sum game.

Existentially speaking, it is all unsustainable. Fearing the unknown, we cling to the past masquerading as the present and hope that we’ll get to the “new normal” somehow. What I didn’t see or understand until late last week is how much of what we call “our experience” is imposed on our lives without our consent, so much so that the plans we make, the dreams we hold about what we want in our own soul’s experience takes a back seat within this “matrix” of sorts.

Is God/Goddess doing that? Well, trick question. Since we are inextricably part of God/Goddess, I reckon we all bear some responsibility, as we allow whatever this is to continue.  Some of us are acquiescing to the illusion and some are going “what a minute…that doesn’t feel right or good to me!” Remember, no matter what’s happening, somehow and at some point in the future it will all work out for the best.  You are always at choice in what you will or will not participate with. With what has happened and is happening, you have a choice in how you relate to it, and what you will or will not allow to continue in your experience.

We are infinite and eternal. Nothing is imposed without some level of tacit permission given…by you or me. Even if we don’t want this or that challenge in our lives to be occurring, it is there for a reason. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be there! Karmic or not, it is what it is. What is unfolding, including the so-called darkness and chaos, is part of the awakening/remembering/maturing process, and we are sharing in all of it.

We set up the tenpins so we can knock them down. The Universe suggests that we just don’t make a habit out of it. Then it turns into what we call “our karma”. Unconscious repetition isn’t evolution! Through it all we are still Love/Loved beyond belief.

The atmosphere is filling up with more uncertainties, chugging along in our peripheral vision, and/or intruding into our daily activities. As the old scripture says, “Fear not. Even if the mountains should slide into the sea, I Am with you, always.” That message is Love reminding us again that we…are…never…alone. There is nothing that is inherently within us, that doesn’t want to help.

True mastery doesn’t mean standing as a lone entity in the entirely of Creation, impervious and totally transpersonal. It also includes embracing all that is, and still not falling into forgetfulness of Who We Are beyond all form or circumstance. That is what being “rock solid” is, and that is what Spirit is…rock solid, always there…and everywhere. No judging, no punishments, no force or coercion, no dogma, or rules. Just Love, being Love.

Rock solid baby!


About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.


12 Feb 2022
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Return to Sender


Another year, another momentous month, and many different energies pushing and pulling in many different directions. If there is one recommendation for the now, is trying to maintain some equilibrium and keep your cool.  Things could fray at any moment, so it’s beneficial to take three deep breaths whenever you feel on the verge of overwhelm or your fuse is lit by your own sense of frustration, or other’s demands, or information and energy overloads. Reminds me of an old Broadway musical called, “Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!”

The multidimensionality of events and stimuli is quite evident in the outer material reality, but it is mostly happening in the mind/astral realm. Our emotional bodies are jostled, and our physical bodies are telegraphing frantic messages like “danger ahead”, or “Hey, pay attention! We’re in pain, discomfort and insecurity!” This is unsurprising when the entire planet is immersed in a chaotic fishbowl of artificial digital atmospheres, media-fostered fear headlines, and one crisis after another all clamouring for attention and action.

Take a BIG step back from it all! All this is not who you are, nor is it indicative of the true nature of Nature and every other soul in this world.  Meditation is important for calming the mind stuff and connecting and caring for our physicality even more so.  When I get rattled, I listen to music…calming, meditative and ethereal music.  Do whatever works for you, not as a mindless form of escapism, but as a conscious form of self-care and rebalancing.

The astrological/energetic markers for the weeks ahead are also multidimensional and multipurpose.  Remember, what we call astrology is nothing more than a symbolic language for understanding life on Earth, nothing more and nothing less. It won’t make you more spiritual, but it can point you towards things in your psyche that may get in the way (karmic habits) of your full self-realization.  When applied to national or world events, astrology has an uncanny ability to predict potential manifestations of our collective consciousness or help us understand in hindsight what the hell just did happen, and why.

We are embodied forms of Consciousness, and that is why everything ‘feels’ so freaking real. At the level of the Absolute, it is all just a form of play manifesting in a dualistic way. So, what is the Absolute wanting us to pay attention to, right now? Remember that the transiting Nodal Axis is astrology’s way of highlighting the most important thing, right now.  (For those of you who are students of astrology or grizzled veterans, please reference the charts I’ve provided below.)

