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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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13 Apr 2022
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45 Mind-Boggling Facts About Dreams


Whether you remember it or not, you dream every night. Sometimes they’re happy, other times sad, often bizarre, and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a sexy dream once in a while.

They’re a normal part of sleep — something we spend one-third of our life doing. While experts are still divided on what our dreams mean, research has given us some very eye-opening information about dreams.

Here are 45 surprising facts about dreams, ranging from interesting to the stuff of nightmares.

How We Dream 

REM is the sweet spot

Our most vivid dreams happen during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which happens in short episodes throughout the night about 90 to 120 minutes apart.

Morning is better

Longer dreams occur in the morning hours.

Weekends help you remember

You’re more likely to remember your dreams on weekends or days when you sleep in, because each episode of REM sleep is longer than the last.

Your muscles are paralyzed

Most of your muscles become paralyzed during REM sleep to prevent you from acting out your dreams.

Pictures are most common

We dream mostly in pictures, with the majority of dreams being mainly visual with little sound or movement.

Recurring dreams have themes

Recurring dreams in children are mostly about:

  • confrontations with animals or monsters
  • physical aggressions
  • falling
  • being chased

We don’t all dream in color

Around 12 percent of people dream in black and white.

What We Dream

Strange is normal

Many of our dreams are strange because the part of the brain responsible for making sense of things shuts down during dreaming.

Our day informs our dreams

Most of our dreams are linked to thoughts or events from the previous day or two.

Faces are familiar

You likely only dream about faces you’ve already seen in person or on TV, according to Stanford University.

Low stress means happy dreams

You’re more likely to have pleasant dreams if you’re experiencing low stress and feel satisfied in your real life.

Sex Dreams

Not everything is what it seems

Morning wood has nothing to do with sexy dreams or stimulation. Nocturnal penile tumescence causes men to have three to five erections every night, some lasting 30 minutes.

Women can have wet dreams

Men aren’t the only ones who have wet dreams. Women can release vaginal secretions from arousal and even orgasm when having a sexual dream.

Sex dreams aren’t that common

Approximately 4 percent of men and women’s dreams are about sex, according to research.

Sex dreams are usually about one thing

Most sex-related dreams are about intercourse.

Sleep position matters

You’re more likely to dream about sex if you sleep face-down.

This might also make you dream about other things

Sleeping face-down isn’t just associated with more sex dreams, but also dreams about:

  • being locked up
  • hand tools
  • being naked
  • being smothered and unable to breathe
  • swimming

Men dream about variety

Men dream of sex with multiple partners two times more than women.

Women dream about celebrities

Women are twice as likely to have sex dreams about public figures compared to men.

Sleep sex is real

Sleep sex, also called sexsomnia, is a sleep disorder much like sleep walking, except instead of walking, a person engages in sexual behavior like masturbation or intercourse while asleep.

Nightmares And Other Scary Stuff

Kids have more nightmares

Nightmares usually begin between the ages of 3 and 6, and decrease after the age of 10.

Women are more prone to scary dreams

Women have more nightmares than men during their teen and adult years.

Nightmares occur at a similar time at night

Nightmares occur most frequently in the last third of the night.

You could have a condition

If you have recurring nightmares that happen often enough and are distressing enough to impact your ability to function, you may have a condition called nightmare disorder.

Sleep paralysis is a thing

Around 8 percent of the general population experiences sleep paralysis, which is the inability to move when you’re in a state between sleep and wake.

Your feelings come out in dreams

For example, you’re more likely to experience negative dreams about a lost loved one if you’re suffering from post-traumatic symptoms, guilt, or blame over their death.

The holidays can be rough

Grief dreams, which are dreams about deceased loved ones, are more common during the holidays.

Night terrors can be frightening

Night terrors are episodes of intense fear, screaming, and even running around or acting aggressive while asleep.

Children have them more frequently

Almost 40 percent of children have night terrors, though most outgrow them by their teens.

