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23 Jun 2015
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Breathing into Ascension


Do you understand the power of your breath?

Breathing is something we’ve done without cease since the moment of birth. It’s no wonder most of us don’t even notice we’re doing it.

Ascension is all about piercing the veil of the unconscious with the light of our consciousness. It’s about becoming increasingly self-aware.

In our collective state of unconsciousness over the past thousands of years, we’ve been shallow breathers, unaware of our breathing and how it affects us. When we’re unaware of breathing, it’s almost always because our attention is diverted to thoughts. The body breathes instinctually. However, we need to train our minds to breathe, as well.

Yogis have been practicing pranayama (breathing exercise) since ancient times to increase the space between thoughts and quiet the mind. They understood that the lungs were designed to be used to their full capacity, and that full, deep belly breathing was the key to physical, mental and spiritual health.

Breathing is a Superpower and Healer

Breathing is what connects us to the higher dimensions within ourselves because it allows etheric energy exchange (“communication”) to occur. Your breath is spiritual energy. In the sanskrit language of the ancient yogis, “prana” means “breath” and is synonymous with “spirit” or life force energy.

When you breathe, spirit energy feeds into your energetic body.

Consistent deep breathing allows you to transcend automatic thoughts based on subconscious programs. If you’re suffering from any mental issues related to overthinking or negative thinking, consistent, deep breathing will change your life—and over time, heal anxiety and other conditions.

With prolonged, slow deep breathing you will soon begin to access the intuitive abilities of your higher mind. What does this look like? It looks like synchronicity in your life, as if the universe were guiding you every step of the way. You “see” or “know” things intuitively. This allows you to take action without expending as much energy on thoughts and decision making. You feel like an artist at work in their creative flow.

When it comes to physical health, breathing also has the power to heal you. When you consistently breathe to your full capacity, you’re taking in enough etheric energy to purify your energetic body.

Since your energetic body is the blueprint for your physical body, it also detoxifies and energizes you. Every disease is caused by a dam in the flow of energy. Increasing your oxygen intake is like throwing gasoline on a fire. It increases your life force energy, healing blockages and thus allowing oxygen to penetrate cells that were deprived of it.

Kundalini Activation

As I mentioned, ascension is all about becoming more self-aware. On this path of self-realization, your Kundalini energy is activating. Kundalini is a transmutational energy that moves through the body-mind (the energetic body), dissolving any blockages.

How did blockages get there? Blockages are stagnant energy made of suppressed emotions we try so hard not to feel. When you’re cleaning a room, things tend to get messier before they get cleaner, right? The same goes in energetic healing.

As our Kundalini energy activates, these emotions will come to the surface and need to be expressed in order to release. We do need to express them, no matter how scary this may be — and suppressing them will only become increasingly difficult.

It’s no wonder that at this time, more people than ever are suffering from anxiety, panic and depression.

Here’s where breathing is a godsend. Deep breathing quiets the thoughts triggered from negative emotions, while improving your energetic body’s ability to transmute low-frequency energy. Knowing this power of your breath can make your ascension experience a lot easier, and you can literally breathe your way through ascension!

This is how women manage to birth babies: by tapping into the breath. As we a birth our new selves, the more we tap into our breathing, the easier the labor will be.

Start Breathing Deeply Now

Here are some tips for changing the way you breathe:

  1. Use your belly. When you expand your belly on an inhale, your diaphragm is opening your lungs wider to receive more air.
  2. Fill your lungs as much as you comfortably can. Take a breath that is truly deep, but don’t strain yourself.
  3. Exhale completely. Fully emptying your lungs allows for a complete exchange of fresh air.
  4. Breathe through your nose, unless it’s constricted. Your nose has a built-in filter–those little hairs called cilia.
  5. Improve your posture to increase lung capacity. When you slouch, your rib cage collapses over your lungs, minimizing lung capacity. Good posture has a ripple effect on your overall health.

With conscious effort, you will master your breath one day at a time. If you’ve breathed consciously a little longer today than you did yesterday, you’ve increased your self-awareness. As we ascend, the flow of breath through our entire being expand to match our expanded awareness.

By: Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Lindsay Haskell


Lindsay Haskell runs the blog and YouTube channel called Magnetic Mama, and hosts the Self Mastery Podcast with Magnetic Mama. She’s published several ebooks on Amazon on personal development, health and spirituality.

