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23 Aug 2015
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19 Real Life Examples of An Extroverted Introvert

If you’re like me, you’re an extroverted introvert. You can be outgoing, yet you desperately need your alone time.
You can’t do that. You’re one or the other.
No, this is how I am. And that’s how many other people are. But we’re often misunderstood.
Take for instance, people often see me as completely, inarguably, extroverted because that’s the personality that gets the most attention. The other side of me, the side that stays home and reads all day, doesn’t get any attention (but I love doing that, take a look at my reading list if you don’t believe me).
Let me tell you what happened a few weekends ago.
I spent Saturday alone, reading, writing, getting errands done. At 8:54 pm, I got a text from a friend, asking what I was up to. He was making plans to go out. I responded, “Nothing. What’s up?”
Fifteen minutes passed and he didn’t respond. I wanted to go out and considered calling him to see what was happening, but also wanted to sit in bed and read a book before going to bed at 10 pm. So I didn’t call.
Another fifteen minutes passed and I finally made the call. It took half an hour and a significant amount of energy for me to put down my book, pick up my phone, and call him to figure out the plan for that night.
So instead of staying in and reading myself to sleep, I left my apartment at 9:30 pm to go out for drinks.
And you know what I did? I danced. And I was obnoxious. And I had tons of fun.
But the next day? I sat at a coffee shop and read a book. I did some grocery shopping, cooked, and ate alone while watching Netflix. I spoke to almost no one. I only texted my friend who I went out with the night before to see how he was doing. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. And I loved it.
So yes I’m outgoing. But not all the time.
The fact is, extroversion and introversion isn’t an either/or type of thing. It’s a spectrum and you can lie anywhere along that spectrum.
For us, we happen to be very close to the middle and even flip-flop between the two.
I know, it’s confusing.
Some of us learned to become more extroverted because we realize that the basis of human nature is grounded in interacting with each other – it’s kind of unavoidable.
To relieve you of some confusion, here are a few things we’d like you to know about extroverted introverts.
1. We’re often quiet, but it doesn’t mean we don’t want to talk.
We most likely have plenty of thoughts we want to talk about, but think that they won’t interest you. We’d rather listen to you talk because we want to learn about you and we know you’d enjoy talking.
2. And just because we like being around people doesn’t mean we want to talk.
Talking requires a lot of effort. For us, being around people is often enough to make us happy. I know, it’s a little confusing.
3. We like hanging out one on one better than groups. We’ll listen to you forever.
One on one hangouts are more intimate and we like that. It means we get a chance to actually get to know you and have a thorough conversation about what we real;y care about instead of making small talk that an entire group can contribute to.
4. We suck at responding to texts because sometimes we don’t want to talk – to anyone.
It’s not that we hate people or that we’re annoyed. Sometimes we’ve just been around people so much that we’re exhausted from talking and texting and Skyping and we just don’t want to talk. We’re totally open to hanging out in person, just don’t expect us to talk too much when we’re in one of these moods.
5. We’re open to meeting your other friends. Just let us know ahead of time that we’ll be meeting new people so we can mentally prepare ourselves to socialize.
We’re not closed off to meeting new people, it’s just a very exhausting thing to do. So we literally have to prepare ourselves to socialize. We have to get into the mindset of, “Okay, I’m going to be talking a lot.”
6. Despite needing our alone time, we do get lonely.
It’s difficult to balance between alone time and not feeling lonely. Often we’ll want to go out because we feel alone, but our apartment is so comfortable that we won’t want to leave.
7. It’s hard to get us out, but we’ll have a great time when we go out.
Sometimes we’ll require some coercing to get us out of the house. Again, it’s not that we don’t want to go out, we just start thinking, “What if it’s not fun? I could totally be reading my book. What if the tickets are sold out? What if they don’t actually want me to go and they’re just inviting me to be nice? We begin to draw into our own heads and make up things that could go wrong and use them as excuses to not go out.
8. We’ll happily chat up your parents/friends/girlfriend/boyfriend/boss/etc., but once it’s over, we require silence.
After so much talking, we really need to recharge.
9. We’re not always the most talkative person in a group, but if someone is in need of a social life jacket, we can step up and offer that.
Again, we’ll happily chat someone up if the situation arises. We get that conversation can be uncomfortable, so if we see someone who is worse than us at holding a conversation, then we’ll take the initiative to make them feel more comfortable.
9. We won’t plan a party, but if we do, it’s a really big deal for us.
We can’t imagine hosting an event solely for our own sake. We don’t even think people would want to come to a party that we host. So if we do host something, it’s a big deal for us.
10. We live in our heads even if it seems like we put ourselves out there.
Even when we’re being outgoing, our thoughts are still running and analyzing the situation.
11. Because we can be outgoing and calculated at the same time, sometimes we end up being leaders.