Adults can still have them

Around 3 percent of adults have night terrors.

Eating late isn’t helpful

Eating before bed makes nightmares more likely, because it increases your metabolism, signaling your brain to be more active.

Medications play a role

Certain medications, such as antidepressants and narcotics, increase the frequency of nightmares.

Negative emotions take a toll

Confusion, disgust, sadness, and guilt are more often the driving force behind nightmares than fear, according to research.

Random Cool Facts

We all see things

Blind people see images in their dreams.

Fido dreams, too

Everyone dreams, including pets.

We are forgetful

People forget 95 to 99 percent of their dreams.

We dream a lot

People over the age of 10 have at least four to six dreams every night.

We may be prophetic

Some believe dreams can predict the future, though there isn’t enough evidence to prove it.

We dwell on the negative

Negative dreams are more common than positive ones.

You may be able to control your dreams

You may be able to learn to control your dreams by using techniques for lucid dreaming.

Sleep talking usually isn’t nice

Swearing is a common occurrence in sleep talking, according to a 2017 study.

Sudden muscle spasms aren’t your imagination

Hypnic jerks are strong, sudden jolts, or the feeling of falling that occurs just as you’re falling asleep.

This may cause falling sensations

Hypnic jerks may be the cause of dreams about falling, which is one of the most common dream themes.

Tooth dreams could have a bigger meaning

Dreams about your teeth falling out may be caused by undiagnosed dental irritation, like bruxism, rather than a premonition of death like old folklore suggests.

By far the most mind-boggling fact of all

Though they’ve been trying to figure it out since the beginning of time, researchers don’t know why we dream or what purpose it serves, if any.


The Psychology Of Dreams

Everyone, at one time or another, has wondered what their dreams mean.

Dreaming is the most extensively studied cognitive state. While some experts believe that dreams have no meaning and serve no function, others believe that our dreams do mean something.

A number of theories exist on what dreams mean, some of the more recognized theories include:

  • Psychoanalytic theory.In this theory, dreams are believed to represent unconscious desires, wish fulfillment, and personal conflicts. Dreams give us a way to act out unconscious desires in the safety of an unreal setting, because acting them out in reality would be unacceptable.
  • Activation-synthesis theory.Popularized in the 1970s, this theory suggests that dreams are just a byproduct of your brain trying to process random signals from your limbic system, which is involved in your memories, emotions, and sensations.
  • Continual activation theory.This is the idea that our brains are continuously storing memories, even when we’re asleep. It suggests our dreams provide a place to hold our memories while they make the transition from our short-term memory to our long-term memory.

These barely begin to scratch the surface of dream interpretation theories. Here are some other interesting theories on the meaning of dreams:

  • Dreams are threat simulations that help prepare you when faced with threats in real life.
  • Dreams are your brain’s way of collecting and clearing out useless information from the day to make room for new information the next day.
  • Dreaming goes back to an evolutionary defense mechanism of playing dead to fool enemies. This explains why our bodies are paralyzed while dreaming, but our minds remain highly active.


The Bottom Line

Experts may not have any concrete answers as to why we dream and what function dreams serve.

What we do know is that everyone dreams, and even our really strange dreams are perfectly normal.


About the Author:

Adrienne Santos-Longhurst is a freelance writer and author who has written extensively on all things health and lifestyle for more than a decade.



Original article here


09 Apr 2022
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Becoming Icons

Here we are, standing at long last smack dab in the new reality we’ve been dreaming of and co-creating for years now.

We’ve moved through normal to greater to masterful to infinite.

We’re just now emerging from a chrysalis into a brand new sense of who we are and what we’re capable of … god beings, infinite creators, I even heard the term “genesis illuminus” the other day to describe us as a new species of possibility.

Today, as I was winding myself from that 20 year chrysalis, I heard the term icon and I knew immediately it means many of us becoming living role models for a new way of being on planet Earth.