​If you have your own chart, check for any aspects to the degrees mentioned in the next paragraph, and remember that there can be five major aspects: Conjunctions (within 6 degrees of one another), Squares (at a 90-degree angle between points), Sextiles (60 degree angles), Oppositions (180 degrees opposite one another), and Trines (90 degrees in relationship to each other).

First up the Full Moon on the 16th arrives at 4:55pm GMT (London) at the 27th degree and 59th minute of Leo. Mars and Venus are conjunct at 16 degrees of Capricorn, and Pluto is now at the 27th degree of Capricorn and quincunx to the Full Moon. Quincunxes are awkward and irritating energies.  Like being stuck on a plane with someone next to you snoring and you must put up with it. A Quincunx is a 150-degree angle between two points.

This Full Moon is being squared (challenged) by the Nodal Axis at 27 degrees of Scorpio and Taurus. Recall what I said above, about the transiting Nodes saying, “pay attention to this!”? Here it is. Taurus is our values versus the culture or society’s value system. Scorpio is about secrets and security, and depth…lots of deep dark stuff.  Leo is about the heart chakra, yes, but also loves being the king or queen and feeling superior. The Sun at almost the last degree of Aquarius signals a call to look beyond the obvious and discover the higher ground perspective about what’s happening — and no, you cannot ignore or avoid what is unfolding.

The Native Americans feel that whatever is happening in the moment is exactly what needs to be happening, and to push it away or rationalize about it is never going to work. Better to open one’s eyes to the opportunity for remembering and growth instead of resisting.  This will be a really great time for seeing things with new eyes, and then planting new thoughts and ideas around what sort of actions would you like to create that will build a new and better tomorrow for you and everyone else. Think “both/and” and take it beyond the personal.

It is also a call to participate, even if you have strong feelings that are the opposite. For example, I have been wrestling with yearnings to simply chuck it all, head off into the woods, ditch my tech and live like a hermit. That may have a romantic spin to it, but it is a sure-fire way to fall off the edge of the world. Instead, this New Moon carries with it an energy to double one’s efforts to find and connect with your tribe and start building something in the way of a cooperative or community that looks and feels better than what the old world is offering. That world is dying, though it is putting up one hell of a fight along the way.

The next huge event is the USA Pluto Return on February 20th, 2022. To be frank, we’ve been in the energy of this already for months, and this is the first exact contact of Transiting Pluto to the USA Natal Pluto since July 4th, 1776. That’s never happened before, and it is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event. How many times have you heard that in the past two years? Plenty, I suspect. Make no mistake, this one is bigger than the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th, 2020, that heralded in (or helped trigger) the COVID era.

The main event is Pluto conjunct Pluto, in Capricorn. It is the end of America as we have known it, and we will have to see how and what the people of the USA choose to do with that.  All the fruits of the seeds sown for 248 years are going to fall out of the sky all at once for good or bad. In America they refer to this as “chickens coming home to roost.” Hence the title for this article as it refers to how karma always returns to its sender.

Remember that there is only “good-bad” in duality. It may be more useful to phrase this as “helpful, or not helpful.” Since Capricorn governs governments, all manner of institutions (political, military, financial, medical, and social), a further dis-integration of the same may accelerate under Pluto’s tutelage.

Simultaneously, the regular folk may also realize that their leadership has been leading them down the garden path for a very long time. It will be time for everyone, not just Americans, to realize that the only power that these institutions and leaders have is the power we have ceded to them. It will be time to emancipate and wean ourselves out of the outworn habit of placing our trust and power into the hands of others, and start growing into mature, adult souls capable of looking after ourselves and each other in an egalitarian sort of way. Pluto is the Lord of Death, the Lord who Taketh Away, and anything that no longer is serving the collective soul of humanity is going to be removed…one way or another. Best not to resist it on any level as that is what causes suffering.

Once again, with the transiting Nodes involved the message is that THIS is the most important thing to focus on. Mars and Venus conjoined in Capricorn will stimulate loving ourselves no matter what happens and will stimulate our instincts to create structures and modalities designed to foster mutual survival and compassion…no matter what. Mercury conjunct the USA Nodal Axis in Aquarius-Leo will ask us, can you “think” in a new way about how to go about solving problems? In a nutshell, innovate from intuition, and provide leadership with heart. The transiting Moon in Libra conjunct the USA Natal Juno might be saying “all are welcome to the new Dispensation”, or something like that.

There will be two further conjunctions of Pluto to the USA Pluto this year, on July 12th when retrograde Pluto touches the natal Pluto, and the last pass, the “Resolution” will occur on December 28th, 2022.