But that does not mean we want praise, nor do we want to talk about how great we are.
People seem to think that we’re fit to be leaders. We can stand up and talk in front of crowds when we need to. We can make decisions when we need to. But we often analyze ourselves and don’t think highly of our skill sets. Sometimes we don’t believe we’re good enough to lead. We always think we can be better so praise often makes us cringe.
12. We bounce between wanting to be noticed for our hard work to panicking over the thought of somebody else paying more than 30 seconds of attention to us.
Sometimes we want attention, other times it’s hard to believe anyone would spend more than 10 seconds on us.
13. People think we’re flirtatious. We’re not.
We understand that interacting with people is a necessary part of life. So we make an effort to do it intentionally, and genuinely want people to know that they have our undivided interest and attention.
14. We get mad at ourselves for wanting to stay in and letting our friends down.
Which is why we sometimes force ourselves to go out. To let our friends know that we enjoy spending time with them, not because we want to be out.
15. We’re at your happiest in places like coffee shops and cafés: surrounded by people, but still closed off and keeping to yourself.
We just like being around people, even if they’re strangers. It’s the compromise of being around people but not having to talk to them.
16. We have a constant inner struggle of controlling our introverted side.
It’s frustrating because we’ll realize when we start withdrawing into our own minds and become extremely introspective. It happens when we’re in really big crowds. And the only thought is, “Oh no, it’s happening. No. I have to talk to someone now. But it’s so difficult. No. Yes, you have to talk or else you’re going to end up in your head for the rest of the night.”
17. We really don’t like small talk.
We’d avoid small talk if we could. We want to really get to know you. We want to know what you think about, what your goals are, what your family is like. We don’t want to talk about how bad the weather is. But if that’s what you’re comfortable talking about, then we’ll talk about it.
18. We don’t actually have a staple “group” of friends.
We often pick and choose one or two individuals from different social groups that make up our closest friends. But we make this handful of best friends our life and we’d do anything for them.
19. If we like you, we really like you.

We’re extremely picky about who we spend our time and energy on. If we’ve hung out multiple times, take it as a compliment.
Seriously. If it’s such a struggle to talk to people and if we get so exhausting going out, it’s a big deal if we’re willing to spend our time and energy with you. It isn’t to say that we’re full of ourselves. We just wouldn’t want to spend that energy with people whose company we don’t enjoy.

By David Khim for




David Ly Khim is a content and growth marketer for Sidekick. He writes about marketing, career development, and productivity. When he isn’t working, he’s in the middle of a book or on the dance floor.

23 Aug 2015
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Ascension Waves


Raising your vibration


We are without a doubt living in one of the most potent times in the history of this human experience on earth. Everyone is waking up, feeling the shifting, and wondering what their role is in it all. Many of us have come here in this lifetime with the divine purpose of being gatekeepers, wayshowers, teachers and light carriers of the ascension path. These planetary changes are being felt in every dimension of our being and they are undeniable. It is time for the full truth to come forward. Much of what is happening now sounds like it is coming straight out of a science fiction movie. Those who have done the work and who have walked the path have a huge responsibility to anchor the frequency of New Earth. Many of us are being faced with our own personal apocalypse. We are all moving forward into a reality that is far beyond our wildest imagination. There is no more veil between the seen and the Unseen realms. This means everything about the way that we have been existing is impacted.