This is different from leadership, or from visionary even. You see in this new reality no one person has to lead. We are all equal masterful co-creators. In fact in this new way of being, one is perhaps …

  • more collective than individual,
  • more focused on calling forth the brilliance of everyone involved,
  • more steeped in possibility than problem solving,
  • more surrendered to the miraculous to surprise us and
  • more universal than previously thought possible.

As an icon, this moves to the next level of exhilarating play as you …

  • liberate from the past,
  • create yourself in every moment,
  • stand for something breath-taking to show up in us all.
  • reinvent the possibility of being alive on planet Earth and
  • stand as a nexus point of power for the NEW to pour through you in whatever way delights you.

As an icon of this new time, you are unleashed and remade, becoming a Pied Piper leading us into realms of reality we have long waited to see made real. I thrill to stand as this now, to represent the new’ness of us pouring into existence now. How about you?


About the Author


Soleira Green is a visionary author, quantum coach, ALLchemist & future innovator. She has been creating leading edge breakthroughs in consciousness, quantum evolution, transformation, innovation, intelligence and more over the past 25 years, has written and self-published eleven books, and taught courses all over the world on these topics.


06 Apr 2022
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Invisible Legacy

I am the mother of twins, a lovely daughter and a sweet son. They will be 19 years old in August. They are starting to live independent lives, one is going to university and the other one is already working.

Of course, I am proud of them. However, as a mother my heart aches a bit when I think that the outside world can be hard at times. Like every mother, I would love for them to avoid suffering and struggles, but of course this is not possible. Struggles and problems are part of life, of this physical field, and we need to find ways to navigate them the best we can.

When growing up, I remember being very emotional every time I encountered a bump in the road. Problems always seem to be huge and with no solution at all, in my teenage mind, everything was terrible and sad. Naturally, this is part of that phase of life, but I wish someone would have let me know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, especially when I was in the middle of the emotional storm.

Do not get me wrong, my parents were very supportive, however in those years it was not common to provide children with tools to deal with the process of growing up. Basically, you were expected to put up with whatever and that was that.

Nowadays, we have many resources to go to, life is more complex, I guess, and young people are more exposed to global conditions than when I was growing up, where the word “local” was prevalent.

My spiritual path has allowed me to share with my kids those internal powers we all have, and I have made sure to repeat myself many times over. Of course, on several occasions I get those teenage looks and eyes rolling, but I know that one day, they will remember my words and tools and apply them.

I want to share with you a few of these techniques and words:

  • I frequently say that everything is transitory and it will pass. Life moves on, even if it doesn’t look like it.
  • Elevate your vibration! Dwelling on emotions that are not beneficial for us does not help. Acknowledge those emotions and then change your attention to finding solutions. A good way to elevate your vibration is to go out in nature, close your eyes, feel and listen to the sounds of nature. Your mind will clear.
  • Connect with your heart and speak from there. Talking to others in an angry manner makes the problem deeper.
  • Practice gratitude. This not only means to be grateful for the good things in our lives; I am actually referring to being grateful for the good and the bad of our existence in this world, because everything allows us to grow and expand.
  • Just a short daily meditation produces a ripple effect of goodness in you and in the way you vibrate.

There are many paths we can show to our kids and loved ones. However, the most important aspect of this is for us to be able to stay open to communicate with them, to create a loving environment where they can go anytime, without judgment, willing to listen and hugging tightly.

In a profound and invisible way, this is the “legacy” I am leaving to them. One day I will not be in this world anymore, any material goods will have no importance at all, but my children will remember my words, the meditations I taught them, the pineal gland exercises I showed them, the times I share with them, listening to their tribulations and happy moments, the many occasions we hugged, laughed and told each other, “I love you”.

This is why I keep repeating myself, because repetition creates habits and good habits create easiness in life. But most importantly, they will understand that LOVE is always the answer…


About the Author:


Veronica Sanchez De Darivas is Chilean-Australian, now living in the UK and a proud mother of teenage twins. A spiritual awakening teacher, bestselling author, pineal gland (third eye) activator and Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method, Veronica is currently the only instructor in the world teaching the Cyclopea Method in English.



