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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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01 Mar 2016
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Documentary of The Month – ORIGINS Our Roots, Our Planet, Our Future

Origins is a stunningly ambitious new documentary that challenges us to reevaluate our existence in the modern world, and embrace the simplicities that defined the beginnings of our species. “I believe to understand our present and to map our future, we have to go back in time,” says Alan McSmith, an ecology instructor and a key interview subject featured in the film.

Like McSmith, Origins argues that the keys to survival for both the human race and the planet that surrounds us can only be understood by looking back on the origins of our species nearly 200,000 years ago. From the vast plains of Africa to the microbes that live in our gut, Origins illustrates that the forces that compromise our potential to thrive are only outmatched by our capacity to provoke profound and positive change.

The fundamentals of that change can be gleaned from a simple study of our ancestors. The first humans established the evolutionary building blocks that have proven most meaningful to our continued survival as a species. They nurtured a respectful and harmonious connection to nature, developed an uncanny ability to adapt, and constructed the tools needed to ensure that all of their basic needs were met.

In the face of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, those basic needs have remained unchanged, yet our modern technologies often imperil the very elements we rely upon to nourish and sustain us. We are more isolated from our natural environment than ever before, and that dynamic has resulted in an unparalleled number of chronic health concerns, a deteriorating planet, and increasingly severe obstacles for our children and grandchildren.

The purity of our existence has been threatened by temporary comforts. Pesticides, hormones and sugars have eradicated much of the nutritional content in the foods we eat, compromising our immune systems and leaving us more vulnerable to disease. Monstrous pollution and toxicity levels represent perhaps the greatest threat to civilization, and their negative effects can be witnessed in forms as varied as the sunscreen we apply to our skin and the air that we breathe into our lungs.

While the challenges facing us might seem insurmountable and complex, the solutions are anything but. Brimming with passionate and persuasive testimony from a distinguished panel of experts in fields ranging from anthropology to medicine, Origins shows us that the power to reverse the tide of destruction is as simple as eating clean foods, rejecting a sedentary lifestyle, and embracing the circle of life in which we all play a part. These revelations make Origins truly inspiring and essential viewing for all audiences who are anxious to make their own change in the world.

About the Filmmakers

FilmmakerPedram Shojai, OMD, is the founder of Well.Org, the editor of BeMore! Magazine, the author of Rise and Shine, and the producer and director of the documentary films “Vitality” and “Origins.”It was when he ran a large medical practice treating patients with the same lifestyle-induced ailments again and again, that Dr. Shojai began his mission — to help people understand the intrinsic connection between their lifestyle, their health and the vitality of our planet. He works to preserve our natural world and wake us all up to our fullest potential.

Mark van Wijk is a filmmaker based in Cape Town, South Africa. He studied Photography at Port Elizabeth Technikon, specialising in travel. After 4 years of travel he then made a natural progression onto film and television.

“The great outdoors gives me energy – the earth and nature inspires me in my work and in my life! Respect for all is my only rule! People need to understand that they are actually a part of nature and my dream is for my work to bridge the divide that civilization and technology have created”

The message in the film – Origins – kept me inspired throughout the entire project. I am so happy and privileged to have been able to make this film with Pedram and I believe it carries a message that all of us need to understand and live towards!

26 Feb 2016
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6 Illustrations That Show What It’s Like In An Introvert’s Head

This article first appeared on,

illustrations by Liz Fosslein and Mollie West 
Dear Extroverts,

We love your energy and excitement. But as introverts, we sometimes feel misunderstood. We wish you could visualize what’s going on inside our brains—you might be surprised! Here are six illustrations of what it’s like to be in our heads.


1. According to The Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney, introverts have a longer neural pathway for processing stimuli. Information runs through a pathway that is associated with long term memory and planning. In other words, it’s more complicated for introverts to process interactions and events. As they process information, introverts are carefully attending to their internal thoughts and feelings at the same time.

2. According to studies by psychologist Hans Eysenck, introverts require less stimulation from the world in order to be awake and alert than extroverts do. This means introverts are more easily over-stimulated.

3. The flip side of introverts’ sensitivity to dopamine is that they need less of it to feel happy. Extroverts’ brains run on an energy-spending nervous system, whereas introverts’ brains run on an energy-conserving nervous system. This is why introverts feel content and energized when reading a book, thinking deeply, or diving into their rich inner world of ideas.

4. Introverts’ brains aren’t as strongly rewarded for gambling or taking risks as extroverts’ brains are. The brain’s reward and pleasure system is activated by dopamine neurotransmitters. Scientists found that extroverts’ brains responded with more pleasure to positive gambling results. In other words, introverts feelless excitement from surprise or risk.

5. The introvert’s brain treats interactions with people at the same intensity level that it treats encounters with inanimate objects. Introverts process everything in their surroundings and pay attention to all the sensory details in the environment, not just the people.