The good news is that there is nothing that we need to technically do. The changes that are coming are so much more about how we feel. We are moving from being five sensory beings to multi-sensory. We are all becoming more sensitive overall and our ability to sense the subtle energies is becoming more finely tuned. This is an accelerated time in the evolutionary process. We are preparing for a quantum leap. We have the choice to both embrace and celebrate this process and make the necessary changes or resist the process and experience what it feels like to be at odds with Creation. Even as someone highly trained in esoteric teachings, ancient prophecies and spiritual arts it has taken me some time to fully grasp what the process is asking of us and what is needed to be in harmony with the flow. Now I am in the position to teach this process to others who are newly awakened. I understand that we are being asked to trust, have faith, surrender, and let go. Depending on your own personal relationship with the Universe this may prove to be more or less challenging. But there are so many tools and ways to enjoy the potency of this time.

The focus in letting go of all that no longer supports our evolutionary growth is a lesson in learning to raise our vibration. Let’s start with the basics of this concept. Science is now proving what the ancients and mystics have always know which is that we live in a vibrational universe. This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates, everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another and so are you. However your frequency is different from other things in the universe, thus it seems like you are separated from what you see around you, people, animals, plants, trees and so on. BUT you are not separated, you are in fact living in an ocean of energy, we all are. We are all connected at the lowest level in the unified field.

Vibrational Alignment

Living in alignment with our highest self is a primary focus in my teaching and it is based on an understanding that our highest good is known by All That Is. Thus there is nothing that needs to be done per se in order to live a life that is the highest reflection of our true nature other than relax, surrender, and be open to receive. When we are a vibrational match with the truth of who we are all that we desire will show up in our experience through the universal law of attraction, like attracts like. We set an intention and the cooperative components all line up through synchronicity as if by magic or miracle. By interfering we often make matters worse, we often block the flow of our own abundance. This type of surrender is based on a communion with God(dess). We each have within us the desire to be greater than what we are.

God(dess) speaks to us through desire. There is a cosmic urge within us that is seeking expression. That expansion is already manifest in the vibrational realm. The part of us that is non-physical already is lined up with all that we wish to become. The way to close the gap is to start to do the work of raising our vibration in order to embody and thus become our higher dimensional selves. Once we have raised our vibration to move beyond the limitations of duality and polarity consciousness we move into a state of bliss and joy where all that we desire flows to us with ease. It is our birthright to become God(dess) consciousness, to become a walking embodiment of the Source within, here and now on this earth plane. It is my intention to guide as many people as possible through the gates of New Earth.

Without question the path of ascension is a path of the heart. As Rumi writes, tomorrow when resurrection comes, the heart that is not in love will fail the test. This type of evolutionary jump has never been made in all of Creation. For that reason there are many ascended masters, higher dimensional beings, starseeds, and ETs races here at this time incarnated in the human form as well as the a strong presence of other non-physical beings.  Many of us have spent most of our lives having no idea who we truly are and no concept of anything beyond our 3D existence. We are not aware that what we perceive as reality is merely a hologram, a projected illusion, often referred to as the matrix, and that we co-create this reality. This was part of the agreement, to experience life as a part of the collective experience with full amnesia. Then to be prompted by certain events that would trigger an awakening when the time was right. That time is now. There are those of us who are the first wave of old souls who have memories (mostly in our dreams) of a time on earth when all was peace, joy, and love. Part of our purpose here is to teach these old ways. However there are many twists and surprises related to this specific ascension process that are new for all of us. This ascension is like no other. This will be the first time that we are being guided to ascend with our bodies.

When our planet was originally seeded we were created carefully with divine perfection. We were intended to be the perfect race and to enjoy love and joy ongoing on this planet. However at some point dis-ease was introduced into our environment. This was never supposed to be the case. You might ask how the divine plan can be changed. However once creation happens it has free will. Much of the early religious text that speaks about the fall from grace and other such matters was an attempt to describe these events. Nevertheless our perfect DNA was now compromised. We were allowed to continue on our journey with the understanding that at some point we would be brought back into our original harmonious state of being. This would require an upgrade of our human bodies in order to support the higher levels of consciousness. The process that we are going through now at this time is a rewiring of our DNA, our body is being prepared for multidimensionality. Everything from the way that we eat, sleep, live and absorb energy is being recoded. Cellular memory is being activated. All of the old software and programming that cannot support us is being rewired.