01 Apr 2022
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Stop Thinking Like A Machine


April Fool’s Day, and a New Moon in Aries. This lunation is joined by Mercury and Chiron.Time to get real…on a lot of levels! Real with ourselves, our previous sacrosanct beliefs, our self-invented or culture-created identities, all that covers over or covers up the real you. Chiron in Aries is FOR the individuation of Spirit into Matter and advocates and supports how the divine is expressed and actuated in every precious one of us. In other words, our self-talk (Mercury) will need to constellate around Chiron (healing the wound) and any feelings we have about being not enough, not good enough, or any perception we still may hold that our very being isn’t okay, just at it is in its most divine natural state. However, the warrior aspect of Aries is in the grip of the Sun and the Moon, which are both luminaries.

The Sun represents the Core Identity beyond ego and the Moon primordial emotions and intuition. The energy of this about not acquiescing to any attempt to diminish your spiritual and human Self, to guard against absorption into some binary-oriented digitally defined hive mentality. A New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury (let’s talk about it…a lot!) and Chiron (time to heal and re-integrate) is the perfect metaphor for this essay. Hang in there, this will take some time.

Everything is frequency and frequency is everything. That is not only a spiritual truth, it is echoed by quantum physics and bioenergetics investigators. The electromagnetic spectrum is a way we have devised to measure certain invisible and visible scales of frequency. The visible spectrum, where our five senses operate and what our conscious minds and bodies are accustomed to, is a miniscule fraction of the overall electromagnetic spectrum. The spectrum is graduated based on shortest to longest wavelength, and highest to lowest frequency.

Artificially generated electrical technologies operate within our environment on varying wavelengths and varying cyclic frequencies. One example is A.C. or alternating current. It pulses up and down through wiring, changing polarity 60 cycles per second, using a carrier of 110 to 115 Volts AC. That is the standard in most countries around the planet, but all of Europe and certain other parts of the world use a 50hz cycle at 220-240 Volts AC. Electrical induction motors convert A.C. to D.C. or direct current by using a field effect created with polarized magnets in a coil. All standard electrical wiring and electrical appliances generate a field effect, residual electrical energy that surrounds and interpenetrates the atmosphere around it. For house electrical wiring running on a 60hz, 110VAC circuit, that creates a typical around field around 12 inches in diameter. It extends beyond the insulation around the wire into free space…and goes through gypsum board (drywall) like a hot knife through butter.

Around 1840 the first wired telegraph technologies were introduced. This was a quantum development in our experience and that of the Planet. Up until then, all life on Earth lived in a natural bath of low-level electromagnetic fields that the planet’s core generates, and which extends out to the ionosphere. Lightning discharges aren’t just a by-product of meteorological conditions in the atmosphere. They are an integral part of the natural bio-EMF that Mother Earth uses to nurture and sustain itself and all life forms on the planet.

The advent of electricity introduced in the form of a communications network was not just novel, it would revolutionize our planetary civilization. Little did we realize at the time how it would impact human consciousness or human health. The Christian mystic and founder of the Waldorf Schools, Rudolf Steiner, had many things to say about artificial electricity and the human soul and spiritual life.

However, in the late 18th century some intrepid doctors did experiment with using electrical charges on patients to see if it would improve or worsen certain health conditions. The bulk of the history about those experiments can be found in the groundbreaking research book, “The Invisible Rainbow,” by Arthur Firstenberg. I leave it to you to do your own research into the early experiments with electrical fields and human biology.

One noteworthy experiment in the middle of the 19th century bears repeating here and is oddly synchronistic with the rollout of the telegraph systems in the United States and Europe. In 1839 a fellow named Andrew Crosse accidentally stumbled onto a surprising discovery with electricity and crystalline structures. What he did was to create a new life form, which he dubbed the Acari Insects. An electrical voltage applied for an extended period to certain solutions containing crystals. The result was shocking…he created tiny little animated insect-like forms that seemed somewhat sentient.

