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How To Be Spiritual In A Material World
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07 May 2016
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Spirituality? Is That Like Religion?


When I moved to California in 1981, spiritual exploration was still in my future. I had my first astrological reading that year, and the astrologer, who twelve years later would provide a reading that helped redirect my life during my awakening, referred several times to “spirituality.” She recorded the session, and on the recording you hear me asking in a perplexed tone, “What’s spirituality? Is that like religion?”

I needed to live my own spiritual journey before I understood. The terms can be synonymous, but often they are not.

The Difference Between Spirituality and Religion

The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhist community, has said, “My religion is kindness.”

The word religion derives from the Latin religare, which means “to tie fast” or “to bind together.” One dictionary definition of religion is, “a set of beliefs, values and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.” This would seem to suggest that religion is a subset of a larger rubric called spirituality.

Yet defining spirituality is a bit like describing color to one who has never known sight. Perception will vary according to your beliefs. Of the myriad online resources attempting to answer the inquiry, “What is Spirituality?” a Unitarian Universalist minister offers this view:

Spirituality is being concerned with things of the spirit — the big questions of meaning, metaphysics, existence. Being spiritual is thinking about, wondering about, and exploring the deepest aspects of reality, values, morals, and meanings.

Spirituality is mis-defined if it is equated with super-naturalism, which tends to be the mistake I find when I hear people object to the word. Nothing about a search for values, morals, and meanings implies faith instead of reason, or emotion instead of intelligence. Spirituality can be all those things, and it is to some people, but not exclusively so. After all, ‘spirit’ simply means ‘breath,’ as in ‘inspire’, ‘expire’ or ‘inspiration.’ Spirit is about being filled with life. It’s about all the ways that we try to make sense of our living, and our attempts to make good from our lives.

Thus, the Dalai Lama’s statement, like his work in the world, broadens the scope of religion to embrace its spiritual essence: both begin with how we think, feel and behave.

How What We Believe Affects Our Health


In recent years, scientists have demonstrated in the lab what mystics and spiritual teachers have been saying for centuries: consciousness creates reality. Renowned neuroscientist Candace Pert, featured in What the Bleep Do We Know!? and author of Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel, established that emotional communication begins at the cellular level, with tiny proteins called peptides.

Breakthrough cell biologist Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, confirms that our attitudes and thoughts create our physical bodies. He writes, “Cells respond to perception by activating either growth or protection behavior programs. If our perceptions are accurate, the resulting behavior will be life enhancing. If we operate from ‘misperceptions,’ our behavior will be inappropriate and will jeopardize our vitality by compromising our health.”

In a nutshell: think negative, create warped DNA. Change your mind, change your body!

During the past few decades, medical science has also begun documenting the “faith factor” in healing. Physician Larry Dossey, a pioneer in exploring the role of prayer in healing, says, “I used to believe that we must choose between science and reason on one hand, and spirituality on the other, in how we lead our lives. Now I consider this a false choice. We can recover the sense of sacredness, not just in science, but in perhaps every area of life.”

Stepping Onto the Path

Spiritual Path

So, how does spirituality “happen”? Awakening is a journey, and just as with literal travel, this metaphorical passage is different for everyone. For many people, the call to embark on a spiritual path is preceded by a period of questioning or difficulty, when one or more aspects of your life no longer flow smoothly. This was what my summons looked like.

Being willing to surrender into the unknown is a huge, scary — and necessary — initial step, because you can’t “figure out” spirituality in a linear fashion. You might begin a spiritual exploration by reading about the world’s religions, or sampling various types of spiritual services. Some people seek out a teacher or guru. Some learn to meditate. Others go on retreat in the wilderness. There are as many ways to claim your spiritual truth as there are people. A formal practice isn’t required, although this can be a useful way to “get out of your head” in the early stages.

Ultimately, the journey to Spirit will be unique to you.

Spiritual vs. Material

religious symbolsOf course, it’s important to balance spirituality with the 3-D world. You don’t need to take a vow of poverty in order to live a spiritual life! This is a frequent misconception among both spiritual and religious aspirants: that a dedication to spiritual service requires one to renounce worldly possessions.

People often find that committing to a spiritual path dramatically changes their lives. Material resources may fall away, but this usually has little to do with religious or spiritual doctrine. It’s more likely a result of a desire to pare down possessions in an attempt to discover what’s necessary and valued, to release aspects of one’s life that no longer serve, or a deep-seated belief that it’s somehow “more spiritual” to be poor. Role models from Jesus to Gandhi to Mother Teresa have ingrained an unintentional link between spiritual service and self-sacrifice in our collective consciousness.

