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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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24 Dec 2015
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possible Gaia 1

It’s dinnertime, and as I pull my car into my unpaved country driveway, Gaia is waiting for me, nine pounds of sienna fur and intelligent eyes that see into my soul. I sing to her, we play; her purring brings me joy. But when I first moved here, this cat and her gray companion were more a duty than a source of pleasure.

The former tenant, Brian, had begged me to feed them, even leaving behind a hefty bag of cat food. They weren’t his cats, he explained. They’d befriended his cat, Sunny, and soon he was feeding all three. When he moved, he was torn: the other two belonged on the land, a twenty-acre parcel consisting of seven dwellings. Yet they’d become accustomed to eating at Brian’s cottage. So I inherited them, grudgingly.

Connecting with my medicine animal

Initially I ignored the pair lounging on my deck, though the orange cat was slowly winning my heart. One day I bought a cat-sized bowl, placed it outside my front door and filled it with Rice Dream, a milk substitute that she lapped up eagerly. I intuited she was female, yet Brian had called her Fred, which didn’t suit her at all. She was one with her environment, this little wild cat, a natural embodiment of the living Earth. So I started calling her Gaia. And our pas-de-deux began.

Gaia was at once wild and wary. She’d tear off like a shot when I approached. Once I called out as she was sprinting away, “Gaia! You don’t need to be afraid of me!” She froze mid-flight, turning to look at me appraisingly. After that, our dance grew more intimate.

One night our relationship took a quantum leap, thanks to a little Divine intervention. I heard the telltale rustling, followed by a thud that meant “mouse”. Sure enough, in the morning my ceremonial rattle was on the floor, and there were droppings on my altar and silverware. Disgusted, I thought, “The cat would sure be helpful here!”

At twilight I heard Gaia about ten feet away, and spoke to her from my porch: “I’ll make a deal with you. Keep the mice away, and I will feed you.” I felt intrinsic agreement from her.

The Rice Dream gave way to premium feline fare from my local health food store, and there hasn’t been a mouse in the house since. At first Gaia proudly brought her prey to me for acknowledgement, often leaving entrails on the porch. I explained that while I was thrilled with her work, I preferred she dispose of the mice elsewhere. No more mouse remains appeared on my porch.

Interspecies connection requires that we humans hone our communication skills. This cat clearly understands everything I say. I only wish I spoke meow as well as she speaks English.

Innate intelligence personified

Gaia has been extraordinarily patient with me, as my primitive human brain struggles to understand what she’s trying to tell me. After the rains started, I heard her mewing one night and immediately fetched a large box, lined it with an old towel, and placed it on the porch. But she wouldn’t climb in. It took a few frustrating attempts until I realized I could turn the box on its side, thereby creating both a door and a roof. Gaia crept inside, and I rejoiced.

She has been one of my most powerful teachers. If I’m in a nasty mood, she doesn’t want to be around me. If I’m relaxed and cheerful, she’s there on the deck. She dislikes being photographed, and loves it when I sing. I make up little songs about her and croon them as I stroke her soft fur, feeling the vibration of trust and pleasure course from her being into my own. One time when I was crying, both she and her gray companion mewed their compassion. Cats are innate intelligence personified; it’s up to us to decode the message.

Maybe what developing countries really need are feline ambassadors. Who could refuse that mew of hunger, the warmth as they rub up against you, the loving eyes gazing bottomlessly into your own? I know I can’t. And I know that when I leave here, I will continue Brian’s legacy. Because, much as I love her, it would be wrong of me to take Gaia from the land that is home to her, and from her friend. So I will grieve, and I will remember.

A catalyst is defined as something that alters the speed of a reaction while itself remaining stable. She has been as potent a force for my personal growth as any workshop I’ve taken, book I’ve read, or relationship I’ve shared, and I am profoundly grateful.

I may be buying the cat food, but Gaia is feeding me.

Coda: A month after releasing my cottage for a work stint on the East coast, I returned to see how Gaia was faring. A kindhearted man now inhabited my former space; when he saw me tentatively approach, he beckoned me in and asked all about Gaia. “She hasn’t come up on the porch yet, but she’s been watching me,” he said. He was writing down what I fed her, and I knew she was in good hands. But his final words moved me to tears: “When she’s eating on the porch again, every now and then I’ll bend down and whisper your name.”