6. As introverts are thinking, they reach back into long-term memory to locate information. An introvert will often compare old and new experiences when making a decision, which slows the processing down but leads to carefully thought-out decisions.This means that introverts have an active dialogue with themselves and usually walk around with many thoughts in their minds.

This article originally appeared on

You can find more insights from Quiet Revolution on work, life, and parenting as an introvert at Follow Quiet Revolution on Facebook and Twitter.

26 Feb 2016
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Go Natural Holistic Retreats In Jamaica

Retreats are a modern answer to modern living. Going on a retreat means taking time away from your daily life to balance yourself. It is a special time to give yourself some peace of mind and become in tune with who you authentically are. This may involve you stepping away from a hectic lifestyle, a lifestyle where you’re not able to be present and in tune with your inner needs. You may be taking a break away from the responsibilities of children or caring for someone. You may be escaping from a bad emotional situation. You may just want some peace of mind and to be left alone for several days or weeks. Regardless of what your circumstance, everyone needs some tranquility in which to consider where they are in life.

A good spiritual retreat allows for our feelings to open up, giving us access to both the light and dark places of our deep feelings. They can also bring forth a better understanding of where we are in relationships as well. A great retreat is about discovering ourselves in ways that help us to grow into our higher selves.

If you’re looking for a retreat in the warm Caribbean, Go Natural Jamaica is a lifestyle retreat center worth checking out. At this center, a well balanced mind, body and soul are within reach for you as a guest. This beautiful relaxation and healing center can provide their guests with the resources they need to live a more holistic and balanced lifestyle. Guests learn to adopt a lifestyle aimed at improving overall health and balance through sound nutrition, proper rest and reduced stress.

GoNatural jamaica

A vacation with Go Natural is more than just a holiday, they will be there to support you in your wellness journey, making you feel comfortable from the moment you arrive. Both Yoga and meditation retreats retreats are offered with a goal of not only teaching yoga while you’re there, but to teach you how to bring yoga and holistic living into your daily life. Guests are given yoga plans, ebooks, and music to take home for daily use.

Go Natural has various Yoga sessions tailored to meet your needs, from beginner to advanced. In addition they can work specifically on your issues such as back pain, neck pain, weight loss, hips openers, insomnia, and more. Guest will experience different yoga and meditation techniques so you can find the one that fits you.

go natural jamaica 1

The food is prepared with love and care focusing on healthy food combinations with the use of seasonal organic vegetables, fruits & herbs from their eco farm & garden, quality grains, and superfoods. The retreat includes 3 main (daily) meals, healthy and natural snacks, fruits, juices and smoothies. In addition, a high quality Master Cleanse (fasting retreat with no food) & juicing retreat (no food, only fresh juices & smoothies) are offered to guests who want to detoxify their bodies.

Go Natural believes that the starting point for rejuvenation of the body and mind is through the foods that we consume. Therefore they offer an abundance of fresh fruit, vegetables and whole foods, which is included in the cost of their retreats. The juices and meals prepared cleanse and rebalance the body, without eliminating the essential nutrients required, only using seasonal products grown locally. Their menu is a vegetarian/ vegan variation of Jamaican cuisine,  gluten & diary & sugar free.

go natural juices

The Go Natural Sanctuary is situated on the seaside, with fantastic views, surrounded by beautiful palm trees, in a quiet & safe area. The property has a large garden space, yoga area, private beach access, lounge area, and hammocks. Their private beach allows for sun bathing, rest and relaxation, as well as snorkeling.

The sanctuary is surrounded by a lot of nature with lush green mountains on one side and a crystal blue sea on the other side. The location of this retreat is location is hand picked for its energy and beauty, allowing you to have a great setting for a wellness holiday. Join this great sanctuary on the sun-blessed island of Jamaica and let nature revive your spirit. You can get info for all their retreats by visiting

This is a sponsored Advertisement with Ascension Lifestyle

24 Feb 2016
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Heart Roots: Energy, Love, and Resonance



Being a free moving organism (within the confines of gravity, humanness, and my understanding of space-time), I am not rooted in any physical way such as the trees are.  However, my lungs are rooted to the Earth’s atmosphere in that, without drawing from it, they fail and stop, as do I.  My digestive system is rooted to the flora and fauna within my food chain in the same way.  Because my body is largely comprised of water, I am rooted to the water system.  The rootedness I am writing about here is the rooting of the heart; the ways through love and energy I am rooted to my experience of myself and to all that I experience as other.  This includes the natural world, other people, and all the actions, beliefs, objects, and situations I encounter.


Energetic heart rooting is feeling and responding to interactions through what is sometimes called in energetic discussions, “the subtle body.”  When we are fed by an experience or person who resonates with us, our hearts root to the experience and responds, while we serve as the roots of inspiration and love for others.