To create life out of nothing but some silicon-based elements and electricity has long been forgotten, but as you will see in the blogs that I will write following this one, Mr. Crosse’s discovery is pivotal to understanding a great many of the predicaments facing humanity right now. I am referring here to the Archons, as revealed in the book “Not In His Image” by John Lamb Lash.

Following the proliferation of wired telegraph and phone systems, another trend began to develop. Illnesses once thought to be rare became more commonplace. Odd epidemics came and went. One stated statistic from the 1870’s is that heart ailments became more widespread. Before 1840 heart failure or heart disease was the 26th leading cause of death, right behind accidental drowning. By the end of the 19th century, a rash of chronic illnesses cropped up. Some of these smaller epidemics and illnesses were attributable to the movement of larger parts of the populations of Europe and the Americas into crowded cities and into factory work. Conditions became dire, and most of the common ailments were due to poor sanitation (bacteriological), poor diet, heavy drinking and smoking, and a lack of ventilation in the crowded tenements and factory floors. At least that is what most doctors believed, and some of the problems were caused by these factors. However, everything is connected, as we now know, and more than one cause can contribute to ill health.

During these times the views of Louis Pasteur and Dr. Antoine Bechamp came into heated confrontation with one other. Pasteur maintained the new epidemics were caused by microorganisms, or viruses (literal translation — poisons). Bechamp claimed that they were the result of unsanitary living conditions of the times — contaminated water supplies, bad waste management, poor diet, etc. The debate went quiet after Pasteur’s death, with most western medical authorities aligning with his theories. The French medical authorities probed Pasteur’s legacy and found most of his findings were based on prejudicial opinions and thin on facts and proof. Many of his experiment’s results were found to be fraudulent. On Pasteur’s deathbed he declared Bechamp’s Terrain theory as everything and his own theory “as nothing.”

Things started to get very interesting around the time of the sinking of the Titanic, and the drumbeat of the coming war in Europe. The advent of the first wireless version of the telegraph and rudimentary radar units for the war effort in Europe came into being between 1916 and 1917.  U.S. Army bases in Kansas and Massachusetts started to train recruits in these new technologies. Barely 7 months later, the 20th Century’s first major pandemic erupted in Camp Funston in Kansas. The misnamed “Spanish Flu” pandemic started March 4th, 1918 and lasted until April of 1920. During that time an estimated 30-50 million people perished. Some estimates went as high as 100 million, but that figure was never verifiable. The planet’s population was estimated at 1.7 billion at the time it broke out. Towards the end of the pandemic, U.S. Army and Navy doctors carried out experiments to determine how the “flu” was transmitted from one human to another, and they simply couldn’t do it!

Again, I recommend obtaining and reading “The Invisible Rainbow” to understand the correlation and chronologies between the rollout of various electronic technologies, acute and chronic illnesses, and epidemics. Another very important piece of the puzzle is this post on the HHS (Health and Human Services) website in the USA. One of the authors is Dr. Anthony Fauci. You remember him, the one advocating wearing two masks and everyone must get 4 jabs? Right.

We are a long way from proving any of these correlations between electricity and illness, at least from the governmental side or the scientific side of things anyway. To date the telecoms industry and the Federal Communications Commission have done everything in their power to actively ignore or thwart any attempts to initiate serious scientific inquiry into the matter of how perhaps our digital environment is impacting our health, and in turn our livelihoods, the planetary ecosystem, and our sanity.

The philosopher Erich Fromm pondered the question about why humans are so easily hypnotized by technology and want to emulate the qualities of synthetic intelligence and logic. In one of his observations about modern societies he mentions a form of “low-grade chronic schizophrenia” that can be a pathological, though difficult to detect, characteristic of a large group of people. If millions of people share the same sickness, according to Fromm, they feel a certain strength in numbers which reassures them of being perfectly healthy. Group narcissism, therefore, is a pathology that is not only difficult for the afflicted multitude to detect, but as it progresses, its detection becomes increasingly unlikely. Does any of that sound familiar? It should, as we’ve been living in such a state for quite a long period of time, especially so since the spring of 2020.