Copyright © 1999-2015 by Amara Rose. All rights reserved.


About the author:

unnamed (1)Amara Rose is a “midwife” for our global rebirth. Her services include transformational guidance, talks, e-courses, a digital download CD, and an inspirational monthly newsletter. She is widely published in health, business and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Learn more:



24 Dec 2015
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Infinite Intelligence / Opening The Channel

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Spirit Guidance.

I have always known for as long as I can remember that there was a presence around me. It existed at that time as such an integral part of my subjective experience, that I never questioned its validity. It was that presence that always sent me impulses, nudges, inspiration,  insight and the guidance by which I chose to move through my every day experiences. It was that presence that often told to me pick up the phone before it would even ring. In fact it would often tell me who was going to be calling. And when I say “tell” what I mean by that is somewhat misleading. This communication never happened with any language other than the subtle knowing that I would receive.This presence loved to guide me through the massive forest that sat directly behind my back door during chlidhood. We would go on adventures to find treasures, eat berries, catch turtles, and even find secret pathways that led me through to the other side of my little neighborhood. Each time the path would be different but it never mattered because I trusted that I was being “guided”. I can’t remember what age I realized that not everyone has invisible friends. Eventually it became more appealing, as a very shy reclusive child, to play with my “real” flesh and blood friends. I abandoned my relationship with what I later came to know as my guides and guardian angel without even understanding who they were. Like so many other children with psychic gifts I eventually grew up and decided that it had all been in my imagination

There are times now that when I look back and I’m aware that this presence never left my side. It (they) have always been there with unconditional love and support despite my lack of acknowledgment or conscious participation. It was only when I began my commitment to my spiritual path that I again opened up the channel consciously to the relationship between myself and my Spirit guides.What a beautiful and joyous life it has become thanks to them.

What is Spirit Guidance?

Spirit guidance is direct contact with nonphysical energies that exist in the spirit realm who are able to offer you wisdom beyond your five senses. Everyone has a spirit guide (or several spirit guides), and each of us has the ability to listen to them. They communicate with us in a variety of ways that we must become aware of because they are at a higher frequency. We have to be very still, silent, open and accepting. Spirits Guides, Angels, Deceased loved ones, Totem Animals, elementals, God(desses) are always near connecting with us. Many of us experienced a deepening of our supernatural and spiritual gifts over this past year and what came through so clearly is our ability to communicate with beings in the subtle realms. The veil is thinner than ever. Given the nature of the mass spiritual awakening that is happening throughout the Earth now is an amazing time to develop that intimate relationship with the Spirit Realm.

Those in Spirit, even without physical bodies, still have energy bodies all of which carry a certain vibration and resonance. Thus, without words, emotion, or thought, the presence, the feeling, of a Spirit can still be identified. Spirit Guides and Angels are often referred to as Beings of Light, and as such, they have a very high, elevated, lifting feeling, when one is present. Often, the presence of a guide will feel like a tingling sensation indicating simply a presence stepping close to you. Depending on the guide or angel that is visiting you, in addition to the slight tingly warmth you feel on your body, you’ll also pick up a unique ‘fingerprint’ of this being. For example you might also get a sense of protected and safeness. Or such as fairies and other elemental spirits like sprites that tend to be very playful and childlike. This will become familiar to you over time just the same way that specific friends have different energy that you can recognize.

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Spirit guides are not the same things as ghosts (earthbound souls). What we refer to as ghosts are confused and often times, they don’t even know that they are dead. They continue to wander around in a type of purgatory because they don’t know how to cross over. Often it’s the devastating emotional circumstances that surround their death that keep them stuck. True spirit guides respect you and your right to choose your own path. Real spirit guides are wise, compassionate and often amusing. If you are ever aware of a spiritual being who does not respect you and others, it is not your spirit guide. Tell any less evolved beings to leave and call in your real spirit guide. You can simply ask, are you my true spirit guide.

Spirit guides are souls with the intention of offering support and guidance on the spiritual path to those who have chosen to experience life in the physical realm. Whenever a soul incarnates into a physical body there is a great amount of insight lost about who that being truly is. Your spirit guides can keep you tuned into your souls  divine plan because they never lose sight of the path. In fact they can often see many things that are approaching before they happen.  They will always respect your free will and offer you guidance based on the direction that your life choices have taken you in. They can help you to recognize signs and interpret synchronicity from the universe which can indicate what choices are serving the highest good for all parties involved. If you decide any course correcting is needed they can help support the steps needed to come into alignment as well.