So, what might happen at the initiation phase of this major archetypal event? Before I hazard a guess, I need to make the following statement:

One of the reasons that the world is the way it is and has been for thousands of years is because those entities and people whose orientation is rooted in domination of others in order to ensure the survival of the fittest, or hold the belief that the strong deserve to survive and the weak don’t matter, or they that were born to rule and see themselves as superior to us Muggles, is about to be heavily challenged. The globalists have woven the world together into a tight, authoritarian digital construct that they imagine they rule, and don’t kid yourselves, they know about astrology, and the hidden metaphysical arts and methods, and have employed their knowledge of these things to mold the world and human beings as they see fit. Talk about lack of consent on our part! They have been well organized, insanely well-funded, and working towards total hegemonic control of this planet and all it’s people and resources for a very long time. They won’t go away quietly either.

This year is pivotal in challenging that mindset and agenda, and replace it with a spiritually based, human-oriented philosophy and culture that works for everyone. Otherwise, once Pluto moves into Aquarius in the early part of 2023, the psychotic push towards an all too real one world digital tyranny may well culminate between 2023 and 2025 and be in place until well after Pluto leaves Aquarius in 2043.

The rabbit hole goes ever so deep, and into some real sci-fi places that many would prefer not to venture.  There are malevolent forces that have never held anything but envy for this planet, and animosity towards the humans and the divine experiment we are in and co-creating. Some call them the Archons, or the Jinn, or the Watchers. In the Americas they are referred to as “Wetiko”. Modern mystics and psychologists alike tend to think that this is an innate part of our original human design. I seriously contest that notion, as I feel that our original design never was intended to be predatory and deliberately cruel. These beings can infiltrate our minds, and we may unknowingly and ignorantly attribute some of our less desirable behaviours or propensities to our minds and personalities to our parents, our upbringing or some other purely psychological reason. If we remain unaware of what can influence and does influence us, then we cannot take responsible action to correct ourselves and trust solely in our own internal guidance system. A good technology example is television…or the Internet, and especially, smartphones.

I strongly feel that there are other lifeforms in the multiverse, many who benign and benevolent, and some that are hostile.  These hostile ones are given the some of the same abilities and some form of intelligence and volition from the Creator of All That Is. They are allowed to follow their predatory instincts, because the true nature of Love is always non-judgmental of Itself and is always allowing.  It will be up to us to grow in wisdom and reactivate the perceptual and practical skills needed to neutralize all such negative influences and do so without condemnation or judgment.

I remember listening to a very wise being from Arcturus who was speaking though a human channel in 1994 who addressed the thorny issues of entity possession, dark forces, and all that sort of stuff. With an abundant sense of humor and laser-like perception, he dropped the ultimate non-dualism statement: “After this world has ascended, that ‘darkness’ will be revealed to be of the Light.” They are a type of lifeform but their nature is synthetic, i.e., artificial sentient intelligence. One serious little caveat — this same Arcturian being also said that he and his colleagues were told before they came to Earth that they should not participate with evil in any form. Doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room these days.

Okay, one of my guesses about the upcoming exact meeting of Pluto to the USA Pluto is a big disruption in the world financial markets, starting on Wall Street or perhaps something in the currency trading markets. This could be precipitated by any number of factors, so I can’t reliably name a catalyst. Personally, any number of current events could be the trigger. Russia invading the Ukraine is one I can name. Another is the Canadian PM Trudeau deciding to break up the Freedom Convoy, while still another could be the removal of Britain’s scandal-ridden Prime Minister from power. This might precipitate a crisis of confidence in the UK currency — the Pound Sterling, and trigger panic in the markets and causing a devaluation.

​Well, the bubbles have been building for some time in the real estate, speculative stock trading, and currency trading markets (cryptocurrencies as well). The growing gap between the very rich and the rest of us has only gotten worse the last two years, when another huge and secret transfer of wealth upwards to the 1% of the 1% was enacted. Pluto presided over the crash of the cheap credit and real estate markets in 2007-2008, and he may just end his tenure in Capricorn the same way he entered it – in a dramatic fashion. This is just one guess. What you do feel, what do think?

One thing is for sure…the only constant is change, so be prepared for anything.  A full-on collapse may be just the galvanizing event to bring us together at a whole new level and build a new tomorrow. After all, isn’t all we have ever wanted is to be free? Isn’t that the rallying cry in many parts of the planet right now? Here’s our opportunity, our gift. Let’s make it real, for all.


About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.





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