First Wave of Ascension.

A few things to consider. Please be mindful of how your senses are being fed at this time. There are many things coming forth that are intended to distract us and pull us into a weaker state of being. Please take the time to consult with your higher vibrational selves through meditation, dream work, divination or prayer before acting out of fear or confusion. Your soul group is supporting your ascension as are your spirit guides, guardian angels and galactic family. Take all of the energy that you have and focus on staying in alignment with who you are. Spend time right now in nature and in sacred circles with other high vibrational people. Consult with people who are clear channels for information from the higher realms. Learn to become a clear channel for yourself. The most valuable insight will come directly to you in the present moment from your higher self through your intuition and instinct. Let go of trying to figure things out with your logical mind, its scope for these types of matters is severely handicapped. Focus on keeping your energy field purified. Notice that people will begin to fall out of your experience. Do not take it personal. As you raise your vibration those who are not able to anchor these new frequencies will not resonate with you in your physical experience. You may continue to love them on the soul level. Know that we will be reunited eventually in 5D. Expect to be reunited with those in your soul group who planned to meet up with you at this time. A collection of aware and awake individuals holding the same intention with great passion and intensity will shift this reality.

We are all communicating with one another telepathically. This will become more known as more people become tuned into their multisensory and psychic gifts. We are all being asked to walk to talk, to really show up as who we are. There are a lot of checks and balances for the ways in which we indulge or delude ourselves. Some of these are coming through as self-created initiations and ego deaths that serve the purpose of preparing us for become fully realized GOD conscious beings. We are on an accelerated path of evolution. This is a time of coming into our integrity. Be ever mindful of any self-righteousness that might possibly come up.  As the old forms dissolve we can experience disillusionment. It may feel as if we are going through crisis. We may have little certainty about who we are, what is real and what to do next. Many of the old ways of doing things don’t feel good or simply do not work. Transformation literally translates to going beyond form.  The good news is that there are those of us who are committed to creating new pathways that will lead to a truly awakened and enlightened state, if that is the path you chose. For those who have chosen not to ascend at this time not to worry, you have all of eternity. If you have been experiencing a variety of ascension symptoms make sure to get a lot of rest. Headaches, rashes, allergies, depression, anxiety, sickness, confusion, all of these are normal parts of the process of purging the body of imbalances and upgrading the DNA. Self-care and self-love are at an utmost priority at this time. Doing more is not the answer. The key words are EASE, STILLNESS, FOCUS, APPRECIATION, SURRENDER, BALANCE and HARMONY. Stay connected to what feels good. Focus on unconditionally loving and accepting yourself.

In the next few months as several various consciousness portals are opened and the stars and planets come into various harmonic relationships and other cosmic forces are positioning themselves we are beginning to be flooded by new energies, literally everything will be changing. The first wave of ascension is in September. We will begin to feel the fields of vibrations even more intimately. We will be directed through our own internal guidance system to know what is healthy or “right” for us. We will begin to sense events before they happen and experience many precognitive indicators. You will need to adapt in order to stay tuned in. With heightened sensitivity you will be able to make the adjustments to your own energy in order to create your desired results. We are all adjusting through our bodies in order to become fluid enough to change our own rhythm to create harmony in every situation. This new skill set is vital to prospering in the new paradigm.

I will continue to share with you some of my favorite techniques and tools for heightening awareness, tuning in, staying in alignment, strengthening your electromagnetic field (aura) and raising your vibration.  There is a level of mastery of vibration that many of us are reaching for in order that we might be a part of anchoring the crystalline grid that will eventually form to the bridges to 5D. We are at a time when many things will be revealed to us as we need to know them in the present moment. So it is absolutely a time of letting go of the past and grounding ourselves fully in the now. I will speak extensively about forgiveness work because this is truly a lot of what needs to happen to release maternal, paternal and ancestral karma. Yes we are clearing all of these karmic contracts. It is the time to fully stand tall in truth, grace, and reverence and to radiate who we really are. To fully embody love and the I AM Presence. For now I am leaving you with a list of positive affirmation that can used daily to help raise your vibration and align with the higher truth of your infinite self. Namaste beloved light family.