Whenever you engage with a spirit guides, angel, ascended master god or goddess, or the Holy Spirit realize you are touching the face of the One Most High.  While it is possible for humans to go to God directly in prayer and meditation, s/he often invokes helpers to work directly with us. All beings were created to with specific gifts, talents and skills. Each being (including you) has a purpose, part of which is to help bring balance and harmony to the universe. Many people may not be able to connect to the idea of gods, goddesses and other such concepts and therefore it would be entirely appropriate to refer to this presence as Infinite Intelligence. This simply acknowledges that our own perspective is limited, yet there is a higher intelligence that is available for us to access which can lend us greater understanding and awareness at all times. You may chose to call on any force in the universe within or without that resonates with your belief systems.

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How does one connect to Infinite Intelligence (spirit guidance)?
  • Intention. Set the intention that you wish to connect to the benevolent beings who will guide you towards your highest good and the good of all that is. Question your perceptions and be open to believe that there is more to see than meets the eye.
  • Get into the vibrational alignment. In other words tune in. As previously mentioned this presence that we refer to as Spirit Guides exists on a higher dimensional plane of existence. In order to receive the insight and inspiration that is available to us it’s most imperative to raise the vibration. For the most part being in the range of your joy and following your bliss naturally will set the mood for receiving clarity in all forms.
  • Plants have a wonderful way of fortifying our connection with energetic realms not of our own.  Inherently they are able to boost your energy to bring it closer to those of Spirit, Loved Ones, and Angels. Below you can see a list of the herbs and essential oils included in this month’s Spirit Medicine kit if you wish to work more intimately with these tools.
  • All the chakras are infinitely important in establishing a healthy transmission back and forth. Try a guided meditation that is meant to open, clear and balance your chakra’s and stimulate your senses.

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  • Spirit guides come to us in many ways. Spend time in silence, meditation and just listening. In those moments of complete stillness, you will receive messages. Guidance may come as images in your head (clairvoyance), a feeling (clairsentience) a sound or voice (clairaudience) or even just clear insight and knowledge (claircognizant). They also come through in dreams, numbers(1111, 1234, 777, 333, 444, 555) are all angels codes, books, smells, songs, electricity(turning lights on), mind to mind communication and so much more. You may see a feather to indicate the presence of a guide. Even animals, insects, and plants can be a form of spirit guidance. I have had angels show themselves to me on a perfectly clear day in the form of a rainbow before. The possibilities are endless.
  • You can try automatic writing, by meditating and asking your spirit guides to come through you. Automatic writing is the process of writing material that does not come from the conscious thoughts of the writer. The writer’s hand forms the message, and the person is unaware of what will be written. It is sometimes done in a trance state. Another way is instead of going unconscious while another entity writes with your hand you could listen and write what you hear.  In this way, you are simply listening to what is being said and writing down what you hear.  To accomplish this it is best to be in a meditative state. This is an intuitive process and there is no right or wrong way to do it.
  • Keep a journal. Write down everything you see, smell, feel or hear, because these are intuitive messages from your guides. You guides can also send you so much creative inspiration which can be applied to every day problem solving or used for art, music, writing or other creative projects. They may guide you to meet someone or to a specific opportunity that can open up your path for you in countless ways.
  • Follow the impulse. Once you receive the gentle nudge from the subtle realm respond appropriately. As you make discoveries about yourself, take action. As you receive answers to your prayers, take action. Find ways to change that will bring you closer to the truer part of yourself and your soul’s purpose where happiness and fulfillment lies.
  • Create an altar or place where you can go to feel the presence of your guardian angel. Put objects that remind you of your soul’s desire on the altar. Write letters to your angels and add your letters to your altar. Pray here. Listen for answers. Light a candle and find a feeling of peace. Make this place a living presence in your life.


By: Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Hasnaa


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24 Dec 2015
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Miscommunication Is Our Biggest Flaw


istock_000002761784mediumWhy is miscommunication our biggest flaw and why do we pay so little attention to it? Through a new understanding of miscommunication, how and why it happens and how to recognize it within ourselves, we can fix relationships on all levels. This starts with visible and audible communication and moves right down to spirit communication. Misunderstanding someone when they’re trying to communicate to us can be caused by many reasons. It is not just as simple as “they just do not understand me.” The first step in solving the misunderstanding between two energies is quieting the physical sensations that miscommunication can cause. Frustration, irritation, anger.. and the next step is understanding that we don’t all learn in the same way and we all have individual ways we’ve been raised which leads us to very different ways of perceiving life and its situations. Many of us have a mistaken assumption that there is an “average” or “common” understanding of simple concepts, but that is far from the truth and is what leads to most miscommunication.