Those who possess spiritual wealth know that love and compassion are the true sources of sustenance. As the Dalai Lama so eloquently expressed, the most devout religious belief can be embodied as kindness. A person overflowing with goodwill towards others is incalculably richer than someone with a big bank account and a stingy spirit.

Full Circle

Fourteen years after wondering aloud what spirituality was, I was discussing my personal growth odyssey with my Dad. After I’d shared passionately for a while, he said, “You know, honey, when you say ‘spirituality’, I have no idea what you mean.”

My heart swelled with recognition. I took a thoughtful breath, and began to frame my reply.

Copyright © 2009 – 2016 by Amara Rose. All rights reserved.


About the author:

Amara Rose is a “midwife” for our global rebirth. Her services include transformational guidance, talks, e-courses, a digital download CD, and an inspirational monthly newsletter. She is widely published in health, business and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Learn more:

20 Apr 2016
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This month we are focusing on a topic that is most essential to this part of the journey for many who are on this spiritual path to ascension. This topic is also beneficial to those who are newly awakened to a spiritual journey or to anyone who simply wants to “feel better”. This month we will be focused on Grounding. For spiritually developed people, grounding is usually the most neglected area of their lives. Yet it is the energetic and spiritual foundation of our souls experience here as human beings. Many of us who are aware that the Universe is more than simply this physical realm are often faced with the dilemma of trying to find that balance between Spirit and Matter. On the one hand we recognize as the adage goes, that we ARE a Soul and we HAVE a body. We understand fully that we are an eternal being and thus our truest essence is non physical. Often once we awaken to this truth we understand why it has felt so challenging being in a physical body. It may feel like we are not as free as we are used to. We may prefer the higher dimensions where we feel our soul can play freely through the various aspects of space-time and our thoughts instantly manifest.

Nevertheless we came here to play in this world of form, to experiment with this material realm of creation, and for our souls expansion. Part of the agreement being here is that we will experience human emotions and what may be referred to as pain and suffering. These can be overwhelming at times and can cause us to want to separate from our body in this 3D experience. Whenever we do this we are abandoning our body which in fact is our holy temple. This is why I focus heavily on Healing the Emotional Body. Becoming grounded is a foundational process in claiming Earth as our home, walking empowered in our soul’s purpose for being here. None of us are here by accident. Although I do believe many of us underestimated the density of what it would feel like to be in this physical experience.

What is grounding.

Grounding is based on your connection to your physical body and to Earth.

What does that mean in practice.

  • This means having a strong connection to the present moment because you have learned soul embodiment.
  • You feel connected to the earth’s energy that provides you with constant healing and restoration.
  • You have a connection with the physical body’s innate wisdom to heal itself and provide stamina, resilience and strength.
  • You have a deep sense of knowing that can be offered through the tools and guidance system that comes through feelings and sensations that the body is attuned to.
  • Increased life force. The energies of the earth are our most primal and vital energies. An ungrounded life is a life mostly not lived to its highest potential.
  • There is a deep healing vibration that comes from being in communication with the earth heartbeat. Scientifically known as the Schumann’s resonance(more on this later).
  • You can release deep trauma and old patterns of fear and abandonment that are stored on a cellular level, many that may come from past lives of perhaps ancestral karma.
  • You can heal and release dense emotions such as shame and guilt that often convert to illness and disease in the physical body.
  • You can heal energetic blocks especially those connected to the lower chakras that relate to security, safety and stability. Good grounding is synonymous with feeling and knowing that you belong, and are safely held in the earth community.

Symptoms of being ungrounded

  • You don’t feel safe and protected. This can often be because of a trauma that happened at a young age that caused the soul to go out of the body in order to escape the reality of the circumstance. We have all experienced this and grounding is one of the way to reprogram the body that you are safe.
  • Seeing’ without grounding is prone to projection and fantasy. It isn’t always very ‘real’. Many people will experience this when they meet someone who seems very “airy fairy” or with their heads in the clouds, meaning their world seems to have no basis in the collective world around them. This is one of the most common thing I see with people who are spiritually awakened yet ungrounded. Getting grounded and rooted is deeply important in working with or increasing psychic sensitivity. You learn to sense kinesthetically and this builds up part of the psychic picture.
  • You may experience difficulty being a part of society and would rather exist solely in your own reality(in excess this can create issues). Your vivid imagination and visions of other times and places always seem to be more enjoyable than the present moment.
  • You may have a difficulty with intimacy, developing close relationships or maintaining them.
  • You may have a hard time experiencing or sustaining joy and pleasure. The very sensation of pleasure as we agreed to in this human incarnation requires us to be embodied; connecting deeper into our bodies in order to open up the channels for us to feel more of life’s richness.
  • You may find it difficult to operate in the three dimensional world with structures such as time, having a job, paying taxes, doing paperwork. Being able to be “in the world” is very much connected to embodiment
  • You may experience deep feelings of not wanting to be here, lacking in drive, apathy, depression, helplessness or hopelessness.

How to get grounded

  • Going for a walk, especially in nature
  • Earthing, which means walking barefoot on grass
  • Spending some time in nature.
  • Hugging trees
  • Eating something, especially root vegetables or herbs
  • Visualization where you Imagining tree roots coming out of the feet, or anchors, or imagining you are a tree
  • There are several yoga poses that an help with grounding. We love sun salutations, child’s pose and tree pose.
  • Exercising, consider incorporating ancient practices such as qigong or tai chi that work specifically with gathering life force energy from the earth.
  • Using a grounding mat. This should in no way be a replacement for spending time barefoot in nature but can be useful for sleep or for those in colder climates.
  • Vibrational remedies. (we offer an amazing kit this month to deepen in grounding which includes stones, essential oils, sage, herbs, and more)
  • Massages, especially deep massages like rolfing and other forms of bodywork
  • Bio-energetics and other body-centred psychotherapy
  • Ancestral healing work
  • Shamanic healing (soul retrievals)
  • Energy healing
  • Eating fresh, locally grown seasonal food
  • Eating more legumes and root vegetables
  • Listening to deeply grounding sounds such as the Schumann’s resonance.

The Schumann’s Resonance.

Although the existence of the Schumann Resonance is an established scientific fact, there are very few scientists who are aware of the importance of this frequency as a tuning fork for Life. When the connection is broken we suffer. Our ability to heal, process emotions, enjoy our life and feel safe is connected to this frequency. The connection between the Schumann resonance and the alpha rhythm of brainwaves was discovered by Scientists many years ago. It was found that the earth has the same natural resonance as the brain.
Some of the research is quite fascinating. In one case an underground bunker was built which completely screened out magnetic fields. There were volunteers that lived there for four weeks in this sealed environment. It was found that their circadian rhythms became distorted, they suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. After only a brief exposure to the very frequency which had been screened out(Schumann’s Resonance. 7.8 HZ) the volunteers health stabilized again.The same complaints were reported by the first astronauts and cosmonauts, who, out in space, also were no longer exposed to the Schumann waves. Now modern spacecrafts are said to contain a device which simulates the Schumann waves.

There are many aspects of modern living may be creating an environment that is literally `out of tune’ with Nature itself. In ancient times it was common to walk barefoot on the earth. This alone helps to release unpaired electrons known as free radicals which are known to cause damage to the body. At this point there is an urgent need for us to understand how everything alive responds to the most subtle changes in the electromagnetic fields surrounding us. This research goes far beyond just the common idea by many who live in cities that the draw to nature is based solely on it being pretty. Although there is much to enjoy in the beauty that nature provides, Science is revealing there is deeper need to be connected to the earth simply for our own health and well being.

It is my belief that Earth itself Gaia is a very unique ancient being who has her own path and journey of wisdom. The energy that she provides is very much in resonance with what we refer to as the divine feminine or the Great Mother. I grew up in Michigan in a home that was surrounded by nature. My backdoor opened up to the woods and this is where I spent most of my childhood. Climbing trees, eating berries, exploring, and just deeply finding my own way through these nature portals which seem to go on forever. I choose several years to move out of the city into a town that is filled with national parks, lakes, redwood trees and so many flowers. I have spent many nights sleeping out in nature and have received many gifts from being silent and asking for support, healing or to have questions answered. Currently it is my practice to lay out with my bare feet touching the ground for at least an hour a day and to immerse myself fully in nature at least three times a week. I also often fall asleep listening to nature sounds and I carry the Schumann’s resonance audios with me so that I can tune in at any time. I attribute my relationship with nature to much of my feelings of health, happiness, and well being. Even with our busy hectic active lives we can find ways to connect to these healing frequencies and to get grounded everyday.

We came forth into this time space reality from an intention that was put into motion from the desire to experience something unique. That is what a physical experience in a body on Earth provides for us. Many of us are masters in other dimensions and yet we can not claim mastery of this experience until we allow ourselves to step fully into it.. Beginning to have a healthy relationship with our body will help us to show up more fully in our individual, collective and cosmic purpose. We came here with access to as many aspects of our higher dimensional selves as we will allow to come forth into this body. This is what is unique about ascension on this planet at this time. While many of us may be familiar with ascension from the spiritual perspective this is an advanced class because we are learning now to ascend while we are still in a body. This means we are all pioneers. The only ones who have done this successfully are the Christ, Buddha, Krisha archetypes who have shown us the potential for this to work. Yet our own pathway to enlightenment is unique and thus we need all of the tools we can get. I hope these have been helpful.

By: Ascension Lifestyle Contributor Hasnaa

IMG_3415Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Maryam Hasnaa At-Tauhidi has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. She found her calling teaching others how to embody their higher self and their soul’s purpose. She is a alchemist who uses esoteric teachings about plants, flowers, and roots to create tools for divine attunement. She is an Ascension Guide who teaches Nature based Mysticism


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13 Apr 2016
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Blackberry Love: How to Pick the Ripe Relationship for You


After living in the wine country of northern California for a while, I grew tired of whining. I wanted to segue from sour grapes to sweet, luscious blackberries. This is how blackberry love begins …

A friend and I were taking a walk near her rural home at sunset when she exclaimed, “I’ve got to stop and pick some of these delicious blackberries!” Yet until she said that, I hadn’t noticed the blackberry bushes all around us.

I was amazed. Here I was, surrounded by a potential source of nourishment, readily available, delectable and free, and I hadn’t even seen the bushes dripping with ripe blackberries until my friend pointed out what was right in front of me. It reminded me of the quote from The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint Exupery: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

I wondered how many times potential partners or friends might be right there in front of us, yet invisible, until someone points them out to us. “Oh, here’s a blackberry, and it’s ripe.” Iridologist and holistic health pioneer Bernard Jensen called blackberries “one of nature’s most perfect foods for healing”. And when we truly heal, we do so on every level of our being.

So I began to pick blackberries, and to walk the path of wise relationship.


Gift #1: Zen and the Art of Blackberry Picking. Look for the berries that are ripe to be plucked right now. In this instance, the mantra might be, “learn to discern.” If we choose berries that are overripe, they’re going to squish in our fingers and we’ll have juice all over the place. If we choose a berry that’s too red, we’ll have to tug to get it off the vine, and it’s going to be bitter. An old commercial playfully vowed, “We will sell no wine before its time!” Forcing a berry to be yours as it’s clinging tenaciously to the vine will result in whining. The perfect berry comes to you with a very slight pluck; tugging isn’t necessary.

Gift #2: A Grasp That Equals Your Reach. Robert Browning wrote, “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a Heaven for?” That’s poetic, but if we live this way in terms of relationship, we’ll be forever hungry, grasping for berries that are always just slightly out of reach, or not quite ripe. After picking berries for several days, I developed a certain dexterity. I became adept at angling my arm in between the thorns to find just the berries that were ready right then, even if they were slightly above my head or a bit of a stretch from where I was standing. Sometimes the choicest morsels are a slight stretch outside our comfort zone. I began to get the sense of how to connect with them, and it became this wonderful dance: “Oh, hello berry bushes!” There was a grace, an ease, to my berry picking, and it was fun! Relationships can actually be fun.

vase faces

Gift #3: Visual Acuity. My resonance, my homing signal, for “ripe blackberries” grew keener by day. Like anything else, you get better with practice. I learned to scan ahead as I walked down a row of bushes. On the way out, I’d pick the ones that appeared ripe. On the way back, I’d notice ripe blackberries that I’d missed the first time. I was enlarging my visual field, engaging my peripheral vision: “Ah, there’s someone Spirit has placed in my path whom I didn’t notice before, that I ought to consider.” By looking again, we raise our sights to the highest possibility.

Gift #4: Choose Ye This Day Which Berry You Would Serve. My friend’s two dogs trotted along beside me, happily devouring any berries I tossed their way, ripe or not. There will always be people who are so hungry that any blackberry is better than none. They’re willing to take the bitterness just to have the taste. However, unripe fruit will only give you heartburn. Nourishing berries feed your soul as well as your stomach. Once I started tasting the sweetest, most perfectly ripe blackberries that were ready for me, I couldn’t return to a less discerning method of selection. There was just no comparison with a berry that was right for me, right now.

In this same light, it’s most important to know what kind of berry you are. Are you so ripe that anyone who comes within range is going to get drenched in berry juice? Or are you clinging to the vine so steadfastly that if somebody wants to pick you, they’re going to have to tug, and you’re still not going to come loose? Are you hiding on a branch that’s so low to the ground, or so high up, that no one can see you in your ripeness because you’re invisible to the eye? Or are you ripe, sweet, available, and ready to be chosen?


I encourage you to know your ripeness level right now, because that’s going to shift over time. Then, you can forage for the blackberries who are ripe to meet with you at this time, and enjoy the beauty, the elegance, the joy of the quest. When you find the berry who is right for you, there’s going to be a fruitful recognition. And you can savor the sweetness of this remembering for a long, delicious time.

© Copyright 2001-2016 Amara Rose. All rights reserved.


About the author:

Amara Rose is a “midwife” for our global rebirth. Her services include transformational guidance, talks, e-courses, a digital download CD, and an inspirational monthly newsletter. She is widely published in health, business and new thought magazines, both digital and print. Learn more:



22 Mar 2016
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Can You Spare A Tire? The Tests We Create to Help Us Evolve.

resist persist

To the untrained mind, the roadblocks in our lives appear to be just that: obstacles to go around, petty annoyances that dampen our day. As we grow in awareness, we come to view these challenges as growth opportunities, little tests we’ve arranged to see how we’re doing on the path to self-mastery. Often, as I approach another graduation in consciousness, I find myself facing a series of tests that can feel like midterms and finals rolled into one.

Non-resistance and non-blaming have been huge lessons for me. The saying goes, “What you resist, persists” and I’ve been the Queen of Resistance! It’s a crown I wore with a certain defensive pride — until I began to be bored senseless by the energy it took to fight what others adapted to easily. Resistance kept me in survival mode, running on adrenaline. This may have served me well as a child, when I needed to protect myself from being pushed around emotionally. Yet I knew it was high time to allow this ally to morph into its close cousin, persistence.

From Resistance to Persistence

Persistence turns the stickiness that keeps me trapped into suction cups that help me climb: the column of light to the world stage, the ladder of faith to step fully into my role as a planetary change agent, wedding old skills and acquired knowledge in the alchemical fire. This is how we forge true gold, also known as wisdom.

Persistence, when predicated on faith, is resistance in a higher octave. That’s the beauty of alchemy: nothing need ever die, only transmute.

Here’s what the discovery process looked like for me at first, as I integrated my dark night of the soul with everyday experience. The knowing cooked in me. Then I was presented with an opportunity to apply my new understanding.

One beautiful Saturday morning I received a superb massage, something I’d been promising myself for ages. The practitioner was nurturing and talented. One of the last movements she tried with me, however, surprised us both. My right shoulder held on as she attempted to turn me on my side, and while it felt awkward, there was no pain. We agreed that it seemed to be an area in which I stored a lot of old tension, and we chuckled about my resistance to letting it go.

That night I drove two hours to attend a fantastic multimedia event, danced joyously to evocative drum rhythms, and later fell into deep slumber.



What It Looks Like, What It Is

Sunday morning, I woke to more pain than I’d experienced in years. My entire right side felt frozen in an old motif — and I noticed it affected my digestion, how my body looked and felt, and my emotional state. The pain subsided as the day wore on, to a dull ache by Monday, but I was not a happy camper.

I called Rebecca and scheduled a session for that afternoon. She practices a holistic art that transcends chiropractic: a blend of light touch, craniosacral, Polarity therapy and a few other modalities, all of which combine under her skillful hands to help her clients release old patterns and grow beyond who they’ve been.

Rebecca is a true healer. She works with me outdoors, because she understands, from the dramatic difference in my breathing pattern and in the results we co-create, that my shifts are far greater outdoors than inside her building, where the strong chemical odor causes my body to contract. We usually take her collapsible massage table down to the unoccupied office at the end of the row of storefronts in the mini-mall where she works.

On Monday, however, the building landlord was showing that empty space to potential renters. He said, “We can’t have a massage going on while I’m trying to rent the space.” Rebecca tried to explain that it wasn’t massage, but I was unperturbed. I said, “Well, perhaps we ought to just skip it then.” David suggested we go to the grassy area behind the parking lot, and, though it was awkward to set up the table on the uneven grass, we did so.

She kept wondering aloud what he could have meant by another inexplicable comment he’d made, and I found myself in the amusing position of defending him.

It all made perfect sense to me: his job is to rent and manage the building. It is strange to have someone practicing bodywork out on the sidewalk when everyone else is in an office, regardless of the reason. I could absolutely see the situation from David’s perspective, and my high Self just kept sending him light and affirming that the situation was working out for the highest good of all concerned.

Grading My Progress

As we completed our session and walked toward her office, David was driving away, cellphone to his ear. He stopped his red Mazda coupe and shouted out the window, “Rebecca, you can work out there now.” We thanked him, and as I wrote her a check, I suddenly understood that it had been a test for me, and I’d passed with flying colors. I said out loud, “Thank you, Spirit!” I could see the “A” hanging in the air, and I laughed and thanked David’s spirit for his participation.

I explained to Rebecca that two years earlier, I’d had a flat tire and had failed that test miserably. I’d taken out my frustration on the tow truck driver who came to put on the spare. I told Rebecca that when I realized what was happening, I said in horror to the man from whose house I’d phoned, “It’s a test, isn’t it, and I’m not doing very well.” He said, “No, you’re not.” I went outside to make amends, but it was too late. The tow truck operator had driven off in a huff.

I was so pleased to have learned this lesson. David was a reclaiming for my earlier fiasco. Then Tuesday arrived.

The pain, which had been on my right side (masculine/assertive energy, old protective holding patterns) oscillated. It was now on my left. A subtle shift, but I was aware of it. The left side is the feminine, receptivity, flow.

holes in our awareness

The Holes In Our Awareness

I had about an hour to run a series of errands; I was in high gear. I stopped at the high-touch car wash, where an attendant takes the car through and you wait on the receiving end. The man wiping down the exterior signaled me to come over, indicating my front left tire. It was no longer round, but very flat. He said it had probably been losing air for a while, and the car wash completed the job.

My instinctive reaction? “It wasn’t this way when I drove in; I think the car wash did it!” He stiffened. “Well, I can get the manager.” Something was stirring in me. I calmed down. I said, “No, I’ll just call Triple A. Or — wait. Could you possibly change the flat for me?” The attendant agreed to put on my spare, popped the trunk, and as I sat on the bench, watching his movements, the situation clarified completely.

In my head, I heard a line from an old Emmylou Harris song, Boulder to Birmingham: “…Comin’ down to wash me clean.” Yesterday I’d been in my glory. Victory feels like that. Could I sustain my new learning in the face of the next challenge? It was an instant replay from two years before. This was my opportunity to play out the scenario with the AAA tow truck driver differently. A lesson is repeated until learned.

I walked over and apologized. “I tend to let little things upset me. I’m sure the tire could have gone flat in lots of ways.” The man asked helpfully if I lived around construction (my neighbors had been remodeling), saying that, even though there didn’t appear to be a nail stuck in the tire, I might have punctured it on something. He also recommended a mechanic at a shop where he used to work. I tipped him for going “above and beyond the call,” and saw my grade. It was a C/B, meaning it had started out as a C, but I’d gotten extra credit when I changed my attitude.

At Firestone, the mechanic said there was no hole, and the flat was due to a pinched valve stem, probably from the car wash rails. I was momentarily angry, then realized that that was the whole point: it wasn’t about how the tire became flat, but about how I’d handle the test.

There are no holes in the Divine Feminine. The holes in our lives are our blame, anger, and righteous resistance to Truth. When we allow ourselves to be receptively guided, we’re always washed clean.

Copyright © 2001-2016 by Amara Rose. All rights reserved.


About the author:

Amara Rose is a Feminine Frequency Accelerator and metaphysical “midwife” for our global rebirth. As a life coach, speaker, workshop facilitator and writer, she guides others to create spiritually successful change. She is the author of the digital download CD, What You Need to Know Now: A Roadmap for Personal Transformation, and publishes an inspirational monthly newsletter. Learn more:

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