I am very prosperous.
I accept perfect health now.
I love and appreciate that money flows into my life in abundant ways.
I radiate love and love heals my life.
Wonderful new doors are opening up for me every day.
I am in the process of discovering many gifts and talents that I have.
I deserve the very best.
All is well and everything is working out for my highest good. I am safe.
I love every cell of my body.
I love making healthy choices.
I am constantly discovering new ways to create health.
I respect myself.
Healing happens.
I have a very special guardian angel.
I am divinely guided and protected at all times.
I love life.
The door to my heart is open.
The past is over and it has no power over me. I give my focus to the now
I give myself the gift of freedom from the past.
I claim my own power
I am willing to forgive.
I know that old limitation no longer limit me and I let them go with ease.
I forgive myself for not being perfect and I do the best that I know how.
It is safe for me to let go of all of my childhood traumas and move forward in love.
I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.

By: Ascension Lifestyle Guest Contributor Hasnaa


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10 Aug 2015
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The Blame Game

“When you know your worth, you’ll no longer tolerate the excuses of those who don’t.”

I ran across this quote over the weekend and it immediately sent me into a spiral of deep thought. The underlying message in those words were so loud I felt like there was something about this I needed to expand on and share.

One of the easiest things to do in life is to blame others for the “bad” things we may experience. We’ve all been there before, at the end of a finger pointing at everyone other than ourselves as we play the blame game and victim to life. From this P.O.V. we strip ourselves of the opportunity to recognize our strengths and surrender the part of our lives we do have control over. However, I’ve realized why taking the “easy way out” is so common amongst us when its time to come face to face with our lives; fear coupled with our inner child’s desire to protect ourselves.

Fear is what I like to define as “an incredible act of the imagination.” Fears is a byproduct of our ego and essentially has no real power outside of what we feed it in our minds. Not to say danger is nonexistent, but fear is a choice. A choice that in certain situations serve their necessary purpose; to keep us alive within our human experience. When we’re afraid we become alert, filled with adrenaline and take on an animalistic flight or fight response that works together to save our lives if need be.

However, a lot of our fears are irrational, and yet they take precedence over a majority of our actions. We’re afraid of failure, embarrassment, disappointing ourselves, not being good enough and not being in control. So, we attempt to liberate ourselves through escape mechanisms like not going after what we truly want, limiting our dreams and again, blaming other people for our shortcomings, negative feelings and bad experiences. It’s an excuse to tell ourselves “it’s not my fault.” It takes away the pressure we’d feel if we actually took accountability for what we allow to take place in our lives. The pain we’d have to acknowledge if we admitted that when things go wrong, or not how we’d like them to go, we were ultimately the ones who opened that door.

Then we have our inner child… the part of us who feeds our creative spirit, is afraid of the dark (the unknown), cries at any sight of discomfort or pain and relies on another person for their overall well-being. You should never let this part of you go unnoticed. Your inner child carries the answers to a lot of your fears and pushes you to dream beyond the confinements of your mind into the depths of your heart. Nevertheless, as you grow into an adult you must continue to nurture and reassure this part of yourself that’s always asking “what if something scary is over there?”

When people refer to “self-sabotage,” I instantly think of the inner child. Self-sabotage can be thought of as the patterns in our lives we continue to recreate that basically hold us back and limits our development, but I don’t believe in self-sabotage. What I do believe in is the child-like part of ourselves that’s afraid of getting hurt. The parts of ourselves that harbor those irrational fears, are like monsters underneath the bed. The innocent part of ourselves that just wants to keep us safe, but unknowingly stops us from growing at the same time.

Along my path of spiritual enlightenment, some of the most beautiful lessons I’ve learned and have started to have a deeper understanding of are those of accountability, personal power and the law of attraction.

In becoming closer to yourself, you start to uncover purpose in your being… your value. You start to understand why you’ve experienced a lot of the things in your past and the lessons that they’ve taught you. You understand why your soul chooses to go through certain things, because of the growth that follows. You become more in tune with your subconscious mind and that helps you recognize why you put up with certain things during certain times of your life.