We sometimes hear of music resonating with someone, of someone’s voice or message resounding out to the masses, or of two people who feel they share a resonance, wavelength or good vibe.  These phrases are echoing and interpreting into human interaction the phenomenon of sympathetic resonance: when two objects vibrating at the same frequency vibrate together and even increase or re-sound each other’s vibrations.  The frequency at which an object usually tends to vibrate when touched is known as the natural frequency of the object.  Merriam-Webster gives one definition of resonance as: “the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by supplementary vibration.”  The Pond Science Institute site shares that “A sympathetic vibration is a vibration that is sympathetic (in tune or forming unisons) between two or more individualized objects.”  Just as a violin string when vibrated in a particular manner produces sounds, so when in energetic contact with a frequency we find harmonious, do we make sounds: we act with our bodies and we speak with our voices, our hearts singing.


When thinking about energy, it is a good idea to include chakras.  Chakras (from the Sanskrit chakra or “wheel”) emerged in Indian beliefs, are mentioned in The Vedas ancient text, and are integrated into Yoga practices.  Chakras are believed to be energy centers or nodes in the subtle or energetic body.  They are sometimes referred to as spinning wheels of light, and energy and breath pass strongly through them.  There are many chakras, but 7 major ones. The word chakra is also sometimes used in texts synonymously with nerve plexus (a branching out network of nerves).  In descriptions of chakras, they are sometimes said to have petals and the body to have breath channels and wind.  The root chakra, located in the tailbone area at the base of the spine, relates to our sense of security, survival, and groundedness; our foundation and root.  The heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, above the area of the anatomical heart, relates to our ability to give and receive love, and to experience peace and joy within.  This is the area where resonance is often felt, though it can be experienced all over the body.


Love is mercurial and works in its own way, but one way for me to understand it is through this idea of resonance.  The people, places, and ways that I love resound with me, sometimes in mysterious and indescribable ways.  Maybe I love you because I feel peaceful in your presence, or excited, or both, because we sat together in class all year,  because we were raised in similar family situations, or because of the sweet way your face creases when you laugh at something silly I say.  Maybe I love the tart flavor of Lemonheads because I’m a bit of a masochist, or maybe I love strawberry picking because it makes me sing a Beatles song in my head.  If we see the emotional heart center as a plant which is fed by energetic vibrations, the things which strike and resound in our hearts, which are felt there, are those things whose frequencies interact with that of our heart naturally.  Vibrations of the world around us speak to our hearts and our hearts respond, vibrating back out.

Namaste is a common Indian greeting and also a spiritual phrase.  Also found in The Vedas, in Sanskrit the word is namah + te which means, “I bow to you.”

India Arie sings a similar message in, I see God in You:

“I know you cannot read my mind

But I hope you’d feel the vibe

I think it’s time I let you know that

I see the God in you”

When I say, ‘I love you,’ I am saying, you are a root for my heart: you feed me, you connect me to the Earth, and my heart wants to feed you with energy too.  Rooting into love, God, the Tao, or universal energy and life connects us to the world and validates us.

“People can’t, unhappily, invent their mooring posts, their lovers and their friends, anymore than they can invent their parents. Life gives these and also takes them away and the great difficulty is to say Yes to life.”Resonance is not always instantaneous; it can build over time.  As we spend time with someone, learn about the inspiration behind a modern abstract artwork, or read more about a confusing social trend, we can open up to the possibility of new connections and sympathetic vibrations.  We can “tune in” and become “attuned to” new ways of thinking, being and relating.  As we age, we can also tune into ourselves over and over, stay curious about our own attunement, and learn about what makes us buzz, tick, and sing.  We learn how to tune ourselves like an instrument, sooth our own souls, and connect our hearts to our energetic roots. Just as a root holds the soil that feeds it, so we hold the things that give us love.  Over time our song will change and our energetic roots will break and re-grow.  My heart roots through resonance to the thing it loves, regardless of how long that thing stays nearby.

James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room

Losing a loved one, a root, or a mooring post can be very painful.  Some sources of love and memories will continue to vibrate with us for the rest of our lives or, depending on your beliefs, beyond.


One of the songs my husband, whom I resonate with very strongly, picked for our wedding mix was:

Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys.  They sing,

“I’m pickin’ up good vibrations,

She’s giving me excitations”

If you’ve ever been in love, you know what they mean.  Whether through romantic, friendly, familial, or universal love, our invisible energetic roots to life tingle in these moments of awareness of good vibrations.  In the tapestry of life our energetic roots weave our hearts into the rippling, layered whole, nourishing us, and giving us opportunities to connect and create. When we’re rooted into things that feed us, we bloom and grow.


by Julia Travers

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