The following quote is from an essay from a fellow by the name of De Marco:

“The dream of the individual that his life could run automatically like an efficient machine, has begun to assume the proportions of a corporate nightmare in which automation unleashes its suffocating powers of standardization, over-regimentation, and depersonalization. Arthur Miller’s trenchant remark that we live in an “air-conditioned nightmare,” implies the unhappy co-existence of technological progress and spiritual regress. Like real nightmares, it takes place within a profound collective sleep therefore offering little chance of discovering either its cause or its cure. Technology can have an anaesthetic effect on man, dulling his moral consciousness and his capacity to enter fundamental, meditative thinking.”

The esteemed medical publication, The British Medicine Journal (BMJ, which has just published a critique of the entire basis for modern medical diagnosis and procedures. In their article “The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine”, they illustrate how dependent the medical establishment has become on Big Tech’s reworking of health via the pharmaceutical industry. Big Pharma and Big Tech is their model, and if allowed to continue would only harden into concrete the idea of playing God with nature and genomics, and continue viewing the functioning human body as just another inferior technology, prone to malfunctioning and death. The body is too inefficient a vehicle for an age in which all is measured according to one’s value as a resource, or how productive or non-productive that resource is.

Whether we recognize it or not very few individuals (by percentage) on this world have resisted the temptation to be completely seduced by the spiritual canonizing of technology as the primarily solution to the human condition itself, as well as all we have miscreated during the past 500 years. Whether we realize it or not, many of us are parroting ideas and perspectives being populated across social media, the major media organizations or the culture-modifying engines of commerce and technology. We are being changed, altered, anesthetized, and atomized by an invisible onslaught that by the day is increasingly difficult to detect, escape, or live without. If we continue to give our consent to such a thing we risk losing that last inch or so of our divinely imagined humanity that we are systematically being separated from.

To not think like a machine, to reorient ourselves to the essence of who we are, will take effort and a few sacrifices along the way. It will require self-directed inquiry, research, decision-making and action. It won’t be easy, but when we create common ground through dialog and empathy and share resources and knowledge, there will be strong hope for creating a different vision to the one being offered.

What is on offer? To live in the “meta”? To achieve immortality through cybernetic means and to become dependent on a centralized vision of how the world should be ordered? So it would seem, but this is being promoted by those who have already acceded their humanity to the machine. That is the agenda of A.I., synthetic intelligence, to turn us into IT. This is exactly described by the Gnostic author John Lash as the agenda of the Archons (synthetic sentient hyper-dimensional entities), to morph humans into something akin to themselves. Perhaps the writers of Star Trek Next Generation were being given the script about the Borg Collective from some angelic source and shown how imperative it was to resist the forced assimilation of human consciousness by a soulless force.

Some of you use digital tech for your livelihood, or as an adjunct to your career. I rely on my laptop and a smart phone to arrange and conduct sessions for my clients, and I use a powerful desktop system for audio production. I take precautions though.  All my gear have disks of Shungite attached to them, the densest form of natural carbon on the planet. It shields away radiation from my body.  Because I have dry eye syndrome, I need to take frequent breaks from the computers/phone just to rest my eyes. I try not to scroll, and spend mere minutes on social media per day, and only on my desktop work PC. The artificial light from the screens on handheld and stationary devices hypnotizes our minds, suppressing left-brain critical faculties. We then absorb data without discretion.

Isn’t it ironic that in order for me to share with others about the hazards of digital life, I  must use this very medium to communicate about it? There must be a way to create a new type of communications network globally without the Internet. Telepathy, our natural intranet? Well, it is an idea.