What I’m trying to say here is… you can’t know your worth if you do not know yourself. And you will never know yourself if you continue to give others power over you by giving them power over your life. You won’t understand why you tolerate excuses from people who don’t value you, if you don’t first accept the fact that you’ve failed to value yourself.


By: Ascension Lifestyle Guest Contributor 

Laura Charles


Laura is a 21 year old blogger/writer dedicated to authentic self-expression, embracing the discomforts of vulnerability and discovering ones true self. Laura is starting an online boutique and would love to network with fellow entrepreneurs.

28 Jul 2015
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Self Realization: The Real Twin Flame Purpose


Twin flames serve a divine purpose. They come into your life just when you believe that you will never experience the deep, perfect love that your soul craves. They shake up everything you knew about reality and expand your consciousness while sending your chakras into overdrive. They are your direct mirror, your polar opposite, your exact energetic vibrational match. Twin flames incarnate on the planet at the same time and plan to meet in order to catalyze each other into accelerated spiritual awakening so that both can find and pursue their life missions. They are forced to face their deepest fears for the purpose of releasing them for good and learning to live from a space of unconditional love at all times.

Although tragic, it is necessary for many twins to separate after the initial illumination period fades. After experiencing life on a new energetic level, where universal love flows through you and manifestation occurs at a rapid rate, the twins come back down to earth and find that they still have much internal work to do. The ego returns and begins to question all that it had been conditioned to believe over many lifetimes. The soul is faced with the challenge of releasing any and all emotional, mental, and physical blocks in order to connect deeply with its Higher Self and the Divine. This process takes time and the twins must complete this deep healing on their own, each at their own pace. Attempts to force a physical relationship at this time will be met with resistance and more distance. It is key to focus the energy that was once given to the twin relationship, back on to your own personal spiritual path, because the truth is, your twin did not come into your life to complete you, but rather to catapult you into the best version of yourself.

The physical separation that is experienced is simply caused by the two people not being energetically capable of sustaining a connection of that magnitude. Maybe not forever, but in the present moment, they are not with you because the physical, mental, and emotional bodies are not matching up. The intense anguish felt during this time is designed to bring out all of the insecurities, doubts, and fears that you have been holding deep within your subconscious mind. The twin simply reflects all of the lower vibrational states that you must finally rid yourself of in order to become a fully enlightened and liberated human being. They are doing the same thing at their own rate, which is completely un-related to your own soul progress and should be respected from a distance.


Many people become obsessed with the the twin flame concept and union. They believe that if they just wait patiently while continuously holding the other person in their heart and mind, by trying to connect with them on other levels, by focusing strongly on the reunion, that they will eventually come back. This is just an illusion. Your soul wants to come back to its truest essence. It wants to release all of the fears and illusions that keep it imprisoned and distracted from its life mission. That is why your twin flame appeared in your life, to remind you who you really are and why you chose to incarnate on this planet at this crucial time. It takes incredible amounts of strength to sit with yourself fully in the present and realize that you are limiting your own growth by holding onto the past while trying to plan out the future. The best thing to do is to hold love for your twin flame, but still focus solely on yourself.


It’s important to understand that this God­-sent encounter was never about the other person. It was always about sparking direct communication with the Divine in order to become One with all that is. It teaches you to stop relying on the external world to validate your existence and to find peace within each and every moment. Twin flames act as a catalyst to increase your spiritual capacity and to engage in a higher standard of living and loving. Meeting this person is the fast track to enlightenment… if viewed from the right perspective.

The ego mind is known for seeking control over situations. It will try to conceptualize and analyze the connection to no end. However, once you step back and realize the truth, you find that you must take back your power and let your heart guide you. Instead of focusing on the twin flame label and concept, we must instead focus on our -mission- on earth.

We must shift our thinking and accept the fact that no matter how strong the connection is, we attracted our twin back to us for self-­growth and self­-actualization. We are limiting and sabotaging ourselves if we do not come to terms with this and continue on a hamster wheel of emotions, waiting for the day they return. What we need to come back to is ourselves, our true selves. That’s when everything falls into place and we allow the universe to bring our divine love back to us.



By: Anonymous Contributo

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