Our creation and connections to our surroundings in the way we learn is key. Association, and what we choose to associate with in a particular conversation, is eventually where the outcome of the conversation will lead us. It is almost too easy to assume a reaction in someone else through our own eyes because we’ve been thought it or we’ve seen someone go through it. Assuming does not necessarily mean that the outcome will be the same, but more often than you think the outcome becomes the same because the assumptions trigger reactions in us that lead our spirit towards the same finish line. Once we cross that finish line we feel accomplishment, but if we do not learn to trigger different, more emotionally effective responses we keep our self in a loop of the same outcomes over and over.

Whether “good” or “bad”, if the outcome is to be different in a positive way our reactions have to change and we have to be more aware and in tune with our self through others by paying attention to our own reactions. Meaning, to learn about self, pay attention to where your thoughts go when anger is triggered. Anger sometimes puts us back to the beginning. It is like starting a level all over again, everything is good in the beginning because we’re familiar with this part, but once we enter the realm where we failed before and enter into a nervous state we start triggering the same emotional outcomes that we have so many times before. Some emotional outcomes start opening the same doors toward anger and we end up where we started again.

The point is, if we continue to approach the same problems in the same way, the same results will follow. We have to change our emotional state and listen openly to the person trying to communicate in order to understand them better and vice versa. Miscommunication is the root to a lot of the current world problems. By listening to the communicator and being aware of our reactions as they’re trying to communicate, we in return become better communicators. Listen with the intent to understand, not with the intent to respond.


By Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Mirza Babic

DSC_0027Mirza “Prince” Babic is a co-founder of, a media group that empowers individuals through photos, design and teaches social media branding tactics. Photographer by profession Mirza is a lover of arts. With a BA in Audio Engineering Mirza is also involved in the music industry field composing and producing music for known artist, short films and commercials. Currently he is working on a few projects including a book which he believes will lead him to his ultimate goal of getting closer to world peace. You can find links and some of his work on his website and his Instagram page:

11 Dec 2015
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Do Not Lose Faith: New Moon in Sagittarius


I refuse  to accept the view that mankind
is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war
that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality . . .
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.
~ Martin Luther King

Whatever you do, says this new Sag moon, do NOT lose faith in this great adventure of a life you’ve taken on. You can do this.

You are doing this.

Sagittarius New Moon @ 19 degrees
3:28 AM
Friday the 11th

Day in and out, we tell ourselves stories. Sagittarius would have us remember that anyone who has taken on the human journey in These Times is sturdy of soul and armed with the ability to create a grand myth out of her (his) time here on earth. You don’t like the way things are unfolding in your days?  Think up a plot twist in your own narrative. Create an entirely new chapter in the drama, one which better suits where you are now in Time.

Becoming overly attached to any one of our ideas about How Things Should Be is certain to disappoint. Instead, counsels this new moon, keep revising your script, write yourself out of the places where you feel you’ve become a little stuck, and embrace this life of yours as if it’s your alluring partner in a dance even more exciting than the most sensual of tangos.

This is a buoyant moon. It wants you to know that you can’t fail at your life. You are right where you are meant to be. And up to this moment, you’ve managed to slay a thousand dragons, to rescue what has needed your hand up and to follow your heart into all sorts of mad adventures. Just keep it up. Sag will help you keep your spirits lifted in the face of a great deal of sadness and chaos because it believes that the journey itself is what matters.

As we edge ever closer to Winter Solstice, allow your inner lantern to guide you and soak up the light and joy expanding around you. There is so much more to encounter in this life than the nightly news. People everywhere are opening their hearts and their lives to each other.

And if you can, build a fire. Toss into the flames all that those pages which no longer suit your mythic story and then, begin again, this time with the faith of one who has seen some things and is not only still standing, but rising like a multi-faceted star.

Light returns. Always.

By: Ascension Lifestyle Guest Contributor
Deborah O’conner



Be humble, for you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars.


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