If you wish to get to grips with your electronics in the home and on your person, then a strong will, clear awareness, and actively implementing safeguards to your health and your mind will be essential. Try to not be in front a screen for more than an hour continuously before taking a break. Change the positive ions you pick up from electronics, along with the brain fog, by walking in nature, or sitting with your back against a tree, or lying by a flowing stream. Get effective protection devices to minimize the radiation from all devices in your home. Reduce your T.V. viewing time or get rid of the box altogether. Turn off your routers at night, and your phones, and minimize using any Wi-Fi in the home. Instead, try to run Ethernet LAN cables from the back of the router to the device you want to hook up. They now have Ethernet adapters for smartphones as well.

Another clue of how A.I. is taking more and more of our attention and time is how many times a day we are asked to confirm our identity to some bot on a website, even after we have entered the correct password. Another clue I discovered is when the bank I deal with removed access to my online banking directly from a computer unless I had their app on my smartphone so they could send a 2Factor Authentication code…for every single visit. Everything is now dictated to us by a virtual boss in the meta.

If you’re getting tired of the drudge of it all, then there is only one option. Opting out and going off grid. That may become a necessity as the new digital currency systems are rolled out, making all transactions trackable and not as anonymous as we are told. Everything will be stored in your digital I.D., and I do mean everything. Social credit systems are coming to the West courtesy of China’s experiment with it, and that is the stated agenda in the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”. It is possible to create a parallel economy, and it’s been done before, back before the 20th Century. The nightmarish artwork to the right was created by an A.I. program. It exemplifies everything that John Lash ascribes to Archontic consciousness…chaos is the agenda (link below). Is this what we truly want our lives to be ensconced in?

The Internet was a much friendlier place to explore when it first appeared, but even now very few folks realize that it was created by a military think-tank known as DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a branch of the U.S. government. So was Google. This information is readily available online if you know where how to search for it. Patent filings is one way to do this.

If we could come together and offer a different vision and narrative of what would be the way to use electricity and digital technologies in a non-violent, non-invasive, health-neutral and human and Nature friendly way, then I would be all for it. However, that simply isn’t possible in the current climate, with so many billions and trillions of profits still to be made by its progenitors.

I do not by any means wish to eliminate or marginalize all forms of technology. That is impossible. The simple tools and implements for gardening are, for example, a type of technology.  Quite a bit of the amazing music and art we experience now is created using digital methods (I employ these tools in music production for example). Some medical procedures are greatly enhanced by the use of computers and micro-optics. I would certainly miss listening to my favorite music on a high fidelity sound system. However, to become overly reliant on these forms and elevate them over Nature is the danger here, and I haven’t yet even addressed the immense environmental damage our energy demands and footprint has had in order to just keep all the tech humming along.

A computer cannot replicate the experience of your beloved pet on your lap, or licking your face. It cannot replicate human touch or feeling. It cannot perform energy healing or give you a massage. And it sure cannot help you to become self-realized.  All forms of artificial intelligence can only mimic the analog world, but they cannot create anything new. Therein lies our challenge and a clue about our divine gifts and heritage – to be able to experience feelings, imagine things, and then to create them.

One current perception about the Covid-19 event is that it has split humanity into two camps or factions. There are many other factions or splintering that have been underway before 2020, but the events of the past two years has created deeper gaps than any political divide. However, this is nothing compared to the choice now before us.

Compliance with the inorganic, or non-compliance in favour of remaining organic? That is the next boundary point ahead. It is symbolized by the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on April 12th 2022. This meeting is only 11 days away, and it last occurred in 1856 and won’t occur again until 2188. This is an opportunity to initiate something new and oriented according to organic principles…that the superior living technology that All That Is emanates continuously throughout Nature and within all of us. Beware of imitations and counter-mimicry, and avoid thinking like a machine. Artificial anything is an evolutionary dead end.

Choose the real.


About the Author:

Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive mentor/coach, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channeling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences.

Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers Spiritual Mentoring sessions and programs and Evolutionary Astrology consultations.



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