16 Jun 2015
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Gemini New Moon With Scorpio On Its Arm

gemini new moon

Change the story and you change perception; change perception and you change the world. ~ Jean Houston

Jean Houston’s words (above) have become so well-worn by that we run the risk of dismissing them, finding it hard to imagine a personal storyline which isn’t overshadowed by worry. Tomorrow’s new moon would have you remember that options continue to abound.


The thing about options is that the really interesting ones come with no historical context, no guarantees. They are pure in origin. They offer us something we’ve not yet experienced. Tuesday’s new moon delivers energy which reminds that within your mind reside hidden gems.


Caution: When Gemini gets carried away with mind play, we can spin into mental dizziness.


The trick is to learn how to field so many thoughts without becoming attached so that when one of the multitude is actually a keeper, is an idea that could take root and ground you, you’ll feel the difference between it and all the static that has been running through.


This ability to sift thoughts with discernment will come in ever-so handy these next three months as our old friend, Saturn, backed into the deep water of Scorpio last night and will have you refining the emotional excavations you began in the autumn of 2012. Saturn expects us to take responsibility for our lives and our part in creating their architecture.


Just when we thought we might be headed out of the woods with Mercury finally going direct last week, we are asked by Saturn to plow ever more deeply into our fears . . . or our shame.


We can moan and groan at the Universe as it seems to refuse us a soft landing. Or we can use this precious few months to turn our attention to emotions which continue to drag at our hearts, to face down old patterns of behavior which we sense are driven by voices we’d like to silence for good.


Until it leaves Scorpio (not to return for 30 years), Saturn will draw back the curtain on situations still awaiting exposure in order to free us from our own and other’s secrets, to liberate us from those lingering sensations which reside in the gut and which can be dissolved only if we’re willing to see ourselves and anything or anyone in our lives exactly as they are. This kind of honesty is phenomenally liberating. We feel the mantle of anxiety drop away when we tell ourselves the truth.


It’s as if Tuesday’s Gemini new moon offers a way through despair and longing and anxiety. It turns on its little sparkly brain lights and says: Here. Here is another way for you to look at this. See yourself with absolute honesty and you will see a noble soul navigating a wild time with a mind opening ever more and more and more to a lighter way forward.


Can we release what we’ve been holding onto for longer than we remember? Let go of them. Let go.


As we find ourselves merging Gemini explorations with Scorpio’s deep tides, you might seek out a new and, for you, unusual little ceremony even if all that means is changing the color of your candles or the direction your feet take through the duff on the path. Try walking the other direction or write your thoughts from the back of the journal toward the front. Lift away from the overly-well-trodden. Read Natalie Goldman’s Wild Mind. Realize you, and only you, can change out the lenses in your metaphorical glasses.


Please drop a note if you’d like to explore these energy tides more personally or if you’d like a relationship reading, a locational reading or want to start from the beginning with your first-ever birth chart reading.


By: Ascension Lifestyle Guest Contributor 

Deborah O’conner

Be humble, for you are made of earth.
Be noble, for you are made of stars.

15 Jun 2015
Comments: 1

What It Means To Be & Love An Empathic Person

Man with conceptual spiritual body art

I have been wanting to write this Empath guide for such a very long time. I wanted to be brutally honest and thorough. I did not want to leave anything out. I had no idea when I started this intention how much this was going to impact my life personally. As I have been trying to gather the words I was flooded every time with emotions, stories, images, feelings, thoughts and experiences from my past that kept me frozen in my feelings about what it means to be a highly sensitive person. I feel like it has been one of the most defining aspects of my life up until now. The main feelings that come to the surface when I connect to the “frozen” feeling that I was describing, would be powerlessness and self doubt. These were the most dominant feelings from my past, relative to the concept of being a highly sensitive Empath. Read more!

02 Jun 2015
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Sagittarius Full Moon with Mercury Retrograde



Tonight’s full moon falls in Sagittarius and reflects light from a Gemini Sun, so be prepared for more little stories, each with its own riddle, even as you long for a clear-cut resolution. Depending upon your inner energy code, you may feel compelled to solve these riddles . . . but I sense that absolute closure is something of an illusion at present.

